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Deborah Guest

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Biology Smart (Smart Series)

Deborah Guest

Biology Smart (Smart Series) Deborah Guest "Prokaryotic what? Musculoskeletal who? Meiosis? Are you talkin' to me? Are you a confused, hopeless biology student? Well despair no more, because help has arrived! You hold in your hands the key to a symbiotic relationship between your brain and the swirling mass of concepts and terms called biology: Biology Smart-Science Made Easy.

Biology Smart takes you through the basics, like: -- cellular structure -- general and organic chemistry -- ecology -- human physiology -- chromosomes, mitosis, and meiosis

And best of all, Biology Smart is written an easy-to-digest format, with: -- review questions -- diagrams -- a glossary at the end of each chapter, and -- helpful tips

Biology Smart is brought to you by the people at The Princeton Review. Famous for helping over 2 million students prepare for every exam in the biosphere, we're uniquely qualified to whip you and that mess of biology work in front of you into shape. We're not promising that you'll be gazing longingly at pictures of DNA when you're through, but we're pretty sure that the word gameotogenesis will never make you quake with fear again. In fact, Biology Smart is so attuned to biology, that it's printed on bio-degradable, recycled paper. Cool, huh?

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