University of British Columbia




Summer Session 2011 (May 9 – June 17)

(Lecciones 1 a 6)

Required texts: ¿Cómo se dice...? (9th Edition), Jarvis et al (Houghton Mifflin Company, 2009)

Quia eSAM (e/online Student Activity Manual) (Book key comes with the textbook)

Instructor: Barbara Fraser Valencia

Office hours: TBA


May 9

May 11


May 16

May 18


May 23

May 25


May 30

June 1


Introducción, Lección 1 Saludos y despedidas: Greetings, the Sounds of Spanish: note Appendix A, telephone numbers, colors, days of the week, months, seasons, me gusta …

Online assignment # 1 posted

1.6 Subject pronouns, 1.7 Present of ser

Así somos p24, Vamos a leer p26

Lección 2 En la universidad

2.1 Gender, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 Time

Online assignment #1 due

2.5 Present of -ar verbs

2.6 Negative and interrogative...,

2.7 Possession with de, Así somos

Vamos a leer, p58

Writing Assignment due

Lección 2 cont, Repaso,

Lección 3 Por teléfono

Lección 3, 3.1 Possessive adjectives

3.2 Numbers, 3.3 Descriptive adjectives

Start Práctica de Traducción I for review

Online assignment #2 due

University closed. Victoria Day


3.4 Present of -er, -ir verbs

3.5 Present of irregular verbs: tener and venir

3.6 Personal a, Así somos

Online assignment #3 due

Lección 4 Costumbres, 4.1 Prepositional pron., 4.2, 4.3 Present of ir, dar, estar, 4.4 ir a + inf

4.5 e>ie stem changing verbs

4.6 Expressions with tener, Así somos

EXAMEN I (lecciones 1-3)

Lección 5 Las comidas

5.1 Formas comparativas,

5.2 Formas comparativas irregulares,

Online assignment #4 due

June 6

June 8


June 13

June 15

5.3 o>ue cambios de raíz

5.4 Presente progresivo

5.5 Usos de ser y estar

Start Práctica de Traducción II >repaso

5.6 Expresiones para describir el tiempo

Lección 5 cont, Así somos

EXAMEN II (lecciones 4 and most of 5)

Online assignment #5 due

Lec 6 Quehaceres de la casa, 6.1 Demostrativos

6.2 e>i cambios, 6.3 Expr. afirmativas y negativas

Start Práctica de Traducción III >repaso

6.4 Verbos irregulares en la primera persona,

6.5 saber/conocer, 6.6 Direct object pronouns

Lección 6 cont, Así somos, Repaso y conclusión

Online assignment #6 due

EXAMEN FINAL (to be confirmed)

Mark Distribution: Term I:

Dictado Dictado 50 10%

Examen I 100 20%

Examen II 100 20%

Online Assignments 20 4%

Participation and oral

proficiency 50 10%

Examen III (Final) 180 36%

500/5= 100

Incomplete Online Assignments -2%

=Final Grade /100


Please see over for more course details...


1. The course (3.0 credits)

Spanish 101 is a 3.0 credit course for beginners. To obtain full credits for this course students who enrol in it are presumed to have no previous knowledge of the language. When taken in summer session, this is considered to be an intensive 6-week program consisting, in this instance, of 11 three-hour sessions. Participants are also expected to complete a number of online assignments that will require a further two hours a week of their time.

Note: students with Grade 11 Spanish or equivalent are not normally given credits for this course; exceptions are possible, but they must be formally requested and approved by the course coordinator at the beginning of the term.

The objective of the course is to provide students with an introduction to the fundamentals of the Spanish language while involving them in personalized activities that require interactive communication. Participants will demonstrate an ability to discuss and write about everyday activities and future plans within the context of common tasks and situations (for example: the first day of classes, talking on the phone, going to a restaurant, weekend activities, etc.). The course includes grammatical explanations and group interaction. The online component is intended emphasize grammatical structures and improve students’ comprehension and aural skills. The course also attempts to promote cultural awareness. The continuation of Spanish 101 is Spanish 102.

2. Textbook and Online Workbook

The main text ¿Cómo se dice...? (9th ed.) is the basis for all class activities. It comes packaged with audio CDs that include recordings of all lesson-opening dialogues, vocabulary sections, pronunciation sections and appendices. The use of this audio component on students’ own time will prove to be valuable in enhancing listening and pronunciation skills.

When you purchase a textbook, you also receive a book key (make sure you find it when you unwrap the text) which gives you access to the other required component for the course: the Quia eSAM (electronic Student Activities Manual). This is viewed as an intrinsic part of the course and the completion of specified weekly assignments is mandatory and will be a factor in grading. It is a good activities component that provides immediate feedback and allows you to correct yourself and monitor your progress. You will have to register for this Online Work following registration instructions and a course code provided by your instructor.

3. Assessment methods (Examenes, Dictado, Writing Assignment, Participation, Oral Proficiency, Online work)

As indicated under “Mark Distribution” above, the assessment of student proficiency includes continuous testing and evaluation. There will be two one-hour class examinations (Exámenes) and one final examination. There will be also one Dictado, and six Online Workbook Assignments (normally due at the end of each week as specified in the online “Announcements” tab. Students can also expect to be continuously evaluated on their daily participation and their improvement in oral and communicative proficiency. The grade for the Writing Assignment will be incorporated into the Participation grade.

In the Exámenes students can expect to: a) complete sentences [fill in the blanks] with appropriate verb forms, vocabulary items and/or other specific grammatical structures; b) answer personalized questions in written form based on the communicative themes and specific structures of the material at hand; c) write short paragraphs based on specific situations; and d) translate sentences or short paragraphs from English into Spanish. Translation in this context is text specific and deemed to be communicative and functional in nature (conversation style; letter format). Practice translation exercises will be provided prior to each examination. The Final Examination will cover all the material dealt with in the term. The Dictado is a dictation-type exercise (dictation of single words and paragraph(s), and dictation of questions to be subsequently answered in written form by students). A short Writing Assignment (about 60 words) will also be requested.

It is the responsibility of the student to be present for all scheduled examinations. In the case of illness or other unforeseen adversities, a student may be permitted to make up a missed examination, or to defer deadlines for other assignments, provided such cases are referred promptly to the instructor and/or course coordinator. Students may be requested to substantiate these claims.

As noted above, the Online Assignments are considered to be an intrinsic part of the course and their completion is mandatory. Instructors assign specific Workbook exercises and track students’ results. Most exercises will be computer graded and will be monitored for either completion or non-completion; some will be inspected for quality. The proper completion of all assignments will result in a possible 4% (10/500) grade, whereas incompletion will result in a 0% initial grade and a further deduction of -2% from the total accumulated grade for the term. Please note that all online work should be submitted reviewed and corrected (following the indications provided in “possible answers”) when applicable. Exercises found incomplete or inappropriately submitted will not be accepted and will nullify the value of the entire assignment. Subject to instructor policy, late submissions might reduce or nullify the 4% grade.

4. Participation and learning.

The process of learning a foreign language involves factors like memorization, active practice, recognition, deduction and a positive predisposition. With the right attitude it can be enjoyable, but it requires that a substantial amount of work be done on a regular basis. To do well in this course students can expect to have to do an average of at least 2 hours of homework per class hour. The success of the course relies to a large degree on advance preparation and active class participation. In order to have productive class hours and thus derive maximum benefit from the material it is essential that participants have their daily assignments prepared in advance. Preparation, attendance and class participation are expected and will be a factor in grading.

Due to the intensive nature of this course 100% attendance and promptness are deemed mandatory.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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