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1. One factor that motivated imperialism during the late 19th and early 20th centuries was the

a. Development of closer political ties with European nations

b. Closing of China to all foreign trade

c. Support of international peacekeeping operations

d. Acquisition of new markets and sources of raw materials

2. The Age of Imperialism refers to

a. the colonization of Europe

b. the late 19th and early 20th centuries

c. the early colonization of North America

d. the effect of naval forces in the early 1900s.

3. Imperialism affected almost the entire continent of

a. Africa

b. Europe

c. Australia

d. North America

4. Two objectives of imperialism were

a. missionary work and trade

b. to maintain the area’s culture and traditions

c. trade and provide well-paying jobs for native people

d. stabilize the government and maintain religious practices

5. Of what importance was the Open Door Policy established by Secretary of State John Hay in 1900?

a. it created political reform

b. it stopped all trade in Asia

c. it called for new trade with Africa

d. it established new trade relations with China

6. The Age of Imperialism was marked by

a. a decrease in the number of naval ships

b. the expansion of American political influence

c. an increased interest in the plight of day laborers

d. the reduction of military intervention in other countries

7. Many people agreed with political humorist Mark Twain who commented, “I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land.” Mark Twain could be described as a

a. an imperialist

b. an anti-imperialist

c. a Roosevelt supporter

d. an environmentalist

8. An economy that is based on mining/producing raw materials to be used in foreign industries is called

a. an extractive economy

b. an export economy

c. a feudal economy

d. an industrial economy

9. The golden age of imperialism was in the _______________.

a. 20th century

b. 1900s

c. 18th century

d. 1800s

10. Objectives of American expansion included

a. improved relations with Spain

b. the conversion of native peoples to Christianity

c. restricting American involvement in the Philippines

d. allowing for self-rule among the islands of the Caribbean

11. During the Age of Imperialism, the American press engaged in yellow journalism, or sensationalizing headlines and news stories to sell more newspapers. Which of the following headlines about the sinking of the USS Maine is the best example of yellow journalism?

a. 253 Known to Be Lost

b. Who Destroyed the Maine?

c. Destruction of the Warship Maine was the Work of an Enemy

d. Naval Officers Believe the Maine was Destroyed by a Spanish Mine

12. This country owned Alaska before it became a U.S. territory

a. Russia

b. Japan

c. Great Britain

d. Canada

13. Which of the following is NOT a reason for imperialism?

a. Democratic

b. Economic

c. Political

d. Ideological

14. President Taft’s policy of dollar diplomacy resulted in

a. restrictions on corporations

b. a reduction in the value of money

c. American investments in Latin America

d. Less American influence in the Western Hemisphere

15. Which of the following summarizes an effect of imperialism?

a. colonial markets were closed to manufactured goods from the colonizing power

b. Land was distributed equally among the main social classes

c. Colonial economies became devoted to manufacturing goods for the colonizing power

d. The wealth of the colonizing powers often increased at the expense of their colonies

16. Which of the following provides evidence that imperialism left a lasting impact on many colonial territories?

a. Many African and Asian nations are based on former colonial boundaries

b. Many former colonies are still ruled by European governments

c. Local languages are often used in many African and Asian nations

d. Most African and Asian nations use European currencies

17. The United States wanted overseas territories because the territories had

a. access to ports

b. customers who buy U.S. products

c. connections with European nations

d. access to raw materials

18. Many of the nations colonized were rich in natural resources. How did Social Darwinists view the mining of natural resources in these colonized lands?

a. it was their right to take what they wanted

b. it was a necessity for their countries to survive

c. It was a way to preserve traditional economies

d. It was a way to protect Africans from the Industrial Revolution

19. Which of the following was NOT a reason the U.S. sided with Cuba in their fight for independence?

a. Yellow journalism

b. The sinking of the USS Maine

c. The Spanish stole the Philippines from the US

d. Americans sympathize with the Cuban struggle for independence

20. Favoring honorable diplomacy but still resorting to military intervention upon occasion would be an example of

a. moral diplomacy

b. big stick diplomacy

c. dollar diplomacy

d. the Roosevelt Corollary

21. Import tax that merchants pay when shipping goods.

a. Import tax

b. Fee

c. Duty

d. Annexation

22. This president was an anti-imperialist who refused to annex Hawaii unless that was what the Hawaiians wanted.

a. McKinley

b. Wilson

c. Ford

d. Cleveland

23. Japan resisted modernization for most of its history. What motivated Japan to modernize beginning in the 1800s?

a. The Japanese people developed a previously unknown desire for Western goods

b. China threatened to attack Japan, so modern weapons were required for defense

c. The Japanese leadership feared that if it did not modernize, it might be controlled by Western nations like China had been.

d. Japanese military leaders admired the design of Commodore Perry’s fleet of steamships.

