COMPLETED - United States Naval Academy


|  |Permit to Report Letter |I-Day |N/A |Bring with you on I-Day. Bring receipts and copies of |

| | | | |tickets on I-Day. |

| |Flight Itinerary, Copy of |I-Day |N/A |Please bring copy of airline or rail ticket/itinerary |

| |Ticket, All Travel Receipts | | |showing dollar amount that you paid. Bring receipts and |

| | | | |copies of tickets on I-Day |

|  |Request and Authorization for |16-May-16 |See “Important Information for the Class of|Form must be scanned and e-mailed to |

| |Midshipmen Accession Travel | |2020” | |

| |(USNA 4600/8) | | | |

|  |Agreement to Serve Forms |16-May-16 |U.S. Naval Academy |Sign, date and return top two copies in manila envelope |

| | | |Commandant of Midshipmen |provided. Retain the third copy for your records. If |

| | | |101 Buchanan Road RM 4001 |under 18, then parent’s signature is required. |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5101 | |

|  |Marriage and Dependents |16-May-16 |U.S. Naval Academy |Complete and return in manila envelope provided. |

| |Declaration Form | |Commandant of Midshipmen | |

| | | |101 Buchanan Road RM 4001 | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5101 | |

|  |Drug and Alcohol Abuse Statement|16-May-16 |U.S. Naval Academy |Complete and return in manila envelope provided. |

| |of Understanding | |Commandant of Midshipmen | |

| | | |101 Buchanan Road RM 4001 | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5101 | |

|  |Service Member's Group Life |16-May-16 |U.S. Naval Academy |Complete and return in manila envelope provided. |

| |Insurance (SGLI) Form | |Commandant of Midshipmen | |

| | | |101 Buchanan Road RM 4001 | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5101 | |

|  |Record of Emergency Data |16-May-16 |U.S. Naval Academy |Complete and return in manila envelope provided. |

| |(NAVPERS 1070/602) | |Commandant of Midshipmen | |

| | | |101 Buchanan Road RM 4001 | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5101 | |

|  |Standard Form (SF)-86 |16-May-16 |U.S. Naval Academy |Complete and return in manila envelope provided. |

| |Questionnaire | |Commandant of Midshipmen | |

| | | |101 Buchanan Road RM 4001 | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5101 | |

|  |Consent to Disclosure of |16-May-16 |U.S. Naval Academy |Complete and return in manila envelope provided. |

| |Personal Information Form | |Commandant of Midshipmen | |

| | | |101 Buchanan Road RM 4001 | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5101 | |

|  |Personal Swearing-In Ceremony |16-May-16 |U.S. Naval Academy |If desired, complete and return in manila envelope |

| |Form | |Commandant of Midshipmen |provided. |

| | | |101 Buchanan Road RM 4001 | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5101 | |

| |Midshipmen Pay and NFCU |16-May-16 |Navy Federal Credit Union |Complete and return application in NFCU envelope. If |

| |application | |U.S. Naval Academy Branch |you do not wish to use NFCU, bring a copy of direct |

| | | |101 Wilson Road, Suite 3 |deposit slip from desired bank on I-Day. |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-9905 | |

|  |Notice Regarding Maintenance of |16-May-16 |U.S. Naval Academy |Complete and return in manila envelope provided. |

| |Private Medical Insurance | |Commandant of Midshipmen | |

| | | |101 Buchanan Road RM 4001 | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5101 | |

| |Social Media Etiquette |16-May-16 |U.S. Naval Academy |Complete and return in manila envelope provided. |

| | | |Commandant of Midshipmen | |

| | | |101 Buchanan Road RM 4001 | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5101 | |

|  |Immunization Record (NHCLANNA |16-May-16 |Medical Records |Complete Part I; licensed health care provider complete |

| |6150/2) | |Naval Health Clinic Annapolis |Part II. Make a copy. Return original to address listed |

| | | |250 Wood Road |(Envelope not provided) and BRING copy with you on |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5050 |I-Day. |

|  |Medical Record Supplemental |I-Day |N/A |Complete and bring with you on I-Day. |

| |Medical Data | | | |

| |(NHCLANNA 6150/2) | | | |

| |Mantoux Tuberculin Skin Test |16-May-16 |Medical Records |Documented PPD test provided by your doctor’s office |

| |(PPD) form | |Naval Health Clinic Annapolis |must be completed within six months of I-Day. Return |

