Lesson Plan for Preschools Community Awareness ...

Lesson Plan for Preschools: My School

Teacher: Week: Theme:

|Activity |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |

|Arrival |Objectives: Stars L1 (FR) –arrival - greeting adults, walking to classroom, put away backpack/coat, and transitioning to next activity. |

|8:00-8:15am |Procedures: Help students off the bus/parent drop off. Prompt students to greet you. Have student walk to classroom, hang up/put away coat or backpack. Use visual schedule |

|LA.C.2.1 |to transition to next activity. |

| |Materials: schedule |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Bathroom |Objectives: Star L1 FR –rest room routine – transitioning to restroom, adjusting clothing, staying on toilet, eliminating, using toilet paper, flushing toilet. |

|8:00-8:15 am |Star LI FR –hand washing routine – going to sink, washing hands, drying hands. |

|HE.A.1.1 |Procedures: Transition student to bathroom. Prompt student to remove/adjust clothing, stay on toilet, use toilet paper, flush toilet. Reinforce/Praise eliminations. |

| |Transition student to wash hands. Prompt student to wash hands, and dry hands. |

| |Materials: bathroom supplies, hand washing supplies |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Table Tasks |Objectives: Star LI PRT – Exploring/Play – exploring and manipulating toys, giving up a toy when asked, completing one-step imitation with toys |

|8:00-8:25 am |Star LI FR – Independent Play – getting a toy, initiating functional play, playing beside others, putting toys away. |

| |Procedures: Prompt children to select a toy, play functionally and appropriately with materials (e.g., “do this”), play beside others, and put items away. Encourage fine motor|

| |skills, matching skills, sorting. |

| |Materials: Puzzles, matching shapes, matching colors, sorting, put-in, stringing beads. |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Circle |Activities: School Greetings; My School Bean Bag Toss |

|8:25-8:40 am |Objectives: Star LI FR- Circle - sitting in circle, communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away materials |

|LA.C.1.1 |Thematic goals – My School Greetings |

|LA.C.2.1 |Thematic goals –My School Bean Bag Toss |

|LA.D.1.1 |Procedures: Follow thematic lesson plan for School Greetings, My School Bean Bag Toss. Who’s here? Who/How came to school? Review daily class schedule. |

|MA.A.1.1 |Materials: voice output devices pre-programmed for story, pictures or name labels of your children, visual supports, who’s here board/manipulatives?, who/how came to school |

|MU.A.1.1 |manipulatives, bean bags, bucket, pails, school vocab visuals/items |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Specials |Activity: Gym |Fountain |Moving and Groovin |

|8:40-9:10 |Objectives: Thematic Curriculum- My School Teacher Says |Objectives: Star LI PRT – Exploring/Play – exploring an | |

|LA.C.1.1 |Procedures: Follow My School Teacher Says Lesson Plan |manipulating toys, giving up a toy when asked, completing | |

|LA.C.2.1 |Materials: Action Picture Cards |one-step imitation with toys | |

|PE.A.2.1 |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |Star LI PRT – Playing with toys constructive and | |

|PE.A.3.1 | |Functional – completing 1-step play command | |

| | |Procedures: Encourage students to explore and manipulate | |

| | |water toys appropriately, give up toys when asked, imitate| |

| | |adult water toy play (“do this”), imitate peer water | |

| | |play. Provide one-step instructions for play (“fill the | |

| | |bucket”). | |

| | |Materials: water play toys | |

| | |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly | |

|Snack |Objectives: Star LI FR – Snacks – sits at table, communicates choices, cleans up after |

|9:10-9:30 |Star LI (PRT) – Babbling and Sound Pairing – making sounds, making sounds following teacher’s verbal cue |

| |Star LI (PRT) – Imitation and words for Requests – imitating verbal cue, making spontaneous requests |

| |Star LI (PRT) – Phrases for Requests – Making requests using “I want ___” or “no _____” |

