Most of the world’s people go about their lives without asking questions. They accept things as “c’est la vie”—“such is life”. They do not stop to question “why”? They do not study to learn why. They go through phases of good and bad, very good and tragedy. Some are destroyed through the tragedies of life--some cannot handle them and so commit suicide, or have mental or emotional breakdowns. But, life goes on for most. Their conversations revolve around what problems they are having, what illness the doctor is treating, or around what problems family and friends are having. Life is mundane for most, except for the yearly vacation, or family and friend get-togethers, or shopping sprees.

Most people, especially in American society, but also in European society, are like hamsters, or white laboratory rats, running full speed on a wheel—going round and round, day after day—taking out time once in a while for “vacation”, but then returning to the wheel. This is also accepted as “just life”.

We’ve been educated and programmed to only think as we have been told—to only see things as our programmers have desired. Even the church has taught the theology of men, and when we read the Bible, we read it with the mind of who has taught us. Oh the joy of being taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh! This way our minds are transformed to think like He thinks!

Few stop to question! Yet, all along most people are not really running on the wheel because they choose to—but because the world Luciferic elite of the Illuminati are masters of behavior modification programming, mind-programming through clever educational practices in every sector of society, of medical experiments of genetic engineering done on human bodies, of emotional programming, of genetic alteration of food, of fear programming, and of sin programming, of economic engineering, and on and on.

Very few people are even aware that they are being programmed to do as they do, say as they say, think as they think. Most believe they are the masters of their own destiny—but from babyhood to death, Americans, and probably Western Europeans too, are systematically and daily programmed and experimented on, so that they act exactly as their programmers desire.

From The Mystery of Iniquity by Michael Rood, page 83, referring to animal tracking methods used to ensnare human beings: “We see that a snare is set up by watching the habit patterns of the intended victim. By observing where it feeds, where it goes to water, and where it goes to rest, you can learn the comfort zones of the beast you are intending to capture.

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The snare is then set to catch it in its own habitat patterns by a device that is well camouflaged and appears to be a harmless part of its comfortable environment”.

The Luciferic elite, worshippers of Lucifer, think of human being as just dumb beasts to be captured and destroyed, so that they can rule over 500 million people as slaves. That’s the goal. Therefore, their traps are set well—and the

average citizen falls right into it, with pride, too, thinking all is well. They do not know they have been ensnared and captured, for they are still in their comfort

zones. The trap appears so in line with their security and comfort that they do not realized they are in the net, or the web, until the day the hunter reveals himself. That day of revealing is very close.

Since I am an American, and since I have done years of research into these things, I know that every aspect of life in America is controlled by the Illuminati masters of deceit. I have studied to the roots of the Luciferic system and its plans. Yet, most are so happy in their trap that they don’t even want to hear what has been planned for them. They don’t want to hear they are caught in a trap. They run from any knowledge of their true state. I hope you are not like that! A few of you have learned to avoid the traps, by wisdom from Yahuweh!

The masters of deceit control even what we think we see, when it is not really what we see. Mind programming by fake news, illusions, slight of hand, magic, and clever lies are constantly bombarding the American people. Serious-looking newscasters look into your eyes from the TV and lie to you straight out. Most belong to a direct link of the Illuminati—the Council on Foreign Relations.

The mind and emotional programming of most Americans begins at the toddler stage. The destroying of the body begins from birth. By the time a child reaches school, they are ready to be programmed into being world citizens—“Globalists”, programmed into the “world brain” to accept homosexuality as normal, and to by-pass any distinction between good and evil in the name of tolerance. All absolutes are blurred, and by the time the child gets to the teen age, they are ready to rebel against absolutes and authority in general. The purposed “dumbing” of America’s children is a real thing. Children are taught to repeat what is said to them—so they can regurgitate it back on a test--not to think for themselves, ask questions, or do their own research, and come to their own conclusions. Therefore adults are too lazy to ask questions, do their own research, and take the time needed to know Elohim (God).

Children are taught to be global citizens, to believe in evolution, and to question their faith in God. History has been distorted greatly, also—world history and American history. It is easy to understand now Messiah’s words in Mark 13:12b: “...And children shall rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death”.

Children are being programmed in school and by T.V., by books and videos, by video games and movies, and by their peers, not to believe in the Creator, or the

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right of rule of their parents or any other authority, or the sovereignty of the nation, or in absolutes of right and wrong. They are taught to laugh at cruelty, thus to accept cruelty as a means of obtaining what they want. They are taught that they are gods and can rule their own lives. Yet they are being manipulated into being controlled.

This sounds familiar: This is the new teaching that is growing stronger by the day in the Charismatic Christian churches—the “I Am” movement. Another

Christian movement is saying that we don’t have to read the Bible anymore--we have developed to the level of hearing God for ourselves—so His Word is passé.

Christianity, as a Greek/Roman religion parroting Greek and Roman rulers, has, from its beginnings by the Greeks said that Yahuweh’s teachings and instructions of the Kingdom of heaven (Torah)--has been done away with, and replaced by church laws and rules.

The undermining of the American people, and probably the Europeans as well, began in the late 1930’s, to destroy body, soul and spirit. The traps have been well hidden. Thus quiet wars and silent weapons have worked well, and American society as a whole is responding to its programmers extremely well.

The mental and emotional psychological programming that began there was also transferred to American citizens. After World War II, the experiments done by the Nazi doctors were brought to the U.S., disguised, and begun seriously on the American people. The hideous experiments performed by Hitler’s Nazi doctors on the Jews were funded by major U.S. political power-families and industry leaders, the Royal family of England, and the Vatican elite. This information is coming to light, and being published in books, even The Jerusalem Post at times.

Many of the experiments of the Nazi doctors done on the Jews were incorporated into the American Medical Association, and the branch of Pediatrics, which began as a division of psychiatry, brought new horrors to babies and children. Most doctors and nurses do not realize these things. But, the powers given now, especially to Pediatricians, are to the point, where they can have a child taken from its parents, if the parents do not go along with the prescribed drugs for their diagnosed condition.

One example: A teacher told parents that their child had an attention deficit problem and needed to see a Pediatrician. The Pediatrician put the child on the prescribed drugs, but the child went into convulsions from the medication. The parents took the child off the drug and he was OK. The teacher reported the parents to the Child Protection Agency because they took the child off the medication. The child was taken from the parents and put in a state-funded foster home, where the medication was again given. This is not an isolated case. The powers of these agencies have risen to the point, where anyone can be accused of hurting their child, and have the child taken away by the State.

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Here, briefly, I just want to mention a few of the “quiet wars” with “silent weapons” that were done on you while you slept. You will see that your exhausting busyness to be fulfilled and successful is not something you rationally chose, but, like most of your choices, was programmed into you by social engineers. Exhausted people in mind and body easily submit.

For most of you, as I have heard so often, your busyness--your running on the wheel—is getting more intense. You are being mind-programmed to run faster and faster, and be so distracted that you don’t know your front from your rear, and so can be deeply programmed even more. Heart problems are increasing

because the rats are being driven faster and faster.

It has been well said: “Satan drives, God leads”. You must choose your Master!

Your immune system has been methodically broken down since birth, if you are 60 or younger. You are being regularly sprayed with all kinds of experimental viruses, exposed to small doses of biological and chemical warfare, given HIV in live vaccines-- even babies--and even now vaccines are added to our staples, like corn. This is to break down your immune system so you can receive man-created viruses.

Recently a little three-year old girl--girl friend of my twenty-one month old grandson (smile)--in Florida was rushed to the hospital, where the doctors said her immune system was failing, and she was in a life-threatening situation. Praise our Father--she is fine now.

