Center Grove Elementary School

Vocabulary Term(write an actual definition here)Write a Sentence Using the termProduce a Picture Representing this Term George Washington(what is he in this chapter only)Chosen to lead the VA militia to head into the frontier and make the French leaveMilitiaForce made up of civilians trained as soldiersAllianceAgreement between nations to aid and support each otherCedeTo surrender or give upex…land, forts, or suppliesDutyImport taxBoycottOrganized campaign to refuse to buyEx) the colonists boycotted anything that had been taxedPetitionA written request to a government or leadership groupWrit of assistanceA court order that allows officials to make searches*you can search anything without cause…not like today’s search warrantsJohn AdamsMA lawyer that defended the Redcoats involved in the Boston MassacreSam AdamsMember of the Sons of Liberty who established a committee of correspondence to get the word out about British actions in the coloniesMonopolyTotal control of the market of a certain productRepealAn official end MinutemanMilitia that were ready to fight in a moment’s noticeIntolerable ActsSeries of 5 laws passed by British Parliament that intruded of the lives of people in MA-closing of the Boston Harbor-MA charter was taken away and direct power was given to the crown-Quartering Act(citizens were forced to house Redcoats)-Stamp Act-Tea ActBlockadeShutting of a port from people by not allowing goods/vessels to enter or leaveSons of LibertyGroup of American Patriots that set out to protect the rights of the colonists against the abuses of the British governmentMercenarySoldiers who served for another country in exchange for wages Ex) German HessiansPatriotSomeone who wants independence from G.B.LoyalistThose who remain loyal to G.B. ................

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