Categories - ibiblio

Pharmaceutical/Health “Pathfinder”


|Subject Area |Web Resources |Commercial Online Resources |Printed Resources |

|Emerging Products |MEDLINEplus (): Select|Business & Industry (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): In |Med Ad News (Monthly; annual special issue in |

| |Health Topics link. Provides a wealth of links to relevant information |Dialog, use descriptors such as “Product Development” |July: What’s in the pipeline) |

| |based upon disease states |or “Trends” along with “Pharmaceutical Preparations” |R&D Directions (Monthly) |

| |Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) |and disease state |Pharmabusiness (Monthly) |

| |(): Select “Search for Cures”|“New Medicines” link |Gale Group PROMT (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): Use |Pharmaprojects (Monthly) |

| | (): NIH-sponsored clinical|pharmaceutical-related SIC codes or disease state, and |IMS R&D Focus (Monthly) |

| |trials. Search or browse by condition or disease heading |descriptors “Forecasts Trends Outlook” or “Product |Drug Data Report (Monthly) |

| |CenterWatch (): Broader in coverage than |Development” |Drugs of the Future (Monthly) |

| |. Browse by disease state |Gale Group Trade & Industry Database (Dialog): Use |NDA Pipeline (Annual) |

| |Yahoo|Health|Medicine|Clinical Trials |heading “Pharmaceutical Industry” and subheading |Drugs under Experimental and Clinical Research|

| |(): Directory of |“Research” along with topic of interest |(Quarterly) |

| |clinical trials sites |FDC Reports: The Pink Sheet (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): |The Pink Sheet (weekly) |

| |Company web sites: Look for “Research & Development” or “R&D” link |Search on drug name, therapeutic class, or disease; |Scrip World Pharmaceutical News (3 times |

| |Recombinant Capital (): Strong focus on the biotech |unindexed |weekly) |

| |industry; includes company information, news, clinical trials |PHIND: SCRIP (Dialog): Search on drug name, therapeutic|Marketletter (Weekly) |

| |Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America (PhRMA)|Genomics|Medical|class, or disease; unindexed |Pharmaceutical Product Approvals Monthly |

| |Therapeutics (): |Health News Daily (Dialog): Daily version of FDC | |

| | (): Pharmaceutical industry news; |Reports. | |

| |well-categorized. Home page for the following publications: Med Ad News, |InvesText (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): Search company or | |

| |R&D Directions, Pharmabusiness. |industry | |

| |Reuters Health (): Health eLine (for the |Adis R&D Insight, IMSworld R&D Focus, Pharmaprojects, | |

| |consumer) free; Industry Briefing and Medical News (for the professional) |NDA Pipeline (Dialog): Drug pipeline databases; not | |

| |fee-based |easy to search, but best sources of information on | |

| | (): News-based service. Can set up|drugs in development | |

| |“My Newspage” to monitor news organized by sizable list of categories, |Drugs of the Future (Dialog) | |

| |including health and pharmaceutical categories |Drug Data Report (Dialog) | |

| | |Drug News & Perspectives (Dialog) | |

| | |Newswires | |

| | |Dialindex on Dialog (“pharmind” category) | |

| | | | |

| | |Note: set up alerts in above databases to monitor | |

| | |topics of interest | |


|Subject Area |Web Resources |Commercial Online Resources |Printed Resources |

|Drug Costs/Sales/Pricing |IMS Health (): Selected list of sales figures |Business & Industry (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): Use |Drug Topics (April Issue) Annual IMS Audit |

| |for countries, therapeutic categories, etc. |descriptors such as “Costs” along with “Pharmaceutical|Statistics on Rx drugs |

| |open. (): Fee-based access to |Preparations” plus therpeutic class in the title field |Pharmacy Times (April Issue) |

| |comprehensive list of sales figures by product, country, therapeutic |Gale Group PROMT (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): In Dialog, |American Druggist (February Issue) Annual Top |

| |categories |use pharmaceutical-related SIC codes and event code 65 |200 Drugs Survey |

