Shelby County Schools


In 2014, the Shelby County Schools Board of Education adopted a set of ambitious, yet attainable goals for school and student performance. The District is committed to these goals, as further described in our strategic plan, Destination 2025.

By 2025,

● 80% of our students will graduate from high school college or career ready

● 90% of students will graduate on time

● 100% of our students who graduate college or career ready will enroll in a post-secondary opportunity.

In order to achieve these ambitious goals, we must collectively work to provide our students with high-quality, College and Career Ready standards-aligned instruction. Acknowledging the need to develop competence in literacy and language as the foundations for all learning, Shelby County Schools developed the Comprehensive Literacy Improvement Plan (CLIP). The plan ensures a quality balanced literacy approach to instruction that results in high levels of literacy learning for all students and across content areas. Destination 2025, the Comprehensive Literacy Improvement Plan, and TN State Standards establish common goals and expectations for student learning across schools and are the underpinning for the development of the curriculum maps.

Purpose - This curriculum map is meant to help teachers and their support providers (e.g., coaches, leaders) on their path to effective, college and career ready (CCR) aligned instruction and our pursuit of Destination 2025. It is a resource for organizing instruction around the TN State Standards, which define what to teach and what students need to learn at each grade level. The map is designed to reinforce the grade/course-specific standards and content—the major work of the grade (scope)—and provides a suggested sequencing and pacing and time frames, aligned resources—including complex texts, sample questions and tasks, and other planning tools. Our hope is that by curating and organizing a variety of standards-aligned resources, teachers will be able to spend less time wondering what to teach and searching for quality materials (though they may both select from and/or supplement those included here) and have more time to plan, teach, assess, and reflect with colleagues to continuously improve practice and best meet the needs of their students.

The map is meant to support effective planning and instruction to rigorous standards; it is not meant to replace teacher planning or prescribe pacing or instructional practice. In fact, our goal is not to merely “cover the curriculum,” but rather to “uncover” it by developing students’ deep understanding of the content and mastery of the standards. Teachers who are knowledgeable about and intentionally align the learning target (standards and objectives), topic, text(s), task, and needs (and assessment) of the learners are best-positioned to make decisions about how to support student learning toward such mastery. Teachers are therefore expected--with the support of their colleagues, coaches, leaders, and other support providers--to exercise their professional judgement aligned to our shared vision of effective instruction, the Teacher Effectiveness Measure (TEM) and related best practices. However, while the framework allows for flexibility and encourages each teacher/teacher team to make it their own, our expectations for student learning are non-negotiable. We must ensure all of our children have access to rigor—high-quality teaching and learning to grade level specific standards, including purposeful support of literacy and language learning across the content areas.

A standards-based curriculum, performance-based learning and assessments, and high quality instruction are at the heart of the ELA Curriculum maps. Educators will use this map and the standards as a road map for curriculum and instruction. Carefully crafted curricular sequences and quality instructional resources enable teachers to devote more time and energy in delivering instruction and assessing the effectiveness of instruction for all learners in their classrooms, including those with special learning needs.

To support literacy and language learning across the content areas and support deeper knowledge building in the content area, throughout this curriculum map, you will see high-quality texts from both the textbook(s) and external/supplemental texts to ensure students are reading appropriately complex, worthwhile material. These texts have been evaluated by district staff to ensure that they meet criteria for text complexity--Quantitative, Qualitative, and Reader & Task Factors.  Lexile Levels are listed on the Curriculum Maps, and additional information is cited, where available.

In order to plan effective lessons that allow students to do the majority of the thinking, teachers should employ the CLIP instructional model in their daily lesson planning, including:

• Whole-Group Instruction (20-25 minutes)-This time is for grade-level instruction. Regardless of a student’s reading level, exposure to complex texts supports language and comprehension development which is necessary for continual reading growth.

• Small-Group Instruction (45-60 minutes)-This time is for supporting student needs that cannot be met during whole-class instruction. Teachers might provide: 1. instruction for students learning to read based on their specific needs and using texts at their reading level; 2. instruction for different learners using grade-level texts to support whole-class instruction; 3. extension for proficient readers using challenging texts, and 4. practice with and applying skills.

• Whole-Group Closure (5-10 minutes)-This time is for closure of the day’s lesson and a time for a quick assessment of the students.

How to Use the Literacy Curriculum Maps

Our collective goal is to ensure our students graduate ready for college and career. This will require a comprehensive, integrated approach to literacy instruction that ensures that students become college and career ready readers, writers, and communicators. To achieve this, students must receive literacy instruction aligned to each of the elements of effective literacy program seen in the figure to the right.

This curriculum map is designed to help teachers make effective decisions about what literacy content to teach and how to teach it so that, ultimately, our students can reach Destination 2025. To reach our collective student achievement goals, we know that teachers must change their instructional practice in alignment the with the three College and Career Ready shifts in instruction for ELA/Literacy. We should see these three shifts in all SCS literacy classrooms:

(1) Regular practice with complex text and its academic language.

(2) Reading, writing, and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational.

(3) Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction.


Throughout this curriculum map, you will see high-quality texts that students should be reading, as well as some resources and tasks to support you in ensuring that students are able to reach the demands of the standards in your classroom. In addition to the resources embedded in the map, there are some high-leverage resources around each of the three shifts that teachers should consistently access:

|The Tennessee State Literacy Standards |

|The Tennessee State ELA Standards (also known as the College and Career Ready |Teachers can access the Tennessee State Standards, which are featured throughout this curriculum map and represent college and |

|Literacy Standards): |career ready student learning at each respective grade level. |

| | |

|Shift 1: Regular Practice with Complex Text and its Academic Language |

|Student Achievement Partners Text Complexity Collection: |Teachers can learn more about how to select complex texts (using quantitative, qualitative, and reader/task measures) using the |

| |resources in this collection. |

|Student Achievement Partners Academic Word Finder: |Teachers can copy and paste a text into this tool, which then generates the most significant Tier 2 academic vocabulary contained |

| |within the text. |

|Shift 2: Reading, Writing and Speaking Grounded in Evidence from the Text |

|Student Achievement Partners Text-Dependent Questions Resources: |Teachers can use the resources in this set of resources to craft their own text-dependent questions based on their qualitative and |

| |reader/task measures text complexity analysis. |

|Shift 3: Building Knowledge through Content-Rich Non-fiction |

|Student Achievement Partners Text Set Projects Sequenced: |Teachers can use this resource to learn about how to sequence texts into “expert packs” to build student knowledge of the world. |

| |

|on | |

|Read Alouds, Shared Reading, Guiding Reading |

| |Teachers can use this resource to learn about the components of a Balanced Literacy Program. |

|Literacy Work Stations |

| |Teachers can learn about why literacy work stations are important for Balanced Literacy, and gain tips for setting up literacy work |

| |stations. |

Using the Curriculum Maps, Grades 3-5

● Begin by examining the text(s) selected for the week. Read the text carefully and consider what topic or content students should learn from reading the text. Then, review the aligned essential question and culminating task your topic focus for the week.

● Locate the TDOE Standards in the left column and the aligned evidence statements. Analyze the language of the standards, and match each standard to a learning target in the center column. Analyze the language of the standards and consider how the text supports the listed reading standards. Note that Reading Anchor Standard 1 and Reading Anchor Standard 10 are not included in the curriculum maps, but should be addressed every week, as students should consistently be reading rigorous grade-level texts and citing evidence when writing or speaking about the text:

○ CCR Reading Anchor Standard 1: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text.

