[Pages:11]Republika ng Pilipinas KAGAWARAN NG KATARUNGAN

Department of Justice





Heads of Constituent and Attached Agencies


Monitoring Guidelines for Performance and Priority Programs/Projects of Constituent and Attached Agencies of the Department


FES 13 m

1.0 This is to provide guidelines for monitoring the accomplishments of constituent and attached agencies relative to priority programs and projects in line with the following policy issuances/guidance:

1.1 Executive Order No. 27, s. 2017, re: Philippine Development Plan (POP) and Public Investment Program (PIP)for 2017 to 2022;

1.2 Department Circular No. 039, s. 2017, re: DOJ Development Plan and Public Investment Program for 2017 to 2022; and

1.3 Directives from the President, issuances from oversight agencies and requests from stakeholders.

Quarterly Physical Report

2.0 Agencies shall furnish the DOJ Planning and Statistics Division (PSD) the Quarterly Physical Report or Budget Accountability Report No. 1 (Quarterly Physical Report of Operations) upon submission to the Department of Budget and Management and Commission on Audit.

3.0 The said report shall be the basis for monitoring accomplishments relative to indicators and targets under the General Appropriations Act, as well as the PDP and DOJ Development Plan, if applicable.

Quarterly Accomplishment Report on Priority Programs/Projects/Activities

4.0 Using the attached template, accomplishments on priority programs/projects/ activities shall be reported on a quarterly basis to the DOJ-PSD on or before the 30*^^ of the month after each quarter.

5.0 The report shall include programs/projects and indicators/targets under the DOJ Development Plan, and quarterly information on actual accomplishments, challenges/constraints, and actions taken or recommended.

6.0 Updates/accomplishments on PIP, infrastructure and other major projects shall be reported with the corresponding program/project in the table.

7.0 The said report supersedes the Monthly Assessment and Accomplishment Report required under Department Circulars No. 009 and 013, s. 2017, and Undersecretaries concerned and Office of the Secretary shall be furnished copies upon receipt by PSD, subject to further management guidance thereon.

Yearend Reports

8.0 Implementation of priority programs/projects shall also be included in yearend reports which basically includes agency profile, major accomplishments, key statistics, challenges/constraints, plans and targets which will serve as input for

the Department's annual reports.

9.0 Details of the said reports shall be subject to guidance to be issued annually including prescribed form and specific contents.

Other Reports

10.0 Other required reports which may include priority programs and projects shall be covered by separate issuances, subject to guidance or requests from oversight agencies and stakeholders, respectively.

11.0 The said reports may involve summarized or more detailed information,as basis for Department-level reports or as required by higher management/authorities and oversight agencies.

12.0 The Planning and Management Service and its PSD shall provide further guidance and may conduct activities on the matter, as necessary.

For guidance and compliance.



V Department of Justice

CN : 0201S02103

Agency: Bureau of Corrections

Department of Justice

Quarterly Accomplishment Report on Priority Programs/Projects/Activities'

CY2018, Quarter



Streamline frontline processes consistent vuith the AnS-Red Tape Act and in line with the

Presidenfs direcliues

services for the public more accessible and etficient Establish and implement quality management systems towards ISO certification and

efficient/streamlined processes

Rationalize core and supportprocesses,and documentinto systems and procedures manuals

Frontline process streamlining complied as annually

validated by the CSC

Atleast 1 frontline process operational online per


Atleast 1 core process certitied and maintained per


All core and vital support processes with

Establish/enhance public assistance and complaint desks in all offices natiommde with frontline

systems/procedure manuals

All frontline offices with functional public assistance


and complaint desks

Develop and implement public/clientfeedback mechanisms that will measure clientsatisfaction Public/clientfeedback mechanism established for

and facilitate submission/action on complaintsfor improperservices and corruption

client satisfact'on and complaints

Ensuretransparency and freedom ofinformation(FOI)In terms ofinclusive and efficientaccess to Transparency Sealfully complied, and

public information

Engagestakeholders particularly in the development!implementation/evaluation ofpolicies and

FOI1 tprocedures/manual in place

Engagement mechanism/s in place, as mandated or

programs, as applicable

Improve human resource managementincluding competency mapping and development programs, harmonized staffing structure, addressing compensafon disparities, and managing


Competency, staffing and compensafon standards developed/ adopted/implemented, as applicable


Raisethe efficiency offinancial and physical resource managementtowards optimal utilization and Atieast90% of planfilla positions filled:

less dependency on local government resources

At least 90% budget utilization

Enhance scienfilic investigation capability ofthe Departmentand its agencies concerned,towards Atieast90% ofcore personnel trained in scienfitic

effective/efficient case build up and prosecution using more physical evidence and less


dependency on testimonial evidence

Strengthen immigration enforcementand supportenactmentofnew Philippine Immigration Actfor Draft Bills and/or position paperssubmitted to effective border control and regulation offoreigners,and help ensureterritorial integrity and Congress prevent entry offoreign terrorists

