Great Depression Review

Great Depression Review

What is one lasting effect of the New Deal?

organized labor continues to grow in size and influence

many government programs started in the 1930s continue today

women have finally attained equal economic status

the Republican Party has continued to control the national government since the 1930s

President Hoover’s refusal to funds for the unemployed during the Depression was based on his belief that:

the unemployment problem was not serious

workers would not accept government assistance

labor unions should provide for the unemployed

federal relief programs would destroy individual initiative

A major purpose for the creation of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation during the 1930s was to:

limit government borrowing

break up banking monopolies

increase the productivity of farms

encourage farmers to move to the cities

The election of Franklin Roosevelt to the presidency in 1932 reflected the desire of many Americans to:

return to a policy of laissez faire

abandon capitalism in favor of socialism

continue the domestic policies of the Hoover administration

have government take an active role in solving economic problems

A major effect of the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act) was that labor unions:

were soon controlled by large corporations

experienced difficulty in gaining new members

obtained the right to bargain collectively

lost the right to strike

The effectiveness of the New Deal in ending the Great Depression is difficult to measure because:

President Roosevelt died during his fourth time

United States involvement in World War 2 rapidly accelerated economic growth

The Supreme Court declared most New Deal laws unconstitutional

Later Presidents failed to support most New Deal reforms

“Section 202. (a) Every qualified individual shall be entitled to receive…on the date he attains the age of sixty-five…and ending on the date of his death, an old-age benefit…”

A major purpose of this section of Federal legislation was to:

(a) guarantee an annual income to experienced employees

(b) assume adequate medical care for the elderly

(c) reward workers for their support of the union

(d) provide economic assistance to retired workers

A major criticism of President Roosevelt’s programs to combat the Great Depression was these programs:

reduced the power of the Federal government

ignored the plight of homeowners with mortgages

provided too much protection for big business

made people dependent on the Federal Government

Which combination of factors contributed most to the start of the Great Depression of the 1930s?

immigration restrictions and a lack of skilled workers

high taxes and overspending on social welfare programs

United States war debts and the declining value of the dollar

Overproduction and the excessive use of credit

The clash between President Roosevelt and the United States Supreme Court over New Deal laws best illustrates the operation of:


due process

checks and balances

the two-party system

The National Industrial Recovery Act and the National Labor Relations Act are often cited as evidence that New Deal legislation:

tried to keep the costs of labor down

sympathized with the interests of workers

blamed unions for slowing economic recovery

favored management over unions

“Europeans can’t buy goods from Americans because Europeans can’t sell goods in the American market. Obviously, they don’t have the chance to earn the money they need to buy our goods.”

This statement focuses on which cause of the Great Depression?

restriction of credit from banks

high protective tariffs

low wages of American workers

overspeculation on the stock market

Soon after Franklin Roosevelt became President in 1933, he supported:

stronger civil rights to protect African Americans

increased enforcement of Federal antitrust laws

expanded programs of direct relief to the unemployed

increased farm output to feed the hungry

Which groups were most helped by the Wagner Act and the Fair Labor Standards Act passed during the New Deal?

workers and labor unions

stockbrokers and investors

large business and corporations

farmers and landowners

During the New Deal, the main purpose of the Agricultural Adjustment Acts was to:

stimulate farm production to provide food for unemployed city workers

assist farmers in relocating to towns and cities

produce a farm surplus for export to foreign countries

increase farm income by controlling production

Many opponents of New Deal programs claimed that these programs violated the American tradition of:

welfare capitalism

governmental regulation of business

collective bargaining

individual responsibility

A major long-term result of the New Deal was that:

state governments increased their powers of taxation

the government established a safety-net to protect the poor

the executive branch gave up much of its decision making to the Congress

Congress was required to balance the Federal budget before instituting new programs

A condition of the 1920s that helped cause the Great Depression of the 1930s was:

overspeculation of land in the West

overdependence of foreign trade

overproduction by farms

overspending by the federal government

Motion pictures were popular during the Great Depression partly because:

they were regarded as the best source of education and culture

they were an inexpensive means of escaping the reality of economic hardship

few forms of leisure-time activities were available

Americans wanted to imitate European lifestyles

“ In times of economic depression, it is the responsibility of government to create programs that would provide jobs to the unemployed. The revenues that would be generated will repay the government expenditures.”