○ CCR Reading Anchor Standard 10: Read and comprehend complex literary and informational texts independently and proficiently.

● Consult your Journeys Teachers’ Edition (TE) and other cited references to map out your week(s) of instruction.

● Plan your weekly and daily objectives, using the evidence statements and sample objectives as a guide. Be sure to plan your own objectives to meet the needs of your students. As a reminder, while lesson and unit objectives should be aligned to grade-level standards, standards and objectives are not synonymous and standards mastery develops over time (not in a single lesson). Consistent with Teach 1-4 of the TEM, teachers/teams are expected to carefully develop literacy learning objectives that carefully consider the text, target (standard, objective), task, and learner (including assessment of/for learning).

● Study the suggested performance assessments in the right-hand column, and match them to your objectives. Consider which tasks best target the essential question and content for the week, as well as alignment to standards.

● When planning for the reading of a text, plan the questions you will ask each day using these three types of questions: those that derive general understanding, those that address craft and structure, and those that elicit an overall meaning of the text. Be sure that the questions you ask will lead students to better understand the text and lead to success on your selected performance assessments. They should also build toward your essential question.

● Examine the other standards and skills you will need to address—writing, reading foundational skills, language skills, and speaking and listening skills. Review the suggested vocabulary for explicit instruction as listed in the map in addition to the words listed in the TE.

● Consider how you will support building student knowledge through supplemental reading, content, research, and/or writing around the topic for the week. If a TWAG (Two-Weeks at a Glance) outline is available, review how the two weeks work together to build knowledge.

● Remember to include differentiated activities for small group instruction and literacy stations.

Two-Weeks at a Glance (TWAG) Outlines

Beginning in the 2016-17 school year the SCS curriculum maps will include six or more “TWAG outlines” throughout the year in each grade. These outlines demonstrate how to spend two weeks digging deeply into a high-quality, complex anchor text from the Journeys series in order to build student knowledge around the topic of the story. By studying a high-leverage topic over two weeks, students will have more opportunities to grow their knowledge and vocabulary, while simultaneously building their literacy skills. The curriculum map will align to the TWAG outline, but the full outline will be found in the Appendix to the map. It is important to note that while the map will skip some stories in Journeys to build in time for the TWAG outlines, teachers should continue with the foundational skills strand as outlined in the text and the maps. The foundational skills strand follows a systematic, research based progression, and it is highly recommended that teachers use that progression to guide their instruction. TWAG outlines were developed by SCS teachers and coaches in partnership with Student Achievement Partners and other districts across the country.

Using the WIDA MPIs

WIDA English Language Development (ELD) standards and example Model Performance Indicator (MPI) strands appear within this document to provide teachers with appropriate scaffolding examples for ELLs and struggling readers. Strands of MPIs related to the domain of Reading are provided and linked to the corresponding set of CCR standards. By referencing the provided MPIs and those MPIs within the given links, teachers can craft "I can" statements that are appropriately leveled for ELLs (and struggling readers) in their classrooms. Additionally, MPIs can be referenced for designing new and/or modifying existing assessments.

• Fluency: The ability to read a text accurately and quickly. When fluent readers read silently, they recognize words automatically. They group words quickly to help them gain meaning form what they read. Fluent readers read aloud effortlessly and with expression. Their reading sounds natural, as if they are speaking.

• Academic Language: The language of schools and books – language that is used across many domains and topics. Students do not learn academic language in everyday social situations. As students read extensively over time, they develop academic language. This language helps them to read more complex texts.

• Foundational Skills: The basic skills that need to be taught and developed first. These are the foundations that hold our learning ability together. Foundational Skills include: concentration; visual and auditory processing; short and long term memory; decoding; reasoning; sensory motor integration; fine and gross motor coordination. These skills may not seem important at first, but are often times the reason why some children battle to learn and grasp new concepts.

• Academic Vocabulary: Is used across many domains and topics by mature language users. Students do not learn academic vocabulary in everyday social situations. They encounter these words mostly through reading.

• Text Complexity: Is used in evaluating student readiness for college and careers. There are three equally important components of text complexity: qualitative, quantitative, and reader and task.

• Evidence Statements: Are taken directly from the standards. The standards contain multiple skills. Because the evidence statements usually divide each standard into individual skills, the statements can be used to craft objectives, which directly align to TEACH 1 of TEM. TEACH 1 says to “engage students in objective-driven lessons based on content standards.” If teachers design their objectives by using the evidence statements, then TEACH 1 is achieved because the objective comes directly from the standard. It is important to note that although sample objectives are embedded in the map, teachers must still craft their own objectives based on the needs of their individual classes.

• Essential Questions: Are specific to the text(s) and often summarize the “big understanding” of what students should receive from the text or texts for the lesson. They are open-ended questions that do not have a single, final correct answer, and often call for higher-order thinking and are not answered by recall. Answers to the essential question will require support and justification from the text.

|Gradual Release of Responsibility Example Behaviors: Teacher |Student |

|I do it |Provides direct instruction |Actively listens |

|Modeled Instruction |Establishes goals and purpose |Takes notes |

| |Models the expectation |Asks for clarification |

| |Think aloud | |

|We do it | Interactive instruction | Asks and responds to questions |

|Guided Instruction / |Works with students |Works with teacher and classmates |

|Guided Practice |Checks, prompts, clues |Completes process alongside others |

| |Provides additional modeling | |

| |Meets with needs-based groups | |

|They do it | Provides feedback | Works with classmates, shares outcome |

|together |Moves among groups |Collaborates on authentic task |

|Collaborative Practice |Clarifies confusion |Consolidates learning |

| |Provides support |Completes process in small group |

| | |Looks to peers for clarification |

|You do it | Provides feedback | Works alone |

|Independently |Evaluates progress toward the learning expectation |Relies on notes, activities, classroom learning to complete assignment |

|Independent Practice | |Takes full responsibility for outcome |

|TDOE Curriculum Standards |Evidence Statements |Content & Tasks |

|Week 1- Lesson 1 |

|Reading Selection |

|Because of Winn Dixie (Lexile 700) |

|Essential Question: How can two people of very different ages still have much in common and become friends? |

|Reading Literature and Informational Text |Provides an in-depth description of a character in a story or drama, |Performance Assessments |

|RL.4.3-Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or |drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s |Journeys Comprehensive Screening Assessment |

|drama, drawings on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s |thoughts, words, or actions). |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 1 |

|thoughts, words, or actions). |Provides an in-depth description of a setting in a story or drama, |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 1 |

|RL.4.4-Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a |drawing on specific details in the text. |Teacher-created |

|text, including those that allude to significant characters found in |Provides an in-depth description of an event in a story or drama, | |

|mythology (e.g., Herculean, Achilles Heel). |drawing on specific details in the text. | |

| |Demonstrates the ability to determine the meaning of words and |Text Dependent Questions |

| |phrases as they are used in a text, including those that allude to |How did the Herman W. Block Memorial Library come to get its name? How |

| |significant characters found in mythology (e.g., Herculean). |does this detail show how Miss Franny was treated as a young girl? (Key|

| | |Details, Inferences) |

| | |Why was Miss Franny so scared by Winn-Dixie? Why was she “acting all |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): |embarrassed?” Use evidence from the text to support your answer. |

| |Describe the characters and plot using details from the text. |(Inferences) |

| |Determine what words and phrases mean in a text. |Opal said that Miss Franny looked sad and old and wrinkled. What |