The “sudden death syndrome” that has killed children mysteriously for years, has been traced to mercury, a poison, in the DPT vaccines given to babies. Before a baby is three months old, their immune systems can’t deal with such injections given to them as routine by their Pediatricians. Now, they are adding more and more vaccines to be given to infants. Yet parents go along with it as part of life—without questioning what is happening to their child.

There are a few, and some of you are the few, who do not subject your children to such things—but have studied what our Father has given to us for the health of our children.

Babies are now routinely given medicines in the first month of their lives, experimental medicines, for such things as “spitting up”. All babies spit up!

If that medicine doesn’t work, then others are added. My youngest grandson was given three different experimental medicines, that I found out were given commonly to babies, when he was in his first month, because he spit up. I’ve heard nurses refer to the “flu shots” as “old people killers”, yet the elderly are encouraged to get these shots. But, now, Pediatricians are encouraging parents to Ok flu shots for their toddlers and children. These are experimental things, like most prescription medicines.

Children often become hyperactive and have short attention spans, and drugs are given to them, from a very young age. Yet, the additives to the typical

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American diet is creating this chemical imbalance in children, and the fast-moving pictures on the T.V., which move so fast that they captivate the child’s mind, cause the child to be hypnotized—they cannot control their thoughts. Therefore, when made to sit still in a chair in school, at church, or at someone’s house, they fidget and can’t be still—their minds are constantly reacting to the chemicals and the fast-moving pictures programming their little minds. Yet, it is amazing that more and more drug advertisements on T.V. are for children.

Only the Torah of Yahuweh gives us the solution to raising our children in peace, with proper role models of man and women, and proper instruction for balance in all of life, for the good of everyone.

The observer of Torah obeys Deuteronomy 6:6-7 places the responsibility on the father to teach His children Yahuweh’s ways. In doing so, the child is raised in peace, love, and joy, and revels in the characteristics of a good Elohim. The child grows up to prosper in all that he does. Among those that observe the Torah of Yahuweh, there is hardly a case of divorce. There is order, there are good absolutes, and there is peace and contentment.

“And these words, which I am commanding you this day, shall be in your heart, and you shall impress them upon your children, and shall speak of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way and when you lei down and when you rise up”.

Most Americans are run down physically, and many feel tried a lot of the time. Much of it is from poor unhealthy diet, additives in food, preservatives in food, and regular spraying of chemicals and biological diseases from the air. So,

one advertisement after another on T.V. continually tells the American people how this pill or that pill will help them be happy, healthy and sexy.

Americans have diseases that are not found in other countries, and some diseases that are rampant in America are rare in other countries. Stress-related diseases are rampant among Americans—some that are not even in other countries. Cancers, and heart problems, diabetes, now showing up among young people, and other life-threatening diseases are just not known in other countries. Young women getting breast cancer is an American phenomenon. Most Americans are on some pill. Addiction to prescription pills is the norm. Surgery is performed on Americans for diseases that are very rare or non-existent in other countries.

The typical diet of America is designed to break down the body. The body becomes so pickled by the additives in processed food, that I’ve heard morticians say the dead are already half embalmed when they arrive at the morgue.

Americans, from children to adults, are grossly overweight in comparison to those of other countries. Few children and adults exercise their bodies as they should, therefore even children are tired and weak a lot of the time. Our food contains hidden calories in food, with poor nutrients.

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Cattle are being fed the bodies of ground up cattle in their feed. This has produced the “mad cow disease” in some countries, especially in Europe. The

meat and dairy products are very tainted with chemicals, the chickens too—plumped up by chemicals. Of course, the meats that our Creator did not create for us to eat are the popular fare in many restaurants. His Torah (instructions) for being set-apart unto Him do not include things that defile our body. Yet, His wisdom is disregarded in favor of the lusts of the flesh. (Leviticus 11)

Americans have been and are being emotionally programmed into fear--to fear things that are illusions, and to fear people who are not the real perpetrators of the evil. Lies, deceptions, manipulation, control and mind programming are so much a part of every American’s day, that few know what is happening to them.

But, a few know—and are doing something to help themselves! I know some of you have taken offensive action, studied to find truth, and are walking in truth. At the same time, if you are not controllable, you are a problem to the world elite. But, you are also in line with the Father’s instructions.

We have been taught that busyness is a virtue, and that unless you have a good-paying job, you are unproductive and useless. Women who are blessed to be “stay home moms” often get entangled with group organizations and stay busy with them. Some engross themselves in watching the multitudes of talk shows, and the perverted dramas and sitcoms of daytime T.V.

Americans have been made to think that unless they have a nice home and car, and an active social life, they are in the category of “lower class”. You have been made to believe in a standard that has been created for you.

The elite social engineers have created ideals that are driving the American people into early graves to try to match those standards. Yet, if they’d just read the Word of Yahuweh, and find our His standards, their “yoke” would be easy, light, peaceful, restful and content. Modern “Charismatic” religion teaches that “gain is godliness”, something the Bible says is not true. (I Timothy 6:5-6) The way of Yahuweh is filled with peace and contentment, balance, order, right-rulings. For those who follow the Torah, especially in the love of Messiah—divorce is almost unknown. Yet, in America—marriages ending in divorce has passed 50%.

You are programmed that the ultimate is a college degree, and the more degrees you have and the higher the degree, the most prestigious you are in the eyes of society. “The pride of life” rides on the prestige gained from this social climbing. Lucifer was successful in tempting Eve when he appealed to her pride, her intellect, and the lust of the eyes.

I John 2:15-17: “Do not love the world not that which is in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Because all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world passes away, and the lust of it, but the one doing the will of Elohim remains forever”.

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You are encouraged to get a student loan, and you are in debt for thousands of dollars to go to a school that is programming you to be a global citizen and incorporated into the “world brain”. (Please ask for my article “Mind Manipulation” for more on the “world brain”) Colleges are hotbeds for rebellion and heresy, and programming by the Illuminati. But, society says that without a college education you can’t be part of the “successful” in life.

Children that have high mental ability are often given special attention in government schools. Some of these children are taken into special training, isolated and programmed to be part of the “world brain” Luciferic elite. For a parent to deny such an “honor” for their child marks a parent as being uncooperative with the good offered by the government, and so they are listed

as “resisters”. Once a parent signs for their child to go into these special programs, they become the property of the state—but of course, parents are not told that, but flattered into thinking their child is being honored.

Colleges also have such programs that isolate the brilliant and the geniuses who

are given great promises of success if they go along with the “carrots” offered them. The most brilliant at Yale are offered membership in the Skull and Bones—the most Satanic arm of the Illuminati. The promises are for great positions in world politics and economics, and great wealth also.

Everyone who doesn’t go along with the “corporate will” of the government during the time of martial law will be called a “resister”.

A “resister” is put on a list to be dealt with in one of three ways:

1) To be reprogrammed by drugs, torture, mind bending technology.

2) “Eliminated” in “detention camps”

3) Sent to hard labor camps.

A “resister”, for example, won’t renounce Yahushua, Yeshua, or “Jesus” as the only way to eternal life—they are not going along with the world brain, are not programmable, and thus are a nuisance that must be eradicated.

New Age doctrine is very verbal about getting rid of all the “negative forces” that are preventing their great convergence into the new world order. Yahuweh and His Word are the negative force. F.E.M.A. has a very large manual on who is a potential “harmer of the government”--a resister--and therefore under suspicion and surveillance.

The name “Illuminati” comes from Lucifer--“the illumined one, the light-bearer”--Satan in disguise--who illumined Eve and Adam in the Garden, so that they ate of his tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The mixture of the two—good and evil—is full blown now with the Internet, T.V., and other like technology. Greek Gnosticism, basic Masonic doctrine, teaches that the dark evil god--the God of the Torah, Yahuweh--kept illumination from

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Adam and Eve. But, the good god, Lucifer, gave them illumination. This is clearly stated in the “Masonic Bible”—Morals and Dogmas by Albert Pike.

