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Washington University

Department of Anthropology St. Louis, MO 63130 USA

(office) 314-935-8630 -


2002 Ph.D. Harvard University, Social Anthropology

1991 B.A. Tulane University, Anthropology and Latin American Studies, Summa cum laude


2010- Associate Professor of Anthropology, Washington University in St. Louis

2002-10 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Washington University in St Louis


Ethnography of the state; Indigenous movements; extractivism, fossil fuels, and redistribution; coloniality and decolonial politics; education and language politics; Latin America (Andes, Chaco, Bolivia, Brazil, Guatemala).


2014 Outstanding Faculty Mentor, Graduate Student Senate, Washington University

2011 SSRC Dissertation Proposal Development Co-Director “Global Indigenous Politics”

2009 Washington University I-CARES Seed Grant

2005-06 Fulbright Scholar, Bolivia

2005 Faculty Research Grant, Washington University

2004 International and Area Studies Research Grant, Washington University

1998 Mellon Foundation Dissertation Grant

1997 Foreign Language and Area Studies Dissertation Grant

1994-97 National Science Foundation Fellowship for Graduate Research

1992 Fulbright Scholar, La Paz, Bolivia


2009 New Languages of the State: Indigenous Resurgence and the Politics of Knowledge in Bolivia. Durham: Duke University Press. (331 pp.)

Published in Spanish, 2015, as Nuevas Lenguas del Estado: El Pueblo Guaraní y la Educación Indígena en Bolivia. La Paz: Plural Editores.


2011 Nicole Fabricant and Bret Gustafson, eds. Remapping Bolivia: Territory, Resources, and Indigeneity in a Plurinational State. Santa Fe: School for Advanced Research Press. (250 pp).

2010 Mabel Moraña and Bret Gustafson, eds. Rethinking Intellectuals in Latin America. Madrid/Frankfurt: Vervuert/Iberoaméricana (388 pp).


nd (with Natalia Guzmán Solano). Mining Movements and Political Horizons in the Andes: Articulation, Democratization, and Worlds Otherwise. In Mining in Latin America: Critical Approaches to the “New Extraction”. Kalowatie Deonandan and Michael Dougherty, eds. New York: Routledge. In press.

nd Decolonization, Sort of? Indigeneity and Gas in Southern Bolivia. In Perley, Bernard, ed. Remediating Cartographies of Erasure: Anthropology, Indigenous Epistemologies, and Global Imaginaries. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, in press.

nd Oppressed No More? Indigenous Language Regimentation in Plurinational Bolivia. International Journal of the Sociology of Language. In press.

nd (with Felix Julca and Ajbee Jiménez). The Politics and Policy of Language Revitalization in Latin America and the Caribbean. Language Revitalization in Latin America and the Caribbean. Teresa McCarty and Serafin Coronel-Molina, eds. New York: Routledge. In press.

nd Memorias de una lucha: el Pueblo Guaraní, la educación bilingüe y la huelga de hambre de 1998. Qinasay. In press.

2015 Guarani.  The Languages of Bolivia. Mily Crevels, ed. La Paz: Plural Editores.

2014 Intercultural Bilingual Education in the Andes: Political Change, New Challenges, Future Directions. In Cortina, Regina, ed. Educating Indigenous Citizens in Latin America. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters. Pp. 74-97.

2012 Fossil Knowledge: Industry Strategy, Public Culture, and the Challenge for Critical Research. In Flammable Societies: Studies on the Socio-Economics of Oil and Gas, edited by J. A. MacNeish and Owen Logan. London: Pluto. Pp. 311-334.

2011 Rewriting Maya Country in Guatemala and Mexico (Review Essay). Latin American Research Review 46(3):207-215.

2011 Flashpoints of Sovereignty: Natural Gas and Territorial Conflict in Bolivia. In Crude Domination: An Anthropology of Oil. Andrea Behrends, Stephen Reyna, and Gunther Schlee, eds. Oxford: Berghahn. Pp. 220-240.

