Final Exam Review

YELLOW Final Exam II Review – Chapter 10, 12 thru 18 & 20

1. Which party dominated Texas politics in the 1840s and 1850s ? Democratic

2. Identify the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo:

US gives Mexico $15 million for the lands taken during the Mexican American War, including Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Arizona, California – know as the Mexican Sessions

3. Define manifest destiny:

4. Define Judiciary branch:

5. Define Legislative branch

6. Define Executive Branch:

7. Identify the Compromise of 1850:

Texas land exchanged for $10 million, Western border, Help eliminate Texas DEBT

8. What was the major issue for the governors of Texas until it was settled in the 1850s ? DEBT

9. Where did Mexico say the southern border of Texas lay before the Mexican War ? Nueces River

10. What documents influenced the Texas State Constitution ? US, Louisiana, & Tennessee Constitutions

11. Why did Texans have to write a new constitution in 1845 ? To become a United States STATE

12. Define cession:

13. What three issues did Elisha Pease focus on while governor ?

1. railroads built in the state 2. build government buildings

3. provide money for public schools

14. Identify Jose Antonio Navarro: Tejano that helped write the state constitution

15. Define veto:

16. About how large was the population of Texas in 1860 ? 600,000

17. Which battle of the Mexican War was fought north of the Rio Grande ? Palo Alto

18. Who was the 1st elected governor of the state of Texas ? James Pinckney Henderson

19. Define popular sovereignty:

20. Who were the 3 Tejanos that signed the Texas Declaration of Independence:

1. Navarro 2. Ruiz 3. deZavala

21. What are the “black codes ?”

1. banned from serving on jury duty

2. no idlers, forced blacks to have a job or jail-time

3.prevented black men from being elected to public office

22. Why was Sam Houston removed from office as governor ?

he refused to pledge loyalty to the Confederacy & He did not support session

23. Describe the economy of Texas at the end of Reconstruction.

Strong with the 3 big cash-crops of Corn, Wheat, & Cotton

24. Why did average Texans suffer shortages of goods during the Civil War ? the Union Navy’s blockade

which eliminated products from come-in or going-out of Texas

25. What was the chief product made using the labor of slaves ? cotton

26. List the important features (2or3) of the Constitution of 1876: limited the power of the Governor, set

limit on amount of debt, set term lengths for elected officials

27. What did blockade runners do ? they illegally carried ‘supplies’ in and out of Texas for high profits

28. What was the purpose of the Kansas-Nebraska Act ? to allow residents to vote on the issue of slavery

29. List four (4) things done by the Freedmen’s Bureau:

1. provide food 2. Provide health care 3. Help find jobs 4. Set up schools

30. Why were settlers attracted to West Texas in the late 1800s ? easy availability of land

31. What types of people became cowboys ?

1. Anglo, African American, Tejanos, Mexican, Females

2. young in their twenties 3. small framed

32. Identify the Texas longhorn:

33. Which group objected to the fencing in of ranch lands ? cattle owners that had no land

34. What were Buffalo Soldiers ? freed African American soldiers

35. What put an end to the fence-cutting wars ? fierce Texas Rangers & law making it a FELONY

36. How did barbed wire change the cattle industry ?

fenced in the open range bringing the cattle drive ERA to an end

37. How did the price of cattle back East compare to the price in Texas, after the Civil War ?

about 10x’s $4 v. $40

38. Why were the Rangers weaker during the Civil War ?

The best fighters joined the Confederate Army

39. What did a settler have to do to obtain a homestead in Texas ? live on land 3 years

40. How did people show that they owned particular animals in the days of the open range ? branding

41. Why did Southern Plantation owners use tenant farmers ?

1. they had little money to pay workers

2. they wanted to keep control of the land

3. newly freed African Americans could not afford to buy their own land

42. List three reasons for the end of cattle drives:

1. railroad lines were built to reach Texas

2. some states Banned Texas cattle from passing thru their state

Why ? Texas Tick Disease

3. open range was ‘fenced’ in

43. Where were most of the investors that built large cattle ranches in West Texas from ?

Eastern States and Great Britain

44. What types of things are addressed in the Texas Bill of Rights, Article 1?

Rights of Texan citizens – freedom of worship, speech, press, peaceful assembly, unreasonable search and seizure, makes all people equal under the law, lists rights of crime victims

