Culture Points Projects

Culture Points

During this semester, you will be required to collect 300 points worth of culture research (100 points each six weeks). This consists of student-selected completion of an assortment of activities to earn a total of 100 points. In order to accumulate these points, you will need to do different types of activities &/or projects. With the exception of Winterfest (early February each year) & the research project, these activities are at the student’s discretion.

The main focus is the self-motivated participation aspect. The student is to find ways to tie German into their everyday activities and interests. They may do each type of activity only ONCE without prior approval (for points-of course you may repeat them for yourselves as often as you like).

Points will be awarded according to the suggestion points described in the table and teacher/student negotiation at the time of presentation.

In the end, the burden of proof lies with THE STUDENT!!! They need to determine the value of their time and effort to earn their points and be able to convince the teacher.

These numbers will then co-relate to a 100% grading scale. Project points are negotiable and open to discussion. Talk to the teacher!! Any and all ideas are welcome, as long as they relate to German speaking, life, language &/or culture!

Some upcoming events & projects that students can plan for and use for CPR.

|Addison Octoberfest |Mid-September each year |Varies-participation in various events earns additional points. |

|Mavs Night with Dirk |usually in January |50 points |

|Feeder Schools Multicultural Nights |various |20-40 points |

|Sportfest |usually in October |For 2 events = 40 points |

|Winterfest |1st Saturday in Feb. |Academic=30 pts/. Art=20pts |

|Deutscher Samstag |usually mid-May |50 points |

|Deutsch Klub events |TBA |30 points each |

This is a table of some sample activities and the points that could be earned.This is not a complete list, nor are the points inflexible.

|Converse with a native (or |Find a connection in your |Do a virtual tour of a city in a|Communicate in writing to a |Find a food item in your home or|

|fluent) speaker of German |everyday life that relates to |German speaking country |native (or fluent) German |store that was made in a |

|10 pts. |German |10 pts. |speaker |German-speaking country |

| |10 pts. | |10 pts. |10 pts. |

|Family Tree: ask your family |Find a news clipping related to |Learn a German folk dance |Recite a poem or prose text in |Attend a German cultural event |

|about relatives who came from a |German |25 pts. |German |30-50-100pts. |

|German-speaking country |Find-10 pts | |(roughly 6-8 lines) |(special circumstances for |

|10 pts. |Translate-20 pts | |15 pts. |Winterfest & State) |

| |Share-30 pts | | | |

|Prepare a German meal |Attend a German festival |Class Projects |Research a German artist and |Write a Haiku in German |

|30 pts. |50 pts. |German related topics, projects,|create something in that style |10 pts. |

|share with class | |books, etc. |40 pts. | |

|additional 20 pts. | |Teacher approval first. | | |

| | |30-50 pts. | | |

|Speak German with a friend or |Fine a German ‘artifact’ in you |Learn the words to a song in |Chart the exchange rate for the |Go to a German restaurant |

|family member outside of German |home and research its origin and|German |Euro for 1 week |30 pts. |

|class. |significance |25 pts |10 pts. | |

|10 pts. |10-20 pts. | | | |

|Listen to an entertainment |Teach a family member German |Watch a movie from a |Current Events |Read a book by a German author |

|medium in German, ie Internet |15 pts. |German-speaking country in |Write a one page paper |30-70 pts. |

|Radio or Internet TV | |German (may be with subtitles) |summarizing your thoughts about | |

|10-30 pts. (varies) | |15-30 pts. |a current news story relating to| |

| | | |German or Germany. | |

| | | |20 pts. | |

Name: __________________________________ Klasse: ______________

Culture Credit Tally Sheet

Please use the following tally sheet to keep track of the culture credit activities you’ve participated in this semester. Make sure that you get Frau Cooper’s approval and signature before doing specific activities.

|Activity Completed |Point Value |Teacher Signature |

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Culture Project

Each ….. weeks students are expected to accumulate 100 points towards their culture project test grade. Students MUST complete a research project which will be graded according to the Kulturprojekt rubric. Students may earn additional point to help max out their test grade (see culture points sheet). This is the list of pre-approved topics for the research project. Students may choose a topic different from these listed, but MUST get approval for their topic from Frau Cooper FIRST!!!

|Grading |Topics for German 1 |Topics for German 2 |

|Period | | |

|1st…. weeks |German holidays |D-A-CH school system |

| |German traditional clothing |D-A-CH school styles |

| |What is “German”? |D-A-CH schools vs. USA schools |

| |Geography of D-A-CH countries |D-A-CH schools grading system: pros and cons |

| |Where in the world do they speak German? |D-A-CH school highlighted (one specific) |

|2nd weeks |Typical German family |D-A-CH city research |

| |German citizenship rules/guidelines |Differences D-A-CH vs US cities |

| |D-A-CH vs. USA: government incentives/disincentives regarding families |Public vs. Private transit in D-A-CH |

| | |D-A-CH vs. USA: transit systems |

|3rd weeks |Popular teen activities in D-A-CH |D-A-CH country research |

| |USA vs D-A-CH: dating |Typical city layouts in D-A-CH |

| |USA vs D-A-CH: teen traditions (prom/gradution/etc) |Popular D-A-CH tourist attractions |

| |Popular vacation activities D-A-CH | |

Kulturprojekt Grading Rubric

Student: _______________________________ Topic: _____________________________________

|CATEGORY |Oops |Not Quite |Pretty Good |Wow! |

|Focus on |The main idea is not clear. There is a |Main idea is somewhat clear but there is a |Main idea is clear but the supporting |There is one clear, well-focused topic. Main |

|Topic |seemingly random collection of information. |need for more supporting information. |information is general. |idea stands out and is supported by detailed |

| | | | |information. |

|Sources |Student used questionable sources OR did not |Student did not use sufficient sources OR |Student used 3 strong credible sources that |Student used 3 strong credible sources; no |

| |cite sources used |used more than the 1 non-scholarly website |includes 1 non-scholarly website; sources |non-scholarly websites used; sources cited as|

| | |allowed; sources cited as required |cited as required |required |

|Required |Several required elements were missing. |Some of the required elements are not |Required elements are met. |The project was done by the student. Pertains|

|Elements* | |included on the poster. | |to the time frame studied. Requirements are |

| | | | |exceeded. |

|Mechanics |There are more than 5 errors in grammar or |There are several errors in in grammar or |There are 1-2 errors in in grammar or writing|The project is exceptionally neat. Grammar |

|& neatness |writing conventions. Project was thrown |writing conventions. Project needs to be |conventions. Project could use some cleaning |and writing conventions are correct |

| |together. |neater. |up. |throughout. |

* Required Elements: approved topic/checkpoints and timelines met/assignment completed on time and submitted as required.

Teacher Feedback:

Total Points Earned: Rubric Score x 2.5 = _______/ 50 possible

|4th six weeks |D-A-CH schools grading system explained | |

| |D-A-CH schools yearly schedule explained | |

|5th six weeks |D-A-CH typical home | |

| |D-A-CH specialty homes | |

| |D-A-CH buying a house | |

|6th six weeks |Popular sports in D-A-CH countries | |

| |Common/traditional foods in D-A-CH countries | |

| |Typical seasonal weather in D-A-CH countries (can highlight one specific | |

| |one) | |

|Open-ended and |Effective ways to study foreign languages | |

|any level |Why study German | |

| |What countries have German as an official language | |

| |What % of the population in those (official) countries speak German? | |

| |What % of D-A-CH countries populace speaks more than 1 language? | |

| |What areas of Texas or the US have a German speaking population? | |

| |What % of the internet is German? | |

| |What % of | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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