How do i find my unit identification code - Weebly


How do i find my unit identification code

Return to the top jump to the army's original content: W report, UIC, and a blank. Navy: Report N, UIC, and a blank. Marine Corps: Report M, RUC, and a blank. Air Force: Report F, pas code unit section, and two blanks. Coast Guard: UIC report. Unit Identification Code (UIC) is a six-digit code that uniquely identifies each MTOE and TDA unit in the military. The first digit identifies a unit as real or planned; three-dimensional groups are unique identities, in which a leading alpha character always identifies a MTOE, and a numeric identifies a TDA. The last two codes identify parent, subordinate and derivative units, including strengthening TDA to MTOE. W (Real) X (Programmed) NNN (Unique ID) AA (Parent) B0 (Battery, Inc., or Troop) 1. (derivative) 1. (Strengthening TDA) for example: WDZ5AA non-army units have been observed in leaked logistics documents, such as details on U.S. forces in Iraq, that the first character has some additional meanings for army equipment to non-army units of lentils. They are: F (Air Force) N (Navy) M (Marines) - Purely numerical after P (Air Force) - Minimum Units - How this is different from the unknown F R (Navy/Others) - Minimum S units (unknown) - used for a DRMO unit That would see the Department of Defense's extensive V (related Navy) - at least unit - how different this is from the unknown N as well as the U.S. Army Foreign Procurement External Link Identification Code Unit (UIC) six alpha numeric code characters that uniquely identify each U.S. Department of Defense entity. UIC is often used on various paperwork to assign a soldier to a specific company where they fall under it. The first character is the service designer:[1] A: U.S. Department of Agriculture B: U.S. Department of Labor C: U.S. Department of Commerce D: U.S. Department of Defense E: U.S. Coast Guard F: U.S. Air Force G: U.S. Department of Transportation H: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Education J: U.S. Judicial Branch K: U.S. Department of Transportation L: U.S. Legislature M: U.S. Marine Corps N: U.S. Navy P: U.S. Postal Service Q: U.S. Department of Justice R: U.S. Department of State Independent S: U.S. Department of State T: U.S. Department of Treasury U: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development V : Other Independent U.S. Federal Agency W: U.S. Army X: U.S. Executive Branch (Office of the President) Y: State Governments Z: International organizations and foreign governments the next three personalities represent the design of the mother unit. These vary from branch to branch and provide information about the type of unit. For example, in the U.S. Military, determining the parent unit breaks as such: Type: Army Organization Second Position of UIC TOE Unit Alphanumeric Unit Active Unit A -L (Less I) Army Prepositioned M Multi-Unit Component N AR NG and USAR unitS Q through units Z TDA active numerical unit component 0-6 (less than 5) ARNG and USAR units 7?9 TDA mobilization(s) (currently under investigation) 5 [2] The two characters represent a descriptive design. They describe the specific characteristics of the unit. For example, the parent battalion unit for the army will use the AA. A child company unit will use A0 like a company. The UIC is also used by command officers to identify their unit to a higher military unit, where specific unit information is easily investigatable and information can be accessed. It is not yet clear about the origin of the UIC, but they are left to all military units and agencies as well as federal government agencies. References ^ Army Status of Resources and Training System (ASORTS)--Basic Identity Data Elements (BIDE) Archived March 25, 2012, at the Wayback Machine ^ Defense Readiness Reporting System?Army Procedures DA PAM 220-1 This United States government?related article is a stub. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.vte Retrieved from

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