24. Which of the following is a major reason why countries colonized other nations?

a. Need for raw materials

b. Fear of Asian dominance

c. Desire to learn about other cultures

d. Surplus of manufactured goods

25. After the Spanish-American War, Cubans and Puerto Ricans

a. Became Spanish citizens

b. Had their rights restricted

c. Joined the U.S. military

d. Became U.S. citizens

26. This country was the one visited by Commodore Matthew Perry in 1853 in an attempt to open up trade.

a. Guam

b. Japan

c. China

d. Puerto Rico

27. How did the United States get access to the Canal Zone in Panama?

a. killed mosquitoes

b. negotiated with Colombia

c. backed Panama rebels

d. bought it from Spain

28. Who ran Mexico for decades as a dictator?

a. Carranza

b. Diaz

c. Huerta

d. Villa

29. This is the practice of extending a nation’s power by gaining territories for a colonial empire.

a. isolationism

b. colonialism

c. imperialism

d. none of the above

30. This was the name of the ship sunk in Havana Harbor which helped to ignite the Spanish American War.

a. USS Philadelphia

b. USS Maine

c. The Pride

d. The Lusitania

31. During the late 19th century the countries of Europe wanted colonies so that

a. They could provide the colonies with raw materials

b. They could get manufactured goods from the colonies

c. They could become a market for products from the colonies

d. They could get raw materials from the colonies

32. A political cause of imperialism is:

a. Colonies could provide them with markets for their raw materials

b. Colonies were important for their defense by adding territories

c. Colonies would help them become more friendly with other European countries

d. Colonies would provide them with more manufactured goods

33. The Boxer Rebellion of 1900 was an attempt to remove

a. The British from India

b. The Europeans from South Africa

c. The French from Algeria

d. The Europeans from China

34. The U.S. wanted to take over this territory because it was the perfect stopping point on the way to Asia.

a. Puerto Rico

b. Alaska

c. Guam

d. Hawaii

35. Which of the following was an indirect impact of imperialism?

a. All castes of people in India prospered under British rule

b. Japan became a more modern country

c. China entered a period of tranquility

d. Modern technology was introduced in Persia

36. The United States became an imperialist nation with interests in the Caribbean, Central America, the Far East, and the South Pacific following which war?

a. The Civil War

b. The Spanish-American War

c. World War I

d. The Korean War

37. One factor that motivated U.S. imperialism during the late 19th and early 20th centuries was the

a. Development of closer ties with European nations

b. Closing of China to all foreign trade

c. Support of international peacekeeping operations

d. Acquisition of new markets and sources of raw materials

38. In 1898, U.S. support for Cuban independence led to war with Spain and contributed to the United States becoming an imperial power.

What was a decisive factor in the decision to go to war?

a. The opportunity to annex Hawaii

b. The desire to acquire a naval base

c. The protection of U.S. commerce and trade

d. The need for a shorter route from the Atlantic to the Pacific

39. During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, U.S. foreign policy was closely tied to domestic economic concerns. The annexation of Hawaii, the Open Door Policy with China, and the construction of the Panama Canal in Latin America were all motivated by an interest in

a. Breaking up monopolies and trusts

b. Extending land grants for railroad construction

c. Acquiring new markets and sources of raw materials

d. Limiting the power of labor unions to strike

40. What new relationship with Hawaii did Congress approve in 1898?

a. independence

b. statehood

c. secession

d. annexation

41. The theory that life consists of competitive struggles in which only the strong survive is called

a. sovereignty

b. annexation

c. Social Darwinism

d. Extractive economics

42. The 1898 Treaty of Paris dealt with which territory/territories?

a. Cuba

b. Hawaii

c. Cuba, Puerto Rico, the Philippines

d. Hawaii and other former Spanish colonies

43. The famous American writer Mark Twain express his opinion about U.S. actions in the Philippines after the Spanish-American War with the following words:

“I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate (place under control) the people of the Philippines. We have gone to conquer, not to redeem (save)…I am opposed to having the (American) eagle put its talons on any other land.”

The New York Herald, October 15, 1900

This statement would be helpful in supporting the thesis that Mark Twain believed that

a. U.S. imperialism was wrong

b. U.S. imperialism would bring stable government to the Philippines

c. U.S. imperialism was necessary for the United States to become a world power.

d. U.S. imperialism civilized the people of the Philippines

44. Which of the following would be an example of Roosevelt’s “Big Stick” Diplomacy?

a. The US investing financially in Latin American sugar crops

b. The US sailing ships into Japan’s harbor in an attempt to open up trade

c. The US attacking another nation in order to expand our borders

d. The US trading openly with other nations

45. What policy was designed to provide trade access to China?

a. Boxer

b. Gentleman’s Agreement

c. Russo-Japanese

d. Open Door

46. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize for helping to negotiate an end to the Russo-Japanese War?

a. John Hay

b. Theodore Roosevelt

c. William Howard Taft

d. Emilio Aguinaldo

47. During the Spanish-American War, the U.S. Navy destroyed the Spanish fleet in Manila Bay in the Philippines. The U.S. Congress later voted for annexation of the Philippines.

