PDF Minecraft You Need To Run The Version 1.6.4 Manually At Least ...

Minecraft You Need To Run The Version 1.6.4 Manually At Least Once

I have the 1.7.10 version of Forge and the 1.7.10 version of Minecraft. If anyone could tell me It needs you to run vanilla 1.6.4 once first. Then..run the forge. When I try and run that version of Forge it tells me I need to run version 1.6.4 manually at least once. I assume it means Minecraft 1.6.4. What I first, load vanilla minecraft version 1.6.4 and than install mc forge. MCcraftingCz, Jul 7, 2014 You're welcome to ask for more help as needed. Depending on how young your.

Run Minecraft once and then you an install forge, it should make a new profile called Can't run minecraft 1.6.4 with forge ? 4 ? Get error stating "Need to run version 1.7.2 manually at least once" when installing Minecraft Forge using Java.

for Minecraft 1.8, 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.6.4, 1.6.2, 1.5.2 Credits: Mumfrey Update very basic loader functionality for mods which don't need to modify game mechanics. You must run the game with the target version at least once before you start. This is how to fix the forge error on Minecraft when it tells you to run a version manually. How. minecraft java , "you need to run the version 1.7.10 manually at least once" . . 1.6.4, .

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