| |PECS- exchanging PECS to communicate for food/items |

| |Procedures: Use visual, non-verbal prompting to have students sit at table, communicate food choices and required items (PECS/Vocalize) (e.g., fork), prompt for vocalizations |

| |when appropriate, have students assist in throwing away, wiping table |

| |Materials: breakfast, PECS books |

| |Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly |

|Story Time |Activity: Story time : My School Lotto |Activity: Story time : My School Mystery Bag |Activity: Story time : My School This is the Way We… |

|9:30-9:45 |Objectives: Star FR- Circle - sitting in circle, |Objectives: Star FR- Circle - sitting in circle, |Objectives: Star FR- Circle - sitting in circle, |

|LA.A.1.1 |communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away |communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away |communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away |

|LA.C.2.1 |materials |materials |materials |

| |Thematic goals – My School Lotto |Thematic goals – My School Mystery Box |Thematic goals – My School This is the Way We… |

| |Procedures: Follow My School Lotto Lesson Plan. Distribute|Procedures: Follow My School Mystery Box Lesson Plan for I|Procedures: Follow My School This is the Way We… Lesson |

| |actual objects/items to each child. Show visual of |Like School. |Plan. |

| |selected item, have student with item come up and show the|Materials: I Like School, see theme lesson plan |Materials: I Like School book, This is the Way We lesson |

| |class the item. |Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly |plan |

| |Materials: I Like Schools, bus lotto game board, school | |Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly |

| |related visuals | | |

| |Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly | | |

|Centers/ |Objectives: Star LI PRT – Exploring/Sharing toys - explores and manipulates toys, gives up toys when asked, does one-step imitation with toys |

|Play |Star LI PRT- Playing with toys - follows one-step command |

|9:45-10:30 |Procedures: Structure play to facilitate exploring and manipulating toys, prompt child to give up toy when asked, prompt for one-step imitation of play with toys (“do this”), |

|(15 minutes |prompt student to complete 1-step play command (e.g., put the boy in the bus) |

|rotations) |Materials: Toys related to school theme (e.g., school buses), figurines of children and adults, cause-effect toys |

| |Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly |

|Centers/ Teacher |Objectives: Star LI FR – work with teacher - child goes to work area, sits up in chair with hands down, looks at adult, looks at materials |

|Time |Star DT - Individualized discrete trial goals/objectives (preacademics, receptive ID), IEP goals |

|9:45-10:30 |Procedures: teaching DTT programs and skills |

|(15 minutes |Materials: specified on individual data sheets, |

|rotations) |Evaluation: DTT data sheets |

|LA.C.1.1 | |

|LA.C.2.1 | |

|Centers/Independent|Objective: complete a series of tasks independently, utilizing a visual schedule |

|Work First Center |Procedures: Use non-verbal prompting from behind for student to complete IW tasks |

|(9:45-10:30 |Student 1 #1,2,5 |

|(15 minutes |Student 2 #3,6,7 |

|rotations) |Student 3 #4,8,9 |

| |Student 4 #1,2,5 |

| |Student 5 #3,6,7 |

| |Student 6 #4,8,9 |

| |Student 7 #1,2,5 |

| |Student 8 #3,6,7 |

| |Materials: IW tasks, visual schedule |

| |Evaluation: IW data sheet weekly |

|Playground |Objectives: Stars LI DT – Come Here - child turns and looks from 10 ft away in hallway |

|10:30-11:00am |Star LI DT – Attending – child responds to teachers instructional cues (look at me, sit down) |

| |Star LI DT – receptive actions – child responds to receptive actions ( walk with me, stop) |

| |Star LI DT – Social Communication – child responds to social/communication cues (give me five, wave) |

| |Star LI PRT – Exploring/Sharing toys - explores and manipulates toys, gives up toys when asked, does one-step imitation with toys |

| |Star LI PRT- Playing with toys - follows one-step command |

| |Star LI FR – Playing with adult – requesting toy, taking turns with adult, imitating adult play |

