

Grade 5 Mathematics Extension Menu

Concept and/or Topic: Geometry

Choose a learning activity from one square to complete. If you choose the square, “Write your idea here,” please see the teacher with your idea first.

Circle the number of the learning activity you choose.

|1. Design a booklet to illustrate the following |2. Arrange polygons to construct a geometric | 3. Locate boxes/packages or use clay to create |

|geometric terms: |creature using pattern blocks. Trace the blocks |pyramids and prisms. Label each geometric solid.|

|Intersecting lines |and label each polygon. Decompose at least 2 |Label the faces, edges, bases, and vertices on |

|Parallel lines |shapes from your geometric creature by describing|each geometric solid. |

|Perpendicular lines |the polygons that make that shape. (Example: A | |

|Acute angle |trapezoid is composed of _________). | |

|Right angle | | |

|Obtuse angle | | |

|Straight angle | | |

|Rhombus | | |

|Parallelogram | | |

|Trapezoid | | |

|Compose a definition in your own words for each | | |

|term. | | |

|4. Compare plane (2-D) geometric figures to faces|5. Explain in writing the difference between |6. Create wrapping paper that displays a |

|of solid (3-D) geometric figures. Use this |similar and congruent figures. Locate at least 6|tessellation pattern, using pattern blocks to |

|information to explain how the 2-D figures and |pairs of similar shapes in your environment. |develop your pattern. Trace the shapes onto |

|the 3-D figures are related. (Example: A |Explain how you know that they are similar. |large, white bulletin board paper. Add color to |

|rectangular prism has a rectangle as its base.) |Locate at least 6 pairs of congruent shapes in |your design. Identify reflection, rotation, and |

|Display your findings on a poster. |your environment. Explain how you know that they|translation in your pattern and explain this to a|

| |are congruent. Record your findings in a booklet|partner. |

| |using pictures and words. | |

|7. Explore radius and diameter by measuring |8. Write your idea here. |9. Research why triangles are often used in |

|circular items in the classroom with a compass, | |structures such as bridges and architectural |

|ruler and string. |___________________________ |features. Write a report to explain why this is |

|[pic] | |true. Support your findings using illustrations |

| |___________________________ |and “real life” examples. |

|List the steps you used and describe your | | |

|findings about the relationship between radius |___________________________ |[pic] |

|and diameter. | | |

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Teacher Resource Page

Grade 5 Mathematics Extension Menu

Concept and/or Topic: Geometry

Intended Purpose: Extension/Enrichment Activity

Domain: Geometry

Standards Addressed:

Boxes 1 and 2:

5.G.3: Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all subcategories of that category.

Boxes 3 and 4:

5.G.4: Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties.

6.G.4: Represent three-dimensional figures using nets made up of rectangles and triangles, and use the nets to find the surface area of these figures. Apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.

Box 5:

5.G.4: Classify two-dimensional figures in a hierarchy based on properties.

Box 6:

Mathematical Practice #9: Solve problems in novel ways and pose new mathematical questions of interest to investigate.

Box 7:

5.G.3: Understand that attributes belonging to a category of two-dimensional figures also belong to all subcategories of that category. (Introduce parts of a circle.)

Box 8:

Mathematical Practice #9: Solve problems in novel ways and pose new mathematical questions of interest to investigate.

Box 9

Mathematical Practice #9: Solve problems in novel ways and pose new mathematical questions of interest to investigate.

Organizational Tips:

Box 2 Provide pattern blocks.

Box 3 Supply various packages/boxes and/or clay.

Box 4 Provide 3-D, 2-D shapes and poster paper.

Box 6 Supply pattern blocks and large, white bulletin board paper.

Box 7 Provide compass, ruler, string, scissors, paper, colored pencils, cans, cups and other round objects.

Box 9 Provide access to the media center and/or Internet.


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