Establish gender-sensitive, child-friendly and accessible service facilitiesand proceduresinciuding Agency guidelinesissued and procedures/facilities

frontline services, public assistance desks and amenity/infrastructure provisions


Supportand sustain participation in the Justice Sector Coordinating Council(JSCC)asthe

Sustained participation in JSCC and joint initiatives

adopted mechanism for inter-agency dialogue and coordinated implementation ofreforms in the

justice system

Actual Accomplishment

'Includina mararrta/Droiects/acMies specified in ttie 2017-2022PtrSipplne DevelopmentPlan am forDOJ DevelopmentPlan underExecuSve OrderNo.

Submitted by:


VALFRiEG.TABiAN Officer-in-Charqe. Director


Annex C Action/s Tahen/Recommended

y: Bureau of immigration

Department of Justice Quarterly Accomplishment Report on Priority Programs/Projects/Activities*

CY2018, Quarter



Actual /Accomplishment


ine frontline processes consistent with the Anti-Red Tape Act and in line with the

tfs directives

and implement automated/online processes that will streamline processes and make

Frontline process streamlining complied as annually validated by the CSC Atleast 1 frontline process operational online per

for the public more accessible and efficient


h and implement quality managementsystemstowards ISO certilication and

Atleast 1 core process certified and maintained per

'streamlined processes


:ize core and support processes,and documentinto systems and procedures manuals /\fl core and vital support processes viiith

systems/procedure manuals

h/enhance public assistance and complaint desksin ail offices nationwide with frontline Allfrontline offices with functional public assistance

and complaint desks

and implement pubiic/dientfeedback mechanismsthat will measure client satisfaction Public/clientfeedback mechanism established for

litate submission/action on complaints for improper services and corruption

client satisfaction and complaints

transparency and freedom ofinformation(FOI)in terms ofInclusive and efficient accessto Transparency Seal fully complied,and


FOI procedures/manual in place

stakeholders particuiarly in the deveiopmentfimplementation/evaluation of policies and Engagement mechanism/s in place, as mandated or

IS. as applicable


human resource managementincluding competency mapping and development

Competency,staffing and compensation standards

IS, harmonized staffing structure,addressing compensation disparities, and managing developed/adopted/implemented,as applicable


e efficiency offinancial and physical resource managementtowards optimal utilizab'on and Atleast90% of plantilia positions hiied:

endency on local government resources

Atleast90% budget utilization

len immigration enforcementand support enactmentof new Philippine Immigration Actfor Draft Bills and/or position papers submitted to

1 border control and regulation offoreigners, and help ensure territorial integrity and


entry offoreign terrorists

h gender-sensitive,child-filendiy and accessible service facilifies and proceduresincluding /tgency guidelines issued and procedures/facilities

services, public assistance desks and amenity/ infrastructure provisions and sustan participation in the Justice Sector Coordinating Council(JSCC)asthe


Sustained participation in JSCC and joint initiatives

mechanism for inter-agency dialogue and coordinated implementation of reforms in the


isignments/delegated responsibilities per directivesfrom higher management/authorities


ho Broarams/Droiects/adivities specified in the 2017-2022PhSippine DevelopmentPian andforDOJ OeveiopmentPlan underExecutive Order No. 27and Department CircularNo.39,s. 2017,respectively.

ted by:

1 -- - Date:

. ". ^

JAIME H. MORENTE Commisioner

Annex C Action/s Taken/Recommended

Department of Justice Quarterly Accomplishment Report on Priority Programs/Projects/Activities*

CY2018, Quarter

Agency; Land Registration Authority


Streamline frontline processes consistent with the Anti-Red Tape Act and in line with the

President's directives Develop and implement automated/online processes that will streamline processes and make services for the oublic more accessible and efficient

Estdilish and implementquality managementsystemstowards ISO certfication and

efficient/streamlined processes

Rationalize core and support processes,and documentinto systemsand procedures manuds

Est^iish/enhance public assistance and complaint desks in all offices nationwide with frontline


Develop and implement public/clientfeedback mechanisms that will measure client satisfaction and facilitate submission/action on complaints for improper services and corruption


Frontline process streamlining complied as annually validated by the CSC Atleast 1 frontline process operational online per


At least 1 core process certitied and maintained per


/til core end vital support processes with systems/procedure manuals Ail frontline offices with functional public assistance andcomplant desks