| |Procedures: Structure play to facilitate exploring and manipulating toys, prompt child to give up toy when asked, prompt for one-step imitation of play with toys/play (“do |

| |this”), prompt student to complete 1-step play command (e.g., “throw the ball”), requesting (“more jumping on see-saw”), turn-taking with adult (toss ball back an forth), |

| |Follow Star DT instruction to have children come to adult when called, attend to adult instructions, follow receptive actions and complete social communications. |

| |Materials: Toy cars/busses, figurines of children and adults, cause-effect toys |

| |Materials: balls, tricycles, playground equipment |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Art/Sensory |Activities: Art- My School Making Playdough |Activities: Sensory: PLAYDOUGH |Activities: Art- My School Cutting |

|11:00-11:!5 |Objectives: Star LI FR – Art – sit at table, imitates |Objectives: experience a variety of sensory experiences, |Objectives: stars FR – Art- sit at table, imitates |

|LA.C.2.1 |use of materials, communicates choices, puts materials |imitate instructor and peers, play appropriately with |use of materials, communicates choices, puts materials |

|MA.C.1.1 |away. |playdough, sensory diet needs met, tool use |away. |

| |Thematic Curriculum- Making Playdough |Procedures: Students can request colors of playdough, |Thematic curriculum – My School Cutting |

| |Procedures: Follow thematic curriculum lesson plan for |request tools for playdough, imitate the instructor to |Procedures: Follow thematic curriculum lesson plan for My |

| |Making Playdough. Use visual and non-verbal prompting to |make things from playdough, also provide brushing and |School- Cutting. Use visual and non-verbal prompting to |

| |have students sit at table. Prompt students to imitate |joint compression to those students who need it at this |have students sit at table. Prompt students to imitate |

| |use of materials (“do this”), communicate choices of |time |use of materials (“do this”), communicate choices of |

| |materials, assist in putting materials away and cleaning |Materials: Playdough and playdough tools Evaluation: |materials, assist in putting materials away and cleaning |

| |area. |group data sheet weekly |area. |

| |Materials: Ingredients for playdough, PECS, communication | |Materials: Materials for My School Cutting, PECS, |

| |devices preprogrammed for art activity, Making Playdough | |communication devices preprogrammed for art activity |

| |visuals | |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly | | |

|Centers/ |Objectives: Thematic Curriculum- My School Computer Vocabulary |

|Media Center |Procedures: Follow thematic lesson plan for My School Computer Vocabulary |

|11:15-12:00 |Materials: Computer, My School Computer Vocabulary on Shared Drive |

|(15 minutes |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|rotations) | |

|Centers/Teacher |Objectives: Star LI FR – work with teacher - child goes to work area, sits up in chair with hands down, looks at adult, looks at materials |

|Time |Individualized discrete trial goals/objectives (preacademics, receptive ID), IEP goals |

|11:15-12:00 |Procedures: teaching DTT programs and skills |

|(15 minutes |Materials: specified on individual data sheets, |

|rotations) |Evaluation: DTT data sheets |

|LA.C.1.1 | |

|LA.C.2.1 | |

|MA.A.1.1 | |

|Centers/Independent|Objective: complete a series of tasks independently, utilizing a visual schedule |

|Work First Center |Procedures: Use non-verbal prompting from behind for student to complete IW tasks |

|11:15-12:00 |Student 1 #2,5,7 |

|(15 minutes |Student 2 #1,4,8 |

|rotations) |Student 3 #6,9,10 |

| |Student 4 #1,5,7 |

| |Student 5 #4,6,9 |

| |Student 6 #3,6,7 |

| |Student 7 #2,3,8 |

| |Student 8 #6,9,10 |

| |Materials: IW tasks, visual schedule |

| |Evaluation: IW data sheet weekly |

|Lunch |Objectives: Star LI FR – Snack - s sits at table, communicates choices, cleans up after |

|12:00-12:30 |Star LI (PRT) – Babbling and Sound Pairing – making sounds, making sounds following teacher’s verbal cue |