2011 (with Nicole Fabricant). Introduction: New Cartographies of Knowledge and Struggle. In Fabricant and Gustafson, eds. Santa Fe: SAR Press. Pp. 1-33.

2011 Power Necessarily Comes from Below: Guarani Autonomies and their Others. In Fabricant and Gustafson, eds. Santa Fe: SAR Press. Pp. 268-308.

2010 Autonomia e articulação: o gas natural e as transformações das regiões e do poder na Bolívia e Brasil. In Região e poder: representações en fluxo. Dilamar Candida Martins, Izabel Missagia de Mattos, and Mauro Victoria Soares, eds. Goiania: Editora PUC Goias. Pp. 37-58.

2010 La soberanía en los tiempos del gas: territorialidades y tácticas en el sureste boliviano. Umbrales 20 (La Paz).

2010 When States Act Like Movements: Dismantling Local Power and ‘Seating’ Sovereignty in Bolivia. Latin American Perspectives 37(4):48-66.

2010 Pluralism, Articulation, Containment: Knowledge Politics Across the Americas. In Moraña, Mabel and Bret Gustafson, eds. Rethinking Intellectuals in Latin America. Frankfurt/Madrid: Vervuert/Iberoaméricana. Pp. 353-372.

2009 Manipulating Cartographies: Plurinationalism, Autonomy, and Indigenous Resurgence in Bolivia. Anthropological Quarterly 82(4):985-1016.

2008 La educación y el resurgimiento indígena en Bolivia: desafíos al proyecto de descolonización.” In Cultura y Cambio Social: South by Midwest I. Mabel Moraña, ed. Frankfurt:Vervuert. Pp. 91-112.

2006 Spectacles of Autonomy and Crisis: Or, What Bulls and Beauty Queens Have to Do With Regionalism in Eastern Bolivia. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology 11(2):351-379.

Reprinted (Spanish) 2011, in Villa Libre 7 Cuaderno de estudios sociales urbanos. (CEDIB, Cocahabamba, Bolivia).

Reprinted (Spanish) 2008, in Revista Willka 2(2): (El Alto, Bolivia).

2004 El concepto de “red” y los conocimientos indígenas en la EIB. Qinasay: Revista de Educación Intercultural Bilingüe (Cochabamba, Bolivia). 2(1):7-22.

2002 The Paradoxes of Liberal Indigenism: Indigenous Movements, State Processes, and Intercultural Reformism in Bolivia. In The Politics of Ethnicity: Indigenous Peoples in Latin American States. David Maybury-Lewis, ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Pp. 267-306.


2011 Ñemoesaka Guasu: El Gran Esclarecimiento. Collaborative Research on Two Decades of Organization with the Asamblea del Pueblo Guaraní-Itika Guasu. In coordination with the Equipo de Apoyo al Pueblo Guaraní. Entre Rios, Bolivia. (88pp)

2005 Galdámes, Viviana, Aída Walqui, and Bret Gustafson. La Enseñanza de Lenguas Indígenas en la Educación Bilingüe [Teaching Indigenous Languages in Bilingual Education Programs]. La Paz: PROEIB Andes/INWENT. (143pp)

Published in French, 2004, as L’école Vivant: Enseigner la langue maternelle dans un programme d’éducation bilingüe. Daouda, Senegal: INWENT.

2002 Robles, Tomás, Bret Gustafson, and Fernando Rojas. Necesidades Básicas de Aprendizaje: Area Guarani. [Research on Basic Educational Needs: Guarani Area] La Paz (Bolivia): Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deportes. (122 pp)

1998 Gustafson, Bret, Lucy Gutiérrez, and Sabino Manuel. Ñeereñii [The Flowering Word, a social history and linguistics text written in the Guarani language]. La Paz: UNICEF. (132 pp)

1996 Ñee: introducción al estudio lingüístico del idioma guaraní, para guaraní hablantes [Language: An Introduction to the Linguistic Study of the Guarani Language, for Guarani Speakers]. La Paz: APG/UNICEF/TEKO-Guaraní. (170 pp)

1996 Guía para el estudio de nuestras lenguas y nuestras culturas [Guide to ethnographic method for indigenous educators]. La Paz: UNICEF. (123 pp)


2015 Review, Trojan Horse Aid: Seeds of Resistance and Resilience in the Bolivian Highlands and Beyond by Susan Walsh. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute. In press.

