Applied US History

Applied US History Name___________

Mr. Brogan Last of Mohicans Movie Notes

Last of the Mohicans

Directions-Complete this movie worksheet as you watch the video.

Compare the why each group was fighting and the tactics utilized by each group

|French |Native Americans |

|Why was each group fighting? |Why was each group fighting? |

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|The military tactics utilized by the French. |The military tactics utilized by the Native Americans. |

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|British |Colonists |

|Why was each group fighting? |Why was each group fighting? |

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|The military tactics utilized by the British. |The military tactics utilized by the Colonists. |

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Describe the relationship between the Colonists and the British? Was their relationship mutually beneficial? Identify one aspect of the relationship that created tension.

Describe the relationship between the French and the Native Americas? Was their relationship mutually beneficial? Identify one aspect of the relationship that created tension.

The following is a quote by David Perry, a British colonist, regarding the tactics of the French; “In the year 1757, General Mont Calm came against Fort George, with a large army of French and Indians, and obliged the garrison to surrender; after which, contrary to his express agreement, he let loose his Indians upon our men, and massacred a great many of them.”

Many of the British soldiers and colonists fighting in the French and Indian War accused the French and Native Americans of brutal and uncivilized tactics. Write a persuasive essay taking the side of British/Colonists or the French on the issue brutal or uncivilized tactics. Use evidence from the film to support your position.


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