Korea and Japan

Korea and Japan

Chapters 17, 18, and 19

Hutchinson/Barrett/ Sandt/Finizio

Name: ______________________________________

Korea (Chapter 17)

Geographical Setting

• Peninsula between China and Japan

• Cultural bridge between China and Japan

• Two major landforms: 1. ________________ 2. _________________

• Has a 6,000 mile coastline

• Temperate climate = hot summers, cold winters.

• South Korea has more farmable land because it has fewer _________________________________.

• Mountains in North Korea have lots of mineral resources

• Homogeneous Society: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Dynamics of Change

• Korea absorbed many Chinese traditions, but at the same time, kept their own identity.

• Ideas of Buddhism, Confucianism, and Chinese written script were borrowed.

• How did the Chinese culture spread? (p378) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Three Powerful Dynasties

1. Silla (668-918)

• Golden Age

• Lots of trade

• Buddhist beliefs influenced architecture, sculpture, and literature.

2. Koryo (918-1392)

• Civil service exams- only sons of aristocrats were allowed to take the exam.

• What religion influenced this dynasty?____________________________________________.

• Religious writing increased, used wooden blocks for printing.

3. Choson (1392 – 1910)

• Yi family rule

• _________________________________ replaced Buddhism

• Relationships with any other country besides China were discouraged.

• Korea became known as “Hermit Kingdom”.

Invasions and Isolation

• 1592 Japan attacks Korea. Korea spends 6 years fighting them off.

• What are “Turtle Boats”: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• China helps Korea and finally defeats Japan, but greatly weakens Korea.

• Isolationism: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Korea closes its ports for almost 200 years!

• Mid 1800’s the west wanted Korea to open its ports.

• China forced Korea to sign unequal treaties.

• 1905 Japan wins control over Korea, overthrew the Chosen dynasty.

• Japan annexed Korea: What does this mean? _________________________________________________________

• Japan forced Korea to build factories, roads, and railroads. Encouraged education and improved farming methods.

• Korean Nationalism: (pg. 380) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Nationalism in Korea

• Korea resented Japan

• In 1919 Koreans held a peaceful demonstration, but the Japanese responded by killing 2,000 Koreans.

War in Korea

• Korea was split into a communist and non-communist faction at the 38th Parallel in 1945.

• The Soviet Union supported the Communist North, and USA supported non-communist South.

• In 1950, N. Korea invaded S. Korea to try to reunite the country. This began the Korean War.

• 1953, the war ended in a stalemate and both North and South called an ________________________________________.

South Korea Today

• Authoritarian rule and free market government

• Value hard work, discipline, and organization

• Most marriages are still arranged with the couple’s consent

North Korea Today

• Closed society under communist dictatorship.

• Complete obedience to the man they call “Great Leader”.

Japan (Chapters 18 and 19)

18.1 People and Places








Inland Sea

Kanto Plain

A Chain of Islands

• The seas protected Japan from invaders.

• The Inland Sea served as a major highway between islands.

• Japan lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire which causes many earthquakes and volcanic actions.

Landforms and Climate

• Japan has 125 million people and its size is equivalent to state of Montana.

• Four-fifth of the island if mountainous making the Kanto Plain (fertile lowland areas) very densely populated.

• The climate is very similar to the east coast of the United States but the warm ocean current makes the summers not as not and winters not as cold.

• Japan’s major crop is ________________________________ and in most areas farmers harvest two crops a year.

• Japan uses high technology to develop high-yield type of rice.

Limited Mineral Resources

• Japan has few mineral resources and as Japan industrialized, it needed to import many raw materials. As a result, Japan became dependent on the world trade.

• Japan imports all of its oil from the Middle East.

People of Japan

• Japan is a homogenous society—people speak the same language and share the same culture.

• Because of the location, Japanese had a sense of its own separate, special identity. This encouraged ethnocentrism. What is ethnocentrism? _______________________________________________

• Japanese people make a distinction between themselves and the foreigners.

• They discriminated against the Ainu and Burakumin.

18.2 Early History






Heian Court







Tokukawa Ieyasu

Early Japanese Society

• Japanese society was organized into clans. Define Clans: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• By 400 A.D. several clans formed a union and settled in the district called Yamato.

• The Tenno clan led the union of the clans. In time, the Tenno set up Japan’s first and only ruling dynasty. Present emperor traces his descent to the Tenno clan.

Adapting Chinese Patterns

• During the 500’s, Korea introduced Buddhism and Chinese culture to Japan.

• Korea also introduced Chinese script which became Japan’s first written language.

• In 607, Prince Shotoku of the imperial family sent a group of Japanese nobles to China.

• Japanese modeled their government on Chinese ideas.

• Japanese scholars studied Confucian and Daoist philosophies.

• Peasants learned to use Chinese tools and farming methods

• Absorbed Chinese ideas about music, dance, sculpture, and architecture.

• Emperor built a capital city at _________________________________.

• Japanese discarded the Chinese civil service system and never accepted the idea of the Mandate of Heaven.

• They did not change dynasties—emperor was a divine figure.

• Accepted Buddhism, but they dept their traditional beliefs as well.

Heian Court

• In 794, the emperor moved his court to Heian, present-day Kyoto. There they blended Chinese and Japanese ideas, creating a rich new culture.

• Major achievement was development of ___________________________, a set of written symbols that represent syllables.

• By 800’s, great court families controlled Japan. Fujiwara family had a great control over the land and ruled Japan for over 200 years

Japanese Feudalism

• During 1100’s, Strong warrior families challenged the power of the Heian Court. The Samurais, or the warrior knights, waged fierce battles for control of the land.

