Editable Schemes of Work - Unit 2 - a skills approach

Edexcel GCSE Applied Business (Single Award)

Unit 2: Financial Records — a skills approach

Practical support to help you deliver this Edexcel specification

Scheme of work

This scheme of work has been produced to help you implement this Edexcel specification. It is offered as an example of one possible model that you should feel free to adapt to meet your needs and is not intended to be in any way prescriptive. It is in editable word format to make adaptation as easy as possible.

Other course planning support

You will find other support for planning the course in the Teacher’s Guide. This is a free downloadable resource that you can access at gcse2009

Teaching resource exemplars

The scheme of work contains suggestions for resources that you can use to support your teaching. These are suggestions only of material you may find useful and you are encouraged to use a wide range of resources that suit the needs of your students.

Other Edexcel teaching resources

Pearson Education produce a wide range their own teaching resources including:

• Student books — full colour textbooks matched to the specification

• ActiveTeach — digital teaching resources on one easy to use CD ROM.

You’ll find details of all of these at gcse2009

We are also working with a range of publishers to support you; textbooks have been produced to support this subject by Hodder Education, Heinemann Educational Publishing and Collins Education.

Edexcel Subject Advisors

Edexcel has a team of specialist subject advisors available to help you with implementation of this specification. You can contact them by email.

Email: BusinessSubjectAdvisor@edexcelexperts.co.uk

Edexcel additional support

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Edexcel GCSE Applied Business (Single Award)

Unit 2: Financial Records — a skills approach

Edexcel scheme of work

Controlled Portfolio Task set by Edexcel to compare and contrast one local and one national/international business.

Available every June series.

Internally assessed (100 marks) Externally moderated

Key to icons

|ICT |Communication |Thinking |Numeracy |

| | | | |

|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities and resources |Skills |

| |key questions | | | |

|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities and resources |Skills |

| |key questions | | | |

|4-5 |2.1 Investigating the flow of |Understanding how documents |Group activity: Sequencing | |

| |financial documents used in |flow between the buyer and |Group can make a flow chart to show the flow between buyer and seller. Fastest group wins! | |

| |business trading |seller. | | |

| |Sequence of ordering, checking, | | | |

| |recording and paying for goods | | | |

| |and/or services. | |Individual activity: Exam practice | |

| | | |Past papers for Unit 3 Edexcel GCSE Applied Business (5308). | |

|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities and resources |Skills |

| |key questions | | | |

|8-9 |2.1 Investigating the flow of |Evaluation of the importance of|Group activity: Discussion | |

| |financial documents used in |these financial documents to a |Why would a business need to keep accurate financial records? | |

| |business trading |business. | | |

| |Importance of financial | | | |

| |documents. | | | |

| | | |Individual activity: Exam practice | |

| | | |Past papers for Unit 3 Edexcel GCSE Applied Business (5308). | |

|10-11 |2.1 Investigating the flow of |Investigating how computerised |Individual/paired activity: Research | |

| |financial documents used in |accounting systems are used to |Students can research the accounting packages available for sale. Info on choosing a package is | |

| |business trading |store and manipulate |available at .uk/bdotg/action/detail?type=RESOURCES&itemId=1073791285 | |

| |Computerised accounting systems. |information. | | |

| | |Understanding the | | |

| | |advantages/disadvantages of |Individual activity: Exam practice | |

| | |using computerised accounting |Past papers for Unit 3 Edexcel GCSE Applied Business (5308). | |

| | |systems and ICT compared with | | |

| | |manual systems. | | |

|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities and resources |Skills |

| |key questions | | | |

|14-15 |2.1 Investigating the flow of |Understanding how each payment |Paired work: Poster | |

| |financial documents used in |method works, the associated |Students make a chart/poster to show how one of the payment methods works. | |

