
[Pages:3]O -> UE

contar (to count) contar (to count) contar (to count) contar (to count) contar (to count) contar (to count)


cuento cuentas cuenta contamos cont?is cuentan

acostar (to put to bed, lay down)

recordar (to remember)

almorzar (to eat lunch)

resolver (to solve)

aprobar (to approve)

rogar (to beg)

colgar (to hang up)

sonar (to sound, ring)

contar (to count, matter)

so?ar (to dream)

costar (to cost)

torcer (to twist, sprain)

demostrar (to demonstrate)

tostar (to toast)

disolver (to dissolve) doler (to hurt)

volar (to fly) volver (to return)

dormir (to sleep)

encontrar (to find)

envolver (to cover, wrap up)

forzar (to force)

interrogar (to interrogate)

llover (to rain)

morder (to bite)

morir (to die)

mostrar (to show)

mover (to move)

oler (to smell)

poblar (to populate)

probar (to prove/test/taste)

promover (to promote)

Copyright 2012 ?

E -> IE

cerrar (to count) cerrar (to count) cerrar (to count) cerrar (to count) cerrar (to count) cerrar (to count)


cierro cierras cierra cerramos cerr?is cierran

abstenerse (to abstain)

extender (to extend, stretch)

acertar (to guess)

fregar (to scrub)

advertir (to warn)

gobernar (to govern)

apretar (to tighten)

hervir (to boil)

ascender (to ascend, promote)

invertir (to invest)

atender (to attend, pay attention)

mentir (to lie)

atravesar (to cross, go through)

negar (to deny)

calentar (to heat up, warm) cerrar (to close, shut)

nevar (to snow) ofender (to offend)

comenzar (to begin)

pensar (to think)

confesar (to confess)

perder (to lose)

consentir (to consent)

preferir (to prefer)

contener (to contain)

querer (to want/wish)

convertir (to convert)

recomendar (to recommend)

defender (to defend)

referir (to refer)

descender (to descend)

sentir (to feel sorry)

despertar (to wake up)

sugerir (to suggest)

detener (to detain)

temblar (to tremble)

divertirse (to have a good time)

tender (to extend, stretch)

empezar (to begin)

tentar (to tempt)

encender (to light)

transferir (to transfer)

entender (to understand)

tropezar (to trip, stumble)

Copyright 2012 ?

E -> I

repetir (to repeat) repetir (to repeat) repetir (to repeat) repetir (to repeat) repetir (to repeat) repetir (to repeat)


repito repites repite repetimos repet?s repiten

bendecir (to bless)

repetir (to repeat)

colegir (to deduce)

seguir (to follow/continue)

competir (to compete)

servir (to serve)

concebir (to conceive,

sonre?r (to smile)


vestir (to dress, get dressed)

conseguir (to obtain, get)

contradecir (to contradict) corregir (to correct)

decir (to say/tell)

despedir (to fire)

desvestir (to undress)

elegir (to elect)

impedir (to impede)

fre?r (to fry)

gemir (to groan/moan)

impedir (to hinder)

maldecir (to curse, cuss)

medir (to measure)

pedir (to request)

re?r (to laugh)

Copyright 2012 ?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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