Colonialtown North - Orlando

Colonialtown South

Often time citizens are unaware of what is going on in their particular neighborhood. This information is an attempt to help keep the community informed of police presence within your designated neighborhood. The map below reflects the boundaries used to compile the statistics for the Colonialtown South neighborhood.


The time period for this report is October 01, 2017 thru October 31, 2017.

Calls for Service represent the number of times that the Orlando Police Department has received a call for an issue in the associated neighborhood. Note: There could be multiple calls from citizens for the same incident. Reports occur when the police have documented a crime, suspected crime, or informational report for other reasons. Sometimes one crime can have multiple criminal elements.

During the month of October 2017, OPD responded to 116 Calls for Service. Of the 116 (18) Calls for Service, OPD documented 22 incidences to wit:

Aggravated Battery

Baker Act



Criminal Mischief

Florida Traffic Crash Report

Found Property

Found Property


Lost Property

Motor Vehicle Theft

Petit Theft

Petit Theft

Suspicious Incident/Person

Suspicious Incident/Person

Unattended Death

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary

Vehicle Burglary


In October 2016, OPD responded to 160 Calls for Service. Of the 160 (35) Calls for Service, OPD documented 15 incidences to wit:

Baker Act

Baker Act

Criminal Mischief

Florida Traffic Crash Report

Florida Traffic Crash Report

Florida Traffic Crash Report


Identity Theft

Information Report

Petit Theft

Recovered Stolen Vehicle

Residential Burglary

Suspicious Incident/Person

Suspicious Incident/Person

Vehicle Burglary


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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