Appendix E - SAGE Publications Inc

Appendix E

Sample Scoring Rubrics

Level I Credential: Portfolio Guidelines

Sample Scoring Rubric for Scoring Contents of Summative Portfolio

Scoring Rubrics

Below are sample scoring rubrics that might be used to give scores on the portfolio after the presentation. Other types of documents that might be used to evaluate portfolios are have been included in Chapter 4, Table 4.7, Sample Rubric for Teaching Credential Candidates

Sample Portfolio Guidelines

Elementary Credential

Level I Credential: Portfolio Guidelines

Division of Curriculum and Instruction

|Standard/TPE |Unsatisfactory |Meets Standard |Exceeds Standard |

|Personal Information |Portfolio does not include one of |Portfolio includes a vitae/resume with contact |Portfolio includes a vitae/resume with contact information, |

| |the following: candidate’s |information, employment objective, certification, and |employment objective, certification, and references. Includes |

| |vitae/resume, autobiography, |references. Includes Autobiography stating personal |Autobiography stating personal background, work experience, |

| |philosophy or diversity statement.|background, work experience, motivation for teaching, |motivation for teaching, long-term goals, and areas where |

| |Documents contain numerous |long-term goals. Philosophy of education and Diversity |candidate is exceptional. Philosophy of education and Diversity |

| |grammatical and/or spelling |statements reflect consistency with the conceptual |statements are well written, display rich and authentic |

| |errors. |framework/mission of the CSULA CCOE. Documents are free of|sentiments, a clear sense of a personal mission, and reflect |

| | |major grammatical and/or spelling errors. |consistency with the conceptual framework/mission of the CCOE. |

|Making Subject Matter |Portfolio lacks one or more of the|Portfolio includes evidence of planning for each subject |Portfolio includes evidence of planning for each subject matter |

|Comprehensible (St 3, TPE 1) |requirements to meet the standard.|matter (math, science, social studies, reading, language |(math, science, social studies, reading, language arts, Art, PE) |

| | |arts) from previously within the program or currently in |from previously within the program or currently in DT. Planning |

| | |DT. Planning reflects an understanding of which planning |reflects the use of formats that are best suited to each subject |

| | |and teaching formats are best suited to each subject area.|area. Planning reflects candidate’s ability to tailor subject |

| | |Planning reflects candidate’s ability to tailor subject |matter to students of varying abilities and needs. Candidate |

| | |matter to students of varying abilities and needs. |demonstrates an advanced ability to make lateral connections |

| | | |among content areas and uses a wide range of teaching models. |

|Assessing Student Learning (St. 5, |Portfolio lacks one or more of the|Section includes a literacy assessment, and 2 assessments |Section includes a literacy assessment, and exemplary level |

|TPE 2 and 3) |requirements to meet the standard.|from program developed units. Includes one authentic |assessments from program developed units. Includes one authentic |

| | |assessment rubric. Includes student work samples with |assessment rubric. Includes student work samples with comments |

| | |comments. Includes lesson modifications that reflect use |showing how assessment feedback was used in teaching. Includes |

| | |of assessment data in DT. |lesson modifications that reflect a systematic use of assessment |

| | | |data in DT. Assessments reflect an advanced level of skill in |

| | | |matching methods with learning outcomes. |

|Engaging and Supporting Students in|Portfolio lacks one or more of the|Portfolio includes evidence of the use of state standards.|Portfolio includes evidence of the use of state standards. |

|Learning (St 1, TPEs 4,5,6 and 7) |requirements to meet the standard.|Includes case studies of students. Includes evidence of |Includes case studies of students. Includes evidence of the |

| | |the effort to use multiple teaching strategies to meet the|effective use of multiple teaching strategies to meet the needs |

| | |needs of diverse learners. Demonstrates the use of |of diverse learners, and evidence the strategies were successful.|

| | |effective SDAIE and inclusion strategies. |Demonstrates the use of effective SDAIE and other inclusion |

| | | |strategies. Includes evidence of use of learning centers and |

| | | |instructional technology to assist in learner success. |

|Planning Instruction (St. 4, TPEs 8|Portfolio lacks one or more of the|Section includes literacy case study, journaling of |Section includes literacy case study, journaling of analysis of |

|and 9) |requirements to meet the standard.|analysis of student in fieldwork. Section includes ISP, 1 |student in fieldwork. Section includes ISP and 1 or more |

| | |other thematic unit, and examples of well-designed lesson |exemplary thematic units, examples of well-designed lesson plans.|

| | |plans. Section includes lesson and long-term planning |Section includes successfully taught lessons and well-organized |

| | |including lateral/thematic teaching from directed |long-term planning including lateral/thematic teaching from |

| | |teaching. |directed teaching. In addition, evidence of lesson and unit |

| | | |success is included. |

|Creating and Maintaining Effective |Portfolio lacks one or more of the|Portfolio includes a satisfactory CMP. Section includes |Portfolio includes an exceptional CMP. CMP has been revised at |

|Environments for Student Learning |requirements to meet the standard.|evidence candidate created an effective learning |least once since beginning of program. Section includes evidence |

|(St 2, TPEs 10 and 11) | |environment. Section includes evidence candidate attempted|candidate created an effective learning environment. Section |

| | |to meet the needs of the diverse range of their students’ |includes evidence candidate demonstrated success in meeting the |

| | |needs. Evidence of management of instructional time. |needs of the diverse range of their students’. Evidence of |

