Winter Solstice

Topical Teaching Resources


Grade Range

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Winter Solstice Topical Teaching Resources

What Does This Pack Include?

This pack has been created by teachers, for teachers. In it you'll find high quality teaching resources to help mark the Winter Solstice, understand its history and why it is celebrated.

To go directly to the content, simply click on the title in the index below:


Pre-K ? Grade 2 Explore what the Winter Solstice is and why it is celebrated.

Grades 3-6


Pre-K ? Grade 2 Discuss whether days are longer in the Summer or Winter.

Grades 3-6 Discuss why the Winter Solstice occurs at a different time of year in Australia.


Other Resources Linking to the Theme

Before deciding what to include in your lesson, check out our online content, which you can use as part of your Winter Solstice celebrations. It's simple to find, just enter the Content ID number in EducationCity's Search tool!


Four Seasons Content ID: 8068


Stay Frosty Content ID: 32627

Learn Screen:

Weather the Storm Content ID: 22392

Know the names and characteristics of the four seasons.

Spell words using the look, cover, spell and check strategy.

Discuss solutions to weather-related hazards.

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WFacitnStheeert Solstice

WiFnatcetrSshoeelsttice is the first official day of winter. WIt ihnateprpseonlsstoicne Disectheme bfierrst2o1fsfticoiarl 2d2anyd.of winter. WIt ihnateprpseonlsstoicne Disectheme bfierrst2o1fsfticoiarl 2d2anyd.of winter. Solstice means "standing still Sun." IStohlsatipcpeemnseaonnsD"estcaenmdbinerg 2s1tisllt Sourn2."2nd. In ancient times, people were afraid that the Sun's light would not return unless they kept SIwnoalatsctnihcceiaennmtdetahimnasdes"a,stpcaeenoldepbilnergawtsioetirnlel fSaoufrrnat.h"ide tshoalsttitchee. Sun's light would not return unless they kept watch and had a celebration for the solstice. IWninatnecriesnotlstimceesis, ptheeopslheowrterset daafryaiodf tthhaet ytehaer.SuTnh'is liisghbtecwaouuseldEnaorthr'estNuronrtuhnPleoslse tlheaeynskept wWfaairnthctehersatsnoadlwsthaicayedfirsaomtcheeltehsbehroaSrtutionesnot fndoarthytahotefdstaohyles.tyiMceeoa.srt. Tohf itshies Ube.Sc.auwsiell Egaerttho'nslyNaobrtohuPt o9l.e5lehaonusrs of fsaurntlhigehstt.aIwnaFyaifrrboamnktsh,eASlausnkao,ntthhearet daarey.oMnloystaboofutthe3.U75.S.howuilrlsgoeft sounnlyligahbt!out 9.5 hours of Wsuinnltigerhts.oIlnstiFcaeirisbatnhkess,hAolratseksat ,dtahyeroefatrheeoynelayr.abTohuist i3s .b7e5cahuosuersEoafrtshu'snlNigohrtt!h Pole leans farthest away from the Sun on that day. Most of the U.S. will get only about 9.5 hours of

sunlight. In Fairbanks, Alaska, there are onlyEaaborutth3A.75xihsours of sunlight! Earth Axis Earth Axis

Equator Equator Equator

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WFacitnStheeert Solstice


is is

the the

first first

official official

day day

of of

winter. winter.

WIt ihnateprpseonlsstoicne Disectheme bfierrst2o1fsfticoiarl 2d2anyd.of winter. It happens on December 21st or 22nd.

WIStoihlnsatteipcrpeseconolssmtoiecnse DfisreoctmhemetbwfierorstL2oa1ftsfitnicoiwarlo2dr2dansy--d.o"fswoli,n"tewr.hich means Sun, and "sistere," which means IStoStootoonhllccsstaaatthiipuuccepeessheeecconoottrsoommizossoeenttnssaaDnnffarrddeootcmmmiiennmittdppbwwdlleaaooarccyeeLL2...aa1ttTTsiithhnneeowwrwwoo2iirrnn2ddttnssee----drr.ss""oosslloossttll,,ii""cceewwiisshhiittcchhhheemmddeeaaaayynnwwss hhSSeeuunnnn,,tthhaaeennddSSuu""nnssiissiisstteeaarreett,,""iittsswwlloohhwwiicchheessttmmppeeooaaiinnnnsstt toon ctahuesheotroizsotnanadt minidpdlaacye.. The winter solstice is the day when the Sun is at its lowest point StooIIwIwonnnonnaalcaaattsttccathhnnnihhuceecccesiiiaaeeehhennnnncoootttddrromiitttzzhhiiisoommmeaatnnsaddeeenfsssaaraa,,,dottpppmccmmieeeneeoooiilltddeepppwbbddlllaeeerroaaaacyywwwettL..ii.aooeeetTrrrnnieeehnffeaaaoowfffrrwrrroaaattirnhhiiiddddteese--tttrsshhhoosaaa"llosstttsttlosiitttcctlhhh,eei"eeec..eSSSwiuuushnnnitc'''hssshellliiimgggdhhheaatttynwwwwsooohSuuueulllndddn,tnnnhaoooentttdSrrrueee"tttnsuuuisrrrisnnntearuuuetnnn,"illlteeesssswssslohtttwihhhceeehyyystmkkkpeeeeoapppintttnst