| |Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) |for “sales” | |

| |(): Links on the home page lead to information on drug|Gale Group Trade & Industry Database (Dialog): Use |Mosby’s GenRx: Includes cost of therapy and |

| |costs and sales figures and related news |heading “Drugs” and subheading “prices and rates” |pricing information |

| |National Center for Health Statistics: Therapeutic Drug Use |TableBase (Dialog): Use “Forecasts” and “Sales” as |Drug Topics Redbook: Wholesale prices for |

| |() Provides statistical data on |descriptors and therapeutic class in product name field|drugs |

| |the latest (1998) figures for Rx drug use patterns in ambulatory care | | |

| |PCS Health Systems Performance Drug List () Open a | | |

| |drug class for cost comparisons of different agents for a particular | | |

| |indication | | |

| |Pharmacy Times (Annual top 200 Drugs List) | | |

| |(200.html) IMS Health annual audit of Rx by sales |Note: set up alerts in above databases to monitor | |

| |and number of prescriptions sold; latest available is 1999. |topics of interest | |

|Government & Regulatory |FDA Center for Drug Evaluation & Research (CDER) ()|Federal Register (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): medium for |FDC Reports The Pink Sheet, Tan Sheet, Gold |

| |FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation & Research |notifying the public of official agency actions, |Sheet, Blue Sheet |

| |() |including regulations and legal notices |Pharmaceutical Product Approvals Monthly |

| |National Institutes of Health (): Links to NIH | |FDA Consumer Magazine (also on the web at |

| |institutes, centers, and offices, many of which have a disease focus | | |

| |Federal Register (access.su_docs/aces/aces140.html) Find | | |

| |proposed and final drafts of all agency documents requiring public comment;| | |

| |notices of agency advisory meetings; searchable back to 1995 | | |

| |FOI (index.htm) Select the search option for a list of | | |

| |document types available covering regulations or agency actions for human | | |

| |and animal drugs, biologics and foods (fulltext may be purchased) | | |

| |RegSource () A free portal for the latest regulatory and | | |

| |clinical trial news on drugs and devices | | |

| |Pharmaceutical Care Management Association (PCMA) (): Click | | |

| |on “Government Affairs” to link to PCMA Bill Tracker to find status of | | |

| |pharmaceutical related legislation by state. | | |


|Subject Area |Web Resources |Commercial Online Resources |Printed Resources |

|Pharmaceutical Industry |Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) |Business & Industry (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): Search |Scrip World Pharmaceutical News |

| |(): Select “Publications” for the annual industry |“Pharmaceutical” in industry field |FDC Reports: The Pink Sheet, Tan Sheet, Gold |

| |report, backgrounders, and other timely reports on drug development and |Gale Group PROMT (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): Search DRUG |Sheet |

| |costs |in industry name field |Washington Drug Letter |

| |European Pharmaceutical Marketing Research Association (EPhMRA) |Gale Group Trade & Industry Database (Dialog): Search |Marketletter |

| |() |“Pharmaceutical Industry” in descriptor field |Med Ad News |

| |American Pharmaceutical Association (AphA) (): |FDC Reports: The Pink Sheet (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): |Pharmabusiness |

| |Major association for the pharmacy industry |Scope is already the pharmaceutical industry; no need | |

| |Drug Topics Magazine |to narrow search to this concept | |

| |(): Requires free |PHIND: SCRIP (Dialog): Scope is already the | |

| |registration; search past issues for articles on internet pharmacies and |pharmaceutical industry; no need to narrow search to | |

| |other hot topics |this concept | |

| | |Newswires | |

| | |Dialindex on Dialog (“pharmind” category) | |

| | | | |

| | |Note: set up alerts in above databases to monitor | |

| | |topics of interest | |

|Experts |Professional Organizations: Go to MEDLINEplus, select “Other Resources” or |Encyclopedia of Associations (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) |Encyclopedia of Associations |

| |“Health Topics”; look for “Organizations” heading |Newswires: Search by topic of interest and includes | |

