Chapter 25: Mendelian Genetics STUDY GUIDE Name


To solve genetics problems, REMEMBER:

1) Make an allele key: upper case letter = dominant, lower case = recessive

2) Determine the parent genotypes.

3) Separate the parent alleles and write one outside each box of a Punnett square.

4) Inside the boxes of a Punnett square write the new allele combinations.

5) Determine offspring genotype and phenotype ratios.

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1. Parent genotypes: Rr x Rr R = ________ r = _________

Parent gametes: ___________________

Offspring: Genotype ratio ___________________

Phenotype ratio ___________________

2. In flies, long wings(L) are dominant over short (l). If two heterozygous

flies mate, what genotype and phenotype ratios are expected?

Allele Key: Long = _______ short = _______

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Parent genotypes: ___________ X _____________

Parent gametes: ____________________

Offspring: Genotype ratio ___________________

Phenotype ratio ___________________

3. In pea seeds, green (G) is dominant over yellow (g). Cross a

homozygous green plant with a heterozygous green plant.

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Allele key: G = ____________ g = _______________

Parent genotypes: __________ X _____________

Parent gametes: _________________________

Offspring: Genotype ratio _____________

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Phenotype ratio _____________

4. Cross an albino rat with a heterozygous normal rat. Normal is dominant.

Allele key: normal = _____ albino = _______

Parent genotypes: ______ X ________

Parent gametes: ____________________________

Offspring: Genotype ratio ___________________

Phenotype ratio ___________________

DIHYBRID CROSSES – two traits independent of each other

Remember: each trait has two alleles in the genotype. Gametes need one letter from each pair

1) In mice, gray fur is dominant to white, furry is dominant to hairless. Cross two

heterozygous gray, heterozygous furry mice. Find phenotype ratio.

Allele Key: gray = ______ white = _______

furry = ______ hairless = ________

Parent genotypes: ________________________

Parent gametes: __________________________

(Consider ALL possible gamete combinations!)

Offspring Phenotypes: Number of each

gray and furry ___________________

Gray and hairless _________________

White and furry __________________

White and hairless ________________

2) About 70% of Americans perceive a bitter taste from the chemical phenylthiocarbamide (PTC). The ability to taste this chemical results from a dominant allele (T) and not being able to taste PTC is the result of having two recessive alleles (t). Albinism is also a single locus trait with normal pigment being dominant (A) and the lack of pigment being recessive (a). A normally pigmented woman who cannot taste PTC has a father who is an albino taster. She marries a homozygous, normally pigmented man who is a taster but who has a mother that does not taste PTC. What are the phenotypes of the possible children (choose all that apply)?

Allele Key: taster = ______ nontaster = _______

Normal pigment = ______ albino = ________

Parent genotypes: ________________________

Parent gametes: __________________________

(Consider ALL possible gamete combinations!)

# Offspring Phenotypes:

Taster, color _______________

Taster, albino ______________

Non-taster, color____________

Non-taster, albino ___________


We can find the probability that two or more independent events will occur together in some specific combination by finding the probability of each event separately, then use:

Rule of Multiplication- MULTIPLY the probability of one event by the probability of the other event

Example: P = AaBb x aaBb Predict genotype ratio of offspring


2. FIND PROBABILITY of new gene combinations:

a. Probability for Aa____ for aa ____ for Bb _____ for bb ______

3. MULTIPLY probabilities together

a. Probability for AaBb = _____ x ______ = ________

b. Probability for Aabb = _____ x ______ = ________

c. Probability for aaBb = _____ x ______ = ________

d. Probability for aabb = _____ x ______ = ________

Practice: P = GgRr x GgRr

a. What portion of offspring will be green and wrinkled?

a. Probability for green = ____ for wrinkled = ______

b. Probability for both at the same time? ___________

In rabbits, grey hair is dominant to white hair. Also in rabbits, black eyes are dominant to red eyes.