| | |happened to cause Miss Franny to look this way? (Inferences) |

| | |What were Opal’s feelings when she realized how Miss Franny felt about |

| | |her old friends? (Inferences) |

| | |Opal and Miss Franny have three very important things in common— what |

| | |are these? Use details from the text to support your answer. |

| | |(Integration of Knowledge and Ideas) |

| | |Literacy Station Activities |

| | |Comprehension station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lesson 1, |

| | |story map, word map, additional optional activities: |

| | | C.001 – Character |

| | |Consideration |

| | | C.032c - What Do You Know?|

| | | |

|Writing/Research |The student response addresses the prompt and provides effective and |Routine Writing |

|W.4.1a-Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of |comprehensive development of the topic and/or narrative elements by |Forming a text-based opinion |

|view with reasons and information. |using clear reasoning, details, and/or description; the development |Citing evidence to support opinion |

|W.4.1b- Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. |is consistently appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience. | |

| | |Writing Tasks |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): |Opal and Franny were two very different ages but had many things in |

| |Form an opinion based on something I’ve read. |common and became friends in the story Because of Winn Dixie. Write a |

| |Support my opinion with facts and details from a text. |paragraph using details from the text to describe each character’s |

| |Organize details from a text to support my opinion. |thoughts, words, or actions that showed the reader that they were |

| | |friends. |

|Speaking and Listening |Demonstrates ability to follow agreed-upon rules for discussions. |Performance Assessments |

|SL.4.1b- Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions and carry out assigned |Demonstrates ability to carry out assigned roles. |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 1 |

|roles. |Demonstrates ability to pose and respond to specific questions to |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 1 |

|SL.4.1c- Pose and respond to specific questions to clarify or follow up |clarify or follow up on information. |Teacher observations |

|on information, and make comments that contribute to the discussion and |Demonstrates ability to make comments that contribute to the |Classroom routines and procedures |

|link to the remarks of others. |discussion and/or link to the remarks of others. | |

|SL.4.1d- Review the key ideas expressed and explain their own ideas and |Determines key ideas expressed and explains own ideas and | |

|understanding in light of the discussion. |understanding in light of the discussion. | |

|SL.4.2- Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented| | |

|in diverse media and formats, including visually quantitatively and |Sample Objectives (I can): | |

|orally. |Identify behaviors that are appropriate for group activities. | |

| |Use accountable talk procedures to take turns. | |

|Language |Produces complete sentences when writing. |Vocabulary |

|L.4.1f- Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting |Recognizes and corrects sentence fragments and run-ons. |Vocabulary strategies: prefixes, re-un-dis |

|inappropriate fragments and run-ons. |Demonstrates the ability to determine the meaning of words and | |

|L. 4.2a- Use context (e.g., definitions, examples, or restatements in |phrases, using context (e.g., definitions, examples, or restatements |Lesson Vocabulary |

|text) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. |in text). |comfort, consisted, mention, mood, properly, intends, advanced, |

|L.4.2d- Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as|Demonstrates the ability to acquire and use accurately |peculiar, talent |

|needed. |grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and | |

|L.4.6- Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and |phrases. |Vocabulary for Explicit Instruction |

|domain-specific words and phrases | |flashback, subject, predicate, summarize, intends, properly, |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): |advanced, allude |

| |Write simple sentences using correct spelling. | |

| |Use new words that I learn correctly. |

| | |-pg (Supplemental Resources, click Vocabulary Quadrant) |

| | | |

| | |Literacy Station Activities |

| | |Vocabulary Station: frayer model organizer, prefixes, dictionary use, |

| | |additional optional activities: |

| | | |

| | | V.019c Dictionary Digs|

| | | |

| | |Language Arts |

| | |Simple Sentence |

| | |Subject |

| | |Predicate |

| | | |

| | |Performance Assessment |

| | |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 1 |

| | |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 1 |

| | |Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 1 |

| | |Teacher-created |

|Reading Foundational Skills |Knows and applies grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in |Phonics and fluency |

|RF.4.3a-Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in |decoding words. |VCV Syllable and Short /a/ and Long /a/ words |

|decoding words. |Reads with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. | |

|RF.4.4b-Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support | |Performance assessments |

|comprehension. |Sample Objectives (I can): |Journeys Comprehensive Screening Assessment |

| |Read grade level text with accuracy. |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 1 |

| |Use context to self-correct word recognition. |Journeys Cold Reads, Lesson 1 |

| | |Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 1 |

| | |Teacher-created |

| | | |

| | |Literacy Station Activities |

| | |Decoding/word study station: Journey’s Word Study flip chart, Lesson 1,|

| | |build, sort, read, and write words with the VCV pattern, additional |

| | |optional activities: |

| | |) AP.020 Root Hoot |

| | |Fluency station (optional): accuracy, self-correction |

| | | |

|Weeks 2-3- Lesson 2 *See TWAG in Appendix |

|Reading Selections: |

|My Brother Martin (Lexile 1030) |

|Essential Question: Week 2: What inspired Martin Luther King, Jr to dream about changing the world? |

|Week 3: What inspired leaders to fight for change during the Civil Rights Movement? |

|Reading Literature and Informational Text |Provides a statement of the main idea of a text. |Performance Assessment |

|RI.4.2-Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported |Provides an explanation of how the main idea is supported by key |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 2 |

|by key details; summarize the text. |details. |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 2 |

|RI.4.3- Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, |Provides a summary of the text. |Teacher-created |

|scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on |Provides an explanation of events in a historical, scientific, or | |

|specific information in the text. |technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific |Text Dependent Questions |

| |information in the text. |What evidence does the author give to support the statement that |

| |Provides an explanation of procedures in a historical, scientific, or|segregation laws were unfair? (General Understanding) |

| |technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific |A simile is a way to compare two different things using the words like |

| |information in the text. |or as. What simile does the author use at the top of page 52 to |

| |Provides an explanation of ideas or concepts in a historical, |describe Martin’s relationship with his siblings? What does this simile|

| |scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based|mean? What is one piece of evidence that supports your answer? |

| |on specific information in the text. |(Author’s Craft) |

| | |What event did Martin and his sibling’s experience that was a “crushing|

| |Sample Objectives (I can): |blow” to them? How is this experience an example of injustice? |

| |Explain what a text says by drawing inferences from the text. |(Intertextual Connections) |

| |Use details from a text when explaining what the text says. |*See TWAG |

| |Discuss the main idea of a text. | |

| |Determine why an author wrote a particular text. |Literacy Station Activities |

| |Draw conclusions based on evidence in the text. |Comprehension Station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lesson 2, |

| |Explain what happens in a story and why it happens based on |graphic organizer, summarize, review previously taught skills, |

| |information from the text. |additional optional activities: |

| | | C.016 – Distinguishing|

| | |Details |

| | |

| | |esented_visually_orally_quantitatively_reading_informational_text_fourt|

| | |h_4th_grade_english_language_arts.htm |

|WIDA Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts. |

|Model Performance Indicator for RI.4.2- Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported by key details; summarize the text. |

|Level 1: Entering | Level 2: Emerging |Level 3: Developing |Level 4: Expanding |Level 5: Bridging |

|Identify the main idea in grade level |Identify the main idea in grade-level |Identify the main idea from adapted texts |Identify the main idea in texts within |Identify the main idea in grade level |

|texts in L1 and /or answer questions about|texts in L1 and/or answer wh- questions |by answering in simple sentences with |grades 3-4-complexity level by producing |texts by producing multiple, complex |

|the main idea in leveled texts by |about the main idea in leveled texts by |repetitive, grammatical structures and key|complex sentences with varying grammatical|sentences of varying grammatical |