| |business trading |costs, the time taken by each | | |

| |The range of payment methods: |method, the advantages and | | |

| |cash |disadvantages of accepting and | | |

| |cheques |using electronic payment | | |

| |credit cards |methods. | | |

| |debit cards | |Individual activity: Exam practice | |

| |credit transfer and direct debit | |Past papers for Unit 3 Edexcel GCSE Applied Business (5308). | |

| |e-cheques and other online | | | |

| |payments. | | | |

|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities and resources |Skills |

| |key questions | | | |

|18 |2.2 Investigating business |Understanding the role ICT |Group activity: Discussion | |

| |payment methods and costs |plays in reducing costs. |Which payment methods use ICT? | |

| |How ICT can reduce costs. | |Are these fastest payment methods? Why? | |

| | | |How does speed of payment help the business? | |

|19-21 |2.3 Investigating the nature of |Understanding the meaning of, |Group activity: Financial terminology | |

| |financial statements in business |and the difference between, |Students use textbooks and the web to look up the meaning of the required financial terms. A useful | |

| |Financial terminology. |terminology used in financial |website is financial-terms.co.uk | |

| |Turnover (net sales). |statements. | | |

| |Cost of sales (cost of goods | | | |

| |sold). | | | |

| |Gross profit, expenses and net | | | |

| |profit. | | | |

| |Fixed and current assets. | | | |

| |Current liabilities and long-term| |Individual activity: Exam practice | |

| |liabilities. | |Past papers for Unit 3 Edexcel GCSE Applied Business (5308). | |

| |Working capital (net current | | | |

| |assets) and capital (including | | | |

| |share capital). | | | |

|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities and resources |Skills |

| |key questions | | | |

|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities and resources |Skills |

| |key questions | | | |

|26 |2.3 Investigating the nature of |Understanding how ICT can or |Individual/paired activity: Research | |

| |financial statements in business |might help a business to |What ICT packages are available that can be used to calculate profit and construct financial | |

| |The role of ICT. |calculate its profit and |statements? | |

| | |construct its financial | | |

| | |statements. | | |

|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities and resources |Skills |

| |key questions | | | |

|28-29 |2.4 Investigating the importance |Ability to calculate |Individual/paired activity: Worksheets | |

| |of financial statements to |profitability ratios from a |Available at ed.co.uk/compfact/ratios/profit1.htm and | |

| |business |given formula. |bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/business/finance/profitabilityrev3.shtml | |

| |Profitability ratios. |Ability to comment on the | | |

| |Gross profit margin. |results of profitability ratios| | |

| |Net profit margin. |and other calculations. | | |

| |Return on capital employed. | | | |

|30-31 |2.4 Investigating the importance |Ability to calculate liquidity |Individual/paired activity: Worksheets | |

| |of financial statements to |ratios from a given formula. |Available at: ed.co.uk/compfact/ratios/liquid1.htm | |

| |business |Ability to comment on the | | |

| |Liquidity ratios. |results of liquidity ratios and| | |

| |Acid test. |other calculations. | | |

| |Current ratio. | | | |

| | | | | |

|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities and resources |Skills |

| |key questions | | | |

|34 |2.4 Investigating the importance |Understand the role that ICT |Paired/group activity: Presentation | |

| |of financial statements to |does or might play in helping a|Make a PowerPoint presentation to show the class: | |

| |business |business to interpret its |how ICT can be used to produce financial statements | |

| |The role of ICT. |financial statements. |how ICT can be used for monitoring | |

| | | |the graphs and charts that can be used | |

| | | |how ICT can be used to calculate ratios. | |

| | | | | |

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This grid is for you to create your own scheme of work if needed.

|Week |Content coverage/ |Learning outcomes |Exemplar activities and resources |Skills |

| |key questions | | | |

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Learning outcome

Exemplar activities

Week by week content coverage

Detailed help on resources

Editable scheme of work

We are happy to provide this scheme of work for you to amend and adapt to suit your teaching purposes.

We hope you find this useful.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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