Name _______________________ Hour ______ Due:_______________

Biology Transport Unit HW # 2

|Lab | | | | | | | |

|Heart Lab |Diagrams | | | | | | |

| |Questions | | | | | | |

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|HW |RBC’s WS | | | | | | |

| |Blood Vessels | | | | | | |

| |Heart WS | | | | | | |

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| |Your Points | | | | | | |

| |Total Points Possible 5 pts | | | | | | |


1. Match the following blood vessels with their location in the body.

Superior Vena Cava A. From head towards heart

Subclavian artery B. Blood flow to heart cells

Jugular vein C. Blood flow to lungs

Brachial artery D. From heart towards head

Inferior Vena Cava E. From leg towards heart

Aorta F. From heart through shoulder

Femoral vein G. Major blood vessel leading

to heart from above the heart

Brachiocephalic artery H. From kidney towards heart

Renal artery I. From heart towards hip

Carotid artery J. From shoulder to heart

Subclavian vein K. Major blood vessel leading

away from heart.

Coronary vein L. From heart to upper arm

Ulnar Artery M. Major blood vessel leading to

heart from below heart

Renal Vein N. From heart towards kidney

Iliac artery O. From heart to arm (“pinky side”)

Pulmonary artery P. Where aorta divides to go to

arms and head

______ Radial Artery Q. From arm (“thumb side”) to heart

______ Tibial Vein R. From shin to heart

______ Hepatic Vein S. From liver to heart

2. On the body diagram, sketch an arrow which shows the correct location and blood flow direction for the following blood vessels. Be sure to label the arrows!

(Femoral artery is already done for you as an example).

3. Complete the table below by checking the correct column for each structure and function.

|Structure and Function |Blood Vessels |

| |Arteries |Veins |Capillaries |

|Narrow vessels in which exchanges between blood and tissues | | | |

|occur. | | | |

|Thick-walled vessels that carry blood away from the heart. | | | |

|Vessels that carry blood toward heart. | | | |

HW – Heart Worksheet

Locate the four chambers of the heart. Now use your knowledge of the path blood takes as it flows.

1    _______________________                  2  __________________________

3 ______________________                   4  __________________________

5    _______________________                  6  __________________________

7    _______________________                  8  __________________________

9    _______________________                  10  _________________________

11  _______________________                  12  _________________________

13. Map the flow of blood by drawing color coded arrows, red for oxygenated and blue for deoxygenated.[pic]

Place the following letter in logical order for the way the blood in your circulatory system flows (start from: “veins from the body”).

A. aorta to the body

B. blood gets oxygen and releases carbon dioxide at the lungs

C. left atrium

D. pulmonary artery to the lungs

E. right atrium

F. left ventricle

G. veins from the body

H. to capillaries where blood gives oxygen to cells and carries carbon dioxide away

I. right ventricle

J. pulmonary veins from the lungs


Femoral Artery

A. Brachial Artery

B. Radial Vein

C. Iliac Artery

D. Jugular Vein

E. Carotid Artery

F. Tibial Vein

G. Renal Artery

H. Hepatic Vein



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