|GG = gray hair |BB = black eyes |

|Gg = gray hair |Bb = black eyes |

|gg = white hair |bb = red eyes |

1. What are the phenotypes of rabbits that have the following genotypes:

Ggbb ____________________ ggBB ________________________

ggbb ____________________ GgBb _________________________

A male rabbit with the genotype GGbb is crossed with a female rabbit ggBb. Determine the phenotypes and proportions in the offspring.

a. Chance of having grey fur and black eyes? ____

b. Chance of having gray fur and red eyes? ____

c. Chance of having white fur and black eyes? _____

d. Chance of having white fur and red eyes? _____

An aquatic arthropod called a Cyclops has antennae that are either smooth or barbed. The allele for barbs is dominant. In the same organism, resistance to pesticides is a recessive trait. Exoskeleton color may be brown (dominant) or yellow (recessive) Make a "key" to show all the possible genotypes (and phenotypes) of this organism. Use the rabbit key to help you if you're lost.

2. A yellow cyclops that is resistant to pesticides and has smooth antennae is crossed with a heterozygous brown, heterozygous barbed, homozygous susceptible to pesticide. Show the genotypes of the parents. _____________ x ______________

3. Find the probability that any offspring will be yellow with barbs and poisoned by pesticides.



Determine an unknown genotype by crossing with recessive phenotype

Gray (G) is dominant over white (g). Find the genotype for gray mouse when:

Crossed with homozygous gray GG Crossed with heterozygous gray Gg

If all F1 show dominant phenotype, unknown parent was _________________

If any F1 show recessive phenotype, unknown parent was _____________________


1. In rabbits, brown coat is dominant over white.

a. For which phenotype(s) do you know the genotype?

b. For which phenotype(s) are you unsure of the genotype?

2. Using B and b for brown and white alleles:

a. What are the possible genotypes of a white rabbit in your group?

b. What are the possible genotypes for a brown rabbit?

3. When a brown male is crossed with a white female, all the baby bunnies are brown.

a. What are the baby genotypes?

b. The parent genotypes?

4. Suppose you wanted to find the genotype of a brown rabbit. What color rabbit would you mate it with? Why?

5. A brown male is mated with a white female. In their litter of 11 young, six are white and five are brown. Find the genotype of both parents. What is the genotype of the male.

6. A farmer crosses a tall pea plant (T) of unknown genotype with a short pea plant. Of 55 plants that result, 32are tall. What were the genotypes of the parents? How do you know?

7. Both Fred and Wilma have widow’s peaks (dominant phenotype). Their daughter Shirley has a straight hairline. What are Fred and Wilma’s genotypes?

8. A man and woman both have free earlobes (dominant phenotype), but their son has attached earlobes. What is the chance that the next child will also have attached earlobes?

QUICK REVIEW Name________________________ More simple crosses Date ______________

Lily plants homozygous for yellow petals (Y) are crossed

with plants having white petals. What is the expected

phenotype and genotype ratios of the F1s?

In Indian corn, brown kernels are dominant to purple kernels.

If a heterozygous plant is crossed with purple, find the

genotype and phenotype ratios in the F1 generation.

Mendel crossed 2 purple flowered plants. His results

were 595 purple and 204 white flowered plants. What

is the phenotype ratio? What were the genotypes of the parents?

a. If a cross between a tall pea plant and a short plant

(tall is dominant) yields 22 tall plants and 19 short, what

were the genotypes of the parents?

b. If a cross between a tall pea plant and a short plant

(tall is dominant) yields 63 tall, what were the

genotypes of the parents?


Neither allele is completely dominant ( “blending” of phenotypes in heterozygote

In the Japanese Four-O-Clock flower, the gene controlling flower color has alleles that are neither dominant nor recessive. Plants that have two red alleles (RR) have red flowers. Plants with two white alleles (WW) are white. Plants with one red allele and one white allele (RW) are pink

1. Cross a red flowered Japanese Four-O-Clock with a pink plant.

Alleles: red = _____ white = _____ pink = ____

Parent genotypes _______ and _________

F1 genotype ratio: _____________________

F1 phenotype ratio: _____________________

2. Cross two pink flowering plants.

Parent genotypes _______ and _________

F1 genotypes: _______________________

F1 phenotype ratio: _____________________

In some cats, the gene for tail length shows incomplete dominance.

