Bloomsburg Area School District

Name:___________________________Unit 3 Chapter 6 Lesson 1- Day 2Trouble on the FrontierPlease Do Now!- Have you ever had a disagreement that ended in a fight? Explain in three lines what happened._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-Several months later, ______________ was sent back to the area with ____________ to protect British colonists in the area from the _____________.-Worried about being attacked by a __________ French force from Fort ____________, Washington built Fort _____________for protection.-On July 3, 1754, the French did attack, laid __________ to the fort, and forced Washington to ______________.-Washington and his troops returned to ____________. Many say this was the ___________ of the ________________________.-The French, along with their Native American _______, fought the British for __________ of the North American continent for _______ years.-The British ________ many early _____________ to the French.-One of those losses was on July 9, 1755, when General Edward ____________ lost the Battle of the ______________. Braddock was __________ in the fight.Quote and Comment- Write three lines explaining what you think about the story about George Washington during the Battle of the Monongahela._________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________-As the war continued, things started going better for the __________, and they began to ______ more ___________.-One victory for the British was in 1756 when ________________ John Armstrong led an __________ on the Native American village of _____________, capturing it.-Fort ____________ finally fell into British hands in September of 1758. The French ___________ it down so the ____________ couldn’t use it.-The British built Fort ________ in place of Fort Duquesne.-The ____________ finally won the war, and in 1763 the British and ___________ signed the Treaty of ___________.-This officially ended the ______ and gave __________ control of North America from the Atlantic Ocean to the _______________ River.Exit Question- List one effect of the French and Indian War._____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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