Transparency Worksheet How the Tilt of Earth’s Axis ...




Transparency Worksheet

How the Tilt of Earth's Axis Affects Seasons

1. Toward what does Earth's axis point as it revolves around the sun?

2. At what angle is Earth's axis tilted?

3. Which hemisphere is closer to the sun during the winter and farther from the sun during the summer?

4. What season would it be in the month of December in Australia?

5. Do the seasons and the position of Earth's axis affect the amount of daylight each day near the equator? Explain your answer.

Copyright ? by Holt McDougal. All rights reserved. Holt McDougal Earth Science

Studying Space

Studying Space

How the Tilt of Earth's Axis Affects Seasons



Copyright ? by Holt McDougal. All rights reserved.

Sun To North Star

23.5? North

Earth's orbit



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