This philosophy was most clearly carried out by the Presidential administration of:

Woodrow Wilson

Warren Harding

Herbert Hoover

Franklin Roosevelt

A major goal of the New Deal was to:

(a) keep the United States out of war

(b) provide work for the unemployed

(c) conserve natural resources

(d) establish wage and price controls

During the New Deal period, Congress blocked President Roosevelt’s attempt to:

(a) pay farmers not to produce crops

(b) decrease Federal spending

(c) regulate the bank industry

(d) appoint additional Justices to the Supreme Court

After the election of 1932, a friend told President Roosevelt that if he succeeded he would go down as the greatest American President. Roosevelt replied, “Yet if I fail, I may be the last one.” This response reflected Roosevelt’s belief that the:

(a) Constitution limited him to two terms in the Presidency

(b) military was seriously considering a takeover of the government

(c) Great Depression threatened people’s faith in democracy

(d) American people were opposed to major changes in the role of government

The dust bowls described by John Steinbeck in The Grapes of Wrath had the greatest impact on:

(a) residents of urban slums

(b) workers in factory sweatshops

(c) plantation owners

(d) farmers on the Great Plains

President Roosevelt’s plan to increase the size of the Supreme Court reflected his desire to make the Court:

(a) sympathetic to New Deal programs

(b) committed to African-American rights

(c) independent of Congress

(d) responsive to business

An important factor contributing to the start of the Great Depression in the United States was the:

(a) increase in military spending

(b) failure to maintain the gold standard

(c) reduction of the tariff rates

(d) uneven distribution of wealth

The creation of the Tennessee Valley Authority is an example of:

(a) federal intervention to meet regional needs

(b) state-funded regional transportation

(c) free market capitalism

(d) laissez-faire economics

The Dust Bowl experiences of the Oklahoma farmers during the Great Depression demonstrated the:

(a) effect of geography on people’s lives

(b) success of government farm subsidies

(c) limitations of civil liberties during times of crisis

(d) result of the Indian Removal Act

Which situation was a basic cause of the Great Depression?

(a) continued increases in the wages of workers

(b) excessive profits for farmers

(c) overregulation of the stock market

(d) overproduction of consumer goods

In the 1930s, one factor that accounted for the westward migration of farmers from the Great Plains was:

(a) high farm prices

(b) new technologies

(c) the Dust Bowl

(d) the baby boom

. In the 1930s, which geographic factor most influenced the westward migration of thousands of people from the southern Great Plains?

(a) extended drought in farming areas

(b) excessive flooding of the Mississippi River

(c) serious earthquakes in the Pacific coastal region

(d) destructive hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico

In the 1930s, President Roosevelt changed the federal government’s role in the economy by:

(a) reducing programs to help the unemployed

(b) ending efforts at trustbusting

(c) raising tariffs to protect domestic industries

(d) using deficit spending to stimulate economic spending

. Which event is most closely associated with the end of the Great Depression?

(a) passage of Social Security

(b) beginning of World War 2

(c) re-election of President Roosevelt in 1940

(d) announcement of the Marshall Plan

In the 1920s, which economic factor led to the Great Depression?

(a) lack of investment in the stock market

(b) attempt by the United States to promote free trade

(c) failure to develop new consumer goods and industries

(d) overproduction of farm products and manufactured goods

One difference between the administrations of President Roosevelt and President Hoover is that President Roosevelt was:

(a) unwilling to allow government agencies to establish jobs programs

(b) unable to win congressional support for his economic programs

(c) able to ignore economic issues for most of his first term in office

(d) more willing to use government intervention to solve economic problems

. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 gave labor unions the right to:

(a) represent workers in collective bargaining

(b) insist on an open shop in the workplace

(c) establish quotas on immigration

(d) use blacklists and yellow dog contracts

President Roosevelt’s response to Supreme Court decisions that declared several New Deal laws unconstitutional was to:

(a) ask Congress to limit the Court’s jurisdiction

(b) propose legislation to increase the size of the Court

(c) demand the resignation of several justices

(d) ignore the Court’s rulings

The major purpose of President Roosevelt’s bank holiday of 1933 was to:

(a) restore public confidence in the nation’s banks

(b) reinforce strict laws to punish banks charging high interest rates

(c) reduce the number of banks to a manageable number

(d) encourage the nation’s banks to loan more money to failing businesses

Critics charges that New Deal policies favored socialism because the federal government:

(a) took ownership of most major industries

(b) favored farmers over workers and businesses owners

(c) increased its responsibility for the welfare of the economy

(d) declined to prosecute business monopolies

Which economic trend of the 1920s helped cause the Great Depression?

(a) rising costs of mass produced goods

(b) increasing income tax rates

(c) falling tariff rates

(d) widening gap between the rich and the poor

“….economic depression cannot be cured by legislative action or executive pronouncement…The best contribution of government lies in stimulating…voluntary (economic programs) in the community. The government-national, state, and local-can join with the community in such programs and do its part.” Herbert Hoover

This quotation suggests most clearly that in times of economic crisis:

The national government should take full responsibility for solving economic problems.

People should be patient and economic problems will solve themselves.

Voluntary and private organizations, with government encouragement, should deal with the economic problems of the day.

The government should not be expected to deal with economic problems since it did not cause them.

Which statement best describes Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal programs?

(a) They reduced the number of people who could participate in governmental decision-making.