Cats can have no tails (N), long tails (L), or short tails (NL).

Cross a short tail cat and a cat with no tail.

Parent genotypes _______ and _________

F1 genotypes: _____________________

F1 phenotype ratio: _____________________


Alleles are both dominant. In the heterozygote, both traits are expressed fully.

In some horses, the allele for red hair (CR) and the allele for white hair ( CW) are codominant. Hybrids have a mixture of red hairs and white hairs and the horses are called roan.

1. Cross a red horse with a white horse. What are the genotype and phenotype ratios of the offspring?

Alleles: red = ______ white = _____ roan = _____

Parent genotypes _______ and _________

F1 genotypes: _____________________

F1 phenotype ratio: _____________________

2. Cross a roan with another roan. What is the likelihood of producing a white offspring from this match? A red? A roan?

Parent genotypes _______ and _________

F1 genotypes: _____________________

F1 phenotype ratio: _____________________

Percent chance a foal (baby horse) will be white? _____

Percent chance for red? ______ Percent chance for roan? _____

3. In Erminette chickens, the gene for feather color has two codominant alleles – one for black feathers (FB) and one for white feathers (FW). Heterozygous chickens (FBFW) have BOTH black and white feathers, resulting in a distinctive speckled feather

3. Cross a speckled hen with a white rooster.

Parent genotypes ________ and _______

F 1 genotypes: ___________________________

F 1 phenotype ratio: _______________________

If I breed these parents each year and get 16 chicks each year, after three years, how many speckled chicks will I have?

Percent of speckled each year _______ x _____ # years = ___________ speckled in my farmyard.

5. A cross between a black cat and a tan cat produces a tabby pattern with black and tan fur mixed together.

a. What pattern of inheritance does this illustrate?

b. What percent of kittens would have tan fur if a tabby cat is crossed with a tan cat?

6. A cross between a blue ticah bird and a white ticah bird produces chicks that are silver.

a. What pattern of inheritance does this illustrate?

b. What is the genotype of the silver chicks?

c. What would be the phenotype ratio of chicks produced by two silver ticah birds?


For some genes, more than two different alleles exist in a population. Any organism still gets only two (one from each parent), but there are more possible combinations than for simple dominant/recessive genes. The best known example of multiple alleles involves the gene for blood type in humans. This gene has three different alleles and is located on chromosome 9.

Allele IA (or A) - codes for type A blood

Allele IB (or B) - codes for type B blood. A and B are codominant.

Allele i (or O) - codes for type O blood. O is recessive

1. The father of a child has AB blood. The mother has type A.

Which blood types can their children have?

Parent genotypes ________ and _______

F 1 genotypes: ___________________________

Possible blood types in F 1 _______________________

2. A woman heterozygous for type O blood married a man

with type A blood. What will be the possible genotypes

and phenotypes of their children?

Parent genotypes ________ and _______

F 1 genotypes: ___________________________

F 1 blood types: _______________________

3. The mother has type A blood. Her husband has type B blood.

Their child has type O blood. The father claims the child

can’t be his. Is he right? Explain.

Parent genotypes ________ and _______

F 1 genotypes: ___________________________

Possible blood types in F 1 _______________________

4. Mrs. Smith has blood type AB and Mr. Smith has blood type O.

Mrs. Brown has blood type A and Mr. Brown has blood type B.

A baby is born with type O blood. Which couple does the

baby belong to and how do you know?


Genes on the X and Y chromosome show a different pattern than autosomal genes. The X chromosome is large and carries many more genes than the Y. Recessive disorders are more common in the male, because he has only one X, and if it carries a recessive allele, the recessive trait will appear.

1. A boy, whose parents and grandparents had normal vision, is color-blind.

What are the genotypes for his mother and his maternal grandparents.

Use XB for the dominant normal condition and Xb for the recessive,

color-blind phenotype.

The boy’s genotype ___________________

Mother’s genotype _____________

Grandparents genotype _____________ and ______________

2. A woman with red-green color-blindness has a mother with normal

vision. Knowing that color-blindness is a sex-linked recessive gene,

can you determine what her father's phenotype is?

