Applied Ergonomics Conference Sessions Matrix

Tuesday, Sept. 24

|7 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. |Registration |

|7 – 8:30 a.m. |Coffee Service |

|8 – 9 a.m. |Opening Session and Keynote |

|9 – 9:15 a.m. |Break and Exhibit |

|Room | | | | | |

|Track |Teaching LSS |Manufacturing |Healthcare |Energy | |

|9:15 – 10 a.m. |Electronic Medical Records: |Harnessing Poke-Yoke for Process|Improving On Time Appointment |Lean Applications to Enhance | |

| |Post-Implementation Process |Control and Product Quality #37 |Starts – A Retrospective |Shale Oil Production #53 (I) | |

| |Improvement #15 (All) |(B) |Overview #6 (B) |Alfred D'Ambrosio, Hess | |

| |Sarah Bonzo, Rochester General |Merwan Mehta, East Carolina |Grace Bourke, Sutter Health |Corporation | |

| |Health System |University | | | |

|10:05 – 10:50 a.m. |Team Member Learning in a Lean |Lean-Six Sigma in low |Engaging Frontline Employees in |Lean Implementation in Energy | |

| |Environment #16 (All) |Volume-high Diversity |Problem Solving to Provided |Sector #67 (I) | |

| |M. Abbot Maginnis, University of|Manufacturing Environment #22 |Ideal Care #13 (B) |Rajitha Nakka, University of | |

| |Kentucky |(All) |Isaac Mitchell, |Southern Mississippi | |

| | |Raquel Reif, Curt G. Joa, Inc. |East Tennessee Children’s | | |

| | | |Hospital | | |

|10:50 – 11:05 a.m. |Beverage Break with Exhibitors – |

|Room | | | | | |

|Track |Legal |Manufacturing |Healthcare |Case Studies | |

|11:05 – 11:50 a.m. |Lean Six Sigma to Reduce Lead |New Engineer Onboarding: How |Simplifying Process |Lean Six Sigma Approaches to | |

| |Times in Legal Business |Lean Can Reduce Costs and |Improvement/Lean/Six Sigma |Improve Automobile Technician | |

| |Processes #44 (I) |Accelerate Competency #27 (All) |Programs for Healthcare #25 |Productivity #63 (I) | |

| |Ertunga Ozelkan, University of |Todd Hudson, Maverick Institute,|(All) |Telford Locklear, East Carolina | |

|(One 45-minute or Two 20-minute |N. Carolina at Charlotte |LLC |Craig Stevens, HCA Physician |University | |

|sessions) |__________________ | |Services |___________________ | |

| |Lean Six Sigma to Enhance | | |Analysis of Risk in a Supply | |

| |Incentives Plan in Law Offices | | |Chain System with Damage Costs | |

| |#45 (I) | | |#64 (I) | |

| |Ertunga Ozelkan, University of | | |Samir Alsobhi, Wichita State | |

| |N. Carolina at Charlotte | | |University | |

Tuesday, Sept .24 - Continued

|Noon – 1:15 p.m. |Lunch and Keynote Speaker |

|1:15 – 1:45 p.m. |Dedicated Exhibit Time |

|Room | | | | | |

|Track |Sustaining |IE & LSS |Health |Panel Session | |

|1:45 – 2:30 p.m. |The 9th Muda: Failure to |Tools and Technique to Improve |Mayo Clinic's Lean Journey to |Performance Metrics Panel | |

| |Sustain. Processes Need |Company Bottom-line: Clients |Manage to Medicare's |Discussion #48 (All) | |

| |Maintenance Too! #2 (All) |Needs and Services #10 (I) |Reimbursement Rates #71 (I) |Ken McClymonds, OpEx Solutions, | |

| |Michael McCarthy, Quality |Foad Hosseinkhanli, Amor Health |Tony Chihak, Mayo Clinic |Inc. | |

| |Leadership |Services, Inc. | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|2:35 – 3:20 p.m. |Lean Six Sigma Mentor- Best |Work Measurement in Low-Volume, |A Modified Six Sigma Roadmap for|Performance Metrics Panel | |