2015 Review, Governing Indigenous Territories: Enacting Sovereignty in the Ecuadoran Amazon by Juliet Erazo. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. In press.

2015 Review, Earth Politics: Religion, Decolonization, and Bolivia’s Indigenous Intellectuals by Waskar Ari. The Historian. In press.

2015 Review, Rhythms of the Pachakuti: Indigenous Uprising and State Power in Bolivia. Journal of Anthropological Research. In press.

2015 Review, State Theory and Andean Politics, edited by Chris Krupa and David Nugent. Anthropological Quarterly. In press.

2014 “The Hypermarginal Slot,” Comment on Bessire, L. in Current Anthropology 55(3): 289-90.

2014 Review, Environment and Citizenship in Latin America: Natures, Subjects, and Struggles, eds. A. Latta and H. Wittman. Environment and Society 5(1).

2012 Review, Roosters at Midnight: Indigenous Signs and Stigma in Local Bolivian Politics by Robert Albro. Journal of Anthropological Research 68(4):551-552.

2012 Review, Urarina Society, Cosmology, and History in Peruvian Amazonia by Bartholomew Dean. Tipiti, Journal of South American Ethnology.

2010 Review, Dilemmas of Modernity: Bolivian Encounters with Law and Liberalism, by Mark Goodale. American Anthropologist 112(1):161.

2008 Review, The Spectacular City: Violence and Performance in Urban Bolivia, by Daniel Goldstein. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 14(1): 228-229.

2008 Review, At the Risk of Being Heard: Indigenous Rights in Postcolonial States, edited by Bartholomew Dean and Jerome Levi. Indigenous Nations Journal 5(2)/6(1):141-144.

2005 Commentary, On Peasants and Power in Eastern Bolivia. Journal of Latin American Anthropology 10(1):80-84.

2004 Review, The Guarani in the Rio de la Plata, by Barbara Ganson. Tipití, Journal of South American Ethnology 2(1).

2004 David Maybury-Lewis. Biographical Dictionary of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Vered Amit, ed. London:Routledge. Pp. 343-44.

2001 Guarani. Diccionario Histórico de Bolivia. Josep M. Barnadas, ed. Sucre (Bolivia): Grupo de Estudios Históricos.

2000 Quechua, Quichua, Aymara, Diablada. Encyclopedia of Contemporary Latin American and Caribbean Cultures. Daniel Balderston, et al. eds. New York: Routledge.


2015 (with Nicole Fabricant) “Moving Beyond the Extractivism Debate: Imagining New Social Economies”. NACLA: Report on the Americas Digital Issue “Mapping the Moment.”

2013- Contributing editor, Environment, NACLA (North American Congress on Latin America)

2013 Amid Gas, Where is the Revolution? NACLA Report on the Americas (Spring 2013):61-66.

2013 Commentary, Inter-American Dialogue Energy Advisor, “Are Labor Conflicts in the Region’s Energy Sector on the Rise?” March 24-29, Pp. 1,4.

2013 “Scholars Beyond the Ivory Tower” Mellon-Mays Fellows Graduation Remarks. May, 2013 at Center for Humanities and reprinted November 2013, in Department of Anthropology Bulletin and. Excerpts reprinted as “What Knowledge is Good For;” St. Louis American (May 8, 2013).

2012 Interviewed for International Business Times, “Deadly Ethanol: Brazil’s Sugarcane Farms Take Toll on Indigenous People.” Ryan Villareal, December 8. .