| |Star LI (PRT) – Imitation and words for Requests – imitating verbal cue, making spontaneous requests |

| |Star LI (PRT) – Phrases for Requests – Making requests using “I want ___” or “no _____” |

| |Procedures: Use visual, non-verbal prompting to have students sit at table, communicate food choices and required items (PECS/Vocalize) (e.g., fork), prompt for vocalizations |

| |when appropriate, have students assist in throwing away, wiping table |

| |Materials: lunch, PECS books |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Quiet Time |Objectives: rest, engage in quiet activities independently |

|12:30-1:30pm |Procedures: encourage each student to rest, provide quiet activities for students who do not rest (books, sensory, books on tape with headset) |

| |Materials: cots, blankets, quiet toys |

| |Evaluation |

|1:30-1:45 |Objectives: Star LI FR- Circle - sitting in circle, communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away materials |

|Closing Circle |Procedures: Use visual, non-verbal prompts to have students stay in seat/area. Provide opportunities for children to communicate choices, provide opportunities for children to |

|LA.C.1.1 |imitate gross motor actions, provide social opportunities for students to say “bye” to peers/ teachers, have children assist in handing out and putting away materials. who/how|

|LA.C.2.1 |going home? Review daily class schedule (what we did today). |

|MA.A.1.1 |Materials: voice output devices pre-programmed for salutations, pictures or name labels of your children, visual supports, who’s here board/manipulatives?, who/going home |

| |manipulatives. |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|1:45-2:00 |Objectives: Stars LI FR – Departure – gets coat/backpack, walks with adult, waits for vehicle, communicate “bye” |

|Pack-up/Dismissal |Procedures: Prompt students to complete departure routine, gather belongings, walk with adult to bus/pick up, communicate “bye” when leaving |

| |Materials: backpack, homenote, flyers |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Activity |Thursday |Friday |

|Arrival |Objectives: Stars L1 (FR) –arrival - greeting adults, walking to classroom, put away backpack/coat, and transitioning to next activity. |

|8:00-8:15am |Procedures: Help students off the bus/parent drop off. Prompt students to greet you. Have student walk to classroom, hang up/put away coat or backpack. Use visual schedule |

|LA.C.2.1 |to transition to next activity. |

| |Materials: schedule |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Bathroom |Objectives: Star L1 FR –rest room routine – transitioning to restroom, adjusting clothing, staying on toilet, eliminating, using toilet paper, flushing toilet. |

|8:00-8:15 am |Star LI FR –hand washing routine – going to sink, washing hands, drying hands. |

|HE.A.1.1 |Procedures: Transition student to bathroom. Prompt student to remove/adjust clothing, stay on toilet, use toilet paper, flush toilet. Reinforce/Praise eliminations. |

| |Transition student to wash hands. Prompt student to wash hands, and dry hands. |

| |Materials: bathroom supplies, hand washing supplies |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Table Tasks |Objectives: Star LI PRT – Exploring/Play – exploring and manipulating toys, giving up a toy when asked, completing one-step imitation with toys |

|8:00-8:25 am |Star LI FR – Independent Play – getting a toy, initiating functional play, playing beside others, putting toys away. |

| |Procedures: Prompt children to select a toy, play functionally and appropriately with materials (e.g., “do this”), play beside others, and put items away. Encourage fine motor|

| |skills, matching skills, sorting. |

| |Materials: Puzzles, matching shapes, matching colors, sorting, put-in, stringing beads. |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Circle |Activities: School Greetings; My School Bean Bag Toss |

|8:25-8:40 am |Objectives: Star LI FR- Circle - sitting in circle, communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away materials |

|LA.C.1.1 |Thematic goals – My School Greetings |

|LA.C.2.1 |Thematic goals –My School Bean Bag Toss |

|LA.D.1.1 |Procedures: Follow thematic lesson plan for School Greetings, My School Bean Bag Toss. Who’s here? Who/How came to school? Review daily class schedule. |