| |Government Press Releases: Go to appropriate government agency |words such as “expert*”, “thought leader*” or “opinion | |

| | (): NIH-sponsored clinical|leader*” | |

| |trials. Search or browse by condition or disease heading | | |

| |CenterWatch (): Browse by disease state | | |

| |Yahoo|Health|Medicine|Clinical Trials | | |

| |(): Directory of | | |

| |clinical trials sites | | |

Health & Medicine

|Subject Area |Web Resources |Commercial Online Resources |Printed Resources |

|Consumer Health |MEDLINEplus (): Health topics, |Gale Group Health & Wellness database (Dialog) |Plenty on the web. See following |

| |prescription drug information, medical dictionary |Business & Industry (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) |MEDLINEplus link: |

| | (): Sponsored by the U.S. |Gale Group PROMT (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) |

| |Department of Health and Human Services; wide range of consumer-oriented |Gale Group Trade & Industry Database (Dialog: |tionsontheweb.html |

| |health information and links to key sites |FDC Reports: The Pink Sheet (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| ||health (): Covers more |PHIND: SCRIP (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| |government agencies than |Newswires | |

| |CDC (): epidemiology (population)-oriented health, |Dialindex on Dialog (“pharmind” category) | |

| |including infectious diseases, injuries, accidents, etc., along with data | | |

| |and statistics (see National Center for Health Statistics |Note: set up alerts in above databases to monitor | |

| |() |topics of interest | |

| |National Institutes of Health (NIH) Health Information | | |

| |(): Includes the Health Information Index to | | |

| |identify the appropriate NIH institute, center, or office for further | | |

| |information | | |

| |Consumer and Patient Health Information Section (CAPHIS) | | |

| |(): Directory of consumer | | |

| |health resources created by MLA | | |

| |WebMD (): Designed for health professionals | | |

| |Medscape (): Designed for health professionals | | |

| |CBSHealthWatch (): The consumer| | |

| |counterpart to Medscape, a medical resource for health professionals | | |

|Environment |MEDLINEplus|Health Topics|Poisoning, Toxicology, Environmental Health |BNA Daily News (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) |EPA National Service Center for |

| |Topics | |Environmental Publications |

| |(: set up alerts in above databases to monitor |()|

| |.html) |topics of interest | |

| |CDC National Center for Environmental Health () | | |

| |Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry | | |

| |(): Use the Search Engine to find information on | | |

| |toxic chemicals or browse through ToxFAQs selection | | |

| |EPA () Select “Browse All Topics” for a list of subjects | | |

| |covered under Human Health | | |

| |Toxline Database from National Library of Medicine | | |

| |(): Search for information on the toxicity of | | |

| |drugs and chemicals | | |

Health & Medicine

|Subject Area |Web Resources |Commercial Online Resources |Printed Resources |

|Food & Nutrition |MEDLINEplus|Health Topics|Food Nutrition & Metabolism |Gale Group Health & Wellness database (Dialog) |Consumer Information Center|Food |

| |() | |() |

| |MEDLINEplus|Health Topics|Food Safety | | |

| |() | | |

| |FDA Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition () | | |

| |USDA () | | |

| |USDA Food & Nutrition Information Center () | | |

| |USDA Food Safety & Inspection Service ()| | |

| |Gateway to Government Food Safety Information ()| | |

|Disease States |MEDLINEplus|Health Topics |Gale Group Health & Wellness database (Dialog) |Plenty on the web. See following |

| |() |Business & Industry (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): In |MEDLINEplus link: |

| |WebMD Diseases & Conditions () |Dialog, search disease in product name field |

| |CDC Health Topics A-Z () |Gale Group PROMT (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): Search |tionsontheweb.html |

| |Hardin Meta Directory of Internet Health Sources |disease in product name field | |

| |(): A directory of |Gale Group Trade & Industry Database (Dialog): Search | |

| |directories of Internet sites organized by health/disease topic |disease in descriptor field | |

