Pursuant to Sections 1011.60 - 1011.685, Florida Statutes

Lee Davis, Supervisor of K-12 Funding




FEFP Legislative Changes FTE Overview FTE Alternate Survey Proration to the Appropriation Program Weights Group 2 Capping FEFP Quick Overview Survey 5 / Add-on FTE Add-on FTE Transportation School Recognition/ Discretionary Lottery Federally Connected Student Supplement Class Size Reduction Schedule McKay FTE Reporting and Funding



FEFP Legislative Changes

o Pursuant to HB 7069, the following allocations are to be recalculated after each FTE student enrollment survey: o ESE Guaranteed Allocation o Supplemental Academic Instruction Allocation

o The Federally Connected Student Supplement will be recalculated in the fourth FEFP calculation.

o Eliminates the cap on the total bonus a teacher can earn from IB, AICE, AP and CAPE bonus programs.

o Districts are no longer required to submit a Digital Classrooms Plan.



FTE (Full Time Equivalent Student)

180 day term or hourly equivalent required by Section 1011.60(2),F.S. The hourly requirements are specified in Rule 6A-1.045111, FAC. 720 Hours of Instructional Time for Prekindergarten

through Grade 3 Students (180 days x 4 hours per day) 900 Hours of Instructional Time for Grades 4 through 12 Students (180 days x 5 hours per day)



FTE Reporting Deadlines: 2017-18

Survey 1

FTE Reporting Deadlines:

Survey Week: July 10-14, 2017

Due Date: July 28, 2017 State Processing: July 24-September 15, 2017

FEFP Calculations

Final Update/Amendment: September 30, 2017



Data Source

Survey 2 Survey Week: October 9-13, 2017 Due Date: October 20, 2017 State Processing: October 16-November 3, 2017 Final Update/Amendment: December 15, 2017

Survey 3 Survey Week: February 5-9, 2018 Due Date: February 16, 2018 State Processing: February 12-March 2, 2018 Final Update/Amendment: April 15, 2018

Conference Report 2nd Calculation 3rd Calculation

Legislative Session

July ? Upon receipt of Tax Roll

Upon receipt of Survey 2

Survey 1 ? Projection Survey 2 ? Projection Survey 3 ? Projection

Survey 4 ? Projection Survey 5 ? Prior Year Est.

Survey 1 ? Projection Survey 2 ? Projection Survey 3 ? Projection

Survey 4 ? Projection Survey 5 ? Prior Year Est.

Survey 1 ? Actual Survey 2 ? Actual Survey 3 ? Estimate

Survey 4 ? Estimate Survey 5 ? Prior Year Act.

Survey 4 Survey Week: June 11-15, 2018 Due Date: July 6, 2018 State Processing: June 25-July 13, 2018 Final Update/Amendment: August 15, 2018

4th Calculation Final Calculation

Upon receipt of Survey 3

After Final Update of Survey 4

Survey 1 ? Actual Survey 2 ? Actual Survey 3 ? Actual

Survey 1 ? Actual Survey 2 ? Actual Survey 3 ? Actual

Survey 4 ? Estimate Survey 5 ? Prior Year Act.

Survey 4 ? Actual Survey 5 ? Prior Year Act.

All FTE Reporting Deadlines can be viewed at:



FTE Alternate Survey

Alternate Survey

Authority: Rule 6A-1.0451,


Prior to the standard survey week, a district may request an alternate FTE survey week (within 9 weeks of the original survey) if membership is expected to fluctuate due to reasons beyond the district's control such as natural disasters, agricultural migration, civil disturbances etc..

To be considered a district must expect a potential membership change of greater than 5% for the entire district or 25% for a specific school.

If approved the district must still conduct the regular survey. Prior to submitting the alternate survey the district will verify with DOE staff that they will meet the above thresholds. The thresholds will be verified after the data is submitted.



Proration to the Appropriation

If the funds appropriated for current operation of the FEFP are

Proration to the not sufficient to pay the state requirement in full, the Appropriation department shall prorate the available state funds to each


Authority: s. 1011.62(14),


Each district's reduction to state funding is based on the district's share of total gross state and local funding.

The Proration to the Appropriation can only be a reduction in funds.



Basic Programs 101 102 103

ESE Programs 111 112 113 254 255

ESOL (ELL) 130

Career Education 300

2017-18 Program Cost Factors (PCF) & Base Funding

Grade Levels K-3 4-8 9-12 Grade Levels K-3 4-8 9-12 K-12 K-12 Grade Levels K-12 Grade Levels 9-12

Cost Factor 1.107 1.000 1.001 Cost Factor 1.107 1.000 1.001 3.619 5.526 Cost Factor 1.212 Cost Factor 1.001


2017-18 Base Student Allocation (BSA) = $4,203.95

WFTE x BSA x DCD= Base Funding




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