This is the basic teaching of the “wise men” that run the world system, who are determined to get Yahuweh and His Torah off the planet, and all who adhere to Yahuweh and His Torah with Him.

The Illuminati, established by a priest of the Jesuit (Society of Jesus) Order in May 1, 1776, in Bavaria, works behind the scenes through “think tanks” to determine what is done to you.

AIDS was invented at Fort Detrick, Maryland, for example. After all, the goal of the elite rulers is to get the 6.4 billion of the world down to 500 million people, in sustainable communities, so they can be slaves of the ultra elite. Many think tanks devise plans for exterminating the world’s people—especially the people who are not “usable”.

The U.S. Presidents are picked 4-8 years ahead by “think tanks”, like the Bilderberger Group, or the Club of Rome. American policy and world policy for a world government is written and orchestrated and carried out from the results of “think tanks”.

“Think tanks” also formulate world policy on religion. One such “think tank” in America is called The Council on National Policy. It is ultra secret, and its membership reads like “Who’s Who” in the Evangelical and Charismatic Christian world—the big names, many who are now working with the Vatican, and some who signed the March 1994 pact with the Vatican, denying the Protestant

Reformation. The Council on National Policy was created in 1983 by the well-known Tim LaHaye--author of the spurious “Left Behind” series. His books are in airports in the “fantasy” sections of bookstores—for such they are.

The biggest wig in this organization is Sung Mung Moon—the multi-billionaire that has a lot of control over American policy and politics, even to being crowned the Messiah by eighty members of our Congress in Washington D.C. a few years ago. Moon, the head of the “Moonies”—the Unification Church—pours millions of dollars into groups like Beverly LaHaye’s Concerned Women of America, Jerry Falwell’s University, and Pat Robertson’s National Religious Broadcasters.

“Quiet Wars”—attacking you and your loved ones daily in a multitude of ways, to destroy you in mind, emotions, and body—to make you a zombie slave of the world system SHAKE YOURSELF, make drastic changes—study for yourself, and ask questions.

Torture camps, run by the U.S., at this point, are located in places like Eastern Europe, where the infamous “Ustachi” was turned loose upon the Jews and the believers during World War II. Much of the Ustachi was comprised of priests and nuns, supported by the Vatican, England, and the U.S. They were the worst torturers the world has ever known. Guitanomo Bay, Cuba, is also a torture center. There, prisoners are “tried” and you never hear from them again.

Laws were passed in 2006 that any American citizen can be arrested without

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trial, on circumstantial evidence, without representation, by a military court, and sentenced without evidence other than they are “suspect of harming the government”. Anyone who resists the evil being afflicted on us is listed by F.E.M.A. as harming the government. Those that believe in the second coming of Messiah are called “harmers of the government”

A fine grid of the earth’s people has been carefully made by the National Security Agency, and its agents have been methodically going door to door worldwide to all American ex-Pats to find out if they believe in the second coming, introducing themselves as Christians, of course. How do I know—I met some of them when I lived in Aqaba, Jordan for 8 years. I heard the truth from the mouth of a National Security Agent, who told me I was not supposed to know any of that. I told him that there was a purposed news black out to the U.S., and he told me I was not supposed to know that either. He had quit his job a few weeks before,

and mysteriously dropped dead not long after that. He knew too much!

We’ve been fed cotton candy and cherry soda, and raised on Disney, not

knowing that Walt Disney was a practicing Wicca witch, that Coca Cola invented America’s Santa Claus as an advertising ploy, and Christmas was really “Child mass”—where babies were sacrificed to pagan gods, and their dead bodies put under pine trees as presents to the gods. Yet, the foolish keep spending money every December, not realizing that they are eating from Lucifer’s tree of the mixture of good and evil.

Oh the joy and the peace and the rest of Yahuweh’s calendar—His days of Festivals are so wonderful! So many good people are running around furiously to please the dictates of the pastor or choir director, or some organizational leader in their church, and Sunday is a nightmare. It is not a day of rest. But,

oh the Shabbat—how glorious!

”My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” Messiah Yahushua told the religious Jews of His day. Religion is bondage to man. Yahuweh and Yahushua did not start any religion. Religion is man’s invention. Oh the joys of obedience to a Scriptural Torah, a pure Torah, as taught by Yahuweh’s Spirit!

The Illuminati infiltrated the Freemasons who carried its doctrines to full height. It infiltrated the Catholic Church, and they both invaded the U.S. secretly by late 1776, spreading their doctrines of a world without Yahuweh. Thus the Vatican, and the Masons and the Illuminati today, through about 200 organizations, each well orchestrated and in unity, as well as the New Age Movement, are controlling not only America but the entire world. It has been rightfully said that Georgetown University—the main Jesuit University in America—is the capitol of America—not Washington D.C.--for from there the Vatican controls America. This is just public knowledge—if you do your homework. As a tidbit of information: Ex-President Bill Clinton went to Georgetown to become a Jesuit priest… The goal of the Jesuits is to put a man on the Temple Mount in

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Jerusalem to rule the world--“for the glory of the god that sits in St. Peter’s chair”, they say.

I saw it for myself—the establishment of the world government publicly on CNN and BBC Europe, May of 1999, from the Pentagon, by James Reuben, spokesman for NATO. BBC said it was comprised of the leadership of the G-8 nations, NATO as the core military, and the President of the United States as its head (Clinton at the time) with Tony Blair, at that time. The American citizens heard nothing, because the American citizens since the 1940’s at least, have had a news black out enforced.

The American people are supposed to remain stupid, dull, and controllable, while all the time “pride” programming continues, until now many Americans are worshippers of the state. The Presidents are picked four to eight years ahead—my friends, the elections are a game. The news media tells you who is going to

win within a few weeks of the announcements of the candidates. We are not a democracy—we are a Socialistic state. We are pushing Greek democracy on the Middle East, who has no understanding of that system. The Greeks themselves said that “democracy” was the worst form of government, even though they invented it, because the majority rules, and often mob rule is involved.

Americans take notice: Your property can be confiscated and the person subscripted into labor to pay off their debts. Laws have been passed against the set-apart ones to Yahuweh, while the American people sleep, or watch another round of CSI. FEMA now controls most sectors of American life. All water rights are theirs, even on “private property”, the churches must do as they say, they have in place a “secret government” that will go into effect when martial law is declared. The “wilding of America” has already begun—the take over of massive parts of empty U.S. land by the enemies of the American people, patrolled by foreign troops. The plans to herd the American citizens like cattle inside cities for control is already in place. There are 200 or more complete U.S. cities underground. In Russia there are more, in China too.

F.E.M.A. let down the people of New Orleans to a great degree during Katrina. But, then, you must understand that they were not created to take care of disasters—that’s a front. So the front failed, but the real reason for their existence is to control the masses of hysterical people when the marital law turns satanic.

Their martial law program is called “Operation Garden Plot”. Under it is “Operation Cable Splicer”—the Army Civil affairs division, for population control. Remember these two “operations”. They are coming sooner than you think.

The American in general: Dulled, blinded, bound and controlled, and all the while

thinking they are the greatest on earth—proud, arrogant, boastful, brassy, pushy, loud-mouthed, and controlling, while all the time they are the ones


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Praise Yahuweh for those who do their own studying, ask questions, study the Word, pray and get His mind on what’s going on!

The Orthodox Jews are told by their rabbis not to read the book of Daniel. If they read it, they would find that Messiah Yahushua walked into Jerusalem in 28 CE and died for them. Americans are kept busy so that they do not seek Truth from any sector, and therefore do not learn truth that will set them free.