2011 Bolivian Resource Politics. Revista: Harvard Review of Latin America (Fall 2011).

2009 Bolivia 9/11: Bodies and Power on a Feudal Frontier. Caterwaul Quarterly 2:20-24.

2008 Reading Bolivia in the US Press. NACLA Report on the Americas 41(4):49-52.

2008 By Means Legal and Otherwise: The Bolivian Right Regroups. NACLA Report on the Americas 41(1): 20-25.

Reprinted in: 2008 Real World Latin America: A Contemporary Economics and Social Policy Reader. Boston: Dollars and Sense/NACLA.

2006 Indigenous Leader Elected President in Bolivia. Cultural Survival Quarterly 30(1):12.

2005 To Speak in Our Own Words: Language Rights and Guarani Renaissance in Bolivia. Human Rights Dialogue (Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs). Issue on Cultural Rights 2(12):11-12.

2003 Political Defense in the Chapare: Voices from Bolivia. Cultural Survival Quarterly 26(4):49.

2003 The Spirituality of the Coca Leaf: Interview with M. Choque and C. Mamani. Cultural Survival Quarterly 26(4):51.

1998 Guarani Educational Politics and Multicultural State-Making in Bolivia. Cultural Survival Quarterly 22(1):20-21.


2010 Panel co-organizer, with Nicole Fabricant. Andean Territorialities and the Shifting Circuits of Water, Oil, Gas, and Land. American Anthropological Association, New Orleans.

2008 Conference co-organizer, with Mabel Moraña, “Rethinking Intellectuals in Latin America: The South by Midwest II International Conference on Latin America.” Washington University Latin American Studies Program.

2000 Panel organizer, “Guarani Ethnographies,” Latin American Studies Association, Miami.

1999 Panel organizer, Invited session, “Native Language Politics,” 38th Conference on American Indian Languages (SSILA). American Anthropological Association, Chicago.

1999 Panel organizer, “Bolivia in the Era of Neoliberal Multiculturalism,” New England Council on Latin American Studies.


2015 Race, Energy and (Anti)Capitalism in Latin America. American Anthropological Association, Denver, November 19.

2015 Invited Discussant, Extracting Justice. International Conference, Santa Cruz, Bolivia. November 7-15.

2015 Invited Discussant, States and Their Others: Rule as Process in the Andes. Latin American Studies Association. May.

2015 Invited Discussant. Mechanismos de participación en la gobernanza ambiental. Latin American Studies Association. May.

2014 Invited Discussant, Petro-Politics in the Americas. American Anthropological Association. December.

2014 Invited Discussant, Ethnographies of Energy. American Anthropological Association. December

2014 Have Gas, Will Travel: Energy and the State Along the Bolivia-Brazil Corridor. Cornell University, Department of Anthropology Seminar. May.

2014 Bolivian Gas, Brazilian Capital: Rethinking Region and Politics in the New Global South. Latin American Studies Association, May.

2014 Comments in memory of Benjamin Kohl, Roundtable. Latin American Studies Association, May.

2014 Have Gas, Will Travel: Energy and the State Along the Bolivia-Brazil Corridor. Vanderbilt University, Department of Anthropology Seminar, April.

2014 Rights, Resources, and Bolivia’s Proceso de Cambio. University of Chicago Latin American Studies Program, Feb. 28.

2013 “Paradoxes of Indigenous Education in Bolivia,” XIII International Symposium on Ethnography and Education, UCLA, September 18-20.

2013 Histories of Gas, Nation, and Nature in Bolivia. Latin American Studies Association, May.

2013 Emerging Political Economies of Gas in Bolivia and Brazil. American Association of Geographers, April 11.

2013 Invited Guest Speaker, “On ‘Culture’ and the Subversion of Transnational Power, Reflections from Bolivia,” at the UCLA Mellon Postdoctoral Program in the Humanities, Seventh Annual Conference on “Shifting Scales of Transnationalism,” April 26-27.