| | | |250 Wood Road |proof of current PPD test results to address listed. |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5050 |Envelope not provided. |

|  |Patient Registration Form (NHCLA|16-May-16 |Medical Records |Complete and return original to address listed. Envelope|

| |6150/24) | |Naval Health Clinic Annapolis |not provided. Bring copy on I-Day. |

| | | |250 Wood Road | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5050 | |

| |USNA Appointee Spectacle |16-May-16 |Medical Records |Complete and return original to address listed. Envelope|

| |Prescription Information Form | |Naval Health Clinic Annapolis |not provided. Bring copy on I-Day. |

| | | |250 Wood Road | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-5050 | |

|  |Orthodontic Waiver Letter |I-Day |N/A |IF REQUIRED - Bring waiver, copy of your initial |

| | | | |treatment plan, and all orthodontic records with you on |

| | | | |I-Day. If you do not have a waiver from the application |

| | | | |process, then your braces must be removed. |

|  |Academic Background System (ABS)|Receipt of |N/A |Complete questionnaire within two weeks of receiving PTR|

| |Questionnaire for the Class of |package +2 | |package. All questionnaires must be completed by I-Day. |

| |2020 & Validation Tests |weeks | |Additionally, complete all additional placement tests |

| | | | |that are listed. |

|  |ACE Loan/Scholarship Information|As Applicable |Midshipmen Disbursing Office |As Applicable – Scholarship checks and letters should be|

| | | |U.S. Naval Academy |mailed to the Midshipmen Disbursing Office No Earlier |

| | | |101 Buchanan Road, Room 4002 |Than the start of the Academic Year. |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402 | |

|  |NCAA Certification of Athletic |I-Day |N/A |Complete and bring with you on I-Day. |

| |Eligibility | | | |

|  |Plebe Sponsor Questionnaire |29-Jun-16 |N/A |Candidates must complete questionnaire online through |

| | | | |the Candidate Information System. Candidates can |

| | | | |complete on I-Day, if required. |

|  |Alumni Association and |13-Jun-16 |USNA Alumni Association Records – Attn: |Complete and return (both the white and yellow forms) in|

| |Foundation Forms, Plebe/Parent | |Class of 2020 Forms |white envelope provided for Alumni Association and |

| |Information Form, Parent | | |Foundation Forms and Plebe/Parent Information Form. IF |

| |Association Membership Form | | |DESIRED - PARENTS complete and return Parents |

| | | | |Association Membership Form. No envelope provided. |

| |Midshipmen Publicity Background |16-May-16 |Public Affairs Office |Complete and return in envelope provided. |

| |Record and Fleet Hometown News | | | |

| |Release Form | | | |

|  |Proof of Citizenship and Police |16-May-16 |U.S. Naval Academy |If you haven't already done so, return documents to |

| |Record Check | |Office of Admissions |Admissions. (Information requested with Offer of |

| | | |Attn: Nominations and Appointments |Appointment. Not a part of PTR package.) |

| | | |52 King George Street | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-1318 | |

| |Social Security Card |I-Day |N/A |Bring Social Security Card on I-Day. If you do not have |

| | | | |a Social Security card, then you must obtain one. If you|

| | | | |are receiving Social Security benefits, notify |

| | | | |appropriate office of entrance to USNA. |

|  |Changes in Health Status |As Needed |U.S. Naval Academy |Mail or fax any changes in health since DoDMERB |

| | | |Office of Admissions |examination as stated under Section IV of Information |

| | | |Attn: Medical Liaison |Booklet. |

| | | |52 King George Street | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-1318 | |

| | | |(Fax: 410-293-1819) | |

|  |Note from Physician for |I-Day |N/A |See note under Section IV. |

| |prescribed medication | | | |

| |Statement of understanding |16-May-16 |U.S. Naval Academy |If you haven't already done so, return statement of |

| |regarding body alterations | |Office of Admissions |understanding to Admissions. (Information requested with|

| | | |Attn: Nominations and Appointments |Offer of Appointment. Not a part of PTR package.) |

| | | |52 King George Street | |

| | | |Annapolis, MD 21402-1318 | |

| |Uniform Measurements |16-May-16 |See “Important Information for the Class of|Form must be scanned and e-mailed to |

| | | |2020” |Ensure ALL measurements are filled out. |


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