(b) They expanded the economic role of government, while attempting to preserve capitalism.

© They stressed the need for state and local government leadership rather than national leadership.

(d) They emphasized the importance for the gold standard as the basis for economic recovery.

In the United States, one of the basic causes of the Great Depression that began in 1929 was the:

(a) lack of available credit

(b) abundance of purchasing power of farmers

© low protective tariffs of the 1920s

(d) overproduction of industrial production

During President Roosevelt’s first two terms, the strongest opposition to his New Deal policies came from:

(a) big business

(b) labor unions

© the poor

(d) Western farmers

One major result of President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal policy was that it:

(a) weakened the power of the chief executive

(b) strengthened the policy of laissez faire

© increased the power of the Federal Government

(d) expanded the importance of States rights

Which action is often viewed as the most serious attempt to undermine the independence of the judiciary (judicial branch)?

(a) appointment of conservative Supreme Court justices by President Ronald Reagan

(b) President Franklin Roosevelt’s plan to reorganize the Supreme Court

© appointment of Supreme Court Justices to unlimited terms of office

(d) increases in the salaries of the Supreme Court Justices

The careers of Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt were similar because each man:

(a) was an outstanding military leader before becoming President

(b) led the cause for international peace, but involved the United States in a war

© succeeded to the Presidency upon the death of the previous President

(d) believed in a strong Presidency and acted accordingly

An accurate statement about the Great Depression of the 1930s is that:

(a) agriculture was the only sector of the economy to escape the effects of the Depression

(b) the trade barriers erected by major nations helped to keep the Depression confined to the United States

© a variety of factors combined to bring about the economic collapse

(d) a massive response by the Federal Government under the Hoover administration failed to bring about recovery

. The farm policy of the New Deal was designed to:

(a) decrease Federal involvement in agriculture

(b) reduce the prices of farm products to aid factory workers

(c) enlarge farms by approving corporate mergers

(d) increase prices of farm products by reducing output

. Much of the domestic legislation of the New Deal was based on the idea that the government should:

(a) own and operate the nation’s key industries

(b) assign the responsibility to local communities for social welfare programs

(c) protect individuals against risks that they cannot handle on their own

(d) allow the return of trusts and monopolies as major economic forces

A major result of the New Deal was that it:

(a) eliminated poverty in the United States

(b) extended the merit system in the civil service

(c) destroyed the private enterprise system

(d) greatly increased the size and the power of the Federal Government

Which idea is closest to a basic principle of Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal program?

(a) the Jeffersonian belief that government should pursue a policy of laissez faire

(b) the belief of 19th century industrialists that trusts and monopolies benefited the economy

(c) the post-Reconstruction Southern policy that prevented blacks from gaining economic power

(d) the progressive philosophy that the powers of government should be used to solve social and economic problems

The government of the United States first became directly involved in supporting the price of agricultural products as a result of:

(a) increased imports of foreign food products during the Progressive Era

(b) the Depression of the 1930s

(c) participation in World War 2

(d) the global need for more food after WW2

A major factor contributing to the Great Depression of the 1930s in the United States was the:

(a) decline in farm prosperity in the 1920s

(b) recent increase in population due to immigration

(c) closing of the frontier

(d) heavy military spending in the 1920s

In 1933, the most immediate job facing President Roosevelt was to:

(a) reform the tariff system

(b) help the unemployed

(c) keep the nation out of war

(d) protect the nation’s overseas possessions

The New Deal was a major change in United States history because:

(a) previous administrations had not had to deal with depressions

(b) it established the precedent of balanced Federal budgets

(c) the government became more heavily involved in important aspects of the economy

(d) it led to a clash between the branches of government

Which statement expresses the New Deal philosophy about the role of government?

(a) In a capitalist economy, the main duty of the government is to protect business profits.

(b) Government should control the prices of goods and services.

(c) Government must become involved in the economy to benefit the people.

(d) Balancing the budget is more important than creating jobs.

President Franklin Roosevelt’s controversy with the Supreme Court was a result of:

(a) the requirement that all judges must retire at age 70

(b) his belief that the Court was too liberal in its interpretations

(c) the Court’s unwillingness to accept difficult cases

(d) the Court’s opposition to several New Deal programs

A similarity between Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal and Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal is that both:

(a) supported laissez-faire economics

(b) tried to reconcile differences between labor unions and management

(c) helped the unemployed through direct payment to them

(d) expanded the power of the states in relation to the Federal Government

. In the United States, which domestic economic trend accelerated during World War 2?

(a) a decline in the standard of living

(b) a reduction in industrial production

(c) greater opportunities for women

(d) increased unemployment

Deficit spending by the Federal Government as a means of reviving the economy is based on the idea that:

(a) purchasing power will increase and economic growth will be stimulated

(b) only the National Government can operate businesses efficiently

(c) the National Government should turn its revenue over to the states

(d) lower interest rates will encourage investment


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