2012 Mapping Gas: Cartographies of Knowledge, Redistribution, and Remediation in Bolivia. Invited Executive Session, ‘Remediating Cartographies of Erasure,’ American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings. November 17.

2012 Have Gas, Will Travel: An Ethnography of the Bolivia-Brazil Energy Corridor. U. St. Andrews, Scotland Department of Anthropology Seminar. February 10.

2012 Natural Gas and Evo Morales: The Politics of Redistribution and Indigenous Rights. California State Polytechnical University – Pomona. Department of Geography. February 20.

2012 Wrinkles in Time: Historicizing Bolivian Indigenous Resource Struggles. Invited participant at the Conference on Latin American Historians at the Meetings of the American Historical Association. Chicago. January 6.

2011 Development Aid, State Shifts, and International Bilingual Education Trajectories. Reconstructing National Identities: Intercultural Bilingual Education in Latin America. Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, October 7.

2011 The Contemporary Policy Relevance of Andean Indigenous Languages. University of Illinois Summer Andean Language Institute, Urbana-Champaign, July 28.

2011 Remapping Bolivia. University of Texas Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies and the Andean Research Group, Austin, March 28.

2011 The Contemporary Policy Relevance of Andean Indigenous Languages. University of Illinois Summer Andean Language Institute, Urbana-Champaign, July 28.

2011 Climate Justice: The Challenges of Global Warming. Washington University College Master in Liberal Arts Lecture Series, St. Louis, February 26.

2010 Discussant, Andean Territorialities and the Shifting Circuits of Water, Oil, Gas, and Land. American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, November 19.

2010 Invited discussant, The Circulation of Autobiographical and Biographical Narratives in Lowland South America and Beyond: Tribute to David Maybury-Lewis. American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, November 20.

2010 Invited paper, Indigenous Resurgence and the Politics of Knowledge: The Bolivian Guaraní Case. For a British Academy Seminar, “Paradigms of Diversity and Social Cohesion: Education Planning, Curriculum Design and Language Vitality Among Latin American Indigenous Peoples (2000-2012). Newcastle University, UK. November 8.

2010 Hydrocarbon Knowledge Regimes and the Ethnography of Gas in Bolivia. Invited paper, Latin American Studies Association, Toronto, October 9.

2010 Series of public lectures on “Racism in Comparative Perspective: Bolivia and Guatemala”. Invited by the Univeristy of the Cordillera; Vice-Presidency of Bolivia; Defensoría del Pueblo, and the Ministry of Cultures. La Paz, Bolivia, July 27-30.

2010 Epistemic Rupture, Affirmative Action or Reverse Racism: Decolonizing Knowledge in Evo’s Bolivia. New York University Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies.

2010 New Languages of the State: Indigenous Resurgence and the Politics of Knowledge in Bolivia. Department of Latino and Latin American Studies, Northern Illinois University.

2010 Gas Geopolitics and Indigenous Self-Determination Rights in Bolivia. Indiana University Maurer School of Law/Dept of Anthropology Conference on Human Rights in the Global South.

2010 Gas Geopolitics and Indigenous Self-Determination Rights in Bolivia. Harvard Law School.

2010 From Neoliberalism to Living Well: Gas and the Cultural Politics of Redistribution in Bolivia. University of Washington Department of International Studies Seminar, Seattle.

2009 Regions and Power in Latin America. Invited Closing Address to the National Symposium on Social Sciences, Federal University of Goiania (UFG), Goiania, Brazil.

2009 Evo Morales and Gas Wealth in Bolivia. Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville.

2009 Populism, Corruption, or Revolution? Gas and Redistributive Politics in Bolivia. University of Illinois Latin American Studies Seminar, Urbana-Champaign.

2009 The Anthropology of Redistribution and Inequality: Reflections on the Gas Boom from the Bolivian Chaco. Flammable Societies Conference, La Paz, Bolivia.