You are becoming more worn out and worn down and more and more advertisements for drugs are being thrust at you—if you only take “the little purple pill” all your problems will be over.

America is the world’s greatest slave nation. From 1619, slaves were brought into Jamestown from Africa. Today, the slaves are the American citizens—slaves to money, possessions (idols), their family’s demands, their jobs, their security, their social position, their drugs, their addictions, their lustful desires,

their church’s or other organization’s demands, their agendas and their exaltation of self. Slaves! – And proud of it! Like the story of “The Emperor’s New Clothes”, many walk around naked, while thinking they are dressed in the world’s finest.

Because laws were passed that American industry could build factories overseas and hire the Third World people, young children to adulthood often work for 12 hours a day, getting as little as 10 cents an hour. The American “sweat shops” are well known. America is also the largest trafficker in addictive illegal drugs, pornography, including child pornography, violent music and violent movies world wide, making slaves of mankind. Because of the distribution of violent movies, I have been asked by some in different countries, “What is it like living in a police state?” They are serious—they see movies about violence in our streets, and think we are a police state. America is also the biggest trafficker in sex slaves worldwide, including children.

“Revelation 3:14-17: “And to the messenger of Laodicia write, `The Amen, the Trustworthy and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of Elohim, says this’: “I know your works that you are neither cold nor hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say, `I am rich and I am made rich, and need nothing at all’, and do not know that you are wretched, and pitiable, and poor, and blind and naked…”

The only solution given is repentance and radical lifestyle change.

This is common knowledge to many, but we must realize that when the Word says to “get out of Babel” or else fall prey to His judgment on its sins, it is describing America (in at least five chapters of the Bible). To live in America and remain untainted by the culture, one must be more righteous than “righteous

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Lot” who lived in Sodom. He had a high, prestigious position as the city gatekeeper and he did not want to leave Sodom. He had to be forced out and made to flee. A small remnant will flee and survive out of America, because most are like Lot’s wife.

Daniel 7:25: The anti-messiah is strong to wear out the set-apart ones.

So many who are busy, busy are proud of themselves for all their busyness. It is a status symbol of someone who has a good life, one who is involved and productive. By the cultural dictates, people are made to feel that busyness is equivalent to being “fulfilled”, in accomplishing something, and going somewhere in life.

Yet, sad to say, most busyness is indeed accomplishing something--indeed

going somewhere: Round and round and round on a wheel in a cage filled with their food and water and a paper on which to go poop.

King David put it well in Psalm 17:13b-15: “Deliver my soul from the wrong…from men of the world whose portion is in this life. You fill their bellies with Your treasure. They are satisfied with children, and leave their riches to their babies. As for me, let Me see Your face in righteousness, I am satisfied to see Your appearance when I awake”. His eyes were on eternal reward, rather than the temporary pleasures of this life.

I have lived over eight years in the Third World, and traveled extensively and stayed in the Third World for about fifteen years. In looking objectively at American culture—which is basic Greek Platonic Philosophy, Gnostic, and politically socialistic--I see how totally controlled the people are, Yet their haughtiness and arrogance and pride reeks to the high heavens. It is a very shallow lifestyle—all centered on pampering the flesh, and “self-seeking”.

Yet, there is an emerging remnant that is seeking to separate out, and become aligned with Yahuweh and His Torah. This tiny remnant will have to leave by their own will, or flee out of end-time Babel at some point. (“Babel”, “Babylon” means: “Confusion by mixture”)

I am not deriding the American people—most are precious people. Most do not know they are in a trap, awaiting the hunter to reveal himself. They are just programmed into thinking they are free, and they are the greatest. Yet most are totally bound and in bondage, controlled, and anything but free. So many are bound by fear—because they’ve opened up their minds to the fear-programming of their captors.

In 2005, as I was returning to the states to teach, the Father gave me Ezekiel 3. He said to me: “ALL of My people outside of My land are in captivity”. When the northern ten tribes of Jacob were scattered from 1,000-722 BCE into all the world AMONG the gentiles, and the southern three tribes of the house of Judah were scattered into all the world by 70CE, they went into “captivity”, just as

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Judah was in captivity for 70 years in Babylon. But, in Babylon they prospered so only 10% returned to the Land after the 70 years. Now, His people are so entrenched into pagan culture in the countries where they settled, that to dislodge them is very difficult. A remnant is returning of all the tribes. This return is the largest subject written about in the entire Bible.

He says in Hebrews 12:25-29, that He will “shake everything that can be shaken so that only those things that cannot be shaken may remain”. He will have to cause such world upheaval that His people either return home to Him, to His Torah, to His Land, to His Covenant, or else die.

The Third World people in many countries are free, even though life is hard—

even those, like in China, that are under severe persecution for their faith in Jesus, because they are not tied to idols--material things, human gods of their own making, money, houses, cars, prestige and social status. Americans are the world’s greatest worshippers of their own self-made idols.

Good believers run here and there to meetings to hear some big name religious idol, and many are worn out. They have no time for study with the Ruach Yahuweh, or for prayer, or for just sitting in His presence, because they are too busy running here and there to hear someone’s opinions or teachings. Isn’t the Father good enough to teach His own Word? But, western society is “Humanistic”—it worships man and his accomplishments as gods.

Yet in all the busyness there is laziness regarding the things that are really important. It has been said: “What you get done in a day is your priority”.

That’s true. Look at what you’re running around to do. Is it from being “led” by the Ruach Yahuweh, or is it your own choices that are driving you?

The Ruach Yahuweh leads and guides gentle and sweetly. The Devil drives with a whip to the back. Yet, it is so common to be driven to do things that the society says is responsibility, few stop to think: “What is my responsibility?”

Corrie Ten Boom once said: “Beware of the barrenness of a busy life”. (Please ask for the article “Too Busy to Hear”.)

The Word is the only gauge of your responsibility, if you know Yahuweh and Messiah Yahushua. You are responsible to obey your Master—no more, no less. Society and culture, especially the Greek culture of America, has no right to dictate what you should do. You don’t have to send your children to be programmed by a satanic society in public schools. You do not have to vaccinate your children with experimental elements that are destroying their immune systems and adding diseases that are hidden in them. You do not have to watch

the major mind-programmer of Americans—the TV or stay on Internet—the full- blown tree of the knowledge of good and evil. You don’t have to buy the latest fashions, eat what looks desirable to the eye (like Eve did). You don’t have to eat the death diet of America, or eat genetically altered food, you don’t have to

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believe the man-made doctrines of religion. You don’t have to accept any of man’s interpretation of the Word, for the Ruach is your Teacher.

You don’t have to take your boys to soccer practice, or baseball practice, or games, or any such thing, for the Word does not tell us to pit ourselves against others in competition. Oftentimes pressure is put on children in sports by their coaches who “have to win”, so that the children are traumatized under great stress to please their coach.

Your children do not have to have what the other kids have—toys, clothes, shoes, jackets, or food.

Now virtual reality training is putting children in a position where they have to

choose alliances based on what will benefit them. This is also a foundation of “teams” in sports. This programming is causing people to make decisions based on what will advance them to win in society, jobs, making money, having friends, and on and on. Harry Potter is dangerous because it teaches pure Satanic doctrine—get for yourself any way you can. Yet, even Christians give their children this wickedness to watch, along with toys associated with violence.

You don’t have to go to college or send your children into mind programming that will cause them to be absorbed into the world brain, and leave you with thousands of dollars of debt. You do not have to have a credit card. You do not have to take prescription medicines. You do not have to have a regular doctor. You do not have to buy this book or that, read this magazine or that, watch this program or movie or that. You don’t have to do anything unless the Ruach Yahuweh leads you, and He leads by peace!