| |Practices, Tools and Techniques |High-Mix Manufacturing #7 (All) |Multiple Sclerosis Patients on |Discussion - Continued | |

|(One 45-minute or Two 20-minute |#12 (I) |Haleh Byrne, NCSU-Industrial |Hand Assessment #19 (I) | | |

|sessions) |D. Junell Scheeres, |Extension Service |Venkata Marella, University of | | |

| |Headquarters, National Guard | |Tennessee | | |

| |Bureau | |___________________ | | |

| | | |Improving Patient Care With Lean| | |

| | | |#68 (I) | | |

| | | |Rajitha Nakka, University of | | |

| | | |Southern Mississippi | | |

|3:20 – 3:35 p.m. |Break |

Tuesday, Sept .24 - Continued

|Room | | | | | |

|Track |Sustaining | |Teaching Lean Six Sigma |Case Studies | |

|3:35 – 4:20 p.m. |Supporting and Sustaining your | |Deploying Lean Six Sigma to |Process for Defining | |

| |Efforts #33 (B) | |Transform University |Specifications and Tolerances of| |

|(One 45-minute or Two 20-minute |Christopher Sweem, Minnetronix | |Administration Services #8 (I) |a Consumer Product #66 (B) | |

|sessions) | | |Kay Tan, National University of |Jesus Gonzalo Palacios, JGPV | |

| | | |Singapore |Operations Mgt. Consulting | |

| | | |__________________ |__________________ | |

| | | |University Printing: Looking |Cultural and Expertise Impacts | |

| | | |Inward and Outward to Achieve |on Lean Six Sigma Teamwork # 18 | |

| | | |Self-Sufficiency #55 (B) |(All) | |

| | | |Dan Lewis, University of West |Enrique Macias de Anda, | |

| | | |Georgia |University of Tennessee | |

|4:30 – 5:30 p.m. |Welcome Reception (TBD) | |

Wednesday – Sept. 25

|7:15 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. |Registration |

|7 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. |Coffee Service |

|Room | | | | | |

|Track |Case Studies |Manufacturing |Healthcare |Panel Discussion | |

|8:15 – 9 a.m. |Mitigation of Sentinel Errors in|Optimization of Assembly |Hard-wiring Lean Improvement in |Future of Lean (All) | |

| |Healthcare #39 (I) |Workstation Design #40 (All) |the VA #57 (I) |Rapinder S. Sawhney, University | |

| |Jesus Gonzalez, United States |Madina Joshi, Raytheon |Tom Rust, Veterans Health |of Tennessee | |

|(One 45-minute or Two 20-minute |Military Hospital | |Administration | | |

|sessions) |___________________ | | | | |

| |Analysis Techniques to Estimate | | | | |

| |the Energy Use for Industrial | | | | |

| |Facilities and Case Studies #20 | | | | |

| |(B) | | | | |

| |Khaled Bawaneh, Southeast | | | | |

| |Missouri University | | | | |

|Room | | | | | |

|Track |Case Studies | Manufacturing |Healthcare |Panel Discussion | |

|9:05-9:50 a.m. |Six Sigma Implementation at |John Deere Company |Improving Patient Transport |Future of Lean Panel Discussion | |

| |Cumberland County Landfill #62 | |Services Using Lean Six Sigma |- Continued | |

| |(I) | |#61 (I) | | |

| |Brittany Ryan, East Carolina | |Du Meyer, Tampa General Hospital| | |

|(One 45-minute or Two 20-minute |University __________________ | | | | |

|sessions) |Life Cycle Lean Six Sigma | | | | |

| |Solution #30 (All) | | | | |

| |Jianjun Carl, Jiangxi University| | | | |

| |of Science & Technology | | | | |

|9:50-10:05 a.m. |Beverage Break with Exhibitors |

Wednesday, Sept .25 - Continued

|Room | | | | | |

|Track |Industry Practices |Supply Chain |Healthcare |Case Studies | |

|10:05-10:50 a.m. |If It Is Not Broke, Don’t Fix |Implementing a “Connected Flow” |Using Lean Six Sigma to Enhance |Lean Communication: | |