2009 Inequality and Bolivia’s Age of Gas. Latin American Studies Association, Rio de Janeiro.

2009 Os Guaraní e o gás natural na Bolivia: procesos emergentes. Invited lecture at the Federal University of Goiania (UFG), Brazil.

2009 Indigenous Rights and the Plurinational Constitution in Bolivia. Buder Center for American Indian Studies Course, “The Future of Indian Nations,” Washington University.

2009 Socio-cultural Dimensions of Sustainability. Washington University International Center for Advanced Renewable Energy and Sustainability.

2009 Sovereignty in a Social Movement State: Visualizing Violence and Dismantling ‘Local Powers’ in Bolivia. University of Chicago Anthropology Department Seminar.

2009 From Invisibility to Violence: The Guarani and Natural Gas in Bolivia. University of Toronto Center for Latin American Studies Conference on Indigenous Peoples in the Southern Cone: The End of Invisibility.


2010-15 St. Louis, USA Fieldwork on race, democracy, and public education reform.

2010-15 Bolivia Research collaboration with the Assembly of Guarani People and Equipo de Apoyo al Pueblo Guarani, Tarija (various)

2009 Bolivia, Brazil Ethnographic transect of a hydrocarbon (natural gas) network (1 month)

2008 Bolivia Gas, land, and territorial conflict (summer)

2005-06 Bolivia Indigenous education and decolonization; gas, land, and territorial conflict (Fulbright, 9 months)

2003, 04 Bolivia Bilingual education and education reform (summers)

2001 Sweden-Denmark Development aid and indigenous education (short-term)

2000-02 Various Indigenous organizations, oil companies, and conflict in Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, and Bolivia (short-term)

1997-98 Bolivia Bilingual intercultural education and the Guarani (dissertation fieldwork, 15 months)

1995, 96 Bolivia Bilingual intercultural education (pre-dissertation fieldwork, summers)

1993-94 Bolivia Guarani epistemologies, educational practice, and textual production. Collaborative research with the Assembly of Guarani People and UNICEF (17 months)

1992 Bolivia Urban Aymara, the Festival of Gran Poder, La Paz; Aymara language studies (Fulbright, 11 months).

1991 Costa Rica Sustainable Development and Tropical Ecology. School for Field Studies, Northeastern University (3 months)

1990 Guatemala Kaqchikel-Maya oral histories (3 months)

1989 Guatemala Language studies in Kaqchikel-Maya, Antigua (3 months)


Graduate seminars

Latin America and the Rise of the Global South; Anthropology and Development; Social Movements; Culture, Power, and the State; Ethnographic Fieldwork

Undergraduate lecture

Indigenous Peoples and Movements in Latin America; Anthropologies of Latin America; Global Energy and the American Dream; American Indians and American Empire

Undergraduate research/seminar

Social Thought and Analysis Senior Thesis Writers’ Seminar; St Louis 101: Urban Anthropology and the Global City; Anthropology and Public Engagement


Dissertation advisor, Anthropology, Washington University

N. Guzmán-Solano, PhD candidate, Indigenous Land Rights, Peru

A. Bolívar, PhD candidate, Latina Sexual Economies (co-chair)

J. Macías, PhD Candidate, Latin@s and Education Policy in the Midwest

D. Billingsley, PhD, 2014 K’iche’ Maya Literacy Practices and Memory (Re)Making, Guatemala

L. Hinegardner, PhD, 2013, Social Change and Documentary Film in Mexico: Violence, Autonomy, and Cultural Production

Dissertation Committee member, Anthropology, Washington University

C. Barnes, PhD candidate, Bhutan

A. Chary, PhD 2015, Cancer and Women’s Health, Guatemala

Namgyal, PhD 2015, Households and Migration in Tibet

R. Hodges, PhD 2015, Gendered Mediation of Jordanian Education Reform

N. Batiashvilli, PhD 2014, Memory Politics in Georgia

E. Repice, PhD, 2012, The Production of Artists, St. Louis (reader)

J. Wistrand, PhD, 2011. Development and NGOs in Azerbaijan (reader)

J. Quincey, PhD, 2009. Language Revitalization in Wales (reader)

Dissertation Committee member, Buder Center for American Indian Studies/School of Social Work