|producing single word answers, pointing to|using short phrases with formulaic |content-based vocabulary. |structures and content-based vocabulary. |structures with precise, content-based |

|pictures or answering yes/no questions. |patterns that represent the main idea. | | |vocabulary. |

|For additional information on scaffolding within the domains of Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening please see: |

| -Click on grade level and unit, then ELL Scaffolded Student Learning Objectives |

|Writing/Research |The student response demonstrates effective coherence, clarity, and |Routine Writing |

|W.4.2- Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey |cohesion and includes a strong introduction and conclusion. |Forming a text-based opinion |

|ideas and information clearly. |The student response uses language well to attend to the norms and |Citing evidence to support opinion |

|W.4.4- Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development and |conventions of the discipline. The response includes concrete words | |

|organization are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience. |and phrases, sensory details, linking and transitional words, and/or |Writing Tasks |

| |domain specific vocabulary effectively to clarify ideas. |*See TWAG |

| |The student response demonstrates command of the conventions of | |

| |standard English consistent with edited writing. There may be a few | |

| |distracting errors in grammar and usage, but meaning is clear. | |

| | | |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): | |

| |Examine a topic and write ideas clearly. | |

| |Develop clear and coherent writing that is organized based on task, | |

| |purpose, and audience. | |

|Speaking and Listening |Demonstrates ability to effectively engage in a range of |Performance Assessments |

|SL.4.1-Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions |collaborative discussions on grade 4 topics and texts, building on |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 2 |

|(one-on-one, in groups, and teacher- led) with diverse partners on grade |others’ ideas and expressing own ideas clearly. |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 2 |

|4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own |Demonstrates readiness for discussions by drawing on the required |Teacher observations |

|clearly. |reading and other information known about the topic to explore ideas |Classroom routines and procedures |

|SL.4.2-Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented |under discussion. |Accountable talk procedures |

|in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and |Demonstrates ability to follow agreed-upon rules for discussions. | |

|orally. |Demonstrates ability to carry out assigned roles. | |

| |Demonstrates ability to pose and respond to specific questions to | |

| |clarify or follow up on information. | |

| |Demonstrates ability to make comments that contribute to the | |

| |discussion and/or link to the remarks of others. | |

| |Determines key ideas expressed and explains own ideas and | |

| |understanding in light of the discussion. | |

| |Demonstrates ability to paraphrase information read aloud. | |

| |Demonstrates ability to paraphrase information presented in diverse | |

| |media and formats. | |

| | | |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): | |

| |Use accountable talk procedures to show active listening skills while| |

| |working in a group. | |

| |Follow classroom rules. | |

| |Summarize what I’ve read. | |

| | | |

|Language |Produces complete sentences when writing. |Vocabulary |

|L.4.1f-Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting |Recognizes and corrects sentence fragments and run-ons. |Vocabulary strategies: prefixes, in-, im-, il-, ir- |

|inappropriate fragments and run-ons. |Spells grade appropriate words correctly, consulting references as |Rolling Vocabulary (See TWAG) |

|L.4.2d-Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as |needed. | |

|needed. |Demonstrates the ability to choose words and phrases to convey ideas |Lesson Vocabulary |

|L.4.3a-Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely. |precisely. |capture, dream, injustice, encounters, preferred, recall, example, |

|L.4.4a-Use context (e.g., definitions, examples, or restatements in text)|Demonstrates the ability to determine the meaning of words and |inspire, segregation, civil rights movement, imposed, influenced, |

|as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. |phrases, using context (e.g., definitions, examples, or restatements |oppression |

|L.4.5b-Recognize and explain the meaning of common idioms, adages, and |in text). | |

|proverbs. |Recognizes and explains the meaning of common idioms, adages, and |Vocabulary for Explicit Instruction |

|L.4.6-Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and |proverbs. |recall, captured, simile, example, imperative, clarify |

|domain-specific words and phrases |Demonstrates the ability to acquire and use accurately | |

| |grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and |

| |phrases. |-pg (Supplemental Resources, click Vocabulary Quadrant) |

| | | |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): | |

| |Explain each of the different sentence types, and when it is |Literacy Station Activities |

| |appropriate to use each. |Vocabulary Station: sort sentence types, write statements (declarative,|

| |Use new words correctly. |interrogative), practice sentence types with a partner, review |

| |Use context clues to understand the meaning of a word. |previously taught skills, additional optional activities: |

| | |

| | |nguage_arts_fourth_4th_grade.htm |

| | | V.039c Word Share |

| | | |

| | |Language Arts |

| | |Statement/Declarative Sentence |

| | |Questions/Interrogative Sentences |

| | |Commands/Imperative Sentences |

| | |Exclamation/Exclamatory Sentences |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Performance Assessments |

| | |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 2 |

| | |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 2 |

| | |Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 2 |

| | |Teacher-created |

| | | |

| | | |

|Reading Foundational Skills |Uses combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, |Phonics and fluency |

|RF.4.3a- Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, |syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to |Open and Closed Syllables and short /e/ and long /e/ |

|syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read |read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of | |

|accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of contrast |contrast. |Performance assessments |

|RF.4.4a- Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. |Reads on-level text with purpose and understanding. |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 2 |

|RF.4.4c- Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and |Uses context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and |Journeys Cold Reads, Lesson 2 |

|understanding, rereading as necessary. |understanding, rereads as necessary. |Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 2 |

| | |Teacher-created |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): | |

| |Apply learned phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. |Literacy Station Activities |

| |Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and |Decoding/Word Study/Phonics: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lesson 2, |

| |understanding. |build, write words, t-chart, , review previously taught skills, |

| | |additional optional activities: |

| | | |

| | |Fluency Station(optional): pauses |

|Weeks 4-5- Lesson 3 *See TWAG in Appendix |

|Reading Selections: |

|My Librarian is a Camel (Lexile 960) |

|Essential Question: How do various communities ensure students have access to books? |

|Reading Literature and Informational Text |Provides a statement of the main idea of a text. |Performance Assessments |

|RI.4.2-Determine the main idea of a text and explain how it is supported |Provides an explanation of how the main idea is supported by key |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 3 |

|by key details; summarize the text. |details. |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 3 |

|RI.4.3- Explain events, procedures, ideas, or concepts in a historical, |Provides a summary of the text. |Teacher-created |

|scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based on |Provides an explanation of events in a historical, scientific, or | |

|specific information in the text. |technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific | |

|RI.4.9-Integrate information from two texts on the same topic in order to|information in the text. |Text Dependent Questions |

|write or speak about the subject knowledgeably. |Provides an explanation of procedures in a historical, scientific, or|What are the different ways that books are delivered to rural |

| |technical text, including what happened and why, based on specific |communities in Peru? (Key Details) |

| |information in the text. |In the first paragraph the text states, “Children in Peru can receive |

| |Provides an explanation of ideas or concepts in a historical, |their books in several different, innovative ways.” What does the word |

| |scientific, or technical text, including what happened and why, based|innovative mean in the text? (Vocabulary) |

| |on specific information in the text. |On page 86, what makes books especially important to the people in |

| |Demonstrates the ability to determine the meaning of general academic|Mongolia (Inferences) |

| |words or phrases in a text relevant to a grade 4 topic or subject |*See TWAG |

| |area. | |

| |Provides a comparison and contrast of the most important points | |

| |and/or key details presented in two texts on the same topic. | |

| | |Literacy Station Activities |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): |Comprehension station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lesson 3, |

