Georgia Grade 5 Writing Assessment: Scoring Rubric

Domain |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 | |

| |It is clear in every part of my paper that it |It is clear that my paper is a particular |It is clear that my paper is a |When you read my paper you will see |You can’t tell by reading my paper|

| |is a particular genre: narrative, persuasive, |genre: narrative, persuasive, response to |particular genre: narrative, |some ideas that will make you think |whether it is a particular genre: |

| |response to literature, or informational piece.|literature, or informational. |persuasive, response to |it is a particular genre: narrative, |narrative, persuasive, response to|

| |It is easy to tell what my paper is about all |It is easy to tell what my paper is about |literature, or informational. |persuasive, response to literature, |literature, or informational. |

|I |the way through. |all the way through. |It is easy to tell what my paper |or informational, but you won’t be |I am just starting to think about |

|D |I added details to explain and expand on all of|I added details to explain more of my |is about. |sure. |what I want to write. |

|E |my ideas (elaboration). |ideas to my reader (elaboration). |My details explain my ideas to my|It is hard to tell what my paper is |I wrote a few words but not really|

|A |I showed ideas in my paper and didn’t just tell|My details stick to the topic. |reader. |about. |any details. |

|S |about them. |I included specific details so my reader |Most of my details stick to the |I wrote a few details. |My paper is too short to develop |

| |My details stick to the topic. |understands my message. |topic. |Some details may not support my |my ideas. |

|(x 2) |I included specific details so my reader | |I included enough details so my |topic. | |

| |understands my message. | |reader understands my message. |My paper is not complete. | |

| | | |Parts of my paper have more | | |

| | | |information than others. | | |

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| |My organization matches my writing genre. |My organization matches my writing genre. |Most of my organization matches |My organization does not match my |There is no organization in my |

|O |I have clearly sequenced the ideas within each |The ideas in my paper are in order. |my writing genre. |writing genre. |paper. |

|R |paragraph and across my paper. |My introduction sets the stage for my |Most of the ideas in my paper are|My paper repeats the same ideas over |My ideas are not in any sort of |

|G |My introduction sets the stage and hooks the |paper. |in order. |and over again (is formulaic). |order. |

|A |reader. |My conclusion wraps up my paper without |I included an introduction to my |A few of my ideas are in order. |I did not include an introduction |

|N |My conclusion wraps up my paper and satisfies |repeating the introduction. |topic. |I grouped ideas that do not go |and/or a conclusion. |

|I |my reader. |All of the ideas I have grouped together |My conclusion is clear and wraps |together. |I did not use transition words, or|

|Z |All of the ideas I have grouped together are |are similar. |up my paper. |I did not include an introduction, or|I did not use them correctly. |

|A |similar and are in a logical order. |I have used a variety of transition words |Most of the ideas I have grouped |it does not introduce my topic. |My paper is too short to show |

|T |I have used a variety of transition words to |to connect each part of my paper. |together are similar. |I did not include a conclusion, or my|organization. |

|I |connect parts of my paper, ideas, paragraphs, | |I have used transition words to |conclusion does not wrap up my paper.| |

|O |and sentences. | |connect each part of my paper. |I used the same transition words over| |

|N | | | |and over, or I used them incorrectly.| |

| | | | |My paper is too short to show | |

| | | | |organization. | |

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|Domain |5 |4 |3 |2 |1 |

| |My paper sounds like narrative, persuasive, |My paper sounds like narrative, |My paper sounds like narrative, |Some of my paper sounds interesting, |My paper sounds boring. |

| |response to literature, or informational |persuasive, response to literature, or |persuasive, response to |and some of it does not. |I used boring, confusing, and |

| |writing all the way through. |informational writing all the way through.|literature, r informational |My paper sounds exactly like the way |unclear words in my paper. |

| |The reader will be so interested in my paper he|I use words that are specific and hook my |writing. |I talk. |I didn’t really know I was writing|

| |will not want to put it down. |reader. |In parts of my paper I used words|I may have repeated the same words |for an audience. |

|S |I use a variety of words that wow my reader. |It is clear that I wrote to an audience in|that hook my reader, and in other|over and over. |You cannot tell who wrote this |

|T |My reader will know I am talking right to him |my introduction, body, and conclusion. |parts I wrote like I talk. |I knew I had an audience, but I did |paper without looking at my name |

|Y |throughout my paper. |Most of the time my paper has personality |I kept my audience in mind during|not think about them as I wrote. |(no voice). |

|L |My paper has personality throughout and sounds |and sounds different from the way anyone |the introduction, body, or |My paper does not have personality |My sentences are written in the |

|E |different from the way anyone else writes |else writes (voice). |conclusion. |and sounds the same as everyone else |same way. |

| |(voice). |My sentences are different lengths and are|Sometimes my paper has |(voice). |I did not write enough to show my |

| |My sentences are different lengths and are |written in different ways. |personality and sounds different |My sentences are short and all sound |style. |

| |written in different ways. |I used at least one of these strategies in|from the way anyone else writes |the same. | |

| |My sentences start in different ways. |my paper: |(voice). |My paper is too short to show my | |

| |I used a variety of these strategies in my |narratives: flashback, |Some of my sentences sound |style. | |

| |paper: |foreshadowing, |different from the others. | | |

| |narratives: flashback, |suspense, tension, or | | | |

| |foreshadowing, |informational, | | | |

| |suspense, tension, or |persuasive, or response | | | |

| |dialogue |to literature:: facts | | | |

| |informational, persuasive, or |and details, describing, | | | |

| |response to literature: facts and |analyzing, or relevant | | | |

| |details, describing, |anecdotes | | | |

| |analyzing, or relevant | | | | |

| |anecdotes | | | | |

| |My writing included a variety of correctly |My writing included correctly written |I wrote simple sentences |Many of my sentences just don’t sound|I wrote fragments and run-ons |

|C |written simple, compound, and complex |simple, compound, and/or complex |correctly. |right. |instead of complete sentences. |

|O |sentences. |sentences. |I wrote some compound sentences |I did not use correct end punctuation|I did not use correct end |

|N |I used correct capitalization, punctuation, |For the most part, my sentences have |correctly and some with a few |in my sentences, or I left it out. |punctuation, or I left it out. |

|V |spelling, and grammar throughout my paper. |correct capitalization, punctuation, |errors. |I have many capitalization, |I have many capitalization, |

|E |If I made any errors, they did not keep my |spelling, and grammar. |I wrote some complex sentences |punctuation, spelling, or grammar |punctuation, spelling, and grammar|

|N |reader from understanding what my paper is |If I made any errors, they did not keep |correctly and some with a few |errors. |errors. |

|T |about. |the reader from understanding what my |errors. |There are some errors that keep the |There are many errors that keep |

|I | |paper is about. |Most of my capital letters, |reader from understanding what my |the reader from understanding what|

|O | | |punctuation, spelling, and |paper is about. |my paper is about. |

|N | | |grammar are correct. |My paper is too short to check the |My paper is too short to check |

|S | | |A few errors keep the reader from|conventions. |conventions. |

| | | |understanding what my paper is | | |

| | | |about. | | |


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