According to the Word, healthy men must provide for their family. The Word condemns a healthy man who does not work. Work is honorable, and a man needs to work at what he can to provide food, shelter and clothing for his family—what is “adequate”—not absorbent. This is basic to the teachings and instructions of Yahuweh—called The Torah.

I Timothy 6:6-10, King James Version: “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therefore content. For they that will be (want to be) rich fall into temptation and a snare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil, which some have coveted after, and have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows”. (Italics mine)

You do not have to have a big job that keeps you at work when you need to be with your family. You do not need to climb some “social ladder” or “corporate ladder” to exalt your ego. Avoid the pitfall of greed at all costs. You do not need but a fraction of what the American programmers say you need!

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If you have some big college degree and can’t find work—pump gas, work in a restaurant, work as a janitor, bag groceries, work somewhere, for in doing so, the Father will increase you because of your humility. Waiting around to satisfy your college degree and your ego is foolish pride. The Word puts no value on your degrees. (Jeremiah 9:23-24) Start somewhere, trusting the Father, and He will exalt you:

“Humble yourself under the mighty hand of Yahuweh, and He will raise you up in due season--casting all your care on Him, for He cares for you”. (I Peter 5:6-7)

Illuminati programming has taught us all that our worth is in how much money we make, and how affluent our lifestyle is. Pride is what caused Satan to be thrown out of heaven. Pride programming—pride in the state, in the culture, in what man can do (Humanism), in what you can do--is constantly bombarding the American people day after day.

Get out of debt and stay out of debt—sacrifice to do so—for the time will

come when those in debt will be conscripted into hard labor to pay off their debts. Sell your high-mortgage house and move into an apartment. Use the

money to free yourself and to prepare for what the Father wants you to do.

(Please read the article “Led”.)

So many Americans are slaves to their high mortgages. Houses are built on 12 inch foundations, with flimsy building materials, paper-thin walls, and roofs that need replacement regularly, and all made to look lovely and good for a 200,000.00 price tag. But one match can end it all. In the Middle East, for example, like in Aqaba, Jordan, houses are built on thirty to forty foot deep foundations, with stone/rock walls, and solid materials, so that they can withstand the centuries without having anything in them to burn.

Genesis 24:27: The servant of Abraham said: “I, being in the way, Yahuweh led me”. If you daily are walking in His ways, then He will lead, and you need not worry about anything. Work must be done to feed the family, clothe the family, and provide adequate housing, but also to bless others—the widow, the orphan, the poor, the stranger, and the homeless. There is no need to work yourself into an early grave to have things that will burn, or be destroyed or taken over anyway shortly, because your government is about to declare martial


You don’t need to pay high costs for a place to live, or to buy genetically altered food—read labels, be discerning, investigate. You can use alternative medicines when you need them, if you need them. Babies and children do not need to be stuck with needles, getting vaccines filled with poisons, experimental drugs, diseases and mercury, flues within flu shots, that break down their immune systems, so that the spraying takes effect.

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Fluoride is a poison. So why is it in our water and toothpaste. We got that from the Nazis. Why it is given to children? Alzheimer’s has been traced in part to aluminum poisoning, so why do 350 America products that most people use (like baking powder in bread and other baked goods, and in deodorant) contain this unnecessary killer? Read labels!

Airports have become a training ground for submission to the government. Rules are regularly changed, so the traveler is constantly being asked to submit to things that are humiliating. Unless you submit to the dehumanizing of the intricate airport rules, you can’t board the plane. Your toothpaste is taken and all liquids over 3 ounces. They have to be put in a zip-lock bag, and kept out to show the TSA authorities. Your water poured out, your shoes have to come off, your money belt too, your change, keys and hairpins, watch and jewelry must go into a container with your shoes, coat and zip-lock bag. Your things can all be

gone through by a TSA representative. You can be made to “spread eagle”, while in the eye of all present, someone pats your body down to see if you’ve hidden anything. Your computer must be out in a container, or all kinds of alarms go off and you are dubbed a potential terrorist. I’ve been on hundreds of airplane flights, and they are getting more and more painful as each airport has its own rules, in the U.S. and overseas. But, they tell you it is for your good. You believe that don’t you?

You have been shown pictures over and over of what our government allowed, or what is just not true, to program you into fear. Thus some of you have been

Satan’s evangelists--spreading fear and spreading “rumors or wars”, when it was all a game of the world elite. You get lied to, you get scared, you spread rumors, and they laugh…and say “thank you dummies for advancing our cause”. (I have written two articles about this—“Fear Tactics” and “Linked Arm and Arm”, which gives details of how news is faked, and those Bin Lauden videos produced in a Hollywood studio).

Weather warfare technology can create floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, drought, snow, heavy storms, high winds, ball lightening without rain starting fires, and with the same technology scramble the human brain into confusion. (Please ask for my article “Vanishing Bees” with its most revealing Appendix).

Here are quotes from a top-secret source that tells about the Illuminati’s Quiet War strategy against you. This is what they think of you. This is only touching the tip of the iceberg, but it will start some of you on the road to investigating truth and reality. In their own words, hear goes:

FORTY-ONE YEARS AGO – 1966 – the Illuminati silent weapons were launched against you and me. The Quiet Wars were declared by the international elite—the Bilderberg Group—at a meeting held in 1954.

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Although the silent weapons systems were not exposed until 12 years later, the detailed plans have been worked out in secret for a long time.

In this Illuminati manual, written for their agents, under the title Silent Weapons

for Quiet Wars, “An introductory programming manual”, they declare war upon the citizens of America.

From the introduction: “It is patiently impossible to discuss social engineering or the automation of society, i.e., the engineering of social automation systems (Silent Weapons) on a national or worldwide scale without implying extensive objectives of social control and destruction of human life, i.e. slavery and genocide. This manual is in itself an analog declaration of intent. Such writing must be secured from public scrutiny. Otherwise it might be recognized as a technically formal declaration of domestic war…The Solution of today’s problems

requires an approach which is ruthlessly candid, with no agonizing over religious, moral or cultural values. You have qualified for this project because of your ability to look at human society with cold objectivity and yet analyze and discuss your observations and conclusions with others of similar intellectual capacity

without a loss of discretion…”

From the 1954 proclamation: “Consequently, in the interest of future world order, peace and tranquility, it was decided to privately wage a quiet war against

the American public with an ultimate objective of permanently shifting he natural

and social energy (wealth) of the undisciplined and irresponsible many into the hands of he self-disciplined, responsible and worthy few. In order to implement this objective it was necessary to create, secure, and apply new weapons which, as it turned out, were a class of weapons so subtle and so sophisticated in their principle of operation and public appearance as to earn for themselves the name,

“silent weapons”. In conclusion, the objective of economic research as

conducted by the magnates of capital (banking) and the industries of commodities (goods and services) is the establishment of an economy which is totally predictable and manipulatible.

In order to achieve a totally predictable economy, the low-class elements of society must be brought under total control, i.e. must be housebroken, trained, and assigned a yoke and long-term social duties from a very early age, before they have the opportunity to question the propriety of the matter. In order to achieve such conformity, the lower-class family unit must be disintegrated by a process of increasing pre-occupation of the parents and the establishment of government-operated day-care center for the occupationally orphaned children.

The quality of education given to the lower class must be of the poorest sort, so that the moat of ignorance isolating the inferior class from the superior class is and remains incomprehensible to the inferior class. With such an initial

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handicap, even brighter lower class individuals have little if any hope of extricating themselves from their assigned lot in life. This form of slavery is essential to maintaining some measure of social order, peace and tranquility for the ruling upper class”.

“The public cannot comprehend this weapon, and therefore cannot believe that it is being attacked and subdued by this weapon. The public might instinctively feel that something is wrong, but because of the technical nature of the silent weapon, they cannot express their feeling in a rational way, or handle the problem with intelligence. Therefore, they do not know how to cry for help, and do not know how to associate with others to defend themselves against it”.