| |Explain what a text says by drawing inferences from the text. |cause and effect graphic organizer, , review previously taught skills, |

| |Use details from a text when explaining what the text says. |additional optional activities: |

| |Discuss the main idea of a text. | C.009 – Story Mapping|

| |Determine why an author wrote a particular text. | V.041c - Get A Clue! |

| |Draw conclusions based on evidence in the text. | |

| |Explain what happens in a story and why it happens based on | |

| |information from the text. | |

|Writing/Research |The student response addresses the prompt and provides effective and |Routine Writing |

|W.4.1- Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of |comprehensive development of the topic and/or narrative elements by |Forming a text-based opinion |

|view with reasons and information. |using clear reasoning, details, and/or description; the development |Citing evidence to support opinion |

|W.4.9.- Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support |is consistently appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience. | |

|analysis, reflection, and research. |The student response demonstrates effective coherence, clarity, and |Writing Tasks |

| |cohesion and includes a strong introduction and conclusion. |See TWAG |

| |The student response uses language well to attend to the norms and | |

| |conventions of the discipline. The response includes concrete words | |

| |and phrases, sensory details, linking and transitional words, and/or | |

| |domain- specific vocabulary effectively to clarify ideas. | |

| |The student response demonstrates command of the conventions of | |

| |standard English consistent with edited writing. There may be a few | |

| |distracting errors in grammar and usage, but meaning is clear. | |

| | | |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): | |

| |Form an opinion based on something I have read. | |

| |Write an opinion piece with reasons and information from a text. | |

| |Use evidence from a text to support my thoughts and findings. | |

| |\ | |

|Speaking and Listening |Demonstrates ability to effectively engage in a range of |Performance Assessments |

|SL.4.1-Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions |collaborative discussions on grade 4 topics and texts, building on |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 3 |

|(one-on-one, in groups, and teacher- led) with diverse partners on grade |others’ ideas and expressing own ideas clearly. |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 3 |

|4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own |Demonstrates readiness for discussions by drawing on the required |Teacher observations |

|clearly. |reading and other information known about the topic to explore ideas |Classroom routines and procedures |

| |under discussion. |Accountable Talk Procedures |

| |Demonstrates ability to follow agreed-upon rules for discussions. | |

| |Demonstrates ability to carry out assigned roles. | |

| |Demonstrates ability to pose and respond to specific questions to | |

| |clarify or follow up on information. | |

| |Demonstrates ability to make comments that contribute to the | |

| |discussion and/or link to the remarks of others. | |

| |Determines key ideas expressed and explains own ideas and | |

| |understanding in light of the discussion. | |

| | | |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): | |

| |Follow rules for discussion. | |

| |Use accountable talk procedures to engage effectively in a discussion| |

| |about literature and informational text. | |

| |Explain my own ideas clearly. | |

|Language |Uses commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and quotations |Vocabulary |

|L.4.2b- Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and |from a text. |Vocabulary strategies: using context |

|quotations from a text. |Spells grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as |*See TWAG |

|L.4.2d- Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as|needed. | |

|needed. |Chooses punctuation for effect when writing. |Lesson Vocabulary |

|L.4.3b- Choose punctuation for effect. |Uses clues to determine the meaning of words and phrases in context |Week 4: isolated, virtual, devour, remote, impassable, obtain, |

|L.4.4a- Use context (e.g., definitions, examples, or restatements in |(e.g., definitions, examples, or restatements in text). |preserve, extreme, avid, mobile, horizon, pitches, treasure |

|text) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. |Provides a statement demonstrating accurate meaning and use of |Week 5: approve, analysis, precious |

|L.4.6- Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and |grade-­‐appropriate general academic words and phrases, including |Vocabulary for Explicit Instruction |

|domain-specific words and phrases. |those that signal precise actions, emotions or states of being (e.g.,|remote, impassable, access, community, visualize, cause, effect, |

| |quizzed, whined, stammered). |dialogue |

| | | |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): |

| |Discuss how to punctuate dialogue, direct speech, and quotations |-pg (Supplemental Resources, click Vocabulary Quadrant) |

| |correctly. | |

| |Use quotation marks correctly. |Literacy Station Activities |

| |Use context clues to understand the meaning of new words. |Vocabulary Station: punctuation types/quotations, sort, build, write |

| | |words with correct punctuation, review previously taught skills, |

| | |additional optional activities: |

| | |

| | |ation_language_arts_fourth_4th_grade.htm |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |Language Arts |

| | |Dialogue |

| | |Direct Speech |

| | |Quotation |

| | | |

| | |Performance Assessments |

| | |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 3 |

| | |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 3 |

| | |Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 3 |

| | |Teacher-created |

|Reading Foundational Skills |Uses combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, |Phonics and fluency |

|RF.4.3a- Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, |syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to |VCCV Syllable and short /i/ and long /i/ |

|syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read |read accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of | |

|accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of contrast.|context. |Performance assessments |

| |Uses context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 3 |

|RF.4.4c- Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and |understanding, rereading as necessary. |Journeys Cold Reads, Lesson 3 |

|understanding, rereading as necessary. | |Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 3 |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): |Teacher-created |

| |Apply learned phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words. | |

| |Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and |Literacy Station Activities |

| |understanding. |Decoding/word study/phonics station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, |

| | |Lesson 3, build, sort, read, and write words with the VCCV pattern, |

| | |review previously taught skills, additional optional activities: |

| | | F.005 Quick Sort |

| | |Fluency station (optional): accuracy |

| | | F.006 Give Me Five |

|Weeks 6-8-Extended Text |

|Reading Selection |

|Bud, Not Buddy by Christopher Paul Curtis (Lexile 950) |

|Essential Question: How do Bud’s experiences during the Great Depression help shape his character? |

|Reading Literature and Informational Text |Provides a statement of a theme of a text. |Performance Assessments |

|RL.4.2-Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the |Provides a summary of the text. |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 4 |

|text; summarize the text. |Provides an in-­‐depth description of a character in a story or |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 4 |

|RL.4.3-Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or |drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s |Teacher-created |

|drama, drawing on specific details in the text (e.g., a character’s |thoughts, words, or actions). | |

|thoughts, words, or actions). |Provides an in-­‐depth description of a setting in a story or drama, |Text Dependent Questions |

|RL.4.4- Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a |drawing on specific details in the text. |Think about Bud’s experiences in the library, the bread line, and the |

|text, including those that allude to significant characters found in |Provides an in-­‐depth description of an event in a story or drama, |Hooverville. Do you think Bud was luckier than most children on their |

|mythology (e.g., Herculean). |drawing on specific details in the text. |own? Why or why not? (General Understanding) |

|RL.4.6- Compare and contrast the point of view from which different |Provides a comparison and contrast of the point of view from which |What kinds of families do we see in Bud, Not Buddy? (Key Details) |

|stories are narrated, including the difference between first- and |different stories are narrated, including the difference between |Who is Bud’s family at the end of the story? (General Understanding) |

|third-person narrations. |first-­‐ and third-­‐person narrations. |In the third paragraph from the end, the author uses the word “glum” to|

| |Determines the meaning of words in context. |show how the boys are feeling. What does it mean to feel “glum”? |

| | |(Vocabulary) |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): |What are words or phrases the author uses to describe the boys’ |

| |Determine a theme of a text based on details. |thoughts and feelings? From these words and phrases, what can you infer|

| |Summarize a text. |about how the boys feel about what is happening to them? (Vocabulary, |

| |Draw on details in a text such as a character’s thoughts, words, or |Inferences) |

