Informative Speech-Intercultural Dyad Presentation

Informative Speech-Intercultural Dyad Presentation

Purpose: to explore human communication concepts in relationship to diversity and cultural influences, then give an oral presentation informing your audience on your findings and how they relate to concepts of human communication.

Requirements: You and a partner will interview at least two different people from different cultures. You will ask them various questions that will help you understand how their culture influences their communication. For example you may ask about their holidays, customs, family lifestyles, dating rules, etc. After your interviews, you and your partner will create a 10-minute interesting presentation comparing and contrasting the two distinct cultures that contains the following:

1. Type a 1-2 page outline of your presentation containing an introduction, body and conclusion. You only need one outline for the presentation. In the outline you must indicate where each speaker will be presenting within the overall presentation. You should have a bibliography and grading rubric attached citations in proper APA format. The outline should be turned in as you walk up to perform your presentation.

2. During your presentation you should address at least 4 human communication concepts by defining them with proper citations, and discussing how they differ in the cultures you examined.

3. During the presentation you must identify the culture and what defines it as a distinct culture.

4. You should have at least one visual aid that is easy to see, colorful, interesting to look at, and enhances your presentation to the class. You should both interact with the visuals at some point in your presentation.

5. You must use at least 4 oral sources in your presentation citing them in an appropriate manner. The sources must be cited in APA format on your outline. The sources could be from the textbook, or the people you interviewed, etc.

6. Your outline should be in correct form, complete and well-developed including a bibliography; grading rubric attached.

7. Each presenter should speak about 5 minutes each for a total of 10 minutes for your presentation.

Grading Rubric-Informative Speech-Intercultural Interview Presentation

Name _________________________________________

| |Outstanding Effort! |Adequate, but not |Misses the mark or needs |Missing or significantly|

| |Well-done. |outstanding- |improvement. |incomplete. |

| |20 points |16-19 points |12-15 points |0-11 points |

|Introduction | | | | |

|Got audience attention; created a context | | | | |

|for the topic; created a need to know; | | | | |

|previewed material, built a relationship | | | | |

|with the audience. | | | | |

|Body | | | | |

|Explores diversity in two different | | | | |

|cultures and discusses concepts, using at | | | | |

|least 4 communication terms. Presentation| | | | |

|describes how culture affects | | | | |

|communication. Communication terms are | | | | |

|clearly defined as part of the | | | | |

|presentation. | | | | |

|Conclusion | | | | |

|Signaled end of speech; connected with | | | | |

|introduction; summarized and reinforced | | | | |

|key idea; dynamic, clever or “clincher” | | | | |

|ending. | | | | |

|Delivery | | | | |

|Direct and inclusive eye contact; voice | | | | |

|qualities audible and useful intonations; | | | | |

|appropriate gestures; visual aids were | | | | |

|well designed and used to enhance the | | | | |

|demonstration with interaction. | | | | |

|Assignment Requirements | | | | |

|Met 4-5 minutes speaking time requirement;| | | | |

|cited 4 oral sources appropriately and | | | | |

|naturally somewhere in the body of the | | | | |

|speech; outline was in correct form, | | | | |

|complete and well developed; grading | | | | |

|rubric attached. | | | | |

Comments: Points: ___________________

(out of 100


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