|Subjects |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

| | | |2/12/20 8:00 -2:20 |2/13/2020 8:00 -2:00 pm |2/14/20 8:00-2:20 |

| |2/10/2020 |2/11/20 8:00 -2:20 |Trip to JPAC | |Valentine Day Dance $3.00 |

| | |Family Engagement | | |Wear red, purple or pink |

| | | | | | |

|[pic] |It’s School Spirit Week |Every Tuesday 2:30 -3:30 |Visit our website for weekly H.W. and |All homework must be neat, well presented|Mid- Winter Recess |

|Visit our website for weekly |Check calendar for attire |Please come and talk to your child’s |notes ps136. |and completed in Homework notebook. |February 17, 2020 - February 21, 2020 |

|H.W. and notes |daily! |teacher! |Math Websites to visit | | |

|ps136. | |Trip Money is due today! | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Reading/Writing |Reading- Read a fiction book |Reading- Read a fiction book for 40 |Reading- Read a fiction book for 40 |Reading- Read a fiction book for 40 |Reading- |

|Stop and jot daily! |for 40 minutes then log it into|minutes then log it into your reading |minutes then log it into your reading log|minutes then log it into your reading |Read a book for at least 40 minutes each |

| |your reading log. Answer the |log. | |log |day. |

| |following questions: |Choose a section of the story and |Rewrite the final section that you read | |Start working on your homework packet. Have|

| |1)Give an example of figurative|rewrite it from another character’s |to change the ending. |Write a new scene or chapter that would |a wonderful week off! |

| |language. |point of view. | |fit in the middle of the story. | |

| |2)What type of figurative | | | | |

| |language is it? How do you | | | | |

| |know? | | |Vocabulary- Create 5 hyperbole sentences| |

| |3)What image and feeling does | | |using 5 spelling words. | |

| |the figurative language creates| | | | |

| |in your head? | | | | |

| |4)What does the author want you| | | | |

| |to understand? | | | | |

|Math |Math _________ Math __________ |Math_______ |Math_______ |Math______ |

|Problem of the Week is due |On Saturday Jordan sold 2 7/8 gallons of lemonade. On that same day, |Problem of the Week is due Thursday on | | |

|Thursday. |James sold 2/3 gallons as much as Jordan. |loose leaf! Make sure to add and | | |

|Complete on loose leaf (Solve|a) How much lemonade in gallons did James sell? |explanation/reasoning of the steps taken | | |

|and Explain) |b) How many more gallons of lemonade did Jordan sell then James? |to solve the problem | | |

|Social Studies |Write a persuasive argument on| | | | |

|Due Friday February 14, 2020 |whether you believe Columbus | | | | |

| |should be considered a hero or | | | | |

| |a villain. Provide a claim with| | | | |

| |reasons and evidence. | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|Please check and sign your |Parent Signature |Parent Signature |Parent Signature |Parent Signature |Parent Signature |

|child’s H.W. |X___________________ |X____________________ |X____________________ |X__________________ |X______________ |

| |Did I do my personal best |Did I do my personal best today? |Did I do my personal best today? |Did I do my personal best today? |Did I do my personal best today? |

| |today? |Level 3- You can see I did my best. |Level 3- You can see I did my best. |Level 3- You can see I did my best. |Level 3- You can see I did my best. |

| |Level 3- You can see I did my |Level 2-I know I can do better. |Level 2-I know I can do better. |Level 2-I know I can do better. |Level 2-I know I can do better. |

| |best. |Level 1-I did not try at all. |Level 1-I did not try at all. |Level 1-I did not try at all. |Level 1-I did not try at all. |

| |Level 2-I know I can do better.| | | | |

| |Level 1-I did not try at all. | | | | |

|Date |Book Title |Author | | |Minutes Read |Book |Parent Signature |

| | | | | | |Genre | |

|Monday | | | | | | | |

|2/10/20 | | | | | | | |

|Tuesday | | | | | | | |

|2/11/20 | | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | | |

|Wednesday | | | | | | | |

|2/12/20 | | | | | | | |

|Thursday | | | | | | | |

|2/13/20 | | | | | | | |

|Friday | | | | | | | |

|2/14/20 | | | | | | | |

Test Scores and Quiz

| |Test Date |Parent Signature |

| |Test Date |Parent Signature |


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