| |actions to describe a character, setting, or event. |How does Bud define family? Use evidence from the text to support your |

| |Describe a character in detail. |answer. (Inference) |

| |Compare and contrast points of view. |Bud packed several items in his suitcase. Why do you think he chose |

| | |those particular items? Use evidence from the text to support your |

| | |reasons. (Opinions) |

| | | |

| | |Literacy Station Activities |

| | |Comprehension station: story map, Venn diagram, plot diagram, review |

| | |previously taught skills, additional optional activities: |

| | | |

| | |

| | |hart.pdf adapt for text |

| | |

| | |iew_from_which_reading_literature_fourth_4th_grade_english_language_art|

| | |s.htm |

| | | |

|WIDA Standard 2: English language learners communicate information, ideas and concepts necessary for academic success in the content area of Language Arts. |

|Model Performance Indicator for RL4.2: Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the text. |

|Level 1: Entering | Level 2: Emerging |Level 3: Developing |Level 4: Expanding |Level 5: Bridging |

|Identify the theme of the story in grade |Identify theme in grade-level texts in L1 |Identify theme of story from adapted texts|Identify theme of story in texts within |Identify theme of story in grade level |

|level texts in L1 and /or answer questions|and/or answer wh- questions about the |by answering in simple sentences with |grades 3-4-complexity level by producing |texts by producing multiple, complex |

|about the theme in leveled texts by |theme in leveled texts by using short |repetitive, grammatical structures and key|complex sentences with varying grammatical|sentences of varying grammatical |

|producing single word answers, pointing to|phrases with formulaic patterns that |content-based vocabulary. |structures and content-based vocabulary. |structures with precise, content-based |

|pictures or answering yes/no questions. |represent the key theme. | | |vocabulary. |

|For additional information on scaffolding within the domains of Reading, Writing, Listening, and Speaking please see: |

|North Carolina Livebinder Click on Transformed MPIs/ELAs |

|Writing/Research |The student response addresses the prompt and provides effective and |Routine Writing |

|W.4.1- Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of |comprehensive development of the topic and/or narrative elements by |Forming a text-based opinion |

|view with reasons and information. |using clear reasoning, details, and/or description; the development |Citing evidence to support opinion |

|W.4.1b- Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. |is consistently appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience. | |

| |The student response demonstrates effective coherence, clarity, and |Writing Tasks |

| |cohesion and includes a strong introduction and conclusion. |In the story Bud, Not Buddy, the two boys are told that they are going |

| |The student response uses language well to attend to the norms and |to live in new temporary-care homes. Based evidence from the text, how |

| |conventions of the discipline. The response includes concrete words |the boys feel about going to live with new families? How do their |

| |and phrases, sensory details, linking and transitional words, and/or |feelings about their families begin to shape their character? |

| |domain- specific vocabulary effectively to clarify ideas. | |

| |The student response demonstrates command of the conventions of |In the novel Bud, Not Buddy, the main character, Bud, has some |

| |standard English consistent with edited writing. There may be a few |downfalls that can sometimes make his life difficult. Explain in |

| |distracting errors in grammar and usage, but meaning is clear. |writing why the reader can understand Bud, even admire him, in spite of|

| | |the issues he has. Make sure to use at least 4 facts or details from |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): |the text to support your answer. |

| |Use phrases to link my opinion with my reasons, i.e. another, for | |

| |example, also. | |

| |Use proper grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation. | |

|Speaking and Listening |Demonstrates ability to effectively engage in a range of |Performance Assessments |

|SL 4.1- Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions |collaborative discussions on grade 4 topics and texts, building on |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 4 |

|(one-on-one, in groups, and teacher- led) with diverse partners on grade |others’ ideas and expressing own ideas clearly. |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 4 |

|4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own |Demonstrates ability to carry out assigned roles. |Teacher observations |

|clearly assigned roles |Demonstrates ability to pose and respond to specific questions to |Classroom routines and procedures |

| |clarify or follow up on information. |Accountable Talk Procedures |

| |Determines key ideas expressed and explains own ideas and |Oral presentations |

| |understanding in light of the discussion. | |

| | | |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): | |

| |Identify behaviors that are appropriate for group activities. | |

| |Collaboratively discuss topics and texts with different partners. | |

|Language |Writes and speaks in complete sentences, recognizing and correcting |Vocabulary |

|L.4.1f- Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting |inappropriate fragments and run-ons. |Vocabulary strategies: prefixes, review, non-, mis- |

|inappropriate fragments and run-ons. |Uses correct capitalization. | |

|L.4.2a- Use correct capitalization. |Uses commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and quotations |Lesson Vocabulary |

|L.4.2b- Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and |from the text. |grateful, glum, vermin, brim, tidings, assurance, stricken, |

|quotations from a text. |Spells grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as |commence, ornery, foster |

|L.4.2d- Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as|needed. | |

|needed. |Differentiates between context that call for formal English (e.g., |Vocabulary for Explicit Instruction |

|L.4.3.c- Differentiate between contexts that call for formal English |presenting ideas) and situations where informal discourse is |depression, real (slang for “really), rummage, Hooverville, bread line,|

|(e.g., presenting ideas) and situations where informal discourse is |appropriate (e.g., small-group discussion). |theme, point of view, mission |

|appropriate (e.g., small-group discussion). |Uses common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots as | |

|L.4.4b- Use common, grade-appropriate Greek and Latin affixes and roots |clues to the meaning of a word. |

|as clues to the meaning of a word. |Provides a statement demonstrating accurate meaning and use of |-pg (Supplemental Resources, click Vocabulary Quadrant) |

|L.4.6- Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and |grade-­‐appropriate general academic words and phrases, including | |

|domain-specific words and phrases. |those that signal precise actions, emotions or states of being (e.g.,|Literacy Station Activities |

| |quizzed, whined, stammered). |Vocabulary Station: word scavenger hunt, punctuation types/quotation |

| | |marks, capitalization, review previously taught skills, additional |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): |optional activities: |

| |Use capitalization correctly. | |

| |Correctly punctuate dialogue, direct speech, and quotations when I | |

| |write on my own. | |

| |Revise writing for incorrect use of dialogue, direct speech, and | AP.005 Star Search |

| |quotations. | |

| | |Language Arts |

| | |Dialogue |

| | |Direct Speech |

| | |Quotation |

| | |Fragments |

| | |Run-ons |

| | | |

| | |Performance Assessments |

| | |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 4 |

| | |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 4 |

| | |Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 4 |

| | |Teacher-created |

| | | |

|Reading Foundational Skills |Reads with fluency from a variety of texts (poetry, drama, current |Phonics and fluency |

|RF 4.3-Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in |events, novels). |Continue and review VCV and VCCV patterns, open and closed syllables, |

|decoding words. |Reads grade level text with fluency, accuracy, expression and |VCV and VCCV Syllable Patterns and Short /o/ and Long /o/ |

|RF 4.3a- Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, |comprehension. | |

|syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read |Uses learned phonics and word analysis skills to decode words. |Performance assessments |

|accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of contrast.| |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 4 |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): |Journeys Cold Reads, Lesson 4 |

|RF 4.4-Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support |Read with fluency from a variety of texts (poetry, drama, current |Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 4 |

|comprehension. |events, novels). |Teacher-created |

|RF 4.4a- Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. |Read grade level text with fluency and expression. |Oral reading fluency checks/running records |

|RF 4.4b- Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate| |Oral reading from novel in small groups |

|rate, and expression on successive readings. | |Use of phonics and decoding skills to decode unfamiliar vocabulary. |