| |Reuters Health (): Health eLine (for the |FDC Reports: The Pink Sheet (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| |consumer) free; Industry Briefing and Medical News (for the professional) |PHIND: SCRIP (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| |fee-based |Newswires | |

| | (): News-based service. Can set |Dialindex on Dialog (“pharmind” category) | |

| |up “My Newspage” to monitor news organized by sizable list of categories, | | |

| |including health and pharmaceutical categories |Note: set up alerts in above databases to monitor | |

| | |topics of interest | |

Health & Medicine

|Subject Area |Web Resources |Commercial Online Resources |Printed Resources |

|Government & Regulatory | (): Browse government topic “Health” |Federal Register (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| |Google Uncle Sam (): Searches only |BNA Daily News (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| |government pages |Business & Industry (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| |Food and Drug Law Institute Journal |Gale Group PROMT (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): In Dialog, | |

| |() Covers the FDA, FTC and USDA |use descriptor “Food and Drug Administration” | |

| |with in depth articles about regulations affecting the food, drug and |Gale Group Trade & Industry Database (Dialog): In | |

| |device industries; use the search engine to identify a list of articles |Dialog, use descriptor “Food and Drug Administration” | |

| |on specific topics; links to fulltext pdf articles |FDC Reports: The Pink Sheet (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| |Food and Drug Law Institute Alerting Service (requires one-time free |PHIND: SCRIP (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| |registration) () |Dialindex on Dialog (“pharmind” category) | |

| | |Newswires | |

| | | | |

| | |Note: set up alerts in above databases to monitor | |

| | |topics of interest | |

|Experts |Professional Organizations: |Encyclopedia of Associations (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) |Encyclopedia of Associations |

| |MEDLINEplus at |Newswires: Search by topic of interest and includes | |

| |Yahoo at |words such as “expert”, “thought leader” or “opinion | |

| |Local Academic Institutions: Go to ” | |

| |select relevant category, then select “Schools, Departments, Programs” | | |

| |Government Press Releases: Contact names listed in the press release | | |

| | (): NIH-sponsored | | |

| |clinical trials. Search or browse by condition or disease heading | | |

| |CenterWatch (): Browse by disease state | | |

| |Yahoo|Health|Medicine|Clinical Trials | | |

| |(): Directory of | | |

| |clinical trials sites | | |

Health Care Industry

|Subject Area |Web Resources |Database Resources |Printed Resources |

|Health & Managed Care |Managed Care Information Center (): Select “News & |BNA Health News Daily (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) |Managed Care Information |

| |Industry” for timely health care industry issues, news articles and links |Business & Industry (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): In |Center|Publications |

| |to managed care resources, health plans, associations, consumer |Dialog, search “Health Care Delivery” in industry name|() |

| |information, etc. |field | |

| | |Gale Group PROMT (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): In Dialog, | |

| | |use HLTH in industry name field | |

| | |Gale Group Trade & Industry Database (Dialog): In | |

| | |Dialog, use HLTH in industry name field and “Managed | |

| | |Care” in descriptor field | |

| | |FDC Reports: The Pink Sheet (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| | |PHIND: SCRIP (Dialog) | |

| | |Newswires | |

| | |Dialindex on Dialog (“pharmind” category) | |

| | | | |

| | |Note: set up alerts in above databases to monitor | |

| | |topics of interest | |

| | | | |

|Policy |Kaiser Family Foundation (Health Policy Watch includes free email alerts) |BNA Health Care Policy Report (Lexis-Nexis) |Managed Care Information |

| |() Daily reports on national health issues |BNA Health News Daily (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) |Center|Publications |

| |Health Affairs Journal () Bimonthly journal |Business & Industry (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): In |() |

| |focusing on health policy issues; some free fulltext articles available |Dialog, search “Health Care Delivery” in industry name| |

| |Institute of Medicine ():|field and “Government” in descriptor field and | |

| |Select “Recent Reports” for in-depth health reports on current topics like |“Policy” free text | |

| |health care quality in America |Gale Group PROMT (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): In Dialog,| |