“When a silent weapon is applied gradually, the public adjusts/adapts to its

presence, and learns to tolerate its encroachment into their lives until the pressure (psychological via economic) becomes too great and they crack up.

Therefore, the silent weapon is a type of biological warfare. It attacks the vitality, options, and mobility of the individuals of a society by knowing, understanding, manipulating, and attacking their sources of natural and social energy, and their physical, mental and emotional strengths and weaknesses”.

Giving the public what they are told that they want and need, the manipulators

can make the public buy what the they want them to buy, and thus slowly

control every aspect of their lives. They appeal to man’s sin nature—the lust to

be liked, popular, and on and on, therefore man buys what he thinks is good for him. By this way, a nation’s economy can be controlled, by producing what the manipulators tell the people they need to buy. Everything we buy is recorded, and our lives are constantly monitored to see our reactions.

Shock therapy is often applied to control what people do, too. The more we are shocked, and given space to accept the outcome, the more we can tolerate of sin and control.

In the 1970’s “streakers” ran across public places naked. At first people were shocked. Then it became “funny”. In the 1960’s it was not allowed for Jeannie to show her belly button (“I Dream of Jeannie”). Today women parade on the screen with bras and scanty pants. But, shocks came slow and regular, so that man adapted to what they saw. Each shock became worse and worse—now people watch things on TV and call it good entertainment that once offended them. Each shock lowers the resistance to evil.

Economic shock is used to control the public. Shocking news is used to bring fear and thus control people into trusting their government to protect them, where all along it is the government, controlled by the Illuminati hierarchy that is out to destroy you. Beware whom you trust! (Jeremiah 17:5-9)

Regarding economics: “The aviation field provided the greatest evolution in economic engineering by way of the mathematical theory of shock testing. In this process, a projectile is fired from an airframe on the ground and the impulse

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of the recoil is monitored by vibration transducers connected to the airframe and wired to chart recorders…From the standpoint of engineering, this means that the strengths and weaknesses of the structure of the airframe in terms of vibrational energy can be discovered and manipulated…To use this method of

airframe shock testing in economic engineering the prices of commodities are shocked, and the public consumer reaction monitored. It is by this process that partial differential and different matrices are discovered that defile the family household and make possible its evaluation as an economic industry.”

“Then the response of the household to future shocks can be predicted and manipulated, and society becomes a well-regulated animal with its reigns under

the control of a sophisticated computer-regulated social energy bookkeeping system. Eventually, every individual element of the structure comes under

computer control through a knowledge of personal preferences, such knowledge guaranteed by computer association of consumer preferences (universal product code –UPC—zebra-striped pricing comes on packages with identified customers (identified via association with the use of a credit card)…”

“The Harvard Economic Research Project (1948 and following) was an extension of World War II Operations Research. Its purpose was to discover the science of

controlling an economy: at first the American economy and then the world economy...human life is measured in dollars…”

The social welfare system is nothing more than an open-ended credit balance system, which creates a false capital industry to give nonproductive people a roof over their heads and food in their stomachs. This can be useful, however, because the recipients become state property in return for the `gift’—a standing army for the elite. For he who pays the piper picks the tune”.

“Those who get hooked on the economic drug, must go to the elite for a fix…” “Since most of the general public will not exercise restraint, there are only two alternatives to reduce the economic inductance of the system:

1) Let the populace bludgeon each other to death in war, which will only result in a total destruction of the living on earth.

2) Take control of the world by the use of economic `silent weapons’ in a form of `quiet warfare’ and reduce the economic inductance of the world to a safe level by a process of benevolent slavery and genocide”.

“The latter option has been taken as the obviously better option. At this point, it should be crystal clear to the reader why absolute secrecy about the silent weapons is necessary. The general public refuses to improve its own mentality…it has become a herd of barbarians, and so to speak, a blight upon the face of the earth…They do not care enough about economic science to learn why they have not been able to avoid war despite religious morality…”

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My note: War has everything to do with economics. Wars are started at the nod of the hierarchy of the Illuminati—the Jesuit Order of the Vatican and the “wise men” of the Luciferic elite—and it all has to do with making money, stimulating

economy, and making slaves for the Luciferic elite who start the wars. All of America’s wars were started by this “elite”--money loaned by the international bankers, and land taken for repayment. Thus, much of America’s land, National Parks, etc., are owned by the elite of the world government.

“Economic engineers achieve the same result in studying the behavior of the economic and the consumer public by carefully selecting a staple commodity such as beef, coffee, gasoline, or sugar, and then using sudden change, or

shock, in its price or availability, thus kicking everybody’s budget and buying habits out of shape. They then observe the shock waves, which result by

monitoring the changes in advertising, prices, and sales of that and other commodities”.

“The object of such studies is to acquire the know-how to et the public into a predictable state of motion and change, even a controlled self-destructive state of motion, which will convince the public that certain `expert’ people should take control of the money system and reestablish security for all. When the subject

citizens are rendered unable to control their financial affairs, they, of course, become totally enslaved, a source of cheap labor.”

“By shock testing, it is found that there is a direct relationship between the availability of money flowing into an economy and the psychological outlook and responses of masses of people dependent on that availability. For example, there is a measurable quantitative relationship between the price of gasoline and the probability that a person would experience a headache, feel a need to watch a violent movie, smoke a cigarette, or go to a tavern for a mug of beer”.

“It is most interesting that, by observing and measuring the economic modes by which the public tries to run from their problems and escape from reality, and by applying the mathematical theory of Operations Research, it is possible to program computers to predict the most probable combination of created events (shocks) which will bring about a complete control and subjugation of the public through a subversion of the public economy.”

“Economic amplifiers are the active components of economic engineering…The simplest form of economic amplifier is a device called advertising…If a person is spoken to by a T.V. advertiser as if he were a twelve-year old, then, due to suggestibility, he will, with a certain probability, respond or react to that suggestion with the uncritical response of a twelve-year old and will reach into his economic reservoir and deliver its energy to

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by the product on impulse when he passes it in the store”.

In other words, we are being kept at a 12-year old mind and emotional level, shocked and manipulated and controlled, so that we respond exactly as our programmers desire. They see mankind as a machine that can be programmed. Man, who sees himself only with a body and its lusts, a mind, with emotions, and a will, makes himself a controllable machine.

It is the very, very, very few, who understand that they have an eternal spirit, who are led by the Creator’s Spirit, who have broken free—are set-apart--from this programming. Thus Messiah says that “few” find the gate to the narrow way that leads to life. The “broad road” leads to destruction, and “many there be that go that way”. (Matthew 7:13-14) Fools stumble along without change, without finding out what is happening to them, and their puppeteers smile.

It is a statistical fact that 95% of people do not change, have no desire to change, but do not realize they are on a raft being maneuvered by an enemy.

To summarize some of the ways that you are totally being taken over and controlled:

Your preferences are being monitored every time you go to the store. Your telephone can be tapped, surveillance of your home can be achieved via T.V. and cell phone reverse signals, the schools are watching your children’s behavior, and even at times your garbage is being analyzed. But, at any time, it is legal for a government representative to enter your home when you are not there, and take data found back to a central information center to be added to your file.

Your telephone bills are being monitored, your family and friends are being monitored, your memberships in organizations are being watched, your political affiliation noted, and what you buy via Internet recorded. Even “Google” is being monitored by F.E.M.A. Now, that’s going too far!

Your choice of books, magazines, videos, movies, and etc. are being watched. Your personal checking accounts, credit card purchases, and “tagged” credit card purchases – the credit-card purchase of produces bearing the U.P.C (Universal Product Code)--are recorded. Now passports are chipped, and clothes too. Cars can park outside your house and listen to everything said inside. You are being told that for your protection, you need this and that, and fear-programming kicks in and causes you to submit. After all, most think, doesn’t our government know more than we do?

