Graphic Organizer for Analyzing a Grammar Lesson

Grammar Analysis, Plans, and Reflections

Step 1: Assessment and Lesson Analysis

Unit Test Analysis

|Identify grammar structures assessed on |Present Tense Verbs: am, are, is; Present Tense Action Verbs: 1st and 3rd Person; Adjectives; |

|Patterns and Structures portion of Unit Test|Pronouns |

|Identify grammar structures required to |Capitalization, punctuation at the end of a sentence. |

|complete Writing portion of Unit Test | |

Lesson Analysis

Level Intro, Unit Lakeside, Lesson 54, TE Page # T39

|Grammar Function |Describe actions |

|Pattern and Structure |Present tense action verbs, 3rd Person |

|Standards |Grade 2 - 1.3, Grade 3 - 1.3 and 1.4 |

|What do the students need to learn? |An action verb tells what someone does. When describing one person’s actions, use an –s at the |

| |end of the action word. |

|What is being taught? |Use of third person singular action verbs |

|Describe the way it is introduced |As students view photographs of Carlos engaged in different actions throughout the year, the |

| |teacher reads the captions aloud (i.e. In November, Carlos writes letters to his family). |

| |Teacher introduces action verbs by asking students to perform actions such as run, walk, sit, |

| |sing, etc. Students perform actions while teacher writes sentences to describe them. Teacher |

| |underlines the –s at the end of each verb and explains the grammar rule for present tense action |

| |verbs in the 3rd person. Suggestion: Graphic Organizer i.e. Thinking Map – Bridge Map |

|Student Opportunities to Practice (Practice |Students pantomime an action from the photos of Carlos while other students guess the action in a|

|Book, Grammar Practice Book, prior level |sentence using the verb structure. Language Practice Book pages 38, 29. |

|materials) | |

|Assessment of Student Learning |Students share their drawings from the Language Practice Book activity while reading their |

| |sentences describing the action. Other students identify the action word in each sentence. |

|Differentiation Opportunities |In the Reading Practice Book, students may read the decodable book, “Pop” for additional practice|

| |or enrichment. Pages 115-118 |

Step 2: Teach and Analyze Student Learning

Include student assessment data (Selection Test, Unit Test, or Language Practice Book grammar page)

|High Achieving Student | |

|Indicators of student progress | |

|Identified areas of student weakness | |

|Possible reasons for weaknesses | |

|Notes for possible re-teaching | |

|Low Achieving Student | |

|Indicators of student progress | |

|Identified areas of student weakness | |

|Possible reasons for weaknesses | |

|Notes for possible re-teaching | |

Step 3: Reflection on Teaching Practice

|What went well? |

| |

|What did your students need that you didn’t include or anticipate? |

| |

|What practice opportunities were the most useful for your students? |

| |

|What was the student response to the lesson? |

| |

|What other materials could you have used to support your instruction? (visuals, real world examples, graphic organizers, etc.) |

| |

|Were parts of the lesson conducive to collaborative work between students? |

| |

|Describe the level of student engagement during the lesson. |

| |

|Describe the quality of transitions throughout the lesson. |

| |

|What further instruction or practice will your students need to master the grammar structure or function? |

| |

Step 4: Follow Up Lesson Analysis

Identify and analyze the next lesson in which the same grammar structure and function will be taught:

Level 1A, Unit 3, Lesson 3, TE Page # T73

|Grammar Function |Give information |

|Pattern and Structure |Present Tense Action Verbs, 3rd Person |

|Standards |Grade 2 – 1.3, Grade 3 - 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 |

|What do the students need to learn? |An action verb tells what someone does. When describing one person’s actions, use an –s at the |

| |end of the action word. |

|What is being taught? |Present Tense action verbs |

|Describe the way you will begin the lesson. |Read the page title and introduction. Read sentences with present tense action verbs. Teacher |

| |and students point to the verbs in each of the sentences. Teacher summarizes that each verb |

| |tells what one person or thing does and ends in the letter s. |

|Describe the student opportunities to |Students complete 6 practice problems, building sentences using the correct form of the provided |

|practice the function and structure |action verb in partners. Students work in an Inside-Outside Circle Cooperative Learning |