|MA.A.1.1 |Materials: voice output devices pre-programmed for story, pictures or name labels of your children, visual supports, who’s here board/manipulatives?, who/how came to school |

|MU.A.1.1 |manipulatives, bean bags, bucket, pails, school vocab visuals/items |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Specials |Activity: Core |Activity: Core |

|8:40-9:10 |Objectives: Stars LI DT – Come Here - child turns and looks from 10 ft away in |Objectives: Stars LI DT – Come Here - child turns and looks from 10 ft away in |

| |hallway |hallway |

| |Star LI DT – Attending – child responds to teachers instructional cues (look at me, sit |Star LI DT – Attending – child responds to teachers instructional cues (look at me, sit |

| |down) |down) |

| |Star LI DT – receptive actions – child responds to receptive actions ( walk with me, |Star LI DT – receptive actions – child responds to receptive actions ( walk with me, |

| |stop) |stop) |

| |Star LI DT – Social Communication – child responds to social/communication cues (give me|Star LI DT – Social Communication – child responds to social/communication cues (give me|

| |five, wave) |five, wave) |

| |Star LI PRT – Exploring/Sharing toys - explores and manipulates toys, gives up toys when|Star LI PRT – Exploring/Sharing toys - explores and manipulates toys, gives up toys when|

| |asked, does one-step imitation with toys |asked, does one-step imitation with toys |

| |Star LI PRT - Playing with toys - follows one-step command |Star LI PRT - Playing with toys - follows one-step command |

| |Procedures: Structure play to facilitate exploring and manipulating toys, prompt child |Procedures: Structure play to facilitate exploring and manipulating toys, prompt child |

| |to give up toy when asked, prompt for one-step imitation of play with toys (“do this”), |to give up toy when asked, prompt for one-step imitation of play with toys (“do this”), |

| |prompt student to complete 1-step play command (e.g., put the boy in the bus). Follow |prompt student to complete 1-step play command (e.g., put the boy in the bus). Follow |

| |Star DT instruction to have children come to adult when called, attend to adult |Star DT instruction to have children come to adult when called, attend to adult |

| |instructions, follow receptive actions and complete social communications. |instructions, follow receptive actions and complete social communications. |

| |Materials: Toy cars/busses, figurines of children and adults, cause-effect toys |Materials: Toy cars/busses, figurines of children and adults, cause-effect toys |

| |Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly |Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly |

|Snack |Objectives: Star LI FR – Snacks – sits at table, communicates choices, cleans up after |

|9:10-9:30 |Star LI (PRT) – Babbling and Sound Pairing – making sounds, making sounds following teacher’s verbal cue |

| |Star LI (PRT) – Imitation and words for Requests – imitating verbal cue, making spontaneous requests |

| |Star LI (PRT) – Phrases for Requests – Making requests using “I want ___” or “no _____” |

| |PECS- exchanging PECS to communicate for food/items |

| |Procedures: Use visual, non-verbal prompting to have students sit at table, communicate food choices and required items (PECS/Vocalize) (e.g., fork), prompt for vocalizations |

| |when appropriate, have students assist in throwing away, wiping table |

| |Materials: breakfast, PECS books |

| |Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly |

|Story Time |Activity: Story time : I Love School-- My School Classroom Scene |Activity: Story time : I Love School-- My School Creating a Collage |

|9:30-9:45 |Objectives: Star LI FR- Circle - sitting in circle, communicating choices, imitating |Objectives: Star LI FR- Circle - sitting in circle, communicating choices, imitating |

| |actions, putting away materials |actions, putting away materials |

| |Thematic goals – My School Classroom Scene |Thematic goals – My School Creating a Collage |

| |Procedures: Follow My School Classroom Scene Lesson Plan. |Procedures: Follow My School Creating a Collage Lesson Plan. |

| |Materials: I Love School book, see My School lesson |Materials: I Love School book, thematic materials |