Woman’s genotype _____________________

Her mother’s genotype ______________________

Her father’s genotype _______________________

3. Imagine that you are a genetic counselor, and a couple who are planning to have children comes to you for advice. Diane’s brother has Duchesne muscular dystrophy, a degenerative disease of the muscles which is carried on the X chromosome. There is no history of this disease in Craig’s family.

a. From which parent did Diane’s brother get the MD gene? _____

b. What is the probability that Diane is a carrier for Muscular Dystrophy? _____

c. If she is a carrier, write Diane and Craig’s genotypes. _____

d. If she is a carrier, what is the probability that their child will have it?

4. Clouded leopards are a medium sized, endangered species of cat, living in the very wet cloud forests of Central America. Assume that the normal spots (XN, pictured here) are a dominant, sex-linked trait and that dark spots are the recessive counterpart. Suppose a male with dark spots mates with a female with normal spots. She has four cubs and, conveniently, two are male and two female. One male and one female cub have normal spots and one of each has dark spots. What is the genotype of the mother?

Normal spotted female genotype _________________

Dark spotted male genotype ___________________


1.  In humans, hemophilia is a sex linked trait. Females can be normal, carriers, or have the disease. Males will either have the disease or not (but they won’t ever be carriers)

|X H X H = female, normal |X H Y = male, normal |

|X H X h = female, carrier | |

|X h X h = female, hemophiliac |X h Y= male, hemophiliac |

a. Show the cross of a man who has hemophilia with a woman who is a carrier.

b. What is the chance that any child of theirs will have the disease? __________

2. A woman who is a carrier marries a normal man. Show the cross.

a. What is the probability that a child of theirs will have hemophilia?

b. What sex will a child in the family with hemophilia be?

3 . A woman who has hemophilia marries a normal man. How many of their children will have hemophilia, and what is their sex?


4. In cats, the genes for calico (multicolored)fur are on the X chromosome and are codominant. Females that receive a B and an R gene have black and orange splotches on white coats. Males can only be black or orange, but never calico.

Here’s what a calico female’s genotype would look like: X B X R

a. Cross a female calico cat with a black male?

1. What percentage of the kittens will be black and male? _________

2. What percentage of the kittens will be calico and male? _________

3. What percentage of the kittens will be calico and female? _________

b. Cross a female black cat, with a male orange cat.

1. What percentage of the kittens will be calico and female? _____

2. What color will the male cats be? ______

PEDIGREES trace a particular trait through a family tree. We can use a pedigree to determine if a trait is dominant or recessive, autosomal or sex-linked, to find the genotype of individuals in the family, and to predict the chance of a trait appearing in future offspring




1. Which shape indicates a male? ____________ Female? _______________

2. Is the trait shown dominant or recessive? ________________ How do you know? ___________________________________________________________________

3. Is this trait sex-linked or autosomal? ____________________ How do you know?


4. What is the genotype for individuals A: _______________ B ______________

C _________________ and D ___________________

5. Identify any other genotypes that you can. Write the alleles on the figure.

6. If individual D marries a person who is heterozygote for this condition, what is the probability that any offspring will have the trait? _______________

7. If individual C marries a person who does not have this trait, what is the probability that any of their offspring will have the trait? _______________

8. In the pedigree shown at right, find genotypes for all members of the family.

9. If the first male in generation III marries a normal-hearing female of unknown genotype, what are the chances that any of their children will be deaf?

The bison herd on Konza Prairie has begun to show a genetic defect. Some of the males have a condition known as "rabbit hock" in which the knee of the back leg is malformed slightly. We do not yet know the genes controlling this trait but for the sake of our question, we shall assume it is a sex-linked gene and that it is recessive. Now, suppose that the herd bull (the dominant one which does most of the breeding) who is normal (XN) mates with a cow that is a carrier for rabbit hock. What are his chances of producing a normal son?

Thomas Hunt Morgan –









G = green g = yellow

R = round r = wrinkled



























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|Blood Type |Genotypes |

|A | |

|B | |

|AB | |

|O | |


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