Percent Calculations (A)

Percent Calculations (A)

Calculate the percent or value requested.

1. What is 40% of $355.00?

2. What is 36% of $405.00?

3. $245.40 is 30% of what amount? 4. What is 7% of $548.00?

5. $195.48 is 54% of what amount? 6. $268.60 is 79% of what amount?

7. $59.12 is 8% of what amount?

8. What is 90% of $521.00?

9. What percent of $234.00 is $159.12?

10. What is 29% of $978.00?


Percent Calculations (A) Answers

Calculate the percent or value requested.

1. What is 40% of $355.00? $142.00

2. What is 36% of $405.00? $145.80

3. $245.40 is 30% of what amount? 4. What is 7% of $548.00?



5. $195.48 is 54% of what amount? 6. $268.60 is 79% of what amount?



7. $59.12 is 8% of what amount? $739.00

8. What is 90% of $521.00? $468.90

9. What percent of $234.00 is $159.12?


10. What is 29% of $978.00? $283.62



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