45. What problems of the 1880s and 1890s caused many Texas farmers to lose their farms ?

depression and drought

46. Define the cotton gin:

46. What was the 1ST most important crop in Texas in the late 1800s ? 1. Corn 2. Cotton 3. Wheat

47. How did railroads change trade in Texas ?

1. trade became more long distant

2. more choices of product brought into Texas

3. expansion of population West

48. What powers does the Legislative branch have over the Executive ?

1. write laws, writes the check

2. impeachment process, must approval appointments

3. over-ride veto

49. What caused the sheep industry in Texas to boom ? northern textile mills demand for wool

50. What industry came to Fort Worth in the early 1900s ? meatpacking

51. Define commercial agriculture:

52. List three problems in the ‘new’ Texas cities in the late 1800s:

1. crime 2. Overcrowding 3. Poor health conditions

53. Which railroad linked Texas to the Pacific coast ? Southern Pacific

54. Identify the Jim Crow laws:

55. What officials head the House and Senate of Texas ? House-Speaker , Senate-Lieutenant Governor

56. Why did many Chinese first come to America ? Gold Rush in California

Why did many Chinese first come to Texas ? Building the Trans-Continental railroad

57. The primary job, outside the home, for women between 1850-1910 was what: Teacher

58. Why did towns and counties want to attract railroads ?

without a railroad, the towns’ ECONOMY would suffer

59. List three objections that farmers had against ‘Monopoly’ railroads:

1. charged HIGH rates to ship goods

2. acted corruptly with political leaders

3. received large and unfair land grants from the government

60. Which courts are the main trial courts in the state ? District Courts

61. How many people on a jury are needed to decide that a person is guilty in a criminal case ? ALL

62. What percentage of farmers in Texas in the 1930s were tenant farmers ? 3 out of 5 60%

63. What countries was the U.S. fighting against in WWI ? Germany and Austria-Hungry

64. Four things about Spindletop:

1. began oil-boom in Texas 2. 1901

3. Beaumont 4. Cheap Gasoline boosted Automobile Industry

65. Why did Texas farmers suffer in the late 1920s ? Over-Production of crops

66. Identify the Zimmermann Note: Germany’s request that Mexico join the Central Powers with a promise of regaining lands lost to USA

67. What did the leaders of Galveston do to prevent suffering again from another hurricane ?

1. built a seawall 2. Raised the level of the city

68. What Texas city was/is known as a multicultural center ? San Antonio

69. List examples of prejudice that arose during and after WWI: 16.3- 16.5

1. growing membership in the KKK

2. women not having the vote

3. farmers being targeted not to get to vote (vote time was during farmers work day)

4. German Texans loyalties questioned

70. What new form of government resulted from the effort to rebuild Galveston ? Commissioner Form

71. What features of popular culture became important in the 1920s ?

1. radios 2. Silent movies 3. college sports

72. What were some of the criticisms of the New Deal ? made the government too powerful

73. What region of Texas was hurt by the Dust Bowl ? Great Plains - Panhandle

74. How did the uneven distribution of wealth contribute to the Great Depression ?

1. small percentage of the very wealthy would not support programs for poor

2. most Americans did not have money to spend which caused companies to close which caused

business owners to lay-off employees

75. Identify Avenger Field: military base that trained women to test-pilot warplanes

76. Which Texan served as Roosevelt’s vice president and then worked against the New Deal ?

John Nance Garner

77. What factors contributed to the Dust Bowl ?

1. severe weather, very hot and very high winds

2. poor choices in farming techniques – over-plowed and too much plowing

3. new technology the Tractor

78. What did women army pilots do during WWII ?

1. tested airplanes 2. trained as Army pilots

79. What was the New Deal ? Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s plan to end the Great Depression

80. What caused the Depression to begin to hurt the people of Texas ?

1. falling oil prices 2. Falling cotton prices

81. Which industry became the most important in Texas during WWII ? petroleum

82. What was the effect of the New Deal ?

1. New Jobs 2. Quickly ended the Depression

3. Hope 4. New things built for us (bridges, dams, highways, schools, etc)

83. Which official heads the County Commissioner’s court ? County Judge

84. List three causes of the Great Depression:

1. foreign trade slowed down (they were not buying our products)

2. falling crop prices (farmers had less money to pay back debt to banks)

3. uneven spread of wealth (very few Americans had the large majority of money)

85. Identify the Sunset Act:

86. Which candidate first attracted Texans to the Republican Party ? Dwight D Eisenhower

87. Where did large numbers of Texans move in the 1950s and 1960s ? Suburbs

88. What was the Cold War ? struggle for power between the US and Soviet Union

89. Describe the Smith v. Allwright case: primary voting

90. Define free enterprise:

91. Define suburbs:

92. Which group was founded in 1912 to work for the civil rights of African Americans ?

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People - NAACP

93. What industry, which included Texas Instruments, grew in Texas starting in the 1950s ? electronics

94. Define primary elections:

95. Define communism:

96. Which party gained power in Texas in the 1950s ? Republican

97. Define labor unions:

98. Identify the Comptroller?

99. Identify the Lieutenant Governor:

100. What are the term lengths of our bicameral legislature? Senate 4 years HOR 2 years

101. Define federalism:

103. List three sources of revenue for county governments:

1. sales tax

2. state government

3. property tax

104. Identify the Attorney General:

105. Identify the Commissioner of Agriculture:


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