
May 21, 2018 Approved 6/5/18



The Gadsden City Board of Education met in special session on Thursday, May 21, 2018, at 5:00 p.m. at the Board of Education Central Office. Board members present: President Deborah Howard, Vice President Wayne Watts, Frank Cylar, Z. Andre' Huff, and Nancy Stewart. Attorney Cleo Thomas was also present. Absent board members were Mike Haney and Kelly Cochran. Dr. Ed Miller, Superintendent and Secretary of the Board, was not in attendance.

The meeting was called to order by President Howard and opened with prayer by Ms. Deborah Howard followed by the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

President Howard recognized County Commissioner Carolyn Parker and thanked her for her attendance.


Site Visit Report Dr. Wayne Watts reported on the site visit for Dr. Regina Thompson. Dr. Watts stated that

the site visit took place at E. D. Nixon Elementary School in Montgomery, Alabama. Ten administrators were present at that location and also three virtual sites were available from Homewood High School, Sanford University and Southern Research Educational Board. Seven faculty and staff sessions were held. Dr. Watts reported that as each of the fifteen areas discussed in the interview process were areas that he listened for as in the responses from the site visit. It was reported that Dr. Thompson had the ability to bring people together in a cohesive unit. Dr. Thompson was reported as extremely data driven and prepared for all tasks. It was stated that Dr. Thompson's leadership skills was one of her strongest qualities. She was able to bring people together because of her caring nature. Dr. Thompson would demonstrate what was expected of her staff, so as for no misunderstanding. It was reported how Dr. Thompson took E.D. Nixon Elementary from a failing school for eight years to a torch bearing school in two to three years. Dr. Thompson believed raising the bar of expectation the student body would have an immediate impact on the student body. Due to the impact Dr. Thompson had at E.D. Nixon, the superintendent placed her in the position of Principal on Loan to help other schools in their district that were under performing. It was stated that Dr. Thompson taught the various schools how to collect data and interpret it correctly. Once this was done it created a whole new concept for learning. The community and environment were affected by her work. Dr. Thompson would take the vision she had for the school and align it with the expenditures. She was well respected and she was willing to share her experience with anyone. Because of Dr. Thompson's leadership there were administrators that went back into the classroom to bring about the positive change faster. Many were sad that Dr. Thompson left for a different position. When Dr. Thompson took over E.D. Nixon Elementary she won most of the teachers over by clearly defining and modeling what she expected every day. When asked about Dr. Thompson's ability to bring about a fractured board, it was stated that Dr. Thompson's assumed the role of interim superintendent when a current superintendent left after only one meeting. Until a new superintendent could be named, it was stated that Dr. Thompson assumed the role with grace and heart. It was reported that Dr. Thompson is cleanly perceptive of the makeup of a system and how it affects everyone involved. Dr. Thompson is a leader that sees that "all students matter".

The data from the Richland School District which was used for the site visit, includes the


Enrollment 22939



Free/Reduced 72%

Employees 4229


$276 million

Over 20 people from the school district were used for reporting the above information.

Mr. Frank Cylar made a motion to accept the report Dr. Watts brought back on Dr. Regina Thompson. Dr. Watts seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.


May 21, 2018 Approved 6/5/18

Mrs. Nancy Stewart asked for clarification purposes that Dr. Thompson set up all this interviews. Dr. Watts and President Howard both agreed she did set up the interviews with the exception of Dr. Aaron Bishop, the former board chair of Richland County School District. President Howard set that interview up.

Rev. Z. Andre' Huff asked was Dr. Watts the only board member to visit. Dr. Watts said he was.

AASB Letter

President Howard reported that AASB has bowed out of the search for superintendent. President Howard feels this is unfortunate that this has happened due to the fact that the current board has never conducted a search like this before. Ms. Howard stated the board had reached out to AASB who handles superintendent searches all over the States. President Howard stated the board had contracted with AASB to provide us with five candidates to interview. AASB set up community meetings and the vetting of the candidates. As an organization, they provided the board with the five candidates. The board is contracted with AASB and paying them for the work they have done. At the last board meeting, President Howard was charged with obtaining the list of names of the local candidates from AASB. AASB has politely refused. To protect the privacy of any applicant all applications belong to AASB. They will not release the list of names submitted. President Howard does not know who has applied and no way of knowing who has applied.

AASB has given three options: a. Name the remaining finalist b. Start the search over c. Choice to interview any candidate

President Howard stated she feels in order to be good stewards of the system funds, the board should accept the work that AASB has performed that they were contracted to do. President Howard discussed she feels AASB gave the board five names and the board narrowed the selection to a final two. Ms. Howard feels the board agreed on the final two. Ms. Howard said she was aware the mediation agreement states that a second list of five names will be provided by AASB if no candidates was agreed upon. But that was not in the AASB contract. She felt that was a mute point because two finalist were chosen.

Rev. Huff stated that the board did not initially reach out to AASB. The mediation agreement from the lawsuit required AASB be involved in the search. Rev. Huff also questioned why the second list was not included in the AASB contract. Rev. Huff stated he realized that a lot of money has been paid, but he doesn't feel as though AASB has done what they were hired to do. Rev. Huff does not understand why AASB can not supply the list of local names. Rev. Huff stated if AASB has pulled out, then they shouldn't have a say in the three options we select from. Rev. Huff has suggested that the locals can be contacted through the board secretary and the candidates can provide confirmation of their application with AASB.

Mrs. Nancy Stewart stated that there was a motion that was approved from a previous meeting to interview the locals. That motion needs to be acted upon.

Dr. Wayne Watts stated that the board had reached out to AASB for assistance with the search prior to the mediation agreement. A training workshop was performed by Susan Salter for a superintendent search. Dr. Watts also stated that compliance factor that must be addressed. AASB had done all the required background checks for any applicant. If there is going to be a different process, the process will have to indemnify the board. Dr. Watts stated the question then arises how much more money is the board willing to spend. Dr. Watts asks who they wanted to do the new search. Rev. Huff stated that there is a means to get the local names without involved another search team, it can be a candidate that already submitted their application to AASB. The candidates were given a confirmation letter.

There was discussion among the board members as to why AASB could not supply the additional names as requested. Mr. Frank Cylar stated that four members of the board voted on Dr. Thompson and since the other top candidate withdrew that leaves Dr. Thompson as the only candidate. Mr. Cylar made a motion that Dr. Regina Thompson be named superintendent. Dr. Wayne Watts seconded. President Howard called for discussion. Nancy Stewart stated that no


May 21, 2018 Approved 6/5/18

motion or vote should be taken on this without the full board being present. Rev. Huff stated he was not sold on any of the candidates. Mrs. Stewart stated that she has contacted systems that Dr. Thompson had applied to and was told that they did not feel Dr. Thompson was the right fit for their system and that she was just using the position as a stepping stone. President Howard stated she felt Dr. Thompson was not using this position as a stepping stone because her mother was located in the Birmingham area and she is trying to get closer to her mother and she feels this is where she belongs.

A vote was taken.

Huff ? Nay Stewart ? Nay

Watts ? Yay Cylar ? Yay

Howard ? Yay

A motion requires a four vote to pass. The motion did not carry.

Mrs. Nancy Stewart wanted it stated that there was no reason for this meeting to be called tonight this could have waited until the next board meeting.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned on motion by Dr. Wayne Watts, seconded by Rev. Z. Andre' Huff.

Approved: ________________________ ______________________________ Ed Miller, Secretary


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