| |Structures to practice the problems orally again. |

| |For further application, students will brainstorm a list of workers as a class and identify four |

| |actions the worker does. Teacher will write base verb on the board and volunteers will write |

| |sentences using the correct form of the verb. |

| |Language Practice Book page 52. |

|Describe how student learning will be |Students dictate their sentences as the teacher writes them on the board, omitting the verb but |

|assessed. |giving the base form. Another student will fill in the correct verb form and lead the class in |

| |reading the sentence. |

|Describe the opportunities differentiation | |

Step 5: Reflection on Teaching Practice

Include student assessment data (Selection Test, Unit Test, or Language Practice Book grammar page)

|High Achieving Student | |

|Indicators of student progress | |

|Identified areas of student weakness | |

|Possible reasons for weaknesses | |

|Notes for possible re-teaching | |

|Low Achieving Student | |

|Indicators of student progress | |

|Identified areas of student weakness | |

|Possible reasons for weaknesses | |

|Notes for possible re-teaching | |

Step 6: Analyze Student Learning from Follow Up Lesson

|What went well? |

| |

|What did your students need that you didn’t include or anticipate? |

| |

|What practice opportunities were the most useful for your students? |

| |

|What was the student response to the lesson? |

| |

|What other materials could you have used to support your instruction? (visuals, real world examples, graphic organizers, etc.) |

| |

|Were parts of the lesson conducive to collaborative work between students? |

| |

|Describe the level of student engagement during the lesson. |

| |

|Describe the quality of transitions throughout the lesson. |

| |

|What further instruction or practice will your students need to master the grammar structure or function? |

| |

Step 7: Supplemental Lesson Plan Design from “Reaching all Students”

Identify a “Reaching All Students” suggestion in the same Unit as the identified lesson

|Page Number |T72 |

|Description of Suggestion |Charades. Teacher gathers labeled pictures of workers that students made and in Lesson 2, and |

| |fans them out, face down. Student volunteers take a card and act it out for others to guess. |

| |Students guess the worker, what the worker does, and what tools the worker uses. Teacher |

| |restates students’ guesses as necessary, in sentences. |

Design a supplemental lesson based on a “Reaching all Students” suggestion

|Objective |

|Students will use present tense action verbs to orally describe the actions of various workers in a charades game. Students will write |

|sentences using the same words. |

|Materials |

|Student drawings of workers from Lesson 2. |

|Standards |

|Grade 2 – 1.3, Grade 3 - 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 |

|Describe the way you will begin the lesson. |

|Teacher explains objective and standards of the lesson. Teacher explains the rules for the charades game. Teacher divides room into teams. |

|Teams take turn pantomiming and guessing workers and actions. Teacher restates student guesses in complete sentences following the targeted |

|grammar structure. Teacher records workers and actions in a T-Chart on the board. Teacher |

|What graphic organizers will be used? |

|T-Chart on the board to record workers and the root verbs students use to describe the workers’ actions. |

|Describe the student opportunities to practice the function and structure. |

|Guesses in charades game and sentences generated from list of verbs compiled during the game. |

|What opportunities will you provide for collaborative group work? (Refer to Teacher’s Corner: Cooperative Learning Strategies in TE of any |

|High Point level) |

|No formal cooperative learning strategy, although students will be working in teams and drawing on each other’s knowledge and skill sets. |

|How will you plan for differentiation? |

| |

|Describe how student learning will be assessed. |

|Students read their sentences. Teacher will write them on the board omitting the verb but giving the base form, as in Lesson 3. Teacher |

|invites another student to re-read the sentence filling in the correct verb form. |

|Describe the transitions to be used throughout the lesson. |

| |

Step 8: Reflection on Supplemental Lesson

|What went well? |

| |

|What did your students need that you didn’t include or anticipate? |

| |

|What practice opportunities were the most useful for your students? |

| |

|What was the student response to the lesson? |

| |

|What other materials could you have used to support your instruction? (visuals, real world examples, graphic organizers, etc.) |

| |

|Were parts of the lesson conducive to collaborative work between students? |

| |

|Describe the level of student engagement during the lesson. |

| |

|Describe the quality of transitions throughout the lesson. |

| |

|What further instruction or practice will your students need to master the grammar structure or function? |

| |


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