| |Evaluation Method: Group data sheet weekly |Evaluation Method: Group data sheet weekly |

|Centers/ |Objectives: Star LI PRT – Exploring/Sharing toys - explores and manipulates toys, gives up toys when asked, does one-step imitation with toys |

|Play |Star LI PRT- Playing with toys - follows one-step command |

|9:45-10:30 |Procedures: Structure play to facilitate exploring and manipulating toys, prompt child to give up toy when asked, prompt for one-step imitation of play with toys (“do this”), |

|(15 minutes |prompt student to complete 1-step play command (e.g., put the boy in the bus) |

|rotations) |Materials: Toys related to school theme (e.g., school buses), figurines of children and adults, cause-effect toys |

| |Evaluation: Group data sheet weekly |

|Centers/Teacher |Objectives: Star LI FR – work with teacher - child goes to work area, sits up in chair with hands down, looks at adult, looks at materials |

|Time |Star DT - Individualized discrete trial goals/objectives (preacademics, receptive ID), IEP goals |

|9:45-10:30 |Procedures: teaching DTT programs and skills |

|(15 minutes |Materials: specified on individual data sheets, |

|rotations) |Evaluation: DTT data sheets |

|LA.C.1.1 | |

|LA.C.2.1 | |

|Centers/Independent|Objective: complete a series of tasks independently, utilizing a visual schedule |

|Work First Center |Procedures: Use non-verbal prompting from behind for student to complete IW tasks |

|(9:45-10:30 |Student 1 #1,2,5 |

|(15 minutes |Student 2 #3,6,7 |

|rotations) |Student 3 #4,8,9 |

| |Student 4 #1,2,5 |

| |Student 5 #3,6,7 |

| |Student 6 #4,8,9 |

| |Student 7 #1,2,5 |

| |Student 8 #3,6,7 |

| |Materials: IW tasks, visual schedule |

| |Evaluation: IW data sheet |

|Playground |Objectives: Stars LI DT – Come Here - child turns and looks from 10 ft away in hallway |

|10:30-11:00am |Star LI DT – Attending – child responds to teachers instructional cues (look at me, sit down) |

| |Star LI DT – receptive actions – child responds to receptive actions ( walk with me, stop) |

| |Star LI DT – Social Communication – child responds to social/communication cues (give me five, wave) |

| |Star LI PRT – Exploring/Sharing toys - explores and manipulates toys, gives up toys when asked, does one-step imitation with toys |

| |Star LI PRT- Playing with toys - follows one-step command |

| |Star LI FR – Playing with adult – requesting toy, taking turns with adult, imitating adult play |

| |Procedures: Structure play to facilitate exploring and manipulating toys, prompt child to give up toy when asked, prompt for one-step imitation of play with toys/play (“do |

| |this”), prompt student to complete 1-step play command (e.g., “throw the ball”), requesting (“more jumping on see-saw”), turn-taking with adult (toss ball back an forth), |

| |Follow Star DT instruction to have children come to adult when called, attend to adult instructions, follow receptive actions and complete social communications. |

| |Materials: Toy cars/busses, figurines of children and adults, cause-effect toys |

| |Materials: balls, tricycles, playground equipment |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Art/Sensory |Activities: Sensory: PLAYDOUGH |Activities: Art- BALL PAINTING |

|11:00-11:!5 |Objectives: experience a variety of sensory experiences, imitate instructor and |Objectives: Star sLI FR – Art- sitting at table, using materials, communicating choices, |

| |peers, play appropriately with playdough, sensory diet needs met, tool use |putting materials away |

| |Procedures: Students can request colors of playdough, request tools for playdough, |Thematic curriculum - ball paining - following directions, understand “stop/go” concepts,|

| |imitate the instructor to make things from playdough, also provide brushing and joint|identify vocabulary, visual motor perception, hand-eye coordination, grading movements |

| |compression to those students who need it at this time |Procedures: Follow thematic curriculum lesson plan for My School- ball paining. Use |

| |Materials: Playdough and playdough tools |visual and non-verbal prompting to have students sit at table. Prompt students to imitate|

