
Meadows - Home LearningThese are the recommended websites and apps that will support home learning for Meadows. Please see individual home learning programmes for other ideas.?All curriculum areasTwinkl – worksheets, PowerPoints and interactive games to support all areas of learning. Use the code CVDTWINKLHELPS Home learning packs for EYFS and KS1/KS2 – don’t worry about the age bands – choose fun and interesting activities that you think your child would love. Primary stars - Videos and activities to support with Maths, Literacy, PSHE and PE. MathsTopmarks –?Lots of maths activities Numbots – lots of fun games Our worldFamily activities Train like and astronaut Moon camp challenge Mars MissionMore family STEM activitiesPhonics & ReadingPhonics play – fun interactive games to support learning phonicsLots of eBooks to read here – all free to read and you just need to create a login with an email address. Remember it is just as useful to use picture books with your children and discuss the images as it is to read the words in books – they usually take longer this way too!Feed the Monster?– Android application in multiple languages to help teach children the fundamentals of reading.Sensory Stories – PodcastsSocial stories and ideas for activities all free to downloadCodingMinecraftSpeech & Language activitiesCBeebies – lots of fun listening activities Understanding and using `Wh` questions – Game 1 Game 2 Game 3Developing vocabulary – naming every day items naming action items Understanding and using yes and no Salt by the sea – lots of speech and language activities Occupcational TherapyHandwriting – pencil control pack making letters handwritingBrain breaksHome sensory processing activities – obstacle courseFine motor activities Dough Disco & SensoryToy Theatre – online games Cooking Together Jamie Oliver’s Keep Cooking and Carry On TV programmeEYFS Practical ideas – lots of ideas, suitable for all ages not just EYFSSensory App House - a range of apps are available for pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) or Severe Learning Difficulties (SLD).Twiggle – lots of sensory ideas Playdough ideasOutdoor learning Scavenger Hunts Wildlife watch – lots of activities Virtual experiencesVirtual toursAquariumRelaxation & MindfulnessPositive Calming Activities Ideas to encourage relaxationCalm breathing Drama therapy to manage emotions PE & movementCosmic Kids yoga. There are lots of videos and stories on here of varying lengths. We’d suggest choosing one or 2 initially and repeat these so that the children get a good understanding of the purpose of this. ??????Communication? HYPERLINK "\\\\dc1\\TeachersHome$\\J.Cawood\\Curriculum\\how-to-create-opportunities-for-communication.pdf" \t "_blank" How to create opportunities for communication HYPERLINK "\\\\dc1\\TeachersHome$\\J.Cawood\\Curriculum\\Home-Visuals.pdf" \t "_blank" Home Visuals HYPERLINK "\\\\dc1\\TeachersHome$\\J.Cawood\\Curriculum\\Home-Visual-Timetable.pdf" \t "_blank" Home Visual TimetableNow and next boardNow and next instructionsHYPERLINK "\\\\dc1\\TeachersHome$\\J.Cawood\\Curriculum\\how-to-use-a-visual-timetable.pdf" \t "_blank"How to use a visual timetable HYPERLINK "\\\\dc1\\TeachersHome$\\J.Cawood\\Curriculum\\pecs-symbols.pdf" \t "_blank" PECS symbols HYPERLINK "\\\\dc1\\TeachersHome$\\J.Cawood\\Curriculum\\PECS-PHASE-DISPLAY.pdf" \t "_blank" PECS Phase display HYPERLINK "\\\\dc1\\TeachersHome$\\J.Cawood\\Curriculum\\how-to-use-wait-cards.pdf" \t "_blank" How to use wait cards HYPERLINK "\\\\dc1\\TeachersHome$\\J.Cawood\\Curriculum\\how-to-use-help-cards.pdf" \t "_blank" How to use help cards ................

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