What was one reason for this act of U.S. imperialism?

a. To provide the U.S. with a valuable naval base in the Pacific

b. To provide the U.S. with a place to relocate its immigrant population

c. To decrease the U.S. need to export raw materials for industrialization

d. To increase the U.S. population by extending citizenship to Filipinos

48. The Teller Amendment stated that the United States

a. could not aid Cuba

b. could not go to war

c. could not develop colonies

d. could not annex Cuba

49. Emilio Aguinaldo was

a. a Spanish ambassador

b. a Filipino freedom fighter

c. a Cuban freedom fighter

d. a Spanish general

50. Which presidential candidate ran on an anti-imperialist platform?

a. William Jennings Bryan

b. William Howard Taft

c. William McKinley

d. Theodore Roosevelt

51. What did Governor Taft do to help restore order in the Philippines?

a. censored the press

b. limited self-rule

c. worked with rebel leaders

d. closed schools

52. What liberated the Philippines from Japanese Occupation?

a. the President

b. the Boxer Rebellion

c. the Jones Act

d. the Great White Fleet

53. This was NOT one of the territories gained by the US after the Spanish-American War.

a. Hawaii

b. Guam

c. Puerto Rico

d. The Philippines

54. This was the main reason why Americans wanted the Panama Canal built.

a. to open trade with Panama

b. to have a naval base in Latin America

c. to open negotiations with Colombia

d. to cut travel time from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans

55. Which of the following is an example of a positive effect of imperialism on territories that were under the control of Western nations?

a. Wealth

b. Self-sufficient economies

c. Lasting stability

d. Roads

56. Which of the following would be an IDEOLOGICAL reason for imperialism?

a. the desire for the U.S. to “protect the free world”

b. France’s wish to restore its reputation after losing a war

c. Europe’s wish to keep its reputation within the global community

d. The desire of Europe to find new markets for its industry

57. One important conclusion that can be drawn as a result of the Spanish American War is that

a. Only the President should decide issues of war and peace

b. The media are a powerful influence in shaping American public opinion toward war

c. The public has little confidence in the ability of the American military

d. International organizations play a decisive role in determining the outcome of war

58. Why did the US formulate the Open Door policy toward China?

a. To develop democratic institutions and practices in China

b. To prevent a European and Japanese monopoly of Chinese trade and markets

c. To establish a military presence on the Chinese mainland

d. To support Japanese efforts to industrialize China

59. Which of the following is a POLITICALLY motivated reason for imperialism?

a. a Western nation pursues an imperialist relationship with South America in order to secure raw materials for its factories

b. European expansion in the late 19th century happened due to the need for the European capitalist economies to export their surplus capital

c. Soviet expansion into Eastern Europe after 1945 was pursued for security, to protect its nation from another invasion

d. An imperialist nation justifies its control of a new territory by seeking to convert its people to Christianity

60. Which of the following would be an ECONOMIC reason for imperialism?

a. The need for countries to expand in order to protect their borders

b. Industrialized nations taking over non-industrialized nations in order to use their raw materials

c. Industrialized nations taking over non-industrialized nations in order to expand their markets

d. Both B and C

e. None of the above

61. Which of the following would be an example of Moral Diplomacy?

a. The United States aiding a pro-democratic government in Latin America

b. Sending troops to a foreign nation in order to force their leader to resign

c. Sending money to a foreign nation in exchange for opening up trade

d. Declaring war on a neighboring country in order to force their non-democratic government to resign


62. What is the meaning of this cartoon?

a. Roosevelt lacks authority for change

b. Roosevelt is asking for a new diplomacy

c. Roosevelt has assumed new police powers

d. Roosevelt has given up power to other countries

63. Involvement in the Spanish American War, the annexation of Hawaii, and introduction of the Open Door policy in China were actions taken by the United States government to

a. Establish military alliance with other nations

b. Gain overseas markets and sources of raw materials

c. Begin the policy of manifest destiny

d. Support isolationist forces in Congress

64. Yellow journalists created support for the Spanish-American War by writing articles about the

a. Political popularity of William Jennings Bryan

b. Efforts of the United States to control Mexico

c. Destruction of United States sugar plantations by Hawaiians

d. Sinking of the United States battleship Maine in Havana Harbor


65. Which of the following is the message of this political cartoon?

a. That the U.S. should remain neutral in the Cuban fight for independence.

b. That many Cubans are being murdered by the Spanish

c. That the naval officers aboard the USS Maine were murdered by the Spanish

d. That Spain should allow Cubans their independence


Choose the best answer for each question and mark the corresponding letter on your scantron. 75 points.


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