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |use of materials (“do this”), communicate choices of materials, assist in putting |

| | |materials away and cleaning area. |

| | |Materials: Materials for My School Ball Painting, PECS, communication devices |

| | |preprogrammed for art activity |

| | |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Centers/ |Objectives: Thematic Curriculum- My School Computer Vocabulary |

|Media Center |Procedures: Follow thematic lesson plan for My School Computer Vocabulary |

|11:15-12:00 |Materials: Computer, My School Computer Vocabulary on Shared Drive |

|(15 minutes |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|rotations) | |

|Centers/Teacher |Objectives: Star LI FR – work with teacher - child goes to work area, sits up in chair with hands down, looks at adult, looks at materials |

|Time |Individualized discrete trial goals/objectives (preacademics, receptive ID), IEP goals |

|11:15-12:00 |Procedures: teaching DTT programs and skills |

|(15 minutes |Materials: specified on individual data sheets, |

|rotations) |Evaluation: DTT data sheets |

|LA.C.1.1 | |

|LA.C.2.1 | |

|MA.A.1.1 | |

|Centers/Independent|Objective: complete a series of tasks independently, utilizing a visual schedule |

|Work First Center |Procedures: Use non-verbal prompting from behind for student to complete IW tasks |

|11:15-12:00 |Student 1 #1,2,5 |

|(15 minutes |Student 2 #3,6,7 |

|rotations) |Student 3 #4,8,9 |

| |Student 4 #1,2,5 |

| |Student 5 #3,6,7 |

| |Student 6 #4,8,9 |

| |Student 7 #1,2,5 |

| |Student 8 #3,6,7 |

| |Materials: IW tasks, visual schedule |

| |Evaluation: IW data sheet |

|Lunch |Objectives: Star LI FR – Snack - s sits at table, communicates choices, cleans up after |

|12:00-12:30 |Star LI (PRT) – Babbling and Sound Pairing – making sounds, making sounds following teacher’s verbal cue |

| |Star LI (PRT) – Imitation and words for Requests – imitating verbal cue, making spontaneous requests |

| |Star LI (PRT) – Phrases for Requests – Making requests using “I want ___” or “no _____” |

| |Procedures: Use visual, non-verbal prompting to have students sit at table, communicate food choices and required items (PECS/Vocalize) (e.g., fork), prompt for vocalizations |

| |when appropriate, have students assist in throwing away, wiping table |

| |Materials: breakfast, PECS books |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|Quiet Time |Objectives: rest, engage in quiet activities independently |

|12:30-1:30pm |Procedures: encourage each student to rest, provide quiet activities for students who do not rest (books, sensory, books on tape with headset) |

| |Materials: cots, blankets, quiet toys |

| |Evaluation |

|1:30-1:45 |Objectives: Star LI FR- Circle - sitting in circle, communicating choices, imitating actions, putting away materials |

|Closing Circle |Procedures: Use visual, non-verbal prompts to have students stay in seat/area. Provide opportunities for children to communicate choices, provide opportunities for children to |

|LA.C.1.1 |imitate gross motor actions, provide social opportunities for students to say “bye” to peers/ teachers, have children assist in handing out and putting away materials. who/how|

|LA.C.2.1 |going home? Review daily class schedule (what we did today). |

|MA.A.1.1 |Materials: voice output devices pre-programmed for salutations, pictures or name labels of your children, visual supports, who’s here board/manipulatives?, who/going home |

| |manipulatives. |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |

|1:45-2:00 |Objectives: Stars LI FR – Departure – gets coat/backpack, walks with adult, waits for vehicle, communicate “bye” |

|Pack-up/Dismissal |Procedures: Prompt students to complete departure routine, gather belongings, walk with adult to bus/pick up, communicate “bye” when leaving |

| |Materials: backpack, homenote, flyers |

| |Evaluation: group data sheet weekly |


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