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Stock Market MNC Profiles

Choose three MNCs to invest in, prepare an overview of the company and its shares which includes:

✓ The full name of the company and it’s stock abbreviation

✓ The current value of the shares

✓ How much you purchased (number of shares and total cost)

✓ A description of the company, including a description of their products and/or services.

For one of your choices, prepare a more detailed overview of the company. Use Microsoft Publisher or Word to create an overview of the company for potential investors. I would suggest a one-page informational flyer.

✓ Include the full name of the company and it’s stock abbreviation

✓ A copy of the graph of recent value of the shares (the websites given give you a graph of the last year)

✓ Go to the company’s website via the URL on the stock market website to find out more about the company. Indicate:

o where the company is located

o what type of business it is

o where their products/services are sold (i.e. around the world).

✓ While in the company’s website, make sure you check out links to “Investors” to see what type of information they provide for investors. Describe what information is there and list important or interesting facts for you, the investor.

✓ Include appropriate pictures from the company website, slogans, etc.

|Criteria |Level I |Level II |Level III |Level IV |

|identify the types of |Limited or brief description|Some facts on the MNC. Facts|Information on MNC is |Information on MNC is |

|international businesses |of the MNC. Facts unclear or|may be unorganized or |considerable and concise, |thorough, clear and concise.|

| |unorganized. |incomplete. |only one point missing. |May include extra |

| | | | |information. |

|demonstrate effective use of|Not very attractive, few |Somewhat attractive, less |Very attractive, good use of|Visually attractive, good |

|business communication |facts on the company. Less |than 3 pictures, only some |colour. Includes 3 pictures |use of colour, Includes at |

|techniques |than 2 pictures, no extra |extra information. |and considerable extra |least 3 pictures. Extras may|

| |information. | |information. |include slogan, TM, etc. |

|Full Name of Company & Abbreviation|Current value of shares |How much you purchased & value |Company Description |

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Stock Market Basics

Share:  A share represents an investor's ownership in a "share" of the profits, losses, and assets of a company.  It is created when a business divides itself into pieces and sells them to investors in exchange for cash.

Earnings per Share:  The amount of profit each share of a company is entitled to.

Going Public:  Term for when a company is planning an IPO.

IPO:  Initial Public Offering.  An IPO is when a company sells stock in itself for the first time.

Ticker Symbol:  A short group of letters that represents a particular stock [e.g., "Coca Cola" is referred to as "KO"].

Before investing in stocks, you will need to understand some basic tools.  One tool is the stock market table.


The stock market tables give you basic information and price history for stocks.  You can use it to see how stocks you own or are interested in owning are performing, how their prices are changing, and how they have performed in the past.  Reading a stock market table is simple once you understand how to do it.


Here is a sample line from a stock market table for the stock of General Electric:


|  | |  | |  |

|  | |Company Name |This is the name of the stock. |  |

|  | |Sales 100s |The number of shares that traded the last day this stock traded.  The number is |  |

| | | |given in hundreds, so you need to add 2 zeros to the number to get the actual | |

| | | |number of shares traded. | |

|  | |Hi |The stock's highest price the last day this stock traded. |  |

|  | |Low |The stock's lowest price the last day this stock traded. |  |

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|  | |Last |The stock's last traded price.  Also sometimes called closing price. |  |

|  | |Change |The amount of change of the stock's closing price and the prior trading day's |  |

| | | |closing price (2 trading days ago).  A "-" represents a negative change. | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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