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Author name(s)

Author Affiliation and Department

Author(s) address(es)

Author(s) e-mail addresses



Text of abstract no more than 200 words that provides a brief, comprehensive summary of the content and contribution of the manuscript.

Keywords: Select 3-5 words or phrases to be used for indexing


1. Heading Level 1

The Heading level 1 should be left justified, bold, with initial caps and numbered using, Times New Roman 10 point, with one blank line above the heading. This is the beginning of your text….. .

2. Heading Level 2

1. Heading Level 2

The Heading level 2 is left-justified, not bold, with initial caps and numbered using Times New Roman 10 point, with no blank line above or below the heading. Here your text continues…

2. Referencing

There references should be like this [Fishbein & Ajzen 1975] for two authors or for more than two authors like this [Sheppard et al. 1988].

3. Figure

The following section shows an example of a Figure in the text. Figures such as graphs, line drawings, photographs, charts should be centered in body of text and numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numeral. Each figure should have a brief, explanatory title below the figure. There should be one blank line above and below each figure. Text should be Times New Roman of maximum 10 points


Figure 1: Research Model

4. Table

The following section shows an example of a Table in the text. Tables should be left-justified in body of text and numbered consecutively in the text in Arabic numerals. Each table should have a brief, explanatory title above the table. Explanatory notes to a table (e.g., probability levels, explanations of abbreviations, etc.) should appear below the table. There should be one blank line above and below each table. Text should be Times New Roman of maximum 10 points

Table 1: Survey Items

|Trust in Online Game Websites |Adapted from Koufaris and Hampton-Sosa [2004] |

|Trust1 |Online game website is trustworthy. |

|Trust2 |I believe in the information that online game website provides. |

|Trust3 |Online game website does what it says. |

|Attitude toward Playing Online Games |Adapted from Agarwal and Prasad [1999] |

|Attitude1 |It is a lot of fun to play online games. |

|Attitude2 |I like to play online games. |

|Attitude3 |Playing online games is attractive. |


There should be one blank line above and below acknowledgment statement. Ensure to properly credit the sources of your research support.


Agarwal, R. and E. Karahanna, “Time Flies When You’re Having Fun: Cognitive Absorption and Beliefs about Information Technology Usage,” MIS Quarterly, Vol. 24, No. 4:665-694, 2000.

Agarwal, R. and J. Prasad, “Are Individual Differences Germane to the Acceptance of New Information Technologies?” Decision Science, Vol. 30, No. 2:361-391, 1999.

Ahuja, M.K. and J.B. Thatcher, “Moving beyond Intentions and toward the Theory of Trying: Effects of Work Environment and Gender on Post-Adoption Information Technology Use,” MIS Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 3:427-459, 2005.

Ajzen, I. and M. Fishbein, Understanding Attitudes and Predicting Social Behavior, NJ, Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1980.

Barclay, D., C. Higgins, and R. Thompson, “The Partial Least Squares Approach to Causal Modeling: Personal Computer Adoption and Use as an Illustration,” Technology Study, Vol. 2:285-309, 1995.

Bart, Y., V. Shankar, F. Sultan, and G.L. Urban, “Are the Drivers and Role of Online Trust the Same for All Web Sites and Consumers? A Large-Scale Exploratory Empirical Study,” Journal of Marketing, Vol. 69, No. 4:133-152, 2005.

Benson, J. and D. Hocevar, “The Impact of Item Phrasing on the Validity of Attitude Scales on Elementary School Children,” Journal of Educational Measurement, Vol. 22, No. 3:231-240, 1985.

Blakney, V.L. and W. Sekely, “Retail Attributes: Influence on Shopping Mode Choice Behavior,” Journal of Managerial Issues, Vol. 6, No. 1:101-118, 1994.

Brown, S.A. and V. Venkatesh, “Model of Adoption of Technology in Households: A Baseline Model Test and Extension Incorporating Household Life Cycle,” MIS Quarterly, Vol. 29, No. 3:399-426, 2005.


Trust in Online Game Websites

Attitude toward Playing Online Games

Online Gaming Enjoyment

Subjective Norms

Intention to Play Online Games






Theory of Reasoned Action



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