Public/clientfeedback mechanism established for

dient satisfaction and complaints

.Actual Accomplishment


Ensure transparency and freedom ofinfoimat'on(FOI)in temns ofinclusive and efficient accessto Transparency Seal fully complied,and

public infotmab'on

FOi procedures/manud in place

Engage stakeholders particularly in the development/implementation/evaluation of policies and Engagement mechanism/s in place,as mandated or

programs, as applicable


Improve human resource managementincluding competency mapping and development programs, harmonized staffing structure, addressing compensation disparities, and managing

Competency,staffing and compensation standards developed/ adopted/implemented, as ^plicabie


Raise the efficiency offinancial and physical resource managementtowards optimal ub'lization and Atleast90% of piantiila positions filied:

less dependency on local government resources

Atleast90% budget ubiizafion

Establish gender-sensitive, chiid-friendly and accessibie servicefaculties and proceduresincluding Agency guidelines issued and procedures/facilities

frontline services, public assistance desks and amenity/ infrastructure provisions


Improved the legalframeworft on protection ofland rights by supporting/pursuing the amendment Draft Bill/position paper/s submitted to Congress;

of Property Registration Code

Other assignments/delegated responsibilities per directivesfrom higher management/authorities


*Includina prngrarm/piviects/acSi/ities specified in the 2017-2022Philippine DevelopmentPlan and/orDOJ DevelopmentPlan underExecutive Order No,27and Department CircularNo. 39,s. 2017,respeclively.

Submitted by



Annex C Actlon/s Taken/Recommended

Department of Juetlce Quarterly Accomplishment Report on Priority Programs/ProjectsfActivities*

CY201B, Quarter

Agency; National Bureau of Investigation

Program/Project '


Streamline frontline processes consistent with the Anti-Red Tape Act and In line with the

Frontline process streamlining compiled as annually

President's directives

validated by the CSC

Develop and implementautomated/online processesthat will sfreamrine processes and make At least 1 frontline process operational online per

services for the public more accessible and efiicient


Establish and Implement quality managementsystemstowards ISO certitlcation and

At least 1 core process certified and maintained per

efticlent/streamlined processes


Rationalize core and support processes,and documentInto systems and procedures manuals All core and vital support processes with

systems/procedure manuals

Establish/enhance public assistance and complaint desks In ail oftlces nationwide with frontiine All frontline offices with functional public assistance


and complaint desks

Develop and implement public/clientfeedback mechanismsthat wiil measure ciient satisfaction Public/clientfeedback mechanism established for

and facilitate submission/action on complaints for improper services and corruption

ciient satisfaction and complaints

Ensure transparency and freedom ofinformation(FOi)in terms ofInclusive and efiicient accessto Transparency Seal fully complied,and

public Information

FOI procedures/manual In place

Engage stakeholders particularly in the development/implementation/evaluation of policies and Engagement mechanlsm/s In place,as mandated or

programs, as applicable


Improve human resource managementincluding competency mapping and development

Competency,staffing and compensation standards

programs, harmonized staffing structure, addressing compensation disparities, and managing developed/adopted/implemented,as applicable


Raise the efficiency offinancial and physical resource managementtowards optimal utilization and At least90% of plantiiia positions fliled;

less dependency on local government resources

Facilitate Implementation ofthe NBI Modernization Acttowards strengthening the agency's

Atleast90% budget utilization

Implementing Rules and Regulations(including

capability to undertake high proflie law enforcement operations, scientific Investigations, and

Implementation plan]Issued

criminal records management with highly competent workforce and modem investigative facilities

Enhance scientific investigation capability ofthe Departmentand its agencies concerned,towards Atleast90% ofcore personnel trained in scientific

effective/efficient case build up and prosecution using more physical evidence and less


dependency on testimonial evidence

Intensify law enforcement against illegal drugs, corruption, human trafficking, terrorism,

Increase In the percentage of investigations

cybercrime, human rights vioiations, competition cases and environmental crimes as among the conducted and acted upon

Administration's priority areas,including supportfor necessary legislation

Actual Accomplishment

? Challenges/Constraints

Establish gender-sensitive, chiid-friendiy and accessible service facilities and proceduresincluding Agency guidelines issued and procedures/facilities

frontiine services, public assistance desks and amenity/Infrastructure provisions


Facilitate investigation, prosecution and monitoring ofgrave human rights violation cases pursuant Expedientinvestigation ofcases handled/assigned

to relevantlaws and In conformance with International human rights standards

Supportand sustain participation In the Justice Sector Coordinating Council(JSCC)asthe

Sustained participation in JSCC and joint Initiatives

adopted mechanism for inter-agency dialogue and coordinated implementation of reforms in the

iustice system

Other assignments/delegated responsibilities per directives from higher management/authorities


*Includim pmarams/proiects/ectiKliesspeciHed in the 2017-2022PhBlppine DevelopmentPlan and/orDOJ DevelopmentPlan underExecutive OrderNo. 27end Department Circular No. 39,s. 2017,respectively.

