Green Line Oberstufe

|Spot on facts The consequences of migration |

|Word/phrase |Translation |Usage/memory aid |

|Embracing diversity |

|era |Ära; Zeitalter |This is an era of mass migration. |

| | |an era is a period of time in history |

| | |era = period = age |

|community |Gemeinde; Gemeinschaft |community-building activities, community centre, Muslim/Indian/Chinese |

| | |community, tightly knit community |

| | |a group of people living together in the same area |

| | |community → communal (adj) |

|to be aware of sth |sich etw. bewusst sein |I am fully/well aware of the dangers/ consequences. |

| | |to be aware of sth ↔ to be ignorant/unaware of sth |

| | |to be aware of → awareness (n) |

|value |Wert |Friendship has a high value. |

| | |value → valuable (adj) |

| | |Fr. valeur (f) |

|to combat |kämpfen; bekämpfen |We have to combat racism in our society. |

| | |to combat = to fight against |

| | |to combat → combat (n) → combative (adj) → combatant (n) |

|polarisation |Polarisation |The rise of diversity in Germany has led to a polarisation in our |

| | |society. |

| | |the division into two opposite groups |

| | |polarisation → to polarise (v) |

|common |gemeinsam |You have sth in common if you share the same ideas. |

| | |common = same = similar |

| | |common ↔ different |

|Migration worldwide |

|global |global; weltweit |A global problem is one that the whole world shares. |

| | |global = worldwide |

| | |global ↔ local |

|to rise |ansteigen |to grow in number |

| | |to rise, rose, risen |

| | |to rise = to increase |

| | |to rise → rise (n) |

|host country |Gastland |The host country has been very welcoming to immigrants. |

| | |The host country is the country of the host population. |

|opportunity |Chance; Gelegenheit; Möglichkeit |The USA has been referred to as the land of opportunity because people |

| | |think that everyone there has the chance to become rich and famous. |

| | |a great chance to do sth |

|refugee |Flüchtling |war refugee, economic refugee |

| | |sb who has been forced to leave his homeland |

| | |refugee → refuge (n) |

|to flee |fliehen |to have fled one’s home country |

| | |to flee, fled, fled |

| | |to flee = to run away |

| | |to flee → flight (n) |

|persecution |Verfolgung |Many of the first European settlers in North America had suffered |

| | |religious persecution in their home countries. |

| | |persecution → to persecute (v) |

| | |Lat. persecutio (f) |

|skilled |ausgebildet; qualifiziert |Germany needs skilled workers in the IT sector. |

| | |skilled = qualified = trained |

| | |skilled ↔ unskilled |

| | |skilled → skill (n) → skilful (adj) |

|developing country |Entwicklungsland |a poor country with low standards in for example education, health or |

| | |economics |

| | |developing country ↔ developed country |

| | |developing country → to develop (v) |

|brain drain |Abwanderung hochqualifizierter |Nothing has been done in India to stop the brain drain to western |

| |Arbeitskräfte |countries which is why the country is losing its high potential. |

| | |the movement of educated or professional people from one country to |

| | |another one that provides them with better payment and/or living |

| | |conditions |

|to boost |antreiben; steigern; fördern |The increase of skilled immigrants boosted the economy. |

| | |to boost ≈ to raise, to push, to support |

| | |to boost → boost (n) |

|one in every nine people |einer von neun Menschen |Hunger is a global issue because one in every nine people of the global|

| | |population still do not have enough to eat. |

|undocumented |nicht dokumentiert; nicht behördlich |You are undocumented when you do not have the documents that allow you |

| |erfasst; hier: illegal |to live or work in a foreign country. |

| | |undocumented = illegal |

|to exploit |ausbeuten |to take unfair advantage of sb, e.g. by not paying them enough for |

| | |their work |

| | |to exploit → exploitable (adj) → exploitability (n) → exploiter (n) |

| | |Fr. exploiter |

|Immigration to the US |

|to comprise |beinhalten; umfassen; einschließen |The Commonwealth comprises many nations. |