| |National Committee for Quality Assurance (): Select |search HLTH in industry name field and “Government” in| |

| |“Report Cards” for consumer-oriented information on the quality of health |descriptor field and “Policy” free text | |

| |care organizations |Gale Group Trade & Industry Database (Dialog): In | |

| |Milbank Memorial Fund (endowed national foundation that engages in |Dialog, search “Managed Care” and “Policy” in | |

| |nonpartisan analysis, study, research and communication on significant |descriptor field | |

| |issues in health policy (): Click on “Reports” for |FDC Reports: The Pink Sheet (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| |free online health care reports like the “1998-1999 State Health Care |PHIND: SCRIP (Dialog) | |

| |Expenditure Report”; quarterly journal |Newswires | |

| |() features peer-reviewed articles |Dialindex on Dialog (“pharmind” category) | |

| |exploring the social, legal and ethical aspects of health policy | | |

| | |Note: set up alerts in above databases to monitor | |

| | |topics of interest | |

Health Care Industry

|Subject Area |Web Resources |Database Resources |Printed Resources |

|Costs |HCFA (): Select Stats and Data for national and state |BNA Health Care Policy Report (Lexis-Nexis) |Managed Care Information |

| |health expenditures |BNA Health News Daily (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) |Center|Publications |

| |Pennsylvania Health Care Costs Containment Council |Business & Industry (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): In |() |

| |( Provides many “Public Reports” on health |Dialog, search “Health Care Delivery” in industry name| |

| |care utilization, trends and costs in Pennsylvania hospitals and ambulatory|field and “Costs” in descriptor | |

| |health care |Gale Group PROMT (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis): In Dialog, | |

| |Healthcare Costs & Utilization Project |search HLTH in industry name field and and “Costs” | |

| |( Click on Start HCUPnet and |free text | |

| |choose a database to search on national and state utilization costs and |Gale Group Trade & Industry Database (Dialog): In | |

| |trends based on a nationwide inpatient sample by disease treated |Dialog, search HLTH in industry name field and and | |

| |State Health Care Expenditure Report (1998-1999) March 2001 |“Costs” free text | |

| |() by the Milbank Memorial Fund |FDC Reports: The Pink Sheet (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| | |PHIND: SCRIP (Dialog) | |

| | |Newswires | |

| | |Dialindex on Dialog (“pharmind” category) | |

| | | | |

| | |Note: set up alerts in above databases to monitor | |

| | |topics of interest | |

Health Care Industry

|Subject Area |Web Resources |Database Resources |Printed Resources |

|Government |Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (): Find clinical |BNA Health Care Policy Report (Lexis-Nexis) |Agency for Healthcare Research and |

| |reseach, consumer information, data and surveys in quality research for |BNA Health News Daily (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) |Quality|Publications & Products |

| |improved health care |Business & Industry (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) |() |

| |National Institutes of Health () |Gale Group PROMT (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| |State Departments of Health (, |Gale Group Trade & Industry Database (Dialog) | |

| |, etc.): State departments of health feature |FDC Reports: The Pink Sheet (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis) | |

| |timely public health reports on topics of interest like the West Nile Virus|PHIND: SCRIP (Dialog) | |

| |information at the NY website |Newswires | |

| |() |Dialindex on Dialog (“pharmind” category) | |

| |FDA () | | |

| |Department of Health and Human Services (): Choose “Select a |Note: set up alerts in above databases to monitor | |

| |Topic” or use the search engine |topics of interest | |

|Experts |Professional Organizations: |Encyclopedia of Associations (Dialog and Lexis-Nexis):|Encyclopedia of Associations |

| |Go to the Managed Care Information Center site at |Search “Health Plans” in the descriptor field |The National Directory of Managed Care |

| | for a list of industry |Newswires: Search by topic of interest and includes |Organizations |

| |associations |words such as “expert”, “thought leader” or “opinion | |

| |Go to for |leader” | |

| |a list of professional organizations | | |

| | | | |

| |Government Agencies (see row above) | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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