Periodic Table Worksheet - Learn-Sci

Periodic Table Worksheet

1. Tell which element is located in the following groups and periods.

a. __________ group 4, period 5

b. __________ group 2, period 2

c. __________ group 6, period 6

d. __________ group 18, period 1

e. __________ group 14, period 5

f. __________ group 12, period 4

g. __________ group 1, period 7

h. __________ group 16, period 6

i. __________ group 17, period 3

j. __________ group 11, period 5

k. __________ group 5, period 4

l. __________ group 10, period 6

m. __________ group 13, period 3

n. __________ group 15, period 6

2. For each of the following, label as a metal, nonmetal, metalloid.

a. ________________ poor conductor of electricity

b. ________________ usually a solid at room temp

c. ________________ ductile

d. ________________chlorine

e. ________________ semiconductor

f. ________________silicon

g. ________________ malleable

h. ________________ usually a gas at room temp

i. ________________ cobalt

j. ________________ good conductor of heat

k. ________________ brittle

l. ________________ oxygen

3. Vertical columns on the periodic table are called __________________________________.

4. Horizontal rows on the periodic table are called ___________________________________.

5. The number of protons in an atom is that element’s __________________ number.

6. The number of protons and neutrons in an atom is that atom’s _____________ number.

7. The ability of a material to be drawn into a thin wire is called ___________________________.

8. The ability of a material to be pounded into thin sheets is called _________________________.

9. The elements in groups 3 through 12 are called the ___________________________________.

10. The elements in group 1 are called the _____________________________________________.

11. The elements in group 2 are called the _____________________________________________.

12. The elements in group 18 are called the ____________________________________________.

13. The elements in group 17 are called the ____________________________________________.

14. The elements in group _________ are the most reactive metals.

15. The elements in group _________ are the most reactive nonmetals.

16. The elements in group _________ are very unreactive.

17. The elements in group _________ react very violently with water.

Directions: Answer the questions with the proper information using your notes, book, and the periodic table.

1. Define a family. _______________________________________________________

2. What is a period? ________________________________________________________

3. What is the symbol for the following elements?

a. Magnesium _____________ b. Potassium ______________

c. Iron _______________ d. Copper ____________

4. What are the names of the following elements?

a. C __________________ b. Cl _________________

c. Au _________________ d. Sr _________________

5. What period are the following elements in?

a. He _______________ b. Ge _________________

c. Rb _______________ d. I __________________

6. What group are the following elements?

a. Sulfur _______________ b. Ca _________________

c. Iodine _______________ d. Fe _________________

7. Give me an atom/element with the following characteristics.

a. Halogen _________________ b. Metal ________________

c. Alkali metal ______________ d. Metalloid ________________

e. Lanthanide series __________ f. Alkaline Earth metal ________________

g. Transition metal ___________ h. Nobel gas ________________

Directions: Use your Periodic table to complete the worksheet.

1. What is the atomic symbol for silver?

2. What is the atomic mass of mercury?

3. Ni is the symbol for what element?

4. The element that has the atomic number 17 is?

5. List the symbols for two transition metals.

6. Cu, Ag, and Au are all in what group #

7. Name two noble gases

8. Give the symbol for two halogens.

9. What is the symbol for element with atomic number 74?

10. What is the atomic mass of copper?

11. What is the last element in period 4?

For questions 12 - 15, label the following Key box as it should appear on your periodic table

12. ____________________

13. ____________________

14. ____________________

15. ____________________







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