|RF 4.4c- Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and | | |

|understanding, rereading as necessary. | | |

| | |Literacy Station Activities |

| | |Decoding/word study/phonics station: Journeys Word Study flip chart, |

| | |Lesson 4, sort, build, write words with (VCV and VCCV patterns), review|

| | |previously taught skills, additional optional activities: |

| | | AP.022 Word Way |

| | |Fluency station (optional) intonation, expression |

| | | |

|Week 9-Lesson 5 |

|Reading Selections |

|Tall Tale Stormalong (Lexile 900) |

|Hoderi the Fisherman (NP) |

|Essential Question: How can someone who is different and misunderstood find a way to help others with their struggles? |

|Reading Literature and Informational Text |Determines the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a |Performance Assessments |

|RL 4.4- Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a |text, including those that allude to significant characters found in |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 5 |

|text, including those that allude to significant characters found in |mythology (e.g., Herculean). |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 5 |

|mythology (e.g., Herculean). |Provides a comparison and contrast of the point of view from which |Teacher-created |

|RL 4.6- Compare and contrast the point of view from which different |different stories are narrated, including the difference between | |

|stories are narrated, including the difference between first- and |first-­‐ and third-­‐person narrations. |Text Dependent Questions |

|third-person narrations. |Cite evidence from the text to support key points. |What evidence from the text tells you Stormy is an outcast? (Key |

| | |Details) |

|Science Connection: |Sample Objectives (I can): |On page 140, what is a fathom? Cite evidence from the text to support |

|GLE 0407.2.1 Analyze the effects of changes in the environment on the |Discuss point of view. |your answer (Vocabulary) |

|stability of an ecosystem. |Determine the meanings of unfamiliar words and academic language in |On page 148 the author states that “salt water began coursing through |

| |context. |his veins again.” Based on the surrounding contextual evidence, what |

| |Identify hyperboles in text. |can you infer the author means? (Inferences) |

| | | |

| | |Literacy Station Activities |

| | |Comprehension station: Journeys Comprehension flip chart, Lesson 5, |

| | |Venn diagram, word map, , review previously taught skills, additional |

| | |optional activities: |

| | | C.010c - Side-by-Side |

| | |Stories |

| | | C.032c What Do You Know? |

|Writing/Research |The student response addresses the prompt and provides effective and |Routine Writing |

|W.4.1- Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of |comprehensive development of the topic and/or narrative elements2 by |Forming a text-based opinion |

|view with reasons and information. |using clear reasoning, details, and/or description; the development |Citing evidence to support opinion |

|W.4.1b- Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details. |is consistently appropriate to the task, purpose, and audience. | |

| |The student response demonstrates effective coherence, clarity, and |Writing Tasks |

| |cohesion and includes a strong introduction and conclusion. |In the story Stormalong, we read about a character that faced difficult|

| |The student response uses language well to attend to the norms and |times because he was different. How was he able to deal with being |

| |conventions of the discipline. The response includes concrete words |different and at the same time help others based on his struggles? |

| |and phrases, sensory details, linking and transitional words, and/or |Support your answer with at least 4 facts and/or details from the |

| |domain- specific vocabulary effectively to clarify ideas. |texts. |

| |The student response demonstrates command of the conventions of | |

| |standard English consistent with edited writing. There may be a few | |

| |distracting errors in grammar and usage, but meaning is clear. | |

| | | |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): | |

| |Form an opinion based on something I have read. | |

| |Give between 4 to 5 reasons with facts and details from text to | |

| |support my opinion. | |

|Speaking and Listening |Demonstrates ability to effectively engage in a range of |Performance Assessments |

|SL 4.1- Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions |collaborative discussions on grade 4 topics and texts, building on |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 5 |

|(one-on-one, in groups, and teacher- led) with diverse partners on grade |others’ ideas and expressing own ideas clearly. |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 5 |

|4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own |Demonstrates readiness for discussions by drawing on the required |Teacher observations |

|clearly. |reading and other information known about the topic to explore ideas |Classroom routines and procedures |

|SL 4.1a- Come to discussions prepared having read or studied required |under discussion. |Accountable Talk Procedures |

|material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known| | |

|about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. |Sample Objectives (I can): | |

| |Use accountable talk procedures to engage effectively in a discussion| |

| |about literature and informational text. | |

| |Identify behaviors that are appropriate for group activities. | |

| |Use what I have read about a topic in discussions. | |

|Language |Produces complete sentences, recognizing and correcting inappropriate|Vocabulary |

|L.4.1f- Produce complete sentences, recognizing and correcting |fragments and run-ons. |Vocabulary strategies: reference materials |

|inappropriate fragments and run-ons. |Uses correct capitalization. | |

|L.4.2a- Use correct capitalization. |Uses commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and quotations |Lesson Vocabulary |

|L.4.2b- Use commas and quotation marks to mark direct speech and |from a text. |seafaring, tidal, foaming, yearning, memorable, betrayed, condition, |

|quotations from a text. |Spells grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as |horrified |

|L.4.2d- Spell grade-appropriate words correctly, consulting references as|needed. | |

|needed. |Uses context (e.g., definitions, examples, or restatements in text) |Vocabulary for Explicit Instruction |

|L.4.4a- Use context (e.g., definitions, examples, or restatements in |as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. |reference, shortage, outcast, hyperbole, common, proper |

|text) as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. |Consults reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, | |

|L.4.4c- Consult reference materials (e.g., dictionaries, glossaries, |thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation and |

|thesauruses), both print and digital, to find the pronunciation and |determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases. |-pg (Supplemental Resources, click Vocabulary Quadrant) |

|determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases. | | |

|L.4.6- Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and |Provides a statement demonstrating accurate meaning and use of | |

|domain-specific words and phrases. |grade-­‐appropriate general academic words and phrases, including |Literacy Station Activities |

| |those that signal precise actions, emotions or states of being (e.g.,|Vocabulary station: define words using dictionary, sort proper |

| |quizzed, whined, stammered). |nouns/common nouns, and write sentences using both, review previously |

| | |taught skills, additional optional activities: |

| |Sample Objectives (I can): | V.019c Dictionary Digs|

| |Discuss examples of common and proper nouns. | |

| |Identify common and proper nouns while reading. |Language Arts |

| |Use a dictionary to help define words I do not know. |Common Nouns |

| | |Proper Nouns |

| | | |

| | |Performance Assessments |

| | |Journeys Progress Monitoring, Lesson 5 |

| | |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 5 |

| | |Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 5 |

| | |Teacher-created |

|Reading Foundational Skills |Reads grade level text with fluency, accuracy, expression and |Phonics and fluency |

|RF 4.3-Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in |comprehension. |Homophones |

|decoding words. |Applies phonics and word analysis skills effectively when reading and| |

|RF 4.3a- Use combined knowledge of all letter-sound correspondences, |writing. |Performance Assessments |

|syllabication patterns, and morphology (e.g., roots and affixes) to read |Uses spelling patterns and syllable patterns to read unfamiliar |Journeys Grab-and-Go, Lesson 5 |

|accurately unfamiliar multisyllabic words in context and out of contrast.|words. |Journeys Cold Reads, Lesson 5 |

| |Uses context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and |Journeys Reader’s Notebook, Lesson 5 |

|RF 4.4-Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support |understanding. |Teacher-created |

|comprehension. | | |

|RF 4.4a- Read on-level text with purpose and understanding. |Sample Objectives (I can): |Literacy Station Activities |

