A guide to astrology

[Pages:118] Advice to Students.

T o one who is beginning the study of Astrology and is so situated that they cannot receive oral instructions, I will offer the-fd: . !ow lilg suggestions : Begin at the beginning and go slowly, have paticncc and lean1 thoroughly as you progress; do not omit any of the simple and what seems to be quite unimportant reading matter. 'i'his book has been arranged for the beginner, and you nlust not forget that you are learning to read from SIGNS only, ant1 often some slight indication may lead to a vast amount of information. I advise each one to take the lessons in the order that I give them here, commit to memory each one before yon pass 011 to the next, by missing even a small part of each lesson you lnay overlook the most important indications of the horoscope.


Commit to memory the signs of the Zodiac, their nature, what planet ruled by, notice the date on which the sun enters each sign of the Zodiac. Study page I carefully, and read carefully the first thirteen pages. You should become very familiar with the signs, and sun's influence in each sign, and should know how t o

P make the symbols of the signs and lanets before going to lesson



Read carefully and become familiar with pages 14, 15, 16 and 17.


Learn the motion of the planets, their houses and aspects, on page 18. Refer to page I when learning aspects.


Learn the exaltation and fall of the planets, or, page 19.


Learn to exect a horoscope as given on page 20, and commit to memory the signification of each house of the horoscope as given on pages 21-22, and place the planets as given on pages 23-24.


Study carefully pages 25, 26, 27, 28, 29 and 30.


Read the influence of each planet in each sign as given on

pages 31 to 40.


Take your own horoscope and judge what it shows, according to the radix on pages 40-41, judgingeach characteristic



Date of Birth.


Date of Month,


M. Sex,



Siderial Time at Noon,

Time since Noon,

Time before Noon,



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The Zodiac.

Before you attempt to form any opinion whatever from a horoscope, you bhould commit to memory the nature of c aah sign of the Zodiac, what planet it is ruled by, what month the S u n 1s in each sign. Learn how to make the symbols of the planets and signs. T h e following chart shows all of these. Thus:-

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. I t is a cardinal, masculine, equinoctial, fiery sign and is ruled by Mars. T h e E a ~ t henters Aries on Srpternbor %2nd, each year, and passes into Taurus, tile

second sign of the Zodiac, on October 22nd. T h e S u n is in t h e center of our solar system, b u t as we look at t h e Sun, it appears t o b e in exactly the same d e g r e e of the sign opposite the sign t h e Earth is in, therefore, we say the Sun is in such a sign simllly

for convenience. Thus: When the Earth enters Aries, the Sun appears to enter Libra, or, as the Earth enters Taurus. thc: S u n

pnters Scorpio. The dates given in the outer circle show approximately, or within a few hours when the Earth will enter each sign o r the S u n enters the opposite sign of the Zodiac.


Aries:-The Ram.

Aries i s a Fiery, Masculine, Movable, Equinoctial sign, is ruled b y Mars, t h e ' ( G o d of War." T h e S u n enters A r ~ e os n March 21st and passes into Taurus on April 22nd.

Those born whi!e i h e S u n is in Aries a r e of a persistent, determined nature, somewhat inclined t o be fiery or quick in temper, very independent and more inclined to lead rather than to follov. They have a natural dislike for a master, and always wish to govern themselves; they admire scientific thought or philosophy, and desire to excel in whatever engages their attention; they are generally qyjte fearless and ambitious, and do not become discouraged easily. Although quick in temper and quick to resent abuse or imposition, they are very forgiving, and d o not hold a grudge against one for any length of time.

Aries people have excellent vitality, and generally a very strong constitution; do not give up to sickness easily and recover quickly from disease. They have a very sharp and penetrating will-power, which, when properly used will influence others very quickly.

Aries people harmonize best with those who are born with the Sun in Leo or Sagittarius, and fairly well with Gemini or Aquarius.

The ruling gems for Aries are the Ruby and Sardonyx. For Employment or Profession. Those born under the influence of this sign succeed best in vocations requiring a quick, active temperament, with power of execution a n d skillful touch. P e n sketching, engraving. model making. all mechanical work. Much depends upon the hour of birth, often a good configuration of t h e planets will entirely change the generalities as indicated b y the position of the Sun, although there is no question b u t t h a t the Sun's influence is g r e a t e r than t h e combined influence of all t h e o t h e r

For a location. Aries people succeed best and enjoy life more when located in prominent cities, o r w l ~ e r ethere is much excitement. Capitol or RZetropolitan cities, and in the cities they are more prosporous, if located in corner houses.

T h e Aries characteristics a r e expressed very forcibly in t1:e following people. who were born while the Srin was in their sigr : Henry Clay, Gcorqe Francis Train, Thomas Jefferson, Rob(.rt Bruce, Mohamed, Prince Bismarck. The typical Aries person is tall, slender, long neck and sharp chin, but must have this sign ascending to have the description.



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