Persuasive Speech Rubric - Valencia College

Persuasive Speech Rubric

Evaluator: ______________________________ Speaker _____________________________

Score ____________________ Topic _________________________________

|Criteria |Effectively Accomplished |Partially accomplished |Not accomplished |

| | | | |

| |5 4 |3 2 |1 0 |

|Attention Getter |Effective use of attention getting strategy (quote, statistic, |Use of relevant attention getting strategy, but did not seem |No attention getting strategy was evident. No clear or |

| |question, story, etc.) to capture listeners’ attention and to |to adequately capture audience attention and/or lead to |relevant connection to topic and/or speech purpose. |

| |introduce topic. Attention getter is relevant and meaningful and |desire outcome. | |

| |seemed to gain the desired response from audience. | | |

|Thesis Statement |Speaker clearly formulated and stated thesis statement during the |Thesis is clearly implied, although not explicitly stated. |No thesis statement (implied nor explicit). Main points are |

| |speech introduction. Thesis statement identifies topic and |Topic is clearly identified, but main points are not clearly |not clearly identified, audience unsure of direction of the |

| |encompasses/previews main points. |previewed. |message. |

|Connection |Clearly stated the relevance of topic to audience needs and |Topic seems somewhat relevant to audience, but not explicitly|Topic seems irrelevant to audience needs and interests. No |

|w/Audience |interests. Thoughtful audience analysis reflected through choice of |stated. Vague reference to audience needs and/or interests. |attempt made to connect topic to targeted audience. |

| |topic and supporting evidence. | | |

|Subject Knowledge |Depth of content reflects knowledge and understanding of topic. Main |Provides some support for main points, but needed to |Provides irrelevant or no support. Explanations of concepts |

| |points adequately substantiated with timely, relevant and sufficient |elaborate further with explanations, examples, descriptions, |are inaccurate or incomplete. Listeners gain little knowledge|

| |support. Provided accurate explanation of key concepts. |etc. Support is relevant, but not timely. |form presentation. |

| | | | |

|Organization |Uses effective organizational pattern for speech purpose. Main points|General structure/organization seems adequate but some |Lack of structure. Ideas are not coherent and transitions are|

| |are clearly distinguished from supporting details. Signposts are |blurring between main points and supporting details. Logical |forced or blurred. Difficult to identify introduction, body, |

| |effectively used for smooth and coherent transitions. |flow, but no clear signposts for smooth transitions. |and conclusion. |

|Logical appeal |Presents sound arguments to support major claim. Arguments are |Some arguments are sufficiently supported but some |Arguments lack relevant and valid evidence. Information is |

| |supported with sufficient, relevant and valid evidence. Reasoning is |unsupported assertions are also present. Minor reasoning |incorrect and/or outdated. Many fallacies are present in the |

| |free of fallacies. |fallacies. |reasoning. |

|Emotional appeal |Effectively and ethically appeals to audience emotions (anger, fear, |Appeals to audience emotions (anger, fear, compassion, etc.) |Fails to appeal to audience emotions. No attempt to use vivid|

| |compassion, etc.) to achieve the persuasive goal. Vivid and emotive |to achieve the persuasive goal, but fails to observe ethical |or descriptive language to capture audience emotions. |

| |language effectively used to create imagery to engage audience |responsibilities. Creates some effective imagery through | |

| |emotionally. |language. | |

|Credibility |Sources of information are clearly identified and properly cited. |Most sources are clearly cited, but fails to effectively |Fails to identify and cite sources. No attempt is made to |

| |Establishes credibility and authority of sources presented. Balances |establish credibility and authority of sources presented. |establish credibility and authority of sources presented. |

| |a variety of perspectives and recognizes opposing views. |Seems fair, but fails to acknowledge opposing perspectives. |One-sided argument, no other perspectives are considered. |

| | | |Some identifiable bias. |

|Eye contact |Consistently and effectively used eye contact to establish rapport |Conspicuous use of speaker notes. Seems disengaged from |Reads speech from notes/manuscript. Avoids eye contact with |

| |with audience. Inconspicuous use of speaker notes and effective use |audience for noticeable periods of time. |audience. Only occasional and sporadic glances. |

| |of scanning to established an expanded zone of interaction. | | |

|Body language |Expressive, dynamic, and natural use of gestures, posture and facial |Stiff or unnatural use of nonverbal behaviors. Body language |Body language reflects a reluctance to interact with |

| |expressions to reinforce and enhance meaning. Body language reflects |reflects some discomfort interacting with audience. Limited |audience. Distracting movement and/or use of self-adaptive |

| |comfort interacting with audience. |use of gestures to reinforce verbal message. |behaviors. |

| | | | |

|Voice |Natural variation of vocal characteristics (rate, pitch, volume, |Limited variation of vocal characteristics. Use of rate, |Monotone or inappropriate variation of vocal characteristics.|

| |tone) in Standard English to heighten interest and match message |pitch, volume and tone seemed inconsistent at times. |Inconsistent with verbal message. |

| |appropriately. | | |

|Fluency |Appropriate pronunciation, enunciation, and articulation. Lack of |Few noticeable errors in pronunciation, enunciation and |Excessive fluency errors interfered with message |

| |noticeable vocalized fillers. |articulation. Minimal use of vocalized fillers. |comprehension. Excessive use of vocalized fillers. |

| | | | |

Total Score _______________________


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