| | | |management of instructional time. |

|Developing as a Professional (St. |Little or no evidence of effort |Portfolio includes evidence of progress in the area of |Portfolio includes extensive evidence of progress in the area of |

|6, TPEs 12 and 13 |towards professional development. |professional development including, workshops attended, |professional development including, workshops attended, faculty |

| | |faculty meetings or in-services attended, awards from |meetings or in-services attended, awards from professional |

| | |professional groups, professional organizational |groups, professional organizational memberships, and Clear goals |

| | |memberships. Evidence of collaboration with mentor |for future professional development is evident. Evidence of |

| | |teacher(s) and/or peers. |collaboration with mentor teacher(s) and/or peers. |

|Community Involvement |Little or no evidence candidate |Portfolio includes evidence of collaboration with |Portfolio includes extensive evidence of collaboration with |

| |has made efforts to build |community and/or parents. In program-based fieldwork, |community and/or parents. In program-based fieldwork, previous |

| |relationships or communicate with |previous experience in schools, or in DT, candidate |experience in schools, or in DT, candidate demonstrates |

| |parents or community. |demonstrates a willingness to communicate with parents |successful communication with parents, and service and |

| | |and/or invest in the school community. |collaboration with one or more school community. |

|Effective Use of Technology |Little or no demonstration of the |Portfolio includes some evidence that the candidate uses |Portfolio includes extensive evidence that the candidate uses |

| |use of technology used in teaching|technology to promote learner success, organization of |technology to promote learner success, organization of |

| |or planning. Proficiency in |materials/content, and access the larger educational |materials/content, and access the larger educational community. |

| |applied use of technology is not |community. Includes software or website evaluation, |Portfolio shows evidence f of a mastery level ability with |

| |evident. |newsletter or parent letter using desktop publishing. |technological applications and the evidence that those skills |

| | |Proficiency in the use of word processing, hypermedia, and|have translated into improved planning, teaching and student |

| | |internet is evident. |achievement. Includes software or website evaluation, newsletter |

| | | |or parent letter using desktop publishing. Proficiency in the use|

| | | |of word processing, hypermedia, and internet is evident. |

|Reflections |Some or all sections lack |Each section includes reflection that explains the |Each section includes a reflection that explains the contents of |

| |reflection, or reflection is |contents of the section, and offers some self-assessment |the section, and offers some self-assessment necessary areas of |

| |extremely minimal. |and areas for future growth and improvement. |improvement and directions for future growth. Each piece of |

| | | |content is explained. Notes are used to help reader interpret |

| | | |contents. |

|Supporting Documentation |Exams or transcripts are missing. |Exam scores are included (including CBEST, CSET, RICA, |Exam scores are included (including CBEST, CSET, RICA, MSAT, if |

| | |MSAT, if applicable). Directed Teaching Evaluations are |applicable). Directed Teaching Evaluations are included. Several |

| | |included. Letters of reference are included. |letters of reference are included. |

Source: California State University, Los Angeles Charter College of Education

Sample Scoring Rubric for Scoring Contents of Summative Portfolio

This rubric would be used for a portfolio that has contents that were previously assessed using scoring rubrics. This rubric could be used to assess the completeness of the contents.

Candidate Name:

Date: Instructor:

|Below Standard |x |Meets Standard |x |Above Standard |x |

|Some required documents are missing: (Check missing | |Includes all required documents: | |Includes all required documents: | |

|documents) | |Table of Contents | |Table of Contents | |

|Table of Contents | |Sufficient Introduction/Executive Summary Page | |Sufficient or above Introduction/Executive Summary | |

|Introduction/Executive Summary Page | |Sufficient Vision Statement | |Page | |

|Limited Vision Statement | |Required documents (Resume, Letters of Reference, | |Ample Vision Statement | |

|Missing required documents (Resume, Letters of | |Certificates and Credentials, Transcripts) | |Required documents (Resume, Letters of Reference, | |

|Reference, Certificates and Credentials, Transcripts)| |Introduction to each standard that includes | |Certificates and Credentials, Transcripts) | |

|Introduction to each standard that includes little or| |sufficient rationale for evidences and reflection of | |Introduction to each standard that includes rationale| |

|no rationale for evidences and reflection of growth | |growth towards competency on that standard | |for evidences and reflection of growth towards | |

|towards competency on that standard | |Sufficient demonstration of Competence in required | |competency on that standard | |

|Demonstration of Competence in required standards and| |standards and reflects XXX College of Education and | |Consistently demonstrates more than sufficient growth| |

|reflects XXX College of Education and XXXX Program | |XXXX Program guiding principles and core values | |of Competence in required standards and reflects XXX | |

|guiding principles and core values | |Adequate evidences for the growth in the required | |College of Education and XXXX Program guiding | |

|Evidences for the growth in the program | |standards | |principles and core values | |

|Follows Reflection Essay Guidelines | |Organized and easy to find documents | |More than required evidences for the growth in the | |

| | |Follows Reflection Essay Guidelines. | |required standards | |

|Documents are below standards required of the | | | |Outstanding organization with easy to find documents | |

|class/program: | | | |Reflection Essay follows guidelines and demonstrates | |

|(List required documents and explanation) | | | |the highest level of reflective thinking (See Chapter| |

| | | | |3) | |

| | | | |Portfolio is uniquely prepared Reflection Essay | |

| | | | |demonstrates above standards | |

|Comments: | |Comments: | |Comments: | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |


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