Mr. flohr's world history class

World History ??????? ???????Name ?__________________Middle Creek High ??????? ???????Date ???__________________ ??????? ???????Period __________________Unit 6: The First Global AgeEngineering an Empire: The MayaVideo Guide 1. ____ AD, in the lowlands of the ____________ jungle, the Maya are becoming desperate. Their civilization is mysteriously declining. 2. What is the Maya Code? 3. The Maya came into existence, probably a couple of ______________ years before Christ. 4. Where were the kingdoms of the Mayans located? 5. What was the most sacred thing that could be offered to the gods? 6. Tikal was a thriving kingdom/capital whose rival city was ______________. There, Yikin Chan Kawiil built something that would stand the test of time. This was The Temple of the ________________. How was the temple built? 7. Temple Four is _____ stories high, nearly as high as the towers on the ___________________. 8. In Mayan culture, kings were typically chosen by: 9. The mysterious tomb that Peter Weller is exploring was home to _________. He was the most important Maya king. Who first discovered this tomb? 10. What is the red substance that covers the sarcophagus? 11. In the Temple of the Inscriptions, how did someone on top of the pyramid communicate with someone inside? 12. How old was Pacal when he died? _______ His son, ___________________ took over after him. 13. In what way(s) were the Mayans ahead of their time? 14. In Palenque, the challenge of water was not storing it but rather removing the surplus of water. How did they do it? 15. There is no one agreed upon cause of the implosion (decline) of Mayan civilization, but scholars seem to believe that ______________________________________ played a role. Give examples: 16. An elaborate system of ________________ allowed for _________, movement, and ________ in the north. What was the name of the city located in the north were the Mayans wanted a second chance? 17. The Maya were obsessed with ________ and the ________. With just basic tools, the Maya were able to track the movement of the _________ and the ____________ and passage of _______. 18. What was the significance of the stairs and openings of the observatory in Chichen Itza? 19. Their close observations of the heavens allowed the Maya to build interlocking ______________ that were more accurate than any other in the ancient world. The measured the year to be ______ days. 20. Chichen Itza is renowned for its Well of ____________. It is said that _________ and other precious __________ were tossed into the _____________ as offerings to the rain god Chaak. 21. What is significant about the steps, panels, and levels on the castle in Chichen Itza? 22. When the shadows hit the Castillo at the right time of year, what image does it reveal? What time of year is it? 23. What group eventually conquered the ancient Maya? How did they do it? 24. What impact did Diego de Landa and the introduction of Christianity have on Maya civilization? 25. What technology is now being used to locate more Maya archaeological sites? World History ??????? ???????Name ?__________________Middle Creek High ??????? ???????Date ???__________________ ??????? ???????Period __________________Unit 6: The First Global AgeEngineering an Empire: The AztecsVideo Guide 1. The Aztec civilization rivaled _________ in its sophistication. Aqueducts, _____________, pyramids, and ____________ stood as tribute to the gods. 2. Instead of getting married, what happened to the princess?3. Aztec sacrifices were important because without them they believed “the sun would refuse to __________ and the universe would ___________.” 4. The Aztecs were chased to a swampy island in Lake ____________________. That large valley is now the site of modern day __________________.5. Aztec King Tenoch had a vision and saw an “____________ holding a __________ perched on a ____________” and declared this to be the site of their capital city of Tenochtitlan.6. Tenochtitlan is modeled after a city 25 miles to the north called _____________________. It means “______________________________.” The base of the pyramid is as large as the Great Pyramid of _______.7. How did the Aztec leader Acamapichtli (1376 CE) engineer a solution to the swampy land? 8. What is a causeway? How were the Aztecs causeways built?9. What resource did the Tepanecs control on the mainland that eventually led to war with the Aztecs?10. With the help of Nezahualcoyotl, leader of the Texcoco Tribe, the Aztec wiped out the Tepanecs. What did the leader of the Aztecs do with the defeated king’s heart? What did this begin?11. The Aztecs were one of the few ancient civilizations that successfully built Aqueducts. The Aztec aqueduct had two __________, was _____ feet high, _____ feet wide, and ran for _____ miles. 12. What did Nezahualcoyotl do in order to bring water to his palace? 13. Montezuma I expanded the borders of the empire, and by 1449 it contained ____________ people. 14. Nezahualcoyotl designed the engineering solution to the problem of flooding in the 5 lakes. What was it and what were its dimensions?15. What are sluice gates and what did they do? 16. What was the name for the Aztec floating gardens? How were they built?17. King Ahuitzotl (1486-1502) ruled during the “Golden Age” of the Aztecs. He constructed ______________________ and had runners pass messages from one end of the empire to the other. A message could travel ______ miles in just _____ hours. 18. The massive temple built by Ahuitzotl honored two gods, the god of ______ and the god of ______. How many people were sacrificed to honor them?19. ________ was the most precious commodity to the Aztecs. They called it “__________________.”20. How large was the empire in square miles in 1502 at the start of Montezuma II’s reign? How many people were living in the Aztec Empire at that time? How many provinces did they control? 21. In 1519, Cortez sailed from Cuba to Mexico with 11 boats and 500 men. What did the Mexicans call the boats?22. If a tribe resisted the Spanish they were ______________. As a sign of peace, a chieftain gave Cortez his daughter, ________________, who became his _______________ and _______________.23. What did the Spanish think of Tenochtitlan when they first saw it? Describe the first meeting between Montezuma and Cortez.24. What happened to Montezuma a week after the Spanish were invited into the Great Palace of Tenochtitlan? What happened to Cortez and his men when they tried to leave the city. 25. Cortez came back with a vengeance to wipe out Tenochtitlan. In May of 1521, he brought ______ Spaniards, ______ cavalry, and ___________ native allies to attack. After they were defeated by war, the native populations suffered even greater death as a result of __________. Approximately _____ million people died, and the population was reduced by ______%. ................

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