• As a result of the struggle was the development of the feudalism.

• Define feudalism: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

• In 1192, Yoritomo had emerged as the strongest military figure in Japan. The emperor gave him the title of “Shogun”, or the chief General of the Army.

• By 1400’s Japan was in a constant state of war between the samurai lords.

Achieving Unity

• During 1500’s, ____________________________ brought Japan under his control and build a foundation for united Japan.

• Under the centralized feudalism, Tokugawa Ieyasu claimed the title of shogun and created a peaceful, orderly society which lasted until 1868.

• He brought the great samurai, now called “daimyo” under their control.

• Centralized feudalism brought economic and social changes—growth of cities, improvement in roads, new markets, money- economy developed, expanded trade.

An Isolated Nation

• In 1639, the shogun closed Japan to the world. Foreigners were forbidden to enter the country. Japan practiced isolation for 200 years but in 1800’s United States and the industrialized nations of Europe had begun to pressure Japan to open its ports.

18.3 Japanese Tradition






Religious Traditions

• Shinto and Buddhism have influenced the beliefs and practices of the Japanese.

• ______________________________ is belief in spirits that control natural world and natural forces.

• Buddhism divided into many sectors. Commoners believed that anyone can enter the paradise where Samurais practiced Zen Buddhism

• Define Zen Buddhism: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


• Confucian traditions guided Japanese family life.

• Marriages were family alliances, not love matches.

Feudal Tradition

• _____________________, “the way of the warrior” was developed by the samurai. It emphasized bravery, self-discipline, loyalty, and honor.

• ______________________ is a ritual suicide performed when a samurai dishonors his lord or the family.

18.4 Japan Becomes a World Power

Treaty of Kanagawa

Meiji restoration





An End to Isolation

• Mid-1800’s, western countries forced Japan to end the policy of isolation.

• Japan had to sign _________________________ with the United States and other nations.

• In 1868, reform-minded samurai re-established the emperor as the rightful ruler of the country. This reign is called Meiji.

• During the Meiji restoration, Japan sent many Japanese abroad to study western government, industry and military organizations.

Meiji Restoration

• 1868 rebels forced shogun to step down

• Samurai reformers wanted to put Japan on course for modernization

• Had to modernize to keep up with the West.

• Wanted to create a strong central government

• Had to learn new technologies

Government under the Meiji

• Wanted to create a strong central government.

• Reformers wrote a constitution.

• Created a two-house ______________________, parliament modeled on the German system.

• Created a court and legal system and abolished torture.

• Set up departments within the government: education, finance, etc.

Economic Modernization

• Meiji also worked to modernize Japan’s economy and to learn new technology.

• To raise money for the industrialization, the government taxed peasants and borrowed from the merchants.

• By the late 1800’s, large family organizations known as _______________________________________controlled majority of the economy.

Social Changes

• Meiji reformers believed that modernization should include social changes.

• Abolished _______________________ classes and made everyone equal before the law.

• All men, not just the Samurai had to serve in the military.

• With the industrialization, millions of people moves from the rural areas to city.

• Many women started to work outside their homes.

• The government required all children to attend elementary school.

• New political parties were formed and made moves toward democracy.

Japanese Expansion in Asia

• By 1900, Japan had become a modern industrial nation and these changes enabled them to negotiate with western nations.

• In 1895, Japan defeated China and gained control of Korea, Taiwan.

• In 1904-1905, Japan fought Russia and won. Russia had to leave Korea and gave Japan a foothold in Manchuria.

• With the expansion, Japan sought equal political standing with western powers. Japan also gained scarce raw materials for its industries.

Growth of Extreme Nationalism

• During the 1920’s, Japan benefited from years of peace and prosperity until 1929 when the Great Depression began.

• Poor economy led to domestic unrest and extremist attracted a large following.

• Japan gradually became military dictatorship in 1930’s.

• New leaders promoted militarism, the glorification of the military and readiness for war.

The War in the Pacific

• Japan launched a major drive into China in 1937.

• In 1940, Japan joined the alliance, called Axis, and the World War II.

• On December 7, 1941, Japanese bombed _________________________________________________________________.

• After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the United States Joined the World War and the Allies.

• After the defeat of Germany and Italy, Japan’s military leaders refused to surrender. United States used atomic bomb on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. August 14, 1945, Japan surrendered.


• Axis: Japan, Germany, Italy

• Allies: Britain, France, Soviet Union, United States

• December 7th, 1941 Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor

• Japan refused to surrender: “Death Before Dishonor”

• Kamikaze attacks and Bonzai attacks

• August 6th, 1945 USA dropped Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima. Japan didn’t respond for 3 days.

• Three days later dropped Atomic Bomb on Nagasaki

• Japan finally surrendered

Japan Today

• Democratic

• Arranged marriages are less common

• Family remains center of Japanese life

• Define Juku: _______________________________________________________

• Since the 70’s, leading producer of TV’s, radios, VCR’s, CD’s, and stereo equipment

• Largest producer of automobiles

• Define Pacifism: __________________________________________________________________

• During the 1980’s and 1990’s, Trade Imbalance occurred because Japan exported more goods than they were receiving imports.

• Japan has close ties with China, USA, and South Korea

• Worry about North Korea’s missiles and nuclear weapons.

• Japan strengthening ties with Russia and Southeast Asia

Literature and the Arts

• How did China influence Japan in the Arts? __________________________________________________________________

• How has Zen Buddhism influenced Japanese traditions? __________________________________________________________________

• Define Haiku: __________________________________________________________________

• Kabuki: Exciting and colorful drama that portrays themes of love and revenge.

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