If you want to survive, you must know what your government is up to, and how to circumvent it by wise choices directed by Yahuweh’s Spirit.

Your driving record, your deposits and withdrawals, checks written and checks deposited from your bank (s)—all being watched as well as your savings account, your real estate purchases, your business dealings, your job

performance, your car, your safety deposit box, your stock market holdings, your creditors, your loan-credit record, payment records, your legal enemies, welfare,

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social security, grants and subsidies, and the census is regularly taken to number you. Your marital status is also noted.

Of course, the IRS is watching you too, even though it is not a Federal Agency, but an Illuminati agency. Now, America is close to requiring a national ID card.

The principle of this ploy: “The citizen will almost always make the collection of information easy if he can operate on the `free sandwich principle’ of `eat now, pay later’ ”.

Your habits are being monitored for optimum programming. Your activities—sports, church, home meetings, hobbies, etc.—are being watched closely.

When you go on vacation, you are being monitored as to where you stay, what you eat, where you are going, how much gas you pump, and what entertainment you are enjoying.

The banks now are set up to provide information to the Illuminati agents as to where you go—who writes you checks—who you buy from.

Before I left this time for Israel, I had to inform my bank, so they didn’t stop my ability to get money from my debit card in Israel. Others have had their bank stop their accounts because they purchased something on-line from another country, or even went to another state without informing their bank. You now

must inform your bank of any changes in your whereabouts, so that they don’t stop your account.

In Wales and England, I got reports that Pastors have had their church’s bank accounts suspended indefinitely because they preached against homosexuality. There are government spies, witches, informants, and all sorts of enemies sitting in church pews, to report on what is being said and done, and on the conversations of different members. They are watching continuously to find out who may be a “harmer of the government”, and thus subject to arrest. Some are there to put curses on people, and some are there to learn how they can undermine the church to destroy it.

Your crime record, if you have one, and your responses—anger, fear, running from problems, etc.--are being monitored. Your purposes of prescription drugs and vitamin supplements, your visits to Doctors and/or Pediatricians, or Psychologist, Dentists, Surgeons, etc., are being watched.

Your physical and mental and emotional records are being monitored, and many of these “professionals” are giving out information on you and controlling you by their prescriptions. In our humanistic culture-- BEWARE of making man a god!

Your methods of coping with things are being monitored—your consumption of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, entertainment, religious factors influencing your behavior, and, in the terms of the seculars “other methods you use to escape reality.” If you go to church a lot—that’s being noted. Your conversations are even being monitored at times, to find out what you really think. If they are on

your trail, even conversations in restaurants and other public places could be monitored. This happened in China. When I was there for the work of our

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Father, I had to use code language, and never speak of the “Bible” in public—only as “the book”.

Payment records are monitored: Payment of phone bills, electric, water, gas, repayment of loans, automobile payments, and payments on credit cards.

Your political beliefs are being monitored: Your contacts, your strengths, your

weaknesses, and your activities. If you are a “cause” promoter—that is being noted.

Your grocery bill lets your programmers know what you buy on a regular basis. Some who think they need to store large amounts of grains, and other commodities for future times of trouble—remember, they are noting your large purchases. Pay in cash! Buy in smaller quantities!

Your court records, your police records, your driving record, your insurance information, and your anti-establishment acquaintances are being watched. Anti-establishment acquaintances could be the good ol’ boys of the militia who

believe they have the “right to bare arms” under the Constitution, who love their country and love their families, or your “prayer partner” who home schools. Parents who home-school are noted as potential resisters to the government’s programming. Many home-schooled children are not vaccinated. Vaccinations are required for children to go to public school.

If you meet in homes for Bible study, prayer, or fellowship—this is being watched

closely, for it is against the law to believe that one “God” is the only way, to witness to that “God”, to speak against homosexuality, and to believe in the second coming of Israel’s Messiah. This was signed into law under President Reagan.

Your offerings to religious organizations are being monitored, and if they exceed $500.00 a year, they are being recorded. When I had my own corporation (501C tax exempt status) I had to report periodically to the Treasury Department who gave me offerings of $500.00 or more during a year. I felt like a traitor. I dissolved the corporation. Churches are also required to give reports as to offerings received over a year.

Now, churches are being monitored by F.E.M.A. They have the right to threaten, and they have—if a church doesn’t hire homosexuals, they can have their tax exempt status removed, and conscripted into paying all their back taxes, which the IRS so nicely waved because of their 501C.

One more thing—What did happen to the Constitution? – The Constitution was replaced over 15 years ago by adding a clause that put it under the United Nations. Ever since then the Supreme Court has been passing laws by its own power that are trapping us.

These are just a few ways your life has been taken over!

My Note: This information is not to make you paranoid, or to cause you to lose your faith by promoting fear, but to let you know that you must stay in prayer, in the Word, and be led by the Spirit of Yahuweh, for He

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is the only one that can help you walk through this minefield without being blown to smithereens.



Keep the public ignorant! Tightening control of variables.

Maintain access to control points for feedback. Maximum control.

Create preoccupation. Establishing boundary conditions.

Attack the family unit. Proper timing.

Give less cash and more credit and doles. Collapse of currency.

Attack the privacy of the church.

Social conformity.

Minimize the tax protest.

Stabilize the consent.

A quote from a Jewish prisoner in a concentration camp in Poland, printed boldly on a wall at Vad Vashem in Jerusalem—the Holocaust Memorial Museum:

“The camp law is this, that those going to their death should be deceived until the end”.

My friend, this is the camp law of the Illuminati too, and we are now in a world camp—village—ruled by neo-Nazis and Luciferic-Satanists. We are unofficially under martial law, controlled by world rulers from behind the scenes. And you want “life as usual”—think again—life as usual is over.

“Experience has proven that the simplest method of securing a silent weapon and gaining control of the public is to keep the public undisciplined and ignorant of basic systems principles on the one hand, while keeping them confused, disorganized, and distracted with matters of no real importance on the other hand”.

Your busyness, my friends, is a product of your being programmed—even religious busyness, so that you have no time to spend with Yahuweh’s Spirit and His Word, and thus you are running around the rat wheel daily, also jumping mindlessly to the demands of your programmers. You don’t have to stay on the wheel, you can get off!

This is achieved by:

1) Disengaging their minds; sabotaging their mental activities, providing a low-quality program of public education in mathematics, logic, systems design and economics; and discouraging technical creativity.

2) Engaging their emotions, increasing their self-indulgence and their indulgence in emotional and physical activities by unrelenting emotional

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attacks (mental and emotional rape) by way of constant barrage of sex,

violence, and wars in the media—especially the T.V. and the newspapers, and by giving them what they desire—in excess—“junk food for thought”—and depriving them of what they really need”.

3) Rewriting history and law and subjecting the public to the deviant creation,

thus being able to shift their thinking from personal needs to highly

fabricated outside priorities. World history is centered around the Greek and

Roman empires, yet the most powerful empires of that day were Israelite

Empires that were constantly defeating Rome—like Parthia.

The general rule is that there is profit in confusion; the more confusion the more profit. Therefore, the best approach is to create problems and then offer solutions”.


Media: Keep the adult public’s attention diverted away from the real issues, and captivated by matters of no real importance.

Schools: Keep the young public ignorant of real mathematics, real economics, real law, and real history.

Work: KEEP THE PUBLIC BUSY, BUSY, BUSY, WITH NO TIME TO THINK; thus, back on the farm with the other animals”.

“Psychological basis: When the government is able to collect tax, and seize private property without just compensation, it is an indication that the public is ripe for surrender and is consenting to enslavement and legal encroachment. A good and easily quantified indicator of harvest time is the number of public citizens who pay income tax despite an obvious lack of reciprocal or honest service from the government”.