S. Billiot, PhD candidate, Environmental and Health Impacts in Houma Country

J. Black, PhD candidate, Gwichin Visions of Sustainability, Alaska

A. Hertel, PhD, 2015. Lumbee Economies, NC

MA advisor, Anthropology

L. Isenhart, MA, 2008, Mining and Social Conflict in Argentina

MA advisor, International Studies, Washington University

M. Cardona, MA, 2011, International Non-Profits

A. Bingham, MA, 2009, Plan Colombia

L. Leme, MA, 2008, Petrobras in Bolivia: The Expansion of the Gas Sector

MA advisor, American Culture Studies, Washington University

A. Fields, MA candidate, Domestic Violence and Black Male Privilege

J. Pounds, MA, 2009, The Ethnography of a Gay Bar in St. Louis


Washington University (2002-present)

Advisor, Undergraduate Honors Theses (30)

Reader, Undergraduate Honors Theses (26)

Undergraduate Independent Studies (5)

Undergraduate Internships (7)

Advisor of Mellon-Mays Fellows (4)

Harvard University (1998-2002)

Advisor, Undergraduate Honors Theses (Anthropology, 5; Social Studies, 4)

Reader, Undergraduate Honors Theses (Social Studies, 6)


Washington University

2012-2013 Search Committee, Vice-Provost and Graduate School Dean

2012-13 LatinoLink Faculty Co-Chair

2012 Leadership Alliance Mellon Initiative Faculty Mentor (Summer, 2012)

2012-13 James McLeod Lecture Series Committee

2011-14 Fulbright Selection Committee

2008- Inter-disciplinary Faculty Initiative on American Indian Studies

Washington University, College of Arts and Sciences

2013-2016 Arts and Sciences Faculty Council (Co-Chair, 2015-2016)

2014-2015 Search Committee Member for the new Department of Sociology

2013-2014 Dean’s Advisory Committee on Programs

2013-2014 Search Committee, Department of History, Latin Americanist

2013-2014 Search Committee, Department of Education, Social Policy

2013, Fall Committee on Language-Culture-Diversity curriculum learning goals

2011-2012 Search Committee, Department of Romance Languages, Andeanist

2011 Faculty Discussion Leader, First Year Reading Program

2010-11 Washington University Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee

2004-10 Faculty interviewer of candidates, Rodríguez Scholars Program

2008-10 January Scholars Program Fall Course Instructor

2006-08 Washington University Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee

2006-08 Human Subjects Behavioral Research Review Sub-Committee

2005-06 Ad-hoc Committee on Unification of Human Subjects Research

2003-04 Faculty Associate, Rubelmann-Umrath Hall (Residence Life)

Washington University, Department of Anthropology

2011-2015 Graduate coordinator, Socio-cultural Anthropology

2012, Fall Acting Director of Graduate Studies

2011-12 Colloquium Series Coordinator, Anthropology Department

2009-10 Search committee, Linguistic Anthropologist Search

2005, ’08, 12 Undergraduate Awards Committee

2005 Ad-hoc committee on Human Subjects Research Review Policies

2004-09 Graduate student language qualification assessments (Spanish)

Washington University, American Culture Studies

2009-10 Masters’ thesis advising; Postdoctoral review; advising on human subjects research

Washington University, International and Area Studies and Latin American Studies

2006-14 Undergraduate major, thesis, and capstone advisor; pre-dissertation grant committee

2008 Co-organizer, South by Midwest II International Conference on Latin America

2007 Member of the Study Abroad Program Evaluation Team, Santiago, Chile

2002-09 Guest lecturer, International Studies seminar for majors

2004 Consultant, Freshman Leadership Program

Washington University, Social Thought and Analysis

2007, 08 Senior Thesis Seminar Leader

2002-08 Undergraduate major advisor

2003-06 Developed Freshman Seminar, “Engaging the City: St Louis”

