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Snapdragons are a type of flower that demonstrate incomplete dominance. They have the following phenotypes: red, pink, or white. The red flowers are homozygous dominants, the white flowers are homozygous recessive, and the pink flowers are heterozygous.Give the genotypes for each of the phenotypes, using the letters “R” and “r” for alleles:Red snapdragon genotype: b. Pink snapdragon genotype c. White snapdragon genotype ___________________ ___________________ ___________________a. pink X pinkb. red X whitec. pink X white28575004826000514350048260005715005524500Genotypic ratio: ___________________ Genotypic ratio: ___________________Genotypic ratio: ___________________Phenotypic ratio: __________________Phenotypic ratio: __________________Phenotypic ratio: __________________In horses, some of the genes for hair color demonstrate incomplete dominance. They have the following genotypes: brown horses are BB, white horses are bb, and Bb horses are palomino (tan bodies with white mane and tail). Show the genetic crosses between the following horses and record the genotypic and phenotypic ratios.a. brown X whiteb. brown X palominoc. palomino X palomino28575007302500514350073025005715008001000Genotypic ratio: ________________ Genotypic ratio: ________________Genotypic ratio: ________________Phenotypic ratio: _______________Phenotypic ratio: _______________Phenotypic ratio: _______________292227018478500Blood type in humans is determined by codominant alleles. There are two dominants alleles (A and B) and one recessive allele (O).Write the genotype for each person based on the description:a. __________ Homozygous for “B” alleleb. __________ Heterozygous for “A” allelec. __________ Type Od. __________ Type “A” and had a type “O” parente. __________ Type “AB” f. __________ Blood can be donated to anyoneg. __________ Can only get blood from a type “O” donor5372100698500Tom and Mallory have a named Girl. Mallory is homozygous for type B blood and Tom is type O blood. What are the possible blood types of their baby? (Complete the punnett square.) _____________________________________________________________________________________________ A couple believes their child may have been switched at the hospital. The mother has an A blood type and the father is B. The baby has an AB blood type.41148006604000Mothers genotype: _______________ or _______________Father’s genotype: _______________ or _______________Baby’s genotype: _______________Complete the punnett square.Could the baby actually be theirs? _______________ In fruit flies, eye color is a sex linked trait. Red is dominant to white.What are the sexes and eye colors of the flies with the following genotypes?XRXr _____________________________________c. XRY _____________________________________XRXR _____________________________________d. XrY _____________________________________What are the genotypes of the following flies?White-eyed, male _______________c. Red-eyed, female (heterozygous) _______________White-eyed, female _______________d. Red-eyed, male _______________53740051524000Use the punnett square to the right to show the cross between a white-eyed female (XrXr) with a red-eyed male (XRY).In humans, hemophilia is a sex linked trait. Females can be normal (XHXH), carriers (XHXh), or have the disease (XhXh). Males either have the disease (XhY) or don’t (XHY).11430012255500Use the punnett square to the left to show the cross between a male with hemophilia and a woman who is a carrier.What is the probability (percent) that their child will have hemophilia? ________________Use the punnett square below to complete the following dihybrid cross.If a woman who is a non-PTC taster (tt) and heterozygous for a hitchhikers thumb (Hh) has a baby with a man who is a heterozygous PTC taster and has straight thumbs, what is the probability of them having each of the following types of children? Parents genotypes: ____________________ X ____________________491490012763500389636012827000PTC taster, hitchhikers thumb: __________PTC taster, straight thumb: __________Non-PTC taster, hitchhikers thumb: __________Non-PTC taster, straight thumb: __________Phenotypic ratio: __________491490010287000389636010477500 ................

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