IwwWWfWfaanaaiiirrnnnatttthhcctttneeehheecrrrssiaaettsssnnnoooaatddlllwwssstttthhaaiiiimcccaayyeeeddeffsiiirrsssaa,oommptttcchhheeeeeeolltteehhpsssbbeelhhherroooaaSSwrrrttuutttiioonneeeersssnneoottt ffnndddaooaaafrrttrhhyyyattaahhiooodtteefffddtssttthaaoohhhayylleeesst..ttyyyiitcceeeheeaaae..rrr...SuTTTnhhh'iiissss

liiissghbbteeccwaaouuusseeldEEnaaorrttthhr''esstNNuroonrrttuhhnPPleoosllsee is because Earth's North Pole

tiihssettyiillttkeeeddpt is tilted

WffIIsaIsaannnoobirrllonsstttthhhtthutiieeeeetccrssee3wwwtt,,s.o7iiiaammnnnl5wwstttooteeeaasshirrrcttyyo,,,eooutttffihhhffrrrsooseeett!mmthhhdddeeeaaattUUyyyhhsssseeh..SSofffSS..eeeruuggeeetnnellleesttsssootsshhhnndoooaaarrrbbttttthhyooeeeaauurrrottttfbbbdd99eeetaahccc..55yyaaae..uuuhhysssooeeeuuawwwrrrss.eeeTooggghffeeeissstttuuilllnnseeellsssiibggsssehhssscttuuua..nnnuFFlllsiiiaagggeiihhhrrEbbttta...aarnnOOOtkkhnnnss's,,ttthhhAANeeelloaadddrsstaaakkhaayyy,,Pooooooffflnnetttllhhhyyiseeeggtwwweeiltttiiissnnnedttteeerrr saoblostuitce3,.7m5oshtooufrst!he U.S. gets about 9.5 hours of sunlight. Fairbanks, Alaska, only gets

Isanoblosthtuietce3w,.7imn5toeshrto, outhfrset!hdeaUys.Sf.egeletsshoarbtoeur tb9ec.5auhsoeuwrsEEeaaogfrrettshhtulnAAelsixxgsiihssstu.nFliagihrbt.anOkns,thAeladsakay,oofntlhyegwetisnter

about 3.75 hours!

Earth Axis

Arctic Circle Arctic Circle

Earth Axis

Arctic Circle

Sun SRuanysSRuSanuynsRaRyasys

ArctiEEcqqCuuaairttcoolerr AAnnttaarrccttiiEccqCCuaiirrtccolleer


Although the winter solstice is the shortest and darkest day of the year, it is not the

cAoltldhoesutg. hBethcaeuwseinittertaskoelsstsicoemies tthimeeshfoorrtEeastrtahn'sdsduarfrakceesttodacyoAoonlf tatahftreecrtyiaecabCrs,oirirctbliiens gnotht ethseummer

AScoultlndh,oemsutg.ohsBtethocaef utwsheienitUte.rtSa.skodelosstesisconem'tiessttehiemeietsshfoocorrtlEedasetrsttahnd'sdaysduuarfnraktceilesJttaodnaucyoaoroylf.athfteeryaeabrs,oirtbiins gnotht ethseummer cSoulnd,emst.osBteocaf utshee iUt .tSa.kdeos essonm'testeiemietsfocor lEdaerstthd'saysuurfnatcileJtaonucoaoryl .after absorbing the summer ASultnh,omugohstthoef twhientUe.rS.sodlosteiscne'tissteheeitsshocortledsetstanddayduanrkteilsJtadnauyaroyf. the year, it is not the coldest. Because it takes some time for Earth's surface to cool after absorbing the summer

Sun, most of the U.S. doesn't see its coldest day until January.

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iiilliiItsS.? I iiilliiItsS.? I

iii cationci,y iii cationci,y

iii iiilliiItsS.?AIArree

the the

days days

longer longer

in in

summer summer

or or

winter ? cationci,y winter?

Are the days longer in summer or winter?

Winter Solstice / Topical / Question Winter Solstice / Topical / Question

Winter Solstice / Topical / Question

? EducationC

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? EducationC

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? EducationC

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iiilliiItsS.? I

iiilliiItsS.? I

iii cationci,y iii cationci,y

iii iiilliiItAslS.?lIAdraeysthlaestda2y4sholounrsg,ebruitnthseurme mis emroorre wdaiynltigerh ?t icnationci,y

Athree stuhmemdeary, ssolothnegedrayinligshutmhomuerrs olarstwtoinntgeerr?.

Can you think of any other differences

Winter Solstice / Topical / Question

between the two seasons?

? EducationC

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Winter Solstice / Topical / Answer

Winter Solstice / Topical / Question


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? EducationC

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i itll1ilts.f,l

\ui Edl}cationC\!Y

i itll1ilts.f,l

\ui Edl}cationC\!Y

iitll1iltsW.f,lhy is the winter solstice in Australia o\uni Edl}cationC\!Y

Why Why

iissJJuutthhnneeee ww2211iinnsstttt??eerrTTsshhooaalltt''ssssttiissccuueemmiimmnneeAArr!!uussttrraalliiaa

on on

June 21st? That's summer!

Winter Solstice / Topical / Question Winter Solstice / Topical / Question Winter Solstice / Topical / Question


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iii\ui Edl}ccaattiioonnCc\i,!Yy

iitll1iltsW S.fe,alhsyonsisartehceauwsedinbteecarusseoElasrttihcmeoivnesAaruosutnrdatlhieaSuo\nunioEndal}cationC\!Y

tiW ltedhiymaigsJinutahonrfyeeEaawx2ris1tih.ns,Ttths?eoertTUhs.heSoia.r ltas'snestadisscAouneumsstimarnareeliAaro!puaprseotsoritnae.loipapoosinte sides

June 21st? That's summer!

Why is winter solstice called the shortest day of the year?

Winter Solstice / Topical / Question Winter Solstice / Topical / Answer

Winter Solstice / Topical / Question

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