| |It: A Lean Failure #4 (All) |Supply Chain #42 (I) |the New Physician Experience #50|Building/Sustaining a Culture to| |

| |Craig Downing, Rose-Hulman |Earl Chapman, ThermoFisher |(B) |Support Quality #35 (All) | |

| |Institute of Technology |Scientific |Marque Macon, Loyola University |Judith Pauley, Process | |

| |__________________ | |Health System |Communications, Inc | |

|(One 45-minute or Two 20-minute |A Knowledge Management Based | | | | |

|sessions) |Approach to Quality Management | | | | |

| |#5 (All) | | | | |

| |Andreas Garstenauer, George | | | | |

| |Washington University | | | | |

|Track |Industry Practices |Supply Chain |Healthcare |Case Studies | |

|10:55-11:40 a.m. |Lean Enterprise at Medivators |A Systems Approach to Change – |Lean Contributing to Variation |Warriors Bring 5-S to the Fight | |

| |#14 (B) |Understanding Successful or Not |in Healthcare #60 (All) |- and Win! #9 (All) | |

| |David Bazinet, Medivators, A |#28 (All) |Tom Rust, Veterans Health |Alexander McLemore, GA Army | |

|(One 45-minute or Two 20-minute |Cantel Company |Craig Stevens, HCA Physician |Administration |National Guard | |

|sessions) |_________________ |Services | | | |

| |Impact of Six Sigma on BPR In | | | | |

| |SMEs in Manufacturing Industries| | | | |

| |#24 (All) | | | | |

| |Joseph Adebayo, Joseph Adebayo | | | | |

| |Limited | | | | |

|11:45 a.m. – 1 p.m. |Lunch and Keynote Speaker |

|1-1:30 p.m. |Dedicated Exhibit Time |

Wednesday, Sept .25 - Continued

|Room | | | | | |

|Track |Measurement |Manufacturing |Industry Practices |Case Studies | |

|1:30-2:15 p.m. |Addressing the MSA Repeatability|Use of Component Search Method |Strategy Linked to Mission and |A 100+ year Old Manufacturing | |

| |Dilemma #17 (I) |in Root Cause Analysis #34 (I) |Vision is Key to Significant |Company Begins a Lean Journey | |

| |Victor Kane, Kennesaw State |Christopher Sweem, Minnetronix |Gains #49 (All) |#52 (All) | |

| |University | |Martin Nazareth, OpEx Solutions |David Lippert, Hamilton Caster &| |

|(One 45-minute or Two 20-minute |___________________ | | |Mfg. Co. | |

|sessions) |A Six Sigma Approach to Optimize| | | | |

| |Measurement System Capability | | | | |

| |#11 (All) | | | | |

| |Rogerio Santana Peruchi, | | | | |

| |University of Tennessee | | | | |

|2:15-2:30 p.m. |Break |

|Room | | | | | |

|Track | |Manufacturing |Healthcare |Future of Lean | |

|2:30-3:15 p.m. | |Reliability - The Often |Critical Success Factors for Six|Six Sigma to Improve Estimates | |

| | |Overlooked LSS Tool #23 (B) |Sigma Projects Implementation in|for Fabrication/Construction | |

| | |Mark Nestle, Praxair, Inc. |Hospitals #26 (I) |Jobs #58 (I) | |

|(One 45-minute or Two 20-minute | | |Roberto Ramirez, Calidad Total |Brady Beckham, Thermal | |

|sessions) | | |Empresarial |Engineering Int'l, Inc. | |

| | | |__________________ | | |

| | | |Application of Lean Sigma to | | |

| | | |Healthcare Quality Improvement | | |

| | | |#36 (All) | | |

| | | |Wolday Abrha, University of | | |

| | | |Tennessee | | |


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