Washington University, Other

2003-13 Outside dissertation reader (7 Spanish; 2 Political Science)


Grant referee

Social Science Research Council, annual reviewer of International Dissertation Research Fellowships (approx. 200, 2006-12); National Science Foundation (Cultural Anthropology; Law and Social Sciences); Austrian Science Fund; Economic and Social Research Council (UK); Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

Journal referee

Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (7); American Anthropologist (5); American Ethnologist (5); Latin American Research Review (3); Cultural Anthropology (1); Bulletin of Latin American Research (1); Comparative Studies in Society and History (1); Collaborative Anthropologies (1); Anthropological Quarterly (1); Anthropology and Education Quarterly (1); Urban Anthropology (1); Journal of Linguistic Anthropology (1); Latin American Perspectives (1); Ethnography (1); Social Forces (1); Political and Legal Anthropology Review (2); Studies in Law, Politics, and Society (1); Revista de Estudios Sociales (Colombia, Universidad de los Andes)(1); Geopolitics (1); Recherches amérindiennes au Quebec (1)

Manuscript reviewer

Duke University Press; University of California Press, University of Texas Press; University of Arizona Press; U. Pennsylvania Press; European Consortium of Political Research, Zed Press.

Scientific Review Committees

Doctoral program in Anthropology, Federal University of Goiania, Brazil

Investigación Aporte Santiaguino (journal), Universidad Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Peru


2011 Social Science Research Council (SSRC). Co-leader of Dissertation Proposal Development Fellowship (DPDF) Workshop on “Global Indigenous Politics,” with Prof. José Antonio Lucero (Political Science, University of Washington). June and September.

2011 Social Science Research Council (SSRC). Facilitator for workshop with recipients of IDRF dissertation fellowships, March 24-28. Austin, TX.

2010-11Assembly of Guarani People (Tarija, Bolivia): Diagnostic of Impacts of Natural Gas on Social and Political Life, O’Connor Province, Bolivia.

2005 Original Peoples’ Education Councils (La Paz, Bolivia): Revision of curricular proposal for Indigenous (First Nations’) research institutes (Aymara, Quechua, Guarani)

2002 PROEIB-Andes (Cochabamba, Bolivia): Seminar for Guarani educators on Guarani language writing, orthography, and standardization issues

2002 PROEIB-Andes (Cochabamba, Bolivia): Seminar for M.A. Students: Critical Perspectives on Indigenous Knowledge as Social and Network Practice

1999 UNICEF-Bolivia (Camiri, Bolivia): Curricular design for Guarani language training for Guarani educators

1998-99PROEIB-Andes (Cochabamba, Bolivia): Curricular design for Indigenous M.A. Program in Bilingual Intercultural Education

1998-99PROEIB-Andes (Cochabamba, Bolivia and Asunción, Paraguay): Training of state officials (Paraguay) in basic concepts of bilingual intercultural education.

1999 Ministry of Education (La Paz, Bolivia): Evaluation of Teachers’ Colleges

1998 Ministry of Indigenous Affairs (Camiri, Bolivia): Seminar on language rights and revitalization, Guarani region

1993-94UNICEF-Bolivia (Camiri, Bolivia): Ethnographic research with Guarani education project

1993 UNICEF-Bolivia (Riberalta, Bolivia): Anthropology and linguistics workshop with indigenous educators


American Anthropological Association, 1989-1991, 1994-

Guatemala Scholars Network, 1990-

Latin American Studies Association, 1994-

Society for Latin American Anthropology, 1994-

Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas, 1996-

Bolivian Studies Association, 2002-


English native language

Spanish speak, read, and write fluently

Guarani speak, read, and write near fluency

Portuguese speak well, read fluently

French read well

Kaqchikel elementary reading knowledge

Swedish elementary reading knowledge

Aymara structural knowledge


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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