HEADING 1 - TW Cen MT Condensed (18 pt)

Math-in-CTE Lesson Plan Template

|Lesson Title: Recipe Scaling |Lesson # 6 |

|Author(s): |Phone Number(s): |E-mail Address(es): |

|Alan Joynson |503-812-1546 |ajoynson@nwresd.k12.or.us |

|Paul Dias |503-8012-5605 |pauld@tillamook.k12.or.us |

|Occupational Area: Culinary Arts |

|CTE Concept(s): Recipe Scaling |

|Math Concepts: Ratios, Proportions, Rate |

|Lesson Objective: |How to scale a recipe to a different number of portions |

|Supplies Needed: |Handouts, white board and markers, Powerpoint presentation |

|The "7 Elements" |Teacher Notes |

| |(and answer key) |

|Introduce the CTE lesson. |Handout worksheets. |

|It is common in the kitchen to scale recipes to meet the needs of parties |Start PowerPoint Presentation |

|of different sizes, and in doing maintaining the correct proportions of |Show picture of catering event, then picture of failed cake. |

|the ingredients so that the recipe will come out with the same physical |Talk about the importance of maintain the proportions of the |

|properties and flavor profiles as the original recipe. The concepts of |ingredients or else . . . |

|Ratios and Proportions will be used to maintain original recipe profile |The use of Ratios & Proportions will be needed |

|Assess students’ math awareness as it relates to the CTE lesson. |Ask students how many: |

|Review with the students of the learning of: |Ounces in a pound, Tablespoons per cup, cups in a quart |

|Measuring units. |Convert the following to fractions: |

|Conversion of unit to largest applicable unit. |0.25, 0.125, 0.375 (= ½ 1/8 3/8) |

|Conversion from a fraction to decimal and decimal to fraction. |Convert the following fractions to decimals: |

|Vocabulary of Rates, Ratios & Proportions |3/4 , 5/8, ½ (0.75, 0.625, 0.5) |

| |Rate- compares two quantities of different units by division. |

| |Ratio – compares two quantities of the same unit by division. |

| |A Proportion occurs when two rates or ratios are equal. |

| |Have some students give some examples of ratios, or proportions |

|3. Work through the math example embedded in the CTE lesson. |If you are “doubling” a recipe how would you adjust these |

|Rate- compares two quantities of different units by division. |ingredients, or halving, how would like look on paper? |

|Ratio – compares two quantities of the same unit by division. |Ratio - 20 portions to 5 portions gives a ratio of 20:5 = 4 |

|A Proportion occurs when two rates or ratios are equal. |Conversion Factor – the “4” from the above example is a conversion |

|A conversion Factor is a ratio that is applied to multiply ingredient |factor that is now multiplied by each ingredient in order to maintain|

|recipes as the proportion of each ingredient will be the same for each. |the same proportion between the new and the old recipes |

|5. Work through traditional math examples. |Example 1: Original Recipe has a yield of 6 ptns., the new recipe |

|Example 1: Explain Ratios and Cross Product Property to arrive at Ratio |needs to have a yield of 25 ptns. One ingredient in the recipe is: |

| |Flour 1 ½ oz: |

| |[pic] = [pic] |

| |Then use the Cross Product Property: |

| |[pic]= [pic] , then ad = bc |

| |then: [pic] = [pic] -> : [pic] = [pic] |

| |6x = (25 ∙ 1 ½) |

| |6x = 37.5 oz |

| |x = 6.25 or 6 ¼ oz |

|4. Work through related, contextual math-in-CTE examples. |Example 2: Original Recipe has a yield of 4 ptns., the new recipe |

|Example 2: Introduce Ratio and relation to Conversion Factor as a labor |needs to have a yield of 18 ptns. Then find the Conversion Factor: |

|saving shortcut to the concept learned in the first Example. |[pic] Conversion Factor = [pic] = [pic] = 4.5 |

| |Now multiply each of the ingredients in the recipe by the Conversion |

| |Factor (4.5): |

| |Old recipe: Water 2 ¾ cups |

| |2 ¾ (2.75) cups ∙ 4.5 = 12.375 cups = 12 3/8 New recipe: Water 12 3/8|

| |cups or ≈ 3 Qts. + 3/8 cup |

|Answers to example in PowerPoint: |

|Ingredients: Old Qty: CF: New Qty: |

|Flour 2 cups x 2.5 = 5 cups |

|Water 8 floz. x 2.5 = 20 floz. ->1 pt. + 1/2 cup |

|Egg 4 each x 2.5 = 10 each |

|Baking Powder 1 tsp. x 2.5 = 2 ½ tsp. |

|Cinnamon 2 tsp. x 2.5 = 5 tsp. -> 1 Tbs. + 2 tsp. |

|6. Students demonstrate their understanding. |

|Now the student can do the exercises on the handouts, look at them at home, hand them in tomorrow, any questions can be address via e-mail or in|

|class in tomorrow. |

|Recipe Scaling Exercise |

|7. Formal assessment. |

|There will be a quiz on this subject at the end of the week, ensure you talk to me before then if you have any questions or need any |

|clarifications. Also, we have several catering jobs coming up where recipes will need to be scaled and your skills can be demonstrated. |



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