Submitted by:



Annex C

Action/s Taken/Recommended,

Department of Justice Quarterly Accompllahment Report on Priority ProgramefProjectsfActlvltles*

CY201B, Quarter

Agency: Office of the Solicitor General

Program/Project i ?.

- v-v:,;


ss -

Streamline frontline processes consistent virith the Anti-Red Tape Act and in line Frontline process streamlining complied as

with the President's directives

annually validated by the CSC

iiAelualAccomphshrnent '


Develop and implement automated/online processes that will streamline processes and make services for the public more accessible and efficient

At least 1 frontline process operational online per agency

Establish and Implement quality managementsystems towards ISO certification Atleast 1 core process certified and

and efficient/streamlined processes

maintained per agency

Rationalize core and support processes, and document into systems and

AN core and vital support processes with

procedures manuals

systems/procedure manuals

Establish/enhance public assistance and complaint desks in all offices nationwide All fronfiine offices with functional public

with frontline services

assistance and complaint desks

Develop and implement public/clientfeedback mechanisms that will measure Public/clientfeedback mechanism

client satisfaction and facilitate submission/action on complaintsfor improper established for client satisfaction and

services and corruption


Ensure transparency and freedom of information(FOi)in terms of inclusive and Transparency Seal fully complied, and

efficient access to public information

FOi procedures/manual in place

Engage stakeholders particularly in the development/implementation/evaluation Engagement mechanism/s in place,as

of policies and programs, as applicable

mandated or applicable

Improve human resource management including competency mapping and

Competency, staffing and compensation

development programs, harmonized staffing structure, addressing compensation standards developed/adopted/implemented,

disparities, and managing performance

as applicable

Raise the efficiency offinancial and physical resource managementtowards At least90% of plantilia positions filled;

optimal utilization and less dependency on local government resources

At least 90% budget utilization

Ensure efficient/consistentlegd processesfor governmentand the publicin terms of

Expedient legal services

representation,assistance,legal opinions and various decisions/orders,including initiative/support

for necessary leoisiation(e.u. State Counsel Act)

Other assignments/delegated responsibii'ib'es per directiuesfrom higher management/authorities


*Muding progmmsfimjacts/aciMliesspecified in the 2017-2022Philippine DevelopmentPlan end/orDOJ DevelopmentPlan underExecutive OrderNo.27and Department CircularNo.39,s. 2017,respectively.

Submitted by:

JOSEC.CALIDA Solicitor General




Annex C Action/sTakenfRecommended

Department of Justice Quarterly Accomplishment Report on Priority ProgramsfProjects/Actlvitles*

CY2018, Quarter

j: Office of the Government Corporate Counsel



Actual Accomplishment


ne frontline processes consistent with the Anti-Red Tape Act and In line with the

Frontline process streamlining complied as annually

It's directives

validated by the CSC

and impiement automated/oniine processesthat wiii streamiine processes and make Atleast 1 trontiine process operational online per

for the pubiic more accessible and eihcient 1 and implement quality management systems towards ISO certificat'on and


Atleast 1 core process certified and maintained per

streamlined processes


ize core and support processes,and documentintosystems and procedures manuais All core and vital support processes with

systems/procedure manuais

i/enhance pubiic assistance and compiaint desks in ail offices nationwide with ffontiine All fientiine offices with functional pubiic assistance

and complaint desks

and impiementpublic/ciientfeedback mechanismsthat wiii measure ciient satisfaction Public/ciientfeedback mechanism established for

itate submission/action on comelaints for improper services and corruption

ciient satisfaction and complaints

ransparency and freedom ofInformation(FOi)in terms ofinciush/e and efficient accessto Transparency Seal fully compiled,and


FOI procedures/manual in place

stakeholders particularly in the developmentfimpiementation/evaluation of policies and Engagement mechanism/s in place, as mandated or

is. as appiicabie


human resource managementinciuding competency mapping and deveiopment

Competency,staffing and compensation standards

iS, harmonized staffing structure, addressing compensation disparities, and managing developed/adopted/implemented,as appiicabie


e efficiency offinancial and physical resource managementtowards optimal utilization and Atleast90% of plantilia positions filled:

endencv on local government resources

Atleast90% budget utilization

afficient/consistent legal processes for government and the public in terms of

Expedient legal services

itation, assistance, legal opinions and various decisions/orders, inciuding initiative/support

ssarv iegisiation (e.g. State Counsel Acti

isignments/deiegated responsibilities per directivesfrom higher management/authorities


m proarams/pwiecls/aclmtles specified in the 2017-2022Philippine DevelopmentRan and/orDOJ DevelopmentPlan underExecutive OrderNo.27and Department CircularNo. 39,s. 2017,respectively.

ed by:


RUDOLF PHILIP B.JURADO Government Corporate Counsel

Annex C Actlon/s Taken/Recommended


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