Song Lyrics Analysis: Research Project

[pic]Song Lyrics Research Project

During this project you will practice the basics of research analysis and reporting on information. You may work individually or with a partner, but if you work with a partner, you will conduct separate research and complete separate assignments and present the information together. Complete each practice & apply (P&A) for a stamp and then turn this stamped sheet with your completed work in on the day of your presentation.

P&A 1: Select a school appropriate song of any style with lyrics that are a minimum of 20 lines. You may choose rock, country, pop, rap, alternative or another genre. TV show and movie theme songs work great!

P&A2: Find two or more sources of biographical information on the song’s lyricist (song writer), vocalist or band. Print online sources from the internet or check out books or magazines. See your Redwood binder for correct works cited format.

P&A3: ARTIST’S BIO- Write a 1-2 page report of information on your artist including an introduction, body and conclusion. You may use quotes and citations when you are including information you researched. A citation after a quote includes the author’s name and page number or website. Ex. (Reynolds 40) or (Wikipedia/ Lennon).

P&A 4: POETIC ANALYSIS- Write a 1-2 page analysis of the song you chose noting poetic devices listed on the back of this page. Discuss the meaning or theme of the song quoting sections when necessary. Give at least three examples of poetic devices used and how they help bring the meaning across to the listeners.

P&A5: Create a visual aid for presenting your findings to the class. This may be a powerpoint, poster, hand out or other material displaying photos, lyrics or other information about your findings.

P&A 6 :Prepare a creative presentation format of approximately 3-5 minutes to share your information. You may do a video, talk show, skit or other. You may play sections of your song on a cd if you wish.

P&A7: Rehearse and make note cards for your presentation. Good Luck!

Poetic Devices used in Song Lyrics

1. Repetition- when the lyricist repeats a phrase or word for emphasis. Ex. Black and yellow, black and yellow.

2. Simile- a comparison between two things using like or as.

Ex. His face like concrete.

3. Rhyme- When the last word or syllable of one line matches the next in sound. Ex. deck, check.

4. Metaphor- a comparison of two different things without using like or as.

Ex. If the mountains should crumble to the sea. (compared to feelings of loneliness.

5. Personification- giving human or animate qualities to something that is not human or animate. Ex. The trees whispered.

6. Imagery- descriptive pictures created with words. Ex. Her name on the tombstone.

7. Alliteration- same beginning consonant sound repeated. Ex. Peter Piper picked.

8. Assonance- same vowel sound repeated. Ex. Amazing art.

9. Stanzas- how the lines are grouped together. Couplets (2), triplets (3), quatrains (4).

10. Irony- the opposite of what you would expect. Ex. Rain on your wedding day.

11. Allusion- reference to some famous person, place, event in literature or history. Ex. Ruby slippers, Bonnie and Clyde


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