Shake yourself—be aware: American taxpayer money has been used to support Satan’s agenda for a long time—clear back to the late 1800’s. Examples: Taxpayer money was used, under President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to support Stalin’s murder of seven million Christians in the Ukraine. Stalin

did it with the full knowledge of President Roosevelt. Many of Roosevelt’s government were Illuminati agents. According to knowledgeable insiders AIDS was developed in Fort Detrick, Maryland, as a population control means

under the global 2000 plan contrived by the Club of Rome think tank. Deadly anthrax strains have been cultivated there for decades. Military research on biological extermination has continued there for years. Taxpayer money is used to support the Eastern European and Cuban torture facilities.

American money funded Hitler, and his experiments on the Jews. And, as of a few days ago, (mid-October 2007) 410 million dollars of taxpayer money was given to the PLO to help them, a terrorist organization, stand against Hamas, a

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Russian-backed terrorist organization. Taxpayer money has gone into weapons of mass destruction given to Iraq and other countries, and for weapons given to the PLO terrorist organization—Fatah. Tax payer money has been used to do the most hideous things against the American people and people world wide, and yet many do not even question these things—they just pay up to an organization that is not even American, but controlled by the “wise men” of the Illuminati. Is it no wonder that our good Father has told us to flee both the system of end-time Babylon, and the country of its nurturing?

Worldly government are often looked at as parents who care for their children. Most citizens want to create an “artificial womb”, so that the government ensures their security and safety and protect them from harm.

“Simply put, they want a human god to eliminate all risk from their life, pat them on the had, kiss their bruises, put a chicken on every dinner table, clothe their bodies, tuck them into bed at night, and tell them that everything will be all right when they wake up in the morning…The public demand is

incredible, so the human god, the politician meets incredibility with incredibility by promising the world and delivering nothing. The public behavior is surrender, born of fear, laziness, and expediency. It is the basis of the welfare state as a strategic weapon useful against the disgusting public”.

You are looked on by the world community’s leaders as a “biological unit”—something to be manipulated, used and discarded. Only Yahuweh, has given mankind dignity!

An American medical doctor has been quoted as saying that “human life is the most expendable commodity on earth”. This is the way that Lucifer’s world elite rulers look at you—expendable, like a lab animal.

You are being experimented on, slowly weakened, told lies, deceived by the government, by your church, by the economic community--hypnotized and programmed by technology that is so subtle that you can’t detect it unless you study. You are being shown magic, slight of hand, illusions, and lying stories to go with it, thus you are having a hard time distinguishing good and evil, truth and falsehood. Thus our good Father has sent the “Zadok Company” into this earth. It has two responsibilities—1) To teach you the

difference between what is defiled and what is clean, and 2) To encourage you to be set-apart unto Yahuweh. (Ezekiel 44:23) Our Father is good!


The people hire the politicians so that they people can:

1) Obtain security without managing it.

2) Obtain action without thinking about it.

3) Avoid responsibility for their own actions.

4) Obtain the benefits of reality…without exerting themselves in the

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discipline of facing it.

5) They give the politician the power to create and manage a war machine


a) Provide for the survival of the nation (womb)

b) Prevent encroachment of anything upon the nation (womb)

c) Destroy the enemy who threatens the nation (womb)

d) Destroy those citizen of their own country who do not conform for the sake of stability of the nation/womb

“Again, most people want to be free to do things, but they are afraid to fail. The fear of failure is manifested in irresponsibility…they want authority, but they won’t accept responsibility…so they hire politicians to face reality for them.”

This is why so few follow the Lamb, Yahushua, wherever He goes—why so few are led by the Spirit of the Father. The Western mentality is to be led by the head--by reason, by logic, by philosophy, by feelings, by sentiment, by cultural demands—not by some Spirit they can’t see.

They are scared of failure—scared of the unknown—scared and insecure. And it is no more than irresponsibility on their part to take time to get to know Him, obey Him, follow His orders, and change their lives to conform to His.

Therefore, many have told me, as they go about their wheel in “life as usual” America: “I’m waiting on God to tell me what to do”. It’s not that they are flowing in His will already and waiting for their next assignment—that’s life as

usual in Yahuweh’s Kingdom—no, they are maintaining their self-made lifestyle, and are waiting to do some first step if He bangs them on the head and yells at them. This is hair-tearing time for me! He has already told us what to do in the Word. This is no more than a huge irresponsible excuse for doing nothing. If

they can’t obey the written Word, they won’t obey His spoken Word. Walking by faith is daily flowing in obedience to known truth! They are waiting for someone to go start their car for them, while they sit and watch another soap opera. Faith is action—taking action on what we know to do, and pursuing it, believing in His ability to take care of us.

We can all do something, and we must—to break free of the yoke of slavery that we all have worn in America. We can sell what we have, give it away, downsize, simplify, pay debts, help the widow, orphans, poor and lonely. We can all get ourselves untangled from the “yoke of slavery”, if we start out to do it.

But, sitting on our derrieres and waiting on God to hit you over the head with a baseball bat to do something, you’ll be sitting until the martial law authorities come to take you to your new home in a concentration camp.

“Politicians hold many quasi-military jobs, the lowest being the police, which are

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soldiers, the attorneys and the C.P.A.s next who are spies and saboteurs, and the judges who shout the orders run the closed union military shop for whatever the market will bear. The generals are industrialists. The “Presidential” level of commander-in-chief is shared by the international bankers.”

To conclude this chapter, from the compiler of this information, a military intelligence insider, whose book was written in 1991: “This Illuminati document, found in 1969, correctly outlines events which subsequently came to pass. It cannot be ignored or dismissed. The document is genuine. Its truths cannot be negated or shrugged away. The message is this: You must accept that you have been cattle and the ultimate consequence of being cattle is slavery. People, however, are not willing to admit that they have been cattle.” Therefore, they continue on as usual, being used and abused, controlled, and manipulated, and taken over for destruction, which will ultimately lead them to accept anything the government says is for their good—even the “mark of the beast”. Those that do not take a stand in the Torah and Yahuweh, fulfilling their responsibility to His Covenant, will be sent strong delusion to believe a lie, and thus be swept over the cliff in the flood of evil to come.

Methodical radical change in attitude and thought, and purposed radical change in lifestyle to shake off the yoke, is the only way to stop the downward spiral.

Only the Ruach Yahuweh can help us do that, by directing our thoughts and our daily steps as we are led by Him into set-apartness.

Maybe this is not all for you—but you are in this somewhere, so use this information to evaluate the results of your choices, and make adjustments as your Father leads you.

“`Come out from among them and be separate’ ”, says Yahuweh, `and do not touch what is unclean and I shall receive you’ ”.

(II Corinthians 6:17)

“Come out of her My people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues”. (Revelation 18:4)

“Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with Elohim. Whoever therefore intends to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of Elohim”. Ja’cob 4:4

“He said to them, `You are those who declare yourselves righteous before men, but Elohim knows your hearts, because what is highly thought of among men is an abomination in the sight of Elohim”.

(Luke 16:15)

“And you shall set yourselves apart, and shall be set apart, for I am Yahuweh your Elohim, and you shall guard My laws and do them. I am Yahuweh, who sets you apart…And you shall be set-apart unto Me, for

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I, Yahuweh, am set-apart, and have separated you from the peoples of the earth to be Mine”. (Leviticus 20:7-8, 26)

Shake yourself, begin today to make positive decisions to change what is causing you to be one of the cattle--break away to follow the Lamb, for He is going on with you or without you. Use your Eohim-given will to propel yourself into reality!

With love and Shalom,


October 29, 2007

Tiberias, Israel

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