Alliteration: the repetition of consonant sounds at the ...

Glossary of Poetic Terms

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|Alliteration: the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. |

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|Assonance - The repetition of vowel sounds in the words of the poem. |

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|Hyperbole: an expression of exaggeration. |

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|Idioms: expressions that have a meaning apart from the meanings of the individual words. |

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|Imagery - Mental pictures created by the words of the poem. |

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|Lyric - A poem, such as a sonnet or an ode, which expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet. A lyric poem may resemble a song in form or |

|style. |

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|Metaphor: a figure of speech that compares two unlike things directly, without the use of like or as. |

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|Meter - The measured arrangement of words in poems. |

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|Onomatopoeia - Using words which imitate the sound they refer to. |

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|Personification - Endowing animals, objects or ideas with human traits or abilities. |

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|Point of View: First person: The writer is in the poem and tells it from his/her perspective. |

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|Point of View: Third person: The writer tells the poem from an objective perspective. |

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|Point of View: Third person omniscient: The writer isn't in the poem, but knows and describes what all characters are thinking. |

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|Puns: words with a humorous double meaning, a "play on words." |

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|Repetition - Repeating of words, phrases, lines, sounds, or stanzas. |

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|Rhyme - Identical or similar ending sounds between two words or lines. |

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|Rhyme pattern - The way the rhymes occur in a poem (First and third lines of each stanza, for example). |

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|Simile - A comparison of objects using "like", "as", or "than" or similar words. |

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|Stanza - One of the divisions of a poem; a grouping of two or more lines. |

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|Symbolism: using an object to represent an idea. A symbol means what it is and also something more. |

* Terms to be cut and dirtributed *

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|Alliteration: the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. |

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|Assonance - The repetition of vowel sounds in the words of the poem. |

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|Hyperbole: an expression of exaggeration. |

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|Idioms: expressions that have a meaning apart from the meanings of the individual words. |

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|Imagery - Mental pictures created by the words of the poem. |

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|Lyric - A poem, such as a sonnet or an ode, which expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet. A lyric poem may resemble a song in form or |

|style. |

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|Metaphor: a figure of speech that compares two unlike things directly, without the use of like or as. |

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|Meter - The measured arrangement of words in poems. |

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|Onomatopoeia - Using words which imitate the sound they refer to. |

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|Personification - Endowing animals, objects or ideas with human traits or abilities. |

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|Point of View: First person: The writer is in the poem and tells it from his/her perspective. |

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|Point of View: Third person: The writer tells the poem from an objective perspective. |

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|Point of View: Third person omniscient: The writer isn't in the poem, but knows and describes what all characters are thinking. |

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|Puns: words with a humorous double meaning, a "play on words." |

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|Repetition - Repeating of words, phrases, lines, sounds, or stanzas. |

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|Rhyme - Identical or similar ending sounds between two words or lines. |

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|Rhyme pattern - The way the rhymes occur in a poem (First and third lines of each stanza, for example). |

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|Simile - A comparison of objects using "like", "as", or "than" or similar words (It was like an orgy of despair). |

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|Stanza - One of the divisions of a poem; a grouping of two or more lines. |

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|Symbolism: using an object to represent an idea. A symbol means what it is and also something more. |


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