| | |to comprise = to include = to contain |

| | |to comprise → comprisal (n) |

|descendant |Nachkomme/Nach-kommin; Nachfahre/-in |a person’s children or their children’s children etc. |

| | |descendant → to descend from (v) → descent (n) |

| | |Fr. descendant/-e (m,f) |

|multitude |Vielzahl; Menge |The multitude of different nationalities and cultures makes the USA |

| | |very attractive. |

| | |a great number or a large amount of sth |

| | |multitude = plentitude |

|to seek |suchen; erstreben |Immigrants seek a new life in America. |

| | |to seek, sought, sought |

| | |to seek = to look for = to search for |

|demographic |demografisch; |Demographic information includes information about age, gender, ethnic |

| |bevölkerungswissen-schaftlich |background and so on. |

| | |demographic → demographical (adj) → demographics (n) → demographic (n) |

|Hispanic |lateinamerikanisch |He comes from Mexico, so he is Hispanic. |

|illegal |illegal; unrechtmäßig; rechtswidrig |You are illegal when you have no permission to live or work in a |

| | |foreign country. |

| | |illegal ↔ legal |

|to cross a border |eine Grenze überqueren |A lot of Mexican immigrants crossed the border illegally. |

| | |If you move from one country to another, you cross a border. |

|abolition |Abschaffung |the abolition of slavery and discrimination |

| | |giving up sth, end of sth |

| | |abolition → to abolish (v) → abolitionist (adj+n) |

|to face sth |etw. gegenübertreten; konfrontiert |to face difficulties/facts/humiliation/the truth/your |

| |werden mit etw. |enemies/punishment |

| | |If you stay face to face to sb, you face them. |

| | |to face sth = to confront sth = to stand up to sth |

|segregation |Segregation; Trennung; Rassentrennung|Segregation is a form of discrimination. |

| | |racial segregation: to keep apart different races so that they live, |

| | |work or study separately |

| | |segregation ↔ integration |

| | |segregation → to segregate (v) |

|Civil Rights Movement |Bürgerrechtsbewegung |Martin Luther King was a leader of the Civil Rights Movement. |

|railroad (AE) |Eisenbahn |The railroad was built by Chinese workers. |

| | |railroad (AE) = railway (BE) |

|Immigration to the UK |

|significant |signifikant; bedeutend; wesentlich |significant = important = weighty |

| | |significant ↔ unimportant, insignificant |

| | |significant → significance (n) |

|Commonwealth |Staatenbund; Nationengemeinschaft |Many immigrants immigrate from the Commonwealth to the UK. |

| |(ehemaliger Kolonien) | |

|labour shortage |Arbeitskräftemangel |During the economic boom years, foreign workers were called in to |

| | |prevent serious labour shortages. |

| | |If there are not enough workers to do the work. |

|to settle |sich niederlassen |They finally settled in Birmingham after several years of moving from |

| | |town to town. |

| | |You settle somewhere when you decide to stay and live there. |

| | |to settle → settlement (n) → settler (n) |

|benefit |Nutzen; Gewinn |What is the benefit of health insurance? |

| | |benefit = advantage |

| | |benefit → to benefit (from) (v) |

|restrictive |beschränkend; einengend |restrictive immigration policy |

| | |restrictive → restriction (n) |

| | |Lat. restrictus |

|policy |Politik; politische Linie |The government’s policies have widened the gap between rich and poor. |

| | |policy → politics (n) → political (adj) |

|to increase |vergrößern; zunehmen |to grow in size or number |

| | |to increase = to rise |

| | |to increase ↔ to decrease |

| | |to increase → increase (n) |

|Muslim |Muslim/-in |She is Muslim. |

| | |Muslim → Muslim (adj) |

| | |Fr. musulman/-e (m,f) |

|to integrate |sich integrieren; sich anpassen |The new boy integrated into our class very fast. |

| | |to integrate = to assimilate |

| | |to integrate ↔ to remain separate, to segregate |

| | |to integrate → integration (n) |

|to assimilate |sich integrieren; eingliedern |Some of the new immigrants from Asia find it difficult to assimilate. |

| | |to assimilate = to integrate |

| | |to assimilate → assimilation (n) |


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