Expository Essay Rubric - WPMU DEV

Expository Essay Rubric

| |Description |Intro |Body |Conclusion |Language |Other |

| |Clearly addresses all parts of the |( engaging, |( well-developed topic |( restates the thesis |( effective transitions |( writes with the |

| |writing task; maintains a clear |appropriate lead |sentence |statement and the main |throughout the essay |audience in mind |

| |purpose and a consistent point of |( general information |( in-depth, accurate, and |ideas |( employs a variety of |( strong “voice” |

| |view and focus; all ideas are on |introducing the topic |relevant facts/concrete |( expands upon the |sentence patterns to |(expressive, engaging, |

|4 |topic, not extraneous; essay |( clear thesis and a |details |general information |enhance the writing |enthusiastic, natural, |

| |logically flows from one paragraph |statement of the main |( relevant comments |provided in the |( sentences vary in |thought-provoking) |

| |to another; paragraphs fully |points |without redundancy |introduction |beginnings, length, and |( original and engaging |

| |elaborate and develop the thesis | |( effective concluding |( ends with a final |complexity |title |

| | | |sentence that restates |thought, but does not |( precise and | |

| | | |the topic sentence |give any new |engaging vocabulary | |

| | | | |information | | |

| |Addresses all parts of the writing |( appropriate lead |( topic sentence |( restates the thesis |( includes appropriate |( attempts to write with |

| |task; maintains a general |( some general |( relevant facts, concrete |statement and the main |transitions |the audience in mind |

| |understanding of the purpose and |information |details, and supporting |ideas |( may employ various |( moderate “voice” |

| |mostly consistent point of view and |introducing the topic |comments |( may include some |sentence patterns |(sincere, but not |

|3 |focus; ideas are on topic; essay |( thesis and a |( minimal redundancy |general information |( sentences may vary in |genuinely engaging) |

| |flows from one paragraph to another;|statement of the main |( concluding sentence |( ends with a final |beginnings and length |( appropriate title |

| |paragraphs build and develop the |points | |thought |( uses accurate | |

| |thesis | | | |vocabulary | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Addresses only parts of the writing |( weak, inappropriate, or |( insufficient or |( confusing or missing |( ineffective, awkward, |( limited awareness of |

| |task; demonstrates limited |missing lead |missing topic sentence |restatement of thesis, |or missing transitions |the audience |

| |understanding of the purpose and an |( little or no general |( limited or irrelevant |main ideas, and |( simple sentence |( little or no “voice” |

| |unclear point of view and focus; |information |facts, concrete details, |general information |patterns |(flat, lifeless, or |

|2 |lacks unity between paragraphs; weak|introducing the topic |and comments |( missing final |( may include confusing |mechanical) |

| |paragraph development; lacks |( weak, insufficient, or |( redundant information |thought |or incorrect vocabulary |( may or may not have a |

| |sufficient support for the thesis |missing thesis and |or comments | | |title |

| | |statement of the main |( insufficient or | | | |

| | |points |missing concluding | | | |

| | | |sentence | | | |

| |Fails to address the writing task; |( inappropriate or |( missing or irrelevant |( missing or |( no transitions |( no awareness of the |

| |demonstrates no understanding of the|missing lead |topic sentence |inappropriate |( simple, confusing, or |audience |

| |purpose; lacks point of view, focus,|( no general information |( few or no facts, | |fragmented sentence |( lacks “voice” (flat, |

|1 |and unity between paragraphs; little|introducing the topic |concrete details, or | |patterns |lifeless, or mechanical) |

| |or no paragraph development |( missing or irrelevant |support | | |( no title |

| | |thesis and main points |( redundant information | | | |

| | | |( missing or irrelevant | | | |

| | | |concluding sentence | | | |


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