Measures of Student Learning (MOSL)

Measures of Student Learning (MOSL) Assessment Updates

To support the ongoing work required of the Measures of Student Learning, we recommend you consider establishing a MOSL Assessment Team to share responsibility with key staff members. In creating this team, you may consider those who were already a part of the MOSL Committee, as well as the school's Testing Coordinator and/or Data Specialist.

Baseline Assessments: (Results submitted by 10/31/13)

Download and copy all necessary NYC Performance Tests

from the Advance Web Application. These are SECURE assessments. Common grades/subjects: K-2, 3rd, Science,

Social Studies, ELA/Math Non-Regents year. (Please refer

MOSL Assessment Window: Sept. 10-Oct. 31 (38 days)

to your school's selections.)

o Find or purchase texts required for K-2 Writing Prompt. Read aloud for K. Read aloud and class sets for 1st and 2nd.

o 3rd Grade ELA/Math and 4th Grade Science distributed on a CD by CFN 211. Not available for

download. These assessments are only administered in the Fall.

o Before or after administration, review and norm around the rubric using the Teacher Scoring

Guide. Consider using Teacher Team structures. (See red side-bar on back.)

PD ? 9/30 AP + 1

The assessment coordinator will assign each possible scorer (teacher or administrator) a 3digit scorer identification number and then will enter this scorer ID into ATS using RTES.

Scorers should write their 3-digit scorer ID on the student answer sheet and should also

enter their 3-digit scorer ID on any bubble score sheet they complete.

o TEVL ? Print ATS Score Sheet (RTEV, RTER). Scan results into ATS (Lexmark Scanner).

Reports available: status, Item level and summary using RTEA.

o Organize all assessment documents (student work, annotated rubrics, and ATS score sheets) by

teacher and class. Archive in a secure location according to DOE guidelines.

If you selected other assessments (F&P, TCRWP, SANDI/FAST, Performance Series) you should

administer the baseline in accordance with the appropriate assessment memos.



Data Tool



Fiction ? Independent Reading Independent Reading SANDI (Reading) Selected subject

STARS Classroom

Assessment Pro Online Portal EdPerformance

New Admits: Before October 31st, 2013: Administer baseline assessments in each teacher's course within one

week of student start date. After October 31st, 2013: Do not

need to administer baseline(s).


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Measures of Student Learning (MOSL) Assessment Updates

Additional Resources:

Critical Action Steps (growth model)

Using ATS to Score Perf. Tests

SANDI/FAST: Guidance Webinar

NYC Performance Test (Task): Guidance K-2 Texts

F&P/TCRWP: Guidance Purchasing Kits

Performance Series: Guidance

Apply 50% Rule

Teacher-Level Selection Tool: Please access your school-specific MOSL Teacher-Level Selection Tool from the Human Resources Reports &

Systems page of the Principals' Portal. For help using this tool, please consult the "instructions" tab of the tool and the webinar.

Teacher-Level Selections will be recorded in Advance Web App in December.

SCORING BEST PRACTICES AND POST-ADMINISTRATION GUIDANCE The grade or team should norm using the rubrics, rubric compendium, and anchor papers. This entails discussing as a group:

Review the rubric and discuss expected performance at each performance level for each rubric trait. Review annotated sample student work and discuss the evidence for each score. Individually score "anchor" papers, then discuss as a group the evidence from each score. Recommended: Collectively score several student papers to come to a consensus on the evidence for each score. The scorer ID for these collectively scored papers can be 999.

Once scoring is complete, teachers are encouraged to analyze their student data and use the information to inform their instruction and/or set goals for students for the year. Teachers are encouraged to revisit Performance Assessment work with students and parents so students and families can take an active role to improve their work.

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