|RF 4.4b- Read on-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate|Use phonics and word analysis skills effectively when reading and |Decoding/word study/phonics: Journeys Word Study flip chart, Lesson 5, |

|rate, and expression on successive readings. |writing. |build, sort, write, T-chart, (homophones), review previously taught |

|RF 4.4c- Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and |Use spelling patterns and syllable patterns to read unfamiliar words.|skills, additional optional activities: |

|understanding, rereading as necessary. |Read grade level text with expression. | AP.021 If the Clue |

| | |Fits |

| | |Fluency station (optional): expression |

| | | C.043c Monitor and Mend |


Weeks 2-3: My Brother Martin (Unit 1, Lesson 2)

| |Week 2 |

|Essential Question: What inspired Martin Luther King, Jr to dream about changing the world? |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Anchor Text (Text type, Lexile) |My Brother Martin: A Sister Remembers Growing Up with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. (biography, | |

|Text based comprehension |1030L) | |

|Text based discussion |Respond to text questions | |

|(Whole and Small Group) |Use Text X-Ray activities: Zoom in on Key Ideas and Academic Language. | |

| |Suggested questions from Teacher’s Guide: 7, 8, 10, 11 | |

|Building Knowledge | |

|Leveled readers | |

|Paired Text | |

|Supplemental Materials | |

|(Whole and Small Group) | |

|Vocabulary |capture, dream, injustice, encounters, preferred, recall, example, inspire, segregation, civil rights movement, imposed, influenced, oppression, inspire |

|Drawn from the texts | |

|Foundational Skills |Follow the daily Phonics and Fluency sequence of activities |

|Fluency | |

|Decoding | |

|Word Work | |

|Language/ Syntax |Follow the daily Grammar and Spelling sequence of activities |

|Spelling and Grammar | |

| |Week 2 Continued |

|Essential Question: What inspired Martin Luther King, Jr to dream about changing the world? |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Writing | |Citing evidence from the text, explain why Martin told his mother |

|Response to text | |that he wanted to “turn the world upside down”. |

|Writing Process | | |

|Culminating task | |Imagine you’re a biographer following Martin Luther King throughout |

|Aligned with topic for the week | |his childhood. Using evidence from the text, describe one event that |

| | |inspired him to be a leader in the civil rights movement. |

|Standards |Reading: Informational Text |

| |RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3 |

| |Writing |

| |W.4.2, W.4.4 |

| |Week 3 |

|Essential Question: What inspired leaders to fight for change during the Civil Rights Movement? |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Anchor Text |Optional ( ( |

|Rereading for fluency practice, additional | |

|comprehension support or independent reading | |

|practice | |

|Writing Support | |

|Building Knowledge |From the Leveled Readers |

|Leveled readers |Sharing a Dream |

|Paired Text |Thurgood Marshall |

|Supplemental Materials |A Voice for Equality |

|(Whole/Small Group, and Independent work) |A Leader for All |

|All students experience all texts and | |

|resources regardless of level |Other Resources |

| |National Geographic for Kids: Martin Luther King Jr. |

| | |

| |Martin Luther King Jr. “I Have a Dream Speech” |

|Vocabulary- Drawn from the texts |Complete Rolling Vocabulary activity |

| |Week 3 Continued |

|Essential Question: What inspired leaders to fight for change during the Civil Rights Movement? |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Foundational Skills |Follow the daily Phonics and Fluency sequence of activities |

|Fluency | |

|Decoding | |

|Word Work | |

|Language/ Syntax |Follow the daily Grammar and Spelling sequence of activities |

|Spelling and Grammar | |

|Writing |Complete the Writing Process (edit, revise, and publish) with the Culminating Task from the previous week. |

|Response to text | |

|Writing Process | |

|Culminating task | |

|Aligned with topic for the week | |

|Standards |Reading: Informational Text |

| |RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI.4.10 |

| |Writing |

| |W.4.2, W.4.4 |

Weeks 4-5: My Librarian is a Camel (Unit 1, Lesson 3)

| |Week 4 |

|Essential Question: How do various communities ensure students have access to books? |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Anchor Text (Text type, Lexile) |Anchor Text: My Librarian Is A Camel | |

|Text based comprehension |Respond to the following Think Through the Text Questions: 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 12, 16 | |

|Text based discussion |Optional use of Text X-Ray (Zoom in on Key Ideas and Academic Language) | |

|(Whole and Small Group) | | |

|Building Knowledge | |

|Leveled readers | |

|Paired Text | |

|Supplemental Materials | |

|(Whole and Small Group) | |

|Vocabulary |isolated, virtual, devour, remote, impassable, obtain, preserve, extreme, avid, mobile, horizon, pitches, treasure |

|Drawn from the texts | |

|Foundational Skills |Follow the daily Phonics and Fluency sequence of activities |

|Fluency | |

|Decoding | |

|Word Work | |

|Language/ Syntax |Follow the daily Grammar and Spelling sequence of activities |

|Spelling and Grammar | |

| |Week 4 Continued |

|Essential Question: How do various communities ensure students have access to books? |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Writing |Optional- Reader’s Notebook pg. 25-26 |Choose one of the following based on the type of writing to be highlighted: |

|Response to text | | |

|Writing Process | |Describe the process each country uses to ensure students have access to |

|Culminating task | |books. |

|Aligned with topic for the week | | |

| | |Which country has the most difficult library system? The most interesting one|

| | |to use? Why? Use evidence from the text. |

| | | |

| | |Pretend you were hired to deliver books to children in one of the countries |

| | |from the text. Describe your trip using information from the text. |

|Standards |Reading: Informational Text |

| |RI 4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI.4.10 |

| |Writing |

| |W4.1, W4.9b |

| |Week 5 |

|Essential Question: How do various communities ensure students have access to books? |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Anchor Text |My Librarian Is A Camel (optional - continue use) |

|Rereading for fluency practice, additional | |

|comprehension support or independent reading | |

|practice | |

|Writing Support | |

|Building Knowledge |Articles |

|Leveled readers |NewsELA - must subscribe for access to following articles and text set: |

|Paired Text | |

|Supplemental Materials | |

|(Whole/Small Group, and Independent work) |Suggested Titles |

|All students experience all texts and |Bagdhad’s Book Market |

|resources regardless of level |United Way |

| |Little Libraries |

| | |

| |Video |

| |Nazreen’s Secret School |

|Vocabulary |approve, analysis, precious |

|Drawn from the texts | |

| |Week 5 |

|Essential Question: How do various communities ensure students have access to books? |

| |Day 1 |Day 2 |Day 3 |Day 4 |Day 5 |

|Foundational Skills |Follow the daily Phonics and Fluency sequence of activities |

|Fluency | |

|Decoding | |

|Word Work | |

|Language/ Syntax |Follow the daily Grammar and Spelling sequence of activities |

|Spelling and Grammar | |

|Writing |Continue with the writing process to finalize culminating task from Week 1. |

|Response to text | |

|Writing Process | |

|Culminating task | |

|Aligned with topic for the week | |

|Standards |Reading: Informational Text |

| |RI.4.1, RI.4.2, RI.4.3, RI. 4.9, RI.4.10 |

| |Writing |

| |W.4.1, W.4.9 |


Recurring standards—These standards are not listed each week, but they should always be addressed: RL 1, RL 10, RI 1, RI 10, L 6. See the Preface for additional information about recurring standards.


Recurring standards—These standards are not listed each week, but they should always be addressed: RL 1, RL 10, RI 1